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The CategoricalBarChart visually displays the frequencies or values of distinct categories using rectangular bars. Each bar's length or height corresponds to the quantity or value associated with a specific category, making it easy to compare the relative differences among categories.


import { CategoricalBarChart } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/charts';

Use cases

The CategoricalBarChart expects an array of categories with a value and an optional unit. The specified value can either be a number or a key-value pair. In order to render a single bar for each category, specify a number as the value. When a record is specified as a key-value pair, each pair will render a bar within a group in the parent category. The key is used as the name of the dimension for that bar.



By default, the chart will use all the available container size up to a maximum height of 300 pixels. This maximum height can be changed by providing a value in the height prop of the CategoricalBarChart. If a number is passed to this prop without any unit specified, it will be treated as px.


Change the layout

The layout prop specifies how bars are drawn within the chart. The horizontal value renders the bar horizontally and the vertical option vertically. By default, the bars are displayed in a vertical layout.


Series actions

A series action is a creator-defined interaction with a given data point in the chart. Basic interactions include copying a series name and inspecting the underlying data of a data point. In order to enable chart interactions, the ChartSeriesAction subcomponent needs to be appended within the CategoricalBarChart. More subcomponents can be added within this component, for instance ChartSeriesAction.Item, where you can provide a custom action that will appear in the legend menu. That action can execute any custom logic in its onSelect callback or get disabled via a disabled prop.


Change the group mode

When having multiple dimensions for each category, groupMode determines how those dimensions are grouped. The stacked option stacks bars on top of each other, whereas the grouped option displays them sequentially (next to one another). Stacked bars are recommended when the relationship between dimensions and their contribution to the total matters. Grouped bars are useful for comparing values between dimensions and categories. This option doesn't have any effect when there's a single value per category. By default, bars are stacked.


Change the chart color/s

The CategoricalBarChart provides a set of predefined color palettes and it also accepts custom color palettes. See coloring for more details.

The CategoricalBarChart accepts a colorPaletteMode prop that can be set to either single-color or multi-color, the first being the default setting and meaning that all categories take the first color of an array, and the latter meaning that the color is applied to the categories by index or by value.


Apart from all these options for providing a color palette, the CategoricalBarChart also offers the ability to override colors for specific series. When a color override is specified, it takes precedence over the color that would otherwise be assigned from the color palette. However, it does not affect the colors assigned to other series. This allows for fine-grained control over the appearance of individual series within the chart. A color override is done by category. We should specify the category name we want overridden and provide the desired color to the CategoricalBarChart data using a color prop.


Value representation

By default, values within a chart are displayed as is - with their absolute value (e.g. 3.14 kB). However, this can be changed so that instead of absolute values, relative values are used. Relative values indicate the proportion that a given dimension contributes to the whole (100%) of the category. The valueRepresentation prop can be used to change this behavior. In categories with a single dimension, the relative value is always 100%.


Legend customization

The purpose of the legend is to provide additional identifying information for the chart without needing to interact with it directly.


The legend for the CategoricalBarChart is shown by default in a chart with more than one dimension per category, and otherwise it is hidden. In order to hide or show the legend, you need to set the value of legend.hidden on the subcomponent.

Legend position

By default, the legend of the CategoricalBarChart is positioned automatically ({position: "auto"}). This option prioritizes the legend placement to the right of the chart area. When the chart width is reduced, the legend is repositioned beneath the chart area. You can also explicitly set the chart's legend position to right or bottom with the position prop.

Legend ratio

By default, the legend occupies 25% of the container width, in the case where the legend is positioned on the right and 25% of the container height if the legend position is on the bottom.

It is possible to override the default legend ratio by setting a custom percentage value for the ratio prop. The expected value is in the range of 5-80. Values out of expected ranges will roll back to the default legend ratio.


Tooltip customization

Tooltips can be used to display additional detailed information about a selected data point. A tooltip will be shown when hovering the chart at a certain distance to a datapoint. The tooltip variant defines whether the tooltip should contain data points from all the dimensions within a category (grouped) or only the closest one (single). By default, the variant is single.


Truncation Mode

The purpose of truncation is to gracefully handle extra long labels within data visualization components. By changing the value of this property, you have control over where truncation is applied within charts. By default, the truncation is applied to the middle of labels with the use of an ellipsis. Truncation can, however be changed to instead be applied at the start or end of data visualization component labels.


Axis customization

The category axis is defined as the axis containing the names of the chart's categories. The value axis contains numeric values. Both will be positioned either on the x- or y-axis, depending on the selected layout. When it's horizontal, the category axis is the x-axis and the value axis is the y-axis, and when it's vertical, vice versa.

Category axis

In the category axis, tick labels have a limited space, which depends on the number of categories and the chart's width. If the tick label is larger than the available space, it's truncated with ellipsis in the middle. tickLabelLayout can be used to change the orientation of the tick labels to make better use of the available space. The label prop can optionally be used to set the title for the axis.

The maxSize prop defines the maximum growth in pixels of the axis. If the maxSize value is bigger than the space that the axis has to display, the maxSize value will be omitted.

Value axis

In the value axis, a min and max can be used in order to set the extents of the chart. If no values are specified, these extents will be derived from the data. When all the values are positive, the min is 0 and the max will be the largest value. When all the values are negative, the min is the lowest value and the max is 0. If there are mixed values, the min is the lowest value, and the max is the highest value. The label prop can optionally be used to set the title for the axis.



As the CategoricalBarChart expects an array of categories with a value and an optional unit, by default this optional unit will be appended to the specified value, if it is included. There are two other options in the formatter that allow for greater customization. The first option enables you to prepend the unit to the value, while the second option enables you to ignore the original unit and append a custom string instead. Additionally, there is a custom formatter option available to allow you to change the input unit to one of your choice, e.g.: if the input unit is bits, you are able to switch and display the unit as bytes, correctly formatted. The formatted value is applied in the axis ticks, as well as in the tooltip and the axis magnifier. The use cases below outline each of these scenarios.



Thresholds are used to mark meaningful ranges or values on a CategoricalBarChart and they add contextual information to a numerical axis. There are two variants of thresholds:

  • a specific point represented on the value axis and a line across.
  • a range - or filled area - represented by a pill on the value axis and a band across.

Point and Range


There is no limit defined for the number of threshold ranges or points that can be used in a single CategoricalBarChart. The threshold will be positioned on the left axis if the layout is vertical or on the bottom axis if the layout is horizontal.

Points and Ranges on Vertical Layout


Points and Ranges on Horizontal Layout


There are three different types of threshold markers:

  • Range filled, where the value range is defined in order to display the threshold band. The stroke lines are not drawn unless the pill is hovered.

  • Range stroke-only variant, where a value range is defined in order to display the threshold band represented by dashed stroke lines. The stroke lines become continuous lines when the pill is hovered.

  • Point, where only one value is required to display the threshold. It's represented by a dashed line and when the point is hovered the line becomes a continuous line.

Stroke Only Ranges on Vertical Layout


Stroke Only Ranges on Horizontal Layout


Error state

The ErrorState subcomponent is responsible for handling errors in a graceful manner, ultimately improving the overall user experience. Its primary function is to catch any errors that may occur with the data and display a fallback UI instead of crashing the entire application. The fallback UI occupies the full width and height of the chart, ensuring that users are still provided with a meaningful interface even in the presence of errors.


The ErrorState subcomponent offers a versatile feature that enables it to handle both default and custom error messages. You can provide a custom message through the ErrorState subcomponent, which will then override the default error message. This flexibility allows developers to tailor error messages to their specific needs and requirements, ensuring a more personalized and informative user experience.


The ErrorState subcomponent provides the flexibility to format custom error messages using HTML, which allows for enhanced customization and adaptability in presenting error information. Furthermore, it is possible to incorporate the original thrown error within your custom error message, ensuring that users receive comprehensive and relevant information when an error occurs.



The EmptyState subcomponent serves as a fallback when there is no data available to display in a chart. Its purpose is to provide a user-friendly way of informing the user about the current situation. When there is no data, a fallback UI is displayed occupying the full width and height of the chart, along with a default message.


A feature of EmptyState is its ability to handle custom messages. It provides the flexibility to format custom messages using HTML, which allows for enhanced customization and adaptability in presenting error information.



The loading prop is a boolean value that can be passed to the CategoricalBarChart component to control its loading state. When the loading prop is set to true, the loading indicator appears in the middle of the chart plot to inform the user that the component is currently fetching or processing data. When the loading prop is set to false, the component should display its regular content.


Download data as CSV

The CategoricalBarChart component supports download data in CSV format using a toolbar button. To enable this feature, a ChartToolbar subcomponent with ChartToolbar.DownloadData inside of it must be provided to the CategoricalBarChart component. On click of the download button, raw data will be downloaded as a CSV file.

The CSV file contains the following columns:

  • category - the name of the category (dimension)
  • value - the value of the category
  • key - the name of the second dimension (in case of multiple dimensions)

It's also possible to programmatically trigger the download of the CSV file by calling the downloadData method on the CategoricalBarChart instance reference.



The CategoricalBarChart also accepts custom styling, which can be set using the props className and/or style as in a regular html element.

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