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The SingleValue is a simple and concise representation of a single data point or metric , which can either be a text or a number.


import { SingleValue } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/charts';

Use cases

The SingleValue expects a single value as an input. This value needs to be passed to the visualisation's data prop as either a Number or String.


Change the size of the SingleValue

The SingleValue component will always use all of the available space that it is given. In order to control the size of the SingleValue, it has to be wrapped inside a container and the container set to your desired size.


Customizing and formatting units

When passing a number to the data attribute, you can use the formatter prop to change how the number is represented. All the Design System formatters together with their respective configurations are supported. The suffix provided by certain formatters will be overwritten by the unit prop if defined.


Change the color of the SingleValue

With the color prop the user can change the SingleValue's color to any Design System color token as well as any rgb, hex or CSS color. If no color is set, the default color is automatically set based on the current theme.


Add more context to a Single Value

In order to add additional context to a SingleValue, you can add any combination of the following props to the visualization:

  • prefixIcon: This prop allows the user to set a prefixed symbol as a ReactNode, consisting of an icon, emoji, single character, glyph, or Design System icon. It will be displayed to the left of the value.
  • unit: With this prop it is possible to set a custom unit to be displayed with the single value, which will be appended to the right of the value. This prop takes priority over units provided with the formatter prop.
  • label: This prop enables the user to set a custom text which will be shown above the value.

Changing the color dynamically with thresholds

You can dynamically change the color of the SingleValue visualization based on any number of thresholds. If the value passed to the visualization is a string (text), thresholds can be set with either a 'equal-to' or 'not-equal-to' operator. On the other hand, if your value is a number you can utilize anyone of the following operators:

  • 'greater-than'
  • 'less-than'
  • 'greater-than-or-equal-to'
  • 'less-than-or-equal-to'
  • 'equal-to'
  • 'not-equal-to'

Note: When multiple thresholds are applicable (evaluate to true) the last valid threshold has priority.


Add additional context by visualizing a trend over time

In its most basic configuration a SingleValue displays exactly that, a single value. In most use cases, however, a numerical value changes over time. In order to add additional context to the value being displayed and its change over time an optional sparkline can be added to the SingleValue visualization.


In order to display a Sparkline within the SingleValue component you need to add the <Sparkline /> subcomponent to the SingleValue chart. The Sparkline component requires data of type Timeseries or Timeseries[] to be passed to the data prop. If more than one series is provided, the first one is used. The datapoints within the series need to provide a time dimension as well as a numerical value.

The Sparkline has three variants and can be either displayed as a line(default), area or bar.

You can further customise the Sparkline by setting its color prop to any of the Design System ColorPalette.

Lastly, x-axis ticks can be visualized on the Sparkline by using the showTicks prop. By default, these ticks are hidden.



The SingleValue component is able to show the default loading indicator setting the loading prop to true.


Empty State

By using the <EmptyState /> subcomponent it is possible to define a custom message that will be displayed if no data was provided to the SingleValue component.


Error State

The <ErrorState /> subcomponent can be used to customise the error message that will be displayed when an error occurs in the SingleValue component.


Thresholds on Sparkline

Thresholds are used to mark meaningful ranges or values on a Sparkline and they add contextual information to a numerical axis. There are two variants of thresholds:

  • a specific point represented by a line across.
  • a range - or filled area - represented by a band across.

Point and Range


Both point and range can be represented by static or dynamic data sources. A static data source has a single value representing a point or a single key-value pair representing a fixed range. A dynamic data source has a data array containing more than one value or various key-value pairs.

There are three different types of threshold markers:

  • Range filled, where the value range is defined in order to display the threshold band. The upper and lower lines are not drawn.

  • Range stroke-only variant, where a value range is defined in order to display the threshold band represented by upper and lower dashed lines.

  • Point, where only one value is required to display the threshold. It's represented by a dashed line.

Dynamic Point and Dynamic Range


Dynamic Range Stroke Only and Static Ranges


Point and Range with Area Variant


Add detailed information about the trend

Another way to add detailed information about the SingleValue trend is to use a Trend component.


The Trend allows user to configure and display a current state of trend including trend direction icon, color, trend value, and label.

In order to display a Trend within the SingleValue component you need to add the <Trend /> subcomponent to the SingleValue component.

Trend anatomy

The Trend component consists of the following elements:

  • icon
  • value
  • label

If label and value are empty the trend direction icon will be hidden.

To set the trend direction the direction prop should be used. The direction prop accepts one of the following values: upward, downward, and neutral.

The showIcon prop is used to show or hide the trend direction icon. By default, the showIcon prop is set to true.

The value prop is used to set the trend value. The value prop accepts a numeric value.

The label prop is used to set the trend label.


Trend direction calculation based on value

When a value prop is provided without a direction prop, the trend direction is calculated based on the value prop's sign: positive value results in upward trend direction, negative value in downward trend, and zero value in neutral trend direction.

In case neither the direction nor value prop is provided, the trend direction is set to neutral.


Trend coloring and formatting options

The color for each direction of a trend can be customized using the colorOverrides prop. The colorOverrides prop accepts an object with the following optional keys: upward, downward, and neutral. Each key accepts a string representing a valid CSS color.

The formatter prop can be used to format the trend value including adding a unit (e.g. bytes, bits, etc.).


Inverse trend

An upward trend direction doesn't always represent a positive change, and the downtrend doesn't always represent a negative one. For example, when displaying a trend of a response time, a downward trend direction represents a positive change, while an upward trend in a host CPU usage represents a negative change.

To inverse a trend the inverseTrend prop should be used. Currently, the inverseTrend prop accepts two options: none and color. The none option doesn't affect the trend in any way and is a default behaviour. The color option inverts the default colors of the icon and the value (i.e. the icon and the value are colored as if the trend direction is opposite to the actual trend direction).

When colorOverrides are used, the inverseTrend prop with color option gets ignored.


Putting it all together


Render multiple SingleValues in a grid

In order to render multiple SingleValue components in a grid, you can use the SingleValueGrid component. SingleValue components in the grid will share the internal layout and styles to create a consistent look and feel. The component will occupy all the available space in the container it's located in and automatically render the SingleValue components.

The SingleValueGrid component expects an array of strings, numbers, or objects of a free shape.


Control over the grid elements using accessors

In order to have more granular control over the grid elements look, you can pass an array of objects to the SingleValueGrid component. Using Value, Trend, and Sparkline subcomponents with various accessors you can customize the grid elements. Accessor is a string that represents a name of a prop name (or nested prop name using a dot notation, e.g. trend.direction) in the data array object that should be used to override original prop of the SingleValue component and it's subcomponents.

Grid accessors and props

On the SingleValueGrid component, you can use the following accessors:

  • colorAccessor - accessor to override a colors for individual grid elements.
  • labelAccessor - accessor to override a label.
  • prefixIconAccessor - accessor to override a prefix icon.

The SingleValueGrid also accepts a color prop to set a default color for all grid elements. When both color and colorAccessor props are provided, the grid element will try to access a color in the data object using the colorAccessor, and if it's not found, the color prop value will be applied. The same logic applies to most of the accessors.

On a grid level it's also possible to set value alignment using the alignment prop and thresholds using the thresholds prop.

Value accessors and props

On the Value subcomponent, you can use the following accessors:

  • dataAccessor - accessor to get a value from data array object.
  • formatterAccessor - accessor to retrieve the formatter options for the value.
  • unitAccessor - accessor to retrieve the unit for the value.

The unit and formatter props can be used to set a default unit and formatter for all grid elements.

Trend accessors and props

On the Trend subcomponent, you can use the following accessors:

  • directionAccessor - accessor to get a trend direction.
  • valueAccessor - accessor to get a trend value.
  • labelAccessor - accessor to get a trend value.
  • formatterAccessor - accessor to get formatter for the trend value.
  • inverseTrendAccessor - accessor to retrieve an inverse trend options.
Sparkline accessors and props

The Sparkline subcomponent extends the standard Sparkline component with two accessors:

  • dataAccessor - accessor to get a data for the sparkline.
  • colorAccessor - accessor to get a color of the sparkline.

Grid - putting it all together

Let's have a look at the grid with all the accessors and props in action.

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