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The IntentButton is a dedicated button component for sending intents. It takes care of opening the intent dialog. An IntentButton only works in the AppShell context.

IntentButton vs. Button

An example of an IntentButton component next to a Button component. An example of an IntentButton component next to a Button component.


  • Use IntentButtons if users will continue a user flow in another Dynatrace app. Clicking the IntentButton triggers an overlay that lets users select an app to share data with.
  • Read more about intents on the dedicated intents page.


  • Use Buttons to trigger actions or events.
  • In rare cases, buttons can have navigational purposes. For example, when links need to align visually with surrounding items or when the main actions in a view are links, such as Next or Previous buttons in a guided user flow.

Content guidelines


  • Intent button text should be short. Try to use one to three words.
  • Start with an active verb that describes what the intent does.
  • Use sentence case: only the first letter gets capitalized.
  • Don't add an ellipsis or period. In general, avoid punctuation in button text.

Message content

  • Make the intent button text correspond to the intent dialog it opens. For example, if the intent button says Open with the first word in the dialog box should be the application's name.
  • When several apps can receive the intent, use Open with as the label.
  • When only one app can receive the intent, use Open with [app name] for the label.
  • If you only use the icon and no button text, add the arial-label describing the intent for accessibility.
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