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The Page component provides the basic layout for your app with slots for a header, sidebar, main content, and a detail view. The Main slot is the only slot that is mandatory for rendering the Page; every other slot is optional.

Check out the UI and design guidelines for more information on how to structure your app using the page.

  • Use the Sidebar to accommodate controls that change or influence the content in the main view. For example, when using filters or secondary navigation.
  • Usually, the Sidebar includes actions or other elements related to the Sidebar's content, such as an Add button or a search field that filters the Sidebar items.


  • Use the DetailView to show additional information related to the main view's content without forcing users to go to a new page.
  • Next to additional information, the DetailView is also commonly used for settings that configure an item in the main view.
  • Don't use the DetailView to show content unrelated to the main view.
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