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Buttons allow users to trigger actions or events with a single click anywhere within the button container. Users can also trigger a button by pressing Enter or Space while the button has focus.


Buttons come in three emphasis levels that help to establish a visual hierarchy between actions.

Examples of Button components with different variant property values.

Examples of Button components with different variant property values.


  • Use the default variant for all common actions that don't require special attention.
  • The low visual emphasis level blends seamlessly with the rest of the user interface, allowing users to focus on the main content.
  • Alongside the accent variant, the default variant often triggers the opposite action. This circumstance is especially relevant for dialogs, such as a default Cancel button next to an accent Confirm button.


  • Use the emphasized variant for buttons that need to stand out but aren't the most important actions in a view.
  • Use one emphasized button per group of buttons at most.
  • Don't combine emphasized and accent buttons in the same group of buttons.


  • Use the accent variant for the most important action in a view or the main action to move forward in a user flow.
  • Don't combine accent and emphasized buttons in the same button group.
  • To establish a clear visual hierarchy, use accent buttons sparingly, ideally once per view or context.


Buttons come in five colors. Each of them has a different semantic meaning.

Examples of Button components with different color property values.

Examples of Button components with different color property values.


  • Use neutral-colored buttons for common actions that shouldn't stand out.
  • The neutral color has no semantic meaning and is, therefore, the default color you should usually apply.


  • Use primary-colored buttons for important actions that need to stand out. For example, a submit button in a form.
  • Use one primary button per view or context at most to ensure a certain level of visual hierarchy.
  • Always use the primary color when placing a button on a primary background, for example, buttons in a primary-colored Container.


  • Always use the success color when placing a button on a success background, for example, buttons in a success-colored Container.
  • Avoid using success-colored buttons for positive or confirming actions like Submit or Save. Instead, use primary-colored buttons.


  • Use warning-colored buttons for actions that trigger significant changes and could be harmful. For example, a Stop import button in a dialog or actions that could affect the cost of Dynatrace, such as Update query.
  • Use warning-colored buttons to ensure that users pay special attention before triggering an action.
  • Always use the warning color when placing a button on a warning background, for example, buttons in a warning-colored Container.


  • Use critical-colored buttons for the final confirmation of a destructive action. For example, a Delete button in a dialog.
  • Always use the critical color when placing a button on a critical background, for example, buttons in a critical-colored Container.


Buttons come in two sizes: default and condensed.

Examples of Button components with different size property values.

Examples of Button components with different size property values.


  • Use the default size in most cases. We've designed it to work well with other user interface components and create a balanced look and feel.


  • Use the condensed size in compact layouts or when there isn't enough space for default-sized buttons, for example, for table row actions.

Alignment on pages

The alignment of a button in a view or container depends on the context.

  • Align buttons left if they follow left-aligned content, for example, in a simple form or after a paragraph.
  • Align buttons right to convey a sense of progression for the action triggered by the button, for example, in a Modal, wizard, or multi-step form.
  • Align buttons right in all other cases. For example, if they're part of the AppHeader or the TitleBar.


Example of multiple Button components next to each other with the most important one on the left. Example of multiple Button components next to each other with the most important one on the left.

  • Order buttons based on their emphasis level if multiple instances are next to each other.
  • If buttons need to convey a sense of progression, order them from least important to most important (left to right). For example, in a Modal or Previous and Next buttons in a guided user flow.
  • In all other cases, order buttons from most important to least important (left to right).
  • Use Spacings.Size4 for gaps between buttons.
  • Always place the menu trigger that contains more actions, if it exists, as the last button.

Examples of the Button, IntentButton and Link components next to each other. Examples of the Button, IntentButton and Link components next to each other.


  • Use Buttons to trigger actions or events.
  • In rare cases, buttons can have navigational purposes. For example, when links need to align visually with surrounding items or when the main actions in a view are links, such as Next or Previous buttons in a guided user flow.


  • Use IntentButtons if users will continue a user flow in another Dynatrace app. Clicking the IntentButton triggers an overlay that lets users select an app to share data with.
  • A common label for IntentButtons is Open with
  • Read more about intents on the dedicated intents page
  • Use Links only for navigational purposes. For example, to navigate to another page within an app or view.
  • Use ExternalLinks to navigate users to an external page. For example, a third-party website or a Dynatrace Docs page.

Content guidelines


  • The button text should be short. Try to use one to two words or a maximum of three words.
  • Start with an active verb describing the user's next action.
  • Use sentence case: Capitalize only the first letter.
  • Don't add periods or exclamations. In general, avoid punctuation in button text.
  • Use OK or Got it as the text for acknowledgment buttons.
  • For disabled buttons, consider adding a short text to tell the user why the button isn't available to them. Use such texts sparingly.
  • Clearly state the action and consequence for warning and critical buttons, but don't make it scary.

Use of icons

  • If you use an icon, choose one with an appropriate meaning for the action.
  • If you only use an icon and no text, add an arial-label for accessibility.
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