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Use the TextInput component to request a small amount of information, such as a name or an email address. To let users input larger amounts of text, use a TextArea instead.


import { TextInput } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/forms';

Use cases

This is the simplest version of the TextInput, which is uncontrolled and therefore handles its state internally. You can also set a specific initial value using the defaultValue prop.


Control the state

The TextInput can also be controlled, meaning that you can handle the state. To do so, you need to use the onChange prop to provide a handler that is called when the internal state of the TextInput changes. You also need to assign the value from the state to the TextInput by setting the value prop.


Add a prefix or suffix

You can add a prefix or a suffix to the TextInput, which can render an icon or a TextInput.Button with a click handler. When using the TextInput.Button that renders an icon or any similar element without any text, you need to add either the aria-label prop or the tooltipText prop to provide a text description for the button.



The TextInput can be styled differently using the variant prop. The default visual representation is default, but can also be set to minimal.


Make the input read-only

The TextInput can be set to read-only by simply adding the readOnly prop.



This example shows how you can validate the TextInput using the react-hook-form package, which handles error messages. For connecting the form with the TextInput and validating, you need to register the field with custom error messages and use the useForm hook from react-hook-form. Also, by using the controlState prop, you can override the error messages and connect the TextInput's error state and message to that of the form. This shows a hint in case of an error and applies proper styling to the component. The minLength and maxLength can be set on the TextInput as props, as well as when registering the field, to restrict the message length and show custom messages if it doesn't match. You can also use the pattern prop to provide a RegEx that defines which characters are allowed.





export declare type TextInputProps = <, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > & & ( | ) & { /** Handler that is called when the value changes. */ onChange?: (value: , event: <>) => ; /** * Maps to the native input type. Use this to enhance the semantics * of the native input, change default keyboards on mobile or support browser * autocompletion for specific types. * @see * * @defaultValue */ type?: | | | | | ; };


-The default value of the input.


-The value of the input.

TextInput.Prefix, TextInput.Suffix

You can use the TextInput.Prefix component to render custom content in front of the input, or the TextInput.Suffix component if you need to render content after it.


-Elements to be displayed in the Prefix slot.


You can use the TextInput.Button component to render a button inside the TextInput.Prefix or TextInput.Suffix component.


extends, , ,
-Elements to be displayed in the BaseInput Button slot, preferably an icon or a similar visual element
falseIf a button is disabled e.g. it cannot be interacted with. By default, it inherits the disabled prop of the BaseInput, but can be overwritten.
-If specified, a tooltip is rendered with this text, which describes what the button does. Please also consider translating the text in an internationalized context and use a short text description for the tooltip. The positioning and placing of the according tooltip will be handled by the component.
-Called when the button is interacted with.
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