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The TitleBar component can be used for a consistent layout for section titles and provides layout slots for interactive and navigational elements.


import { TitleBar } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/layouts';

Use cases

The TitleBar component provides five different slots for layouting the TitleBar content. We recommend using the Title slot for displaying a title. All other slots are optional.


Use all TitleBar slots

We recommend using the following content for each of the TitleBar slots:

  • Navigation: Breadcrumbs
  • Title: String or Heading. If a string is provided the recommended styles are applied automatically.
  • Subtitle: String or Text. If a string is provided the recommended styles are applied automatically.
  • Prefix: Image, Icon or an Icon Button
  • Suffix: One or multiple Buttons
  • Action: Icon Button, e.g. for a closing action
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