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The HoneycombChart is used to display data in a grid using various shapes for data points.

A honeycomb chart organizes and presents data in a visually structured way, making it easier for viewers to analyze and interpret information.


import { HoneycombChart } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/charts';

Use cases

The HoneycombChart can compare the values of its nodes based in a string (category) or in a number. For category-based hive a data should be provided as a string, array of strings or objects that contain value prop as a string. For numeric hives a data prop expects either a number, an array of numbers or objects with numeric value prop.



The nodes in the honeycomb can be set in 3 different shapes: 'circle', 'square' and 'hexagon'. ('hexagon' being the default one).


Chart Size

By default, the chart will use all the available container size up to a maximum height of 300 pixels. The height of the chart can be changed by providing a value to the height prop. If a number is passed to this prop without any unit specified, it will be treated as px.



The loading prop is a boolean value that can be passed to the HoneycombChart component to control its loading state. When the loading prop is set to true, the loading indicator appears in the middle of the chart plot to inform the user that the component is currently fetching or processing data. When the loading prop is set to false, the component should display its regular content.



The purpose of the legend is to provide additional identifying information for the chart, without the need to interact with it.


By default, the position of the legend of the HoneycombChart is set automatically. This option prioritizes the legend placement to the right of the chart area. When the chart width is reduced, the legend is repositioned to the area beneath the chart. It is also possible to explicitly set the chart's legend position to right or bottom using legend's position prop.



Download data as CSV

The HoneycombChart component supports downloading data in CSV format using a toolbar button. To enable this feature, a ChartToolbar subcomponent with ChartToolbar.DownloadData inside of it must be provided to the HoneycombChart component. On click of the download button, raw data will be downloaded as a CSV file.



The placement prop can be used to set the initial placement of the toolbar within the chart. Available options are: 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'. Being 'top-right' the default value.



The HoneycombChart provides a set of predefined color palettes that can be used out of the box to provide more appealing visualisations. See Charts Colors for more info.

Coloring a numerical dataset with predefined color scheme

The HoneycombChart is able to assign colors to the nodes based on the value distribution of each node compared to the total. Domain will be divided in an amount of 'groups' equal to the quantity of colors in the palette. Each node will receive the color of the group that fits its value.


Coloring a numerical dataset using custom ranges

To define custom ranges and colors an array of objects of ColoredRange type should be passed to the colorScheme prop.


Coloring a categorical dataset with predefined color scheme

If a categorical dataset is used, then the value of each node should be a string. A predefined color palette can be used to map the categories in the value of the node to the specific predefined color.


Coloring a categorical dataset using custom categories and color scheme

If none of the predefined color palettes fit your case, the HoneycombChart is able to process a key-value object as colorScheme taking each key as the category label and the value as its assigned color.



If the app experiences any issue like an error or an empty dataset, two mechanisms exist to deal with those situations in a graceful way.

Error state


In case of an error thrown inside the chart, a predefined error message will be shown.


If you prefer to create your own error screen to preserve styles and information shown, you can create your own error state presenter.


Empty State


When no data is provided to the chart, a predefined empty state message will be displayed.


An error message can be customized using HoneycombChart.ErrorState subcomponent.


User actions

A user action is a creator-defined interaction with a given node in the hive. Basic interactions include copying the node name and inspecting the underlying data of it. In order to enable user actions, the ChartSeriesAction subcomponent needs to be appended within the HoneycombChart. More subcomponents can be added within this component, for instance the ChartSeriesAction.Item, where custom logic can be applied.


Formatter and Unit

The HoneycombChart provides a way to format the values of the chart nodes. The formatter prop at the root component can be used to format the values shown in the tooltip on node hover and the legend ticks. The unit prop can be used to add a unit to the values of the nodes. When both props are specified the formatter will be applied with the provided unit (formatting options objects are an exception). When no formatter is provided a default formatter with value abbreviation will be used.

Note that the formatter and the unit props will be applied only to numeric data.

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