The Avatar
component can be used as a visual representation of multiple users.
import { AvatarGroup } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/content';
Use cases
The AvatarGroup
is a wrapper that stacks multiple Avatar
s together.
Add multiple items
The AvatarGroup
can display a maximum of 5 AvatarItem
s. If it contains more
than that, the remaining items are collapsed into a menu. The trigger icon shows
the number of menu items.
Polymorph items into links
The AvatarGroup.Item
is polymorphic, so you can, for example, polymorph it to
an anchor.
You can navigate between AvatarGroup.Item
s, as well as the menu trigger, with
the left and right arrow keys. A roving focus index is used, so the focus moves
when you use the arrow keys. This means you can tab outside the AvatarGroup
and if you tab back inside the group, the focus is set on the item you
previously navigated to.
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