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Multi-Monitor Updater

The app displays a list of all synthetic monitors and allows users to preview the configuration of a chosen one. Depending on the selected monitor, the editing dialog shows common pieces of configuration that can be modified, such as tags:

  • Monitoring frequency
  • Anomaly detection
  • Tags, etc.

This app demonstrates how to:

  • Use Dynatrace API and core UI components.
  • Bulk updates of synthetic configurations

Multi-Monitor Updater app

Source code

Find the source code for this app in the Multi-Monitor Updater repository.

Getting started

Our sample apps give a good overview of how Dynatrace Apps can help solve specific use cases. However, we recommend starting your learning journey through our Get started with the Dynatrace platform tutorial. In the tutorial, you'll learn all aspects of the development process by incorporating our SDKs, the Strato design system, and tools such as our Dynatrace App Toolkit.

What's used


Strato design system


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