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The InformationOverlay provides additional information via an overlay, the position of which can be adjusted. According to the type of information, the variant can be set. The trigger consists of an icon and an optional text. By default, the variant is info and the overlay is positioned on the bottom.


import { InformationOverlay } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/overlays';

Use cases


Add trigger text

Apart from using the default trigger with only an icon, it's possible to specify additional text for the trigger.


Change the variant

Use the variant prop to set the variant according to the type of information. Changing the variant affects the displayed icon along with its color.


Change the overlay placement

Use the placement prop to set the preferred position for the overlay if there is enough space. If the preferred position is not possible, the overlay will be positioned according to the available space.


Open the overlay by default

Use the defaultOpen prop to initially set the overlay to open in an uncontrolled scenario.


Provide an aria-label

Use the aria-label prop on the Trigger to set a specific aria-label on the trigger button. Especially in cases where the trigger consists of an icon only, the aria-label should be used to convey meaning and functionality to the user.

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