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The Microguide supports the onboarding of new users, as well as the introduction of new features to existing users. It can have one or multiple steps, each of which has three optional slots: Title, Visual and Content.

Read more about the Microguide best practices on the guided interaction page.

Content guidelines


  • Use sentence case in titles and body text.
  • In the body text, all sentences get periods.
  • Titles don't get periods.

Message content

  • The title should give the user the most important information or action to take. Use an action verb to describe the action.
  • The body text should give just the essential information about the concept, feature, or functionality.
  • Keep the body text to a maximum of two sentences. Remove any words that can be removed without altering the meaning. Concise explanations help users scan and retain information.
  • Avoid jargon or technical terms that could confuse new users. If you need to include a technical term or jargon, include a link for easy reference.
  • When adding links, try to put the linked text at the end of the content so it doesn't break the reading flow.

Learn more about supporting users in Guided interaction.

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