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The Menu component displays the list of action items that are revealed when the user clicks on the trigger element.

Examples of the Menu and Select components next to each other.

Examples of the Menu and Select components next to each other.

  • Use a Menu to group related actions or navigational items in an overlay.
  • Clicking one of the items triggers the event immediately—for example, if users can copy, edit, or delete a table item and you've grouped the actions in an Options button.


  • Use a Select if users should choose one or more options in an overlay from a predefined list of related items.
  • Selects are form controls and don't necessarily trigger an event on selection immediately. For example, if users need to select a timezone in a form.

Content guidelines


  • Use sentence case.
  • Keep menu text to one to three words.
  • Don't add periods or ellipses.
  • Don't add trademarks or registered symbols.
  • In general, leave out articles such as a and the. A concise, clipped style is appropriate for menus.

Types of items

  • For actions, start with an active verb.
  • For functions, use the function name.
  • For links, use a noun that describes the linked page.
  • When there are actions, functions, and links in a menu, group similar items together and add section divider lines. Consider adding section labels for context.

Tooltips in menus

  • Be careful with menu tooltips. A tooltip shouldn't repeat the menu text. Instead, it should give additional, helpful information. The menu text must still make sense without the tooltip.
  • Keep menu tooltips to one sentence and use simple, straightforward language. Add a period at the end of a tooltip.
  • Don't put links in tooltips; they only appear if the user hovers.

Use of icons

  • If you use an icon, choose one with the same meaning as the menu item.
  • If you only use an icon and no text, add an arial-label for accessibility.
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