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Use the Tooltip component to show additional text on hover and click on its trigger element. The trigger element can only be an interactive element, like a button or input.

Content guidelines


  • A tooltip can be a single word or a short phrase.
  • Use sentence case.
  • Don't add a period in a tooltip.
  • Ensure your terminology is consistent with its usage in other Dynatrace Apps.
  • Use simple language and avoid technical jargon. The tooltip should be easy for most users to understand.
  • Tooltips for icon-only buttons can be a single word. If the button represents an action, use the appropriate verb (for example, Copy or Refresh). If the button represents a thing, use the appropriate noun (for example, Downloads or Drafts).
  • Don't add links inside tooltips. Tooltips aren't focusable, so they shouldn't include links.
  • Long or important messages don't belong in a tooltip. For these, try InformationOverlays.
  • Learn more about developing with guided interaction.
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