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The DataTable is a component for building tables which organize information into rows and columns.

Visual configuration

The DataTable allows configuration for its visual look, data density, and data point separation to ensure a clear and functional presentation of the data.

Contained and uncontained variants


  • Use the contained variant for most cases, mainly when it plays a prominent role in the visual hierarchy of the view.

An example of a DataTable component with the contained setting.

An example of a DataTable component with the contained setting.


  • Always use the uncontained variant when it's the only element inside a Surface.
  • Use for a subtler appearance when the table takes on a secondary hierarchy within its context.

An example of a DataTable component with the uncontained setting.

An example of a DataTable component with the uncontained setting.

Data density

DataTables come with three density options that control the standard row height and whitespace in a cell.


  • Use the condensed row density to show more information in smaller areas and compact layouts. Consider that cell content might be more challenging to scan and distinguish for users.

An example of a DataTable component with the condensed density setting.

An example of a DataTable component with the condensed density setting.


  • Use the default row density for datasets where users should process and scan the shown information.

An example of a DataTable component with the default density setting.

An example of a DataTable component with the default density setting.


  • Use the comfortable row density if you need to improve readability for tables with visually crowded cell content.

An example of a DataTable component with the comfortable density setting.

An example of a DataTable component with the comfortable density setting.

Data point separation

No separation

  • Use no visual data point separation for simple data sets—for example, a key-value list.

An example of a DataTable component with no visual data point separation.

An example of a DataTable component with no visual data point separation.

Horizontal dividers

  • Use horizontal dividers to highlight the distinction and separation between rows.

An example of a DataTable component with horizontal dividers.

An example of a DataTable component with horizontal dividers.

Zebra stripes

  • Consider using zebra stripes for large datasets where users may want to interact with one or more data points in the view to ensure easier scanning and distinction between rows.

An example of a DataTable component with zebra stripes.

An example of a DataTable component with zebra stripes.

Vertical dividers

  • Use vertical dividers to separate columns, especially when dealing with a relatively large amount of data points.

An example of a DataTable component with vertical dividers.

An example of a DataTable component with vertical dividers.

Combined separation

  • Combine zebra stripes and vertical dividers to establish a structured dataset, ensuring row and column distinction for effective readability.

An example of a DataTable component with zebra stripes and vertical dividers.

An example of a DataTable component with zebra stripes and vertical dividers.


DataTables can have actions on table, column, row, selected row(s), and cell level. Place an action on a level depending on the content the action affects.

Table actions

  • Use table actions for operations that affect the entire dataset, such as global sorting, filtering, or exporting.

An example of a DataTable component with table actions.

An example of a DataTable component with table actions.

Column actions

  • Use column actions for operations that affect a specific column, such as sorting or column visibility.

An example of a DataTable component with column actions.

An example of a DataTable component with column actions.

Row actions

  • Use row actions for operations related to specific rows, such as Edit or View details.

An example of a DataTable component with row actions.

An example of a DataTable component with row actions.

Selected row actions

  • Use selected row actions for operations that users can perform on one or multiple selectable rows simultaneously.

An example of a DataTable component with selected row actions.

An example of a DataTable component with selected row actions.

Cell actions

  • Use cell actions for operations related to specific cells, such as Copy to clipboard or other context-specific activities for a particular piece of data.

An example of a DataTable component with cell actions.

An example of a DataTable component with cell actions.

DataTable vs. SimpleTable

All visual parameters are configurable for DataTable and SimpleTable.


  • Use the DataTable for feature-rich interactions like dynamic manipulation and managing datasets with extensive or complex content like charts.

An example of a DataTable component with an extensive dataset and advanced options.

An example of a DataTable component with an extensive dataset and advanced options.


  • Use the SimpleTable for a purely visual representation of tabular data, without support for any significant interactivity such as sorting or loading performance like pagination.

An example of a SimpleTable component with a simple dataset.

An example of a SimpleTable component with a simple dataset.

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