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Use cases

Error state

The ErrorState subcomponent is responsible for handling errors in a graceful manner, ultimately improving the overall user experience. Its primary function is to catch any errors that may occur with the data and display a fallback UI instead of crashing the entire application. The fallback UI occupies the full width and height of the chart, ensuring that users are still provided with a meaningful interface even in the presence of errors.


The ErrorState subcomponent offers a versatile feature that enables it to handle both default and custom error messages. You can provide a custom message through the ErrorState slot, which will then override the default error message. This flexibility allows developers to tailor error messages to their specific needs and requirements, ensuring a more personalized and informative user experience.


The ErrorState subcomponent provides the flexibility to format custom error messages using HTML, which allows for enhanced customization and adaptability in presenting error information. Furthermore, it is possible to incorporate the original thrown error within your custom error message, ensuring that users receive comprehensive and relevant information when an error occurs.



The EmptyState subcomponent serves as a fallback when there is no data available to display in a chart. Its purpose is to provide a user-friendly way of informing the user about the current situation. When there is no data, a fallback UI is displayed occupying the full width and height of the chart, along with a default message.


A feature of EmptyState is its ability to handle custom messages. It provides the flexibility to format custom messages using HTML, which allows for enhanced customization and adaptability in presenting error information.



The loading prop is a boolean value that can be passed to a Chart component to control its loading state. When the loading prop is set to true, the loading indicator appears in the middle of the chart plot to inform the user that the component is currently fetching or processing data. When the loading prop is set to false, the component should display its regular content.

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