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Platform services

The Dynatrace platform provides a collection of so-called platform services where each has its specific area of responsibility. Platform services are individually versioned and offer RESTful APIs via HTTP requests. JSON is the message format for all platform service API calls.

URL structure

The general URL structure of the Dynatrace platform API looks like this:

  • The <Root> URL is defined by the environment specific domain name as <Environment-Id>
    • <Environment-Id> being the unique identifier of the customer environment.
  • platform is the mandatory root path of all platform services.
  • <Service-Name> is the mandatory name of the platform service which may be prepended with a <Service-Namespace> to group platform services that belong together.
  • <Version> is the current platform service version in this format: v<Major-Version>.
  • <Api-Resources> is the path within the platform service.


URL structure

Swagger UI

All Dynatrace platform services are accessible via the Swagger UI on this path:



App developers typically don't directly interact with the platform service APIs but instead, use the Dynatrace SDK for TypeScript. A Dynatrace SDK package is built to match a certain platform service API version exactly. The exact API version it represents is documented in the package's metadata.

All platform service SDK packages follow this naming schema:


<Service-Name> and <Service-Namespace> correspond with the URL structure of the platform service that the package represents. <Version> is the API version and is only set if there is more than one major version of the same service available.


The API version isn't the same as the package build version. A package might be rebuilt without changing the API version it represents (for example, to include bug fixes or other improvements in the SDK implementation without affecting the API it represents).


SDK naming

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