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The DataTable is a component for building tables which organize information into rows and columns.


import { DataTable } from '@dynatrace/strato-components-preview/tables';

Use cases


Define header groups

It is possible to define header groups by providing a nested array of columns via the columns property in the column definition. Currently, a header group can only contain columns and not another nested header group.


Enable sorting

By using the sortable flag, you can enable sorting for the entire table. Additionally, you have the option to disable sorting on a per-column basis by configuring the disableSortBy property in the column definition.

To monitor sorting changes within the DataTable, you can employ the onSortChange callback. It's important to note that when you use the onSortChange callback, the DataTable's built-in sorting functionality is disabled by default. To continue using the DataTable's default sorting, you must set the enableDefaultSort property to true.

The enableDefaultSort property is specifically designed for use in conjunction with the onSortChange callback to enable or disable the built-in default sorting behavior in the DataTable. It cannot be set independently of an onSortChange handler.


Sort columns programmatically

By configuring the sortBy prop on the DataTable level, you will be able to set sorting initially and change it programmatically if needed. In this scenario, the table is initially sorted in descending order by the 'Memory total' column. When you click the first button, the table should be sorted in descending order by the 'Traffic' column. When the second button is clicked, the table should be sorted in ascending order by the 'Memory total' column. Be aware that sortBy accepts an object value and that it needs to be memoized to prevent it from causing unintentional re-rendering of the table.


Enable custom sorting

When you wish to implement custom sorting, you need to utilize the onSortChange callback. By default, using the onSortChange callback will disable the built-in sorting functionality of the DataTable, expecting you to provide your custom sorting logic and pass the sorted data directly to the table.


Enable pagination

To enable pagination add the DataTable.Pagination component to your table. This component allows you to configure the page size and the page index via the defaultPageSize and defaultPageIndex props.


Change page size options

The default page size options are 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. To customize these options, use the pageSizeOptions prop, which allows you to pass the desired page sizes as an array. Please ensure that the passed (default) page size aligns with the defined options. The table will not sanitize page sizes that do not exist in the options.


Control pagination

It is also possible to control the page size and the page index using the pageSize and the pageIndex props together with the pageSizeChange and the pageIndexChange callbacks. The onPageChange callback allows you to react to changes in both the page size and the page index.


Use server-side pagination

In addition to the regular client-side pagination, it is also possible to use server-side pagination. For server-side pagination, pass the data for the respective page to the table and update the enablePrevPage and enableNextPage flags accordingly. Upon navigating to another page or changing the page size the corresponding callbacks as well as the onPageChange callbacks provide the updated values, allowing you to retrieve the corresponding data.


Enable row selection

Set the selectableRows flag on the table to activate the row selection. This will render a checkbox in the first column. To select/deselect multiple rows at once, it is possible to first select a start row and then select an end row while holding shift.

The onRowSelectionChange event allows you to react to changes in the selected rows. The defaultSelectedRows prop allows you to specify rows that are selected from the start.

When used with pagination, row selections that are not visible on the current page will be deselected. In general, selections are also reset when the data changes.


Control row selection

To control the state of the selected rows, provide the selected rows using the selectedRows prop along with a handler for the onRowSelectionChange callback. The onRowSelectionChange callback includes the selected rows, their original data, as well as a flag that indicates whether the selection change was directly triggered by the user or internally.

As opposed to uncontrolled usage with pagination, the row selection is not automatically reset in a controlled scenario. However, it is crucial that the row selection always remains comprehensible for the user. It is therefore recommended not to allow row selections that are not visible, for example on pages other than the active one. If row selection on not visible pages is really necessary, the selected rows should at least be listed somewhere, so that the user can keep track of all selections.


Enable expandable rows

Expandable rows allow you to add additional data to a row. This information is only visible when the row is expanded.

The default state of each row can be controlled using the defaultExpandedRows prop. To control each row over the lifetime of the table use the expandedRows property and the onExpandedRowsChange callback.

In this example, every second row is disabled for demo purposes.


Define column types

You can assign a predefined type to every column. Values in those columns will be rendered and sorted according to each type. Available types are 'text', 'log-content', 'markdown', 'date', 'bit', 'number', 'sparkline', and 'meterbar'.


Change text alignment

By default, if no column type is set, text within a cell is left-aligned and vertically centered. To explicitly control the text alignment for a column, use the alignment property in the column definition.


Control column width behavior via column definitions

The DataTable provides multiple ways of controlling the column width behavior.

  • It is possible to make columns resizable by setting the resizable prop on the DataTable.
  • To calculate the column width automatically, set autoWidth to true in the column definition. You can use maxAutoWidth per column definition to set an upper limit on the autoWidth value while still allowing resizing beyond that limit. If specified in the column definition, minWidth and maxWidth still apply (also resizing beyond these is not possible). They have precedence over maxAutoWidth.
  • Alternatively, you can define ratios between columns using the ratioWidth prop.

Note: currently resizable does not work in combination with ratioWidth. When the ratioWidth flag is used on any column, resizable will become inactive.


Get informed about column resizing

You can use the onColumnResize callback event to obtain information about the new widths of resized columns. This information can be used to store and persist the resized column widths.


Auto-size columns based on the width of their contents

Setting autoWidth for a column to true, will cause the column width to match the content width. In addition, maxAutoWidth can be used to set an upper limit here while still allowing resizing. If specified in the column definition, minWidth and maxWidth still apply (also resizing beyond these is not possible). They have precedence over maxAutoWidth.

In the following example, all columns have autoWidth true and maxAutoWidth 300. When columns are resized it is possible to resize beyond the maxAutoWidth.


Customize cell rendering

To customize the cell rendering, pass the corresponding function to the cell prop in the column definition. If you want to maintain default cell styling, you need to wrap each return statement with DataTable.Cell element. Also, DataTable.Cell supports className and style props, allowing further customization of the cell appearance.


Customize header rendering

Similar to custom cell rendering, it is also possible to render a custom header. Pass the desired custom header to the header prop in the column definition. To apply the default styles wrap the custom header with the DataTable.Cell element.


Use custom cell data formatting

Use the formatters SDK from @dynatrace-sdk/units in combination with custom cell rendering to format numeric data within a cell.


Format cell data

You can format the cell data via the column definition, by specifying the column property formatter. For configuration, use the corresponding options from '@dynatrace-sdk/units', i.e. FormatOptions for numbers and FormatDateOptions for dates.


Indicate data is empty

You can configure a customizable message to be displayed in the absence of data in the DataTable component. If a custom message is not specified DataTable will show the default message - "No data available.".


Indicate table is loading

To set the initial loader for the entire table simply include the loading prop in the DataTable component and control its state by toggling between true and false values. When the loading state is set to true, a progress circle loader will be displayed until all the data and columns are ready. When is set to false table will be rendered.


Indicate data is loading

Use the loading prop to display a loading indicator, which can be used when waiting for data to be fetched or when performing actions like changing page size or moving to the next page of the table.


Use the Sparkline chart in DataTable

It is possible to pass Timeseries data to the DataTable and visualize it with a Sparkline charts. To achieve this, you need to set columnType to sparkline in the column definition and use the column accessor to point to the timeseries data that you want to process.

The Sparkline chart in the DataTable can be further configured via the column definition. You can set its color and variant by adding config: {color: string, variant: 'line' | 'area'}. The default configuration of sparkline is config: {color: 'categorical', variant: 'line'}.


Use the MeterBarChart in DataTable

You can pass value:number data to the DataTable and visualize it using a MeterBarChart. For more information about the MeterBarChart, refer to the documentation. To render a MeterBarChart in the table, follow these steps:

  • Set columnType to meterbar in the column definition
  • Use the accessor property to specify which value data you want to process.

The MeterBarChart in the DataTable column can be further customized through the column definition. You can configure its appearance by using the config prop, which includes the following options:

  • color (string): Specifies the color of the MeterBarChart.
  • min (number): Sets the minimum value for the MeterBarChart.
  • max (number): Sets the maximum value for the MeterBarChart.
  • showTooltip (boolean): Controls whether tooltips are displayed.
  • thresholds (array of objects {name: string, value: number, color: string}): Defines threshold values and their associated colors.

MultiMeterBarChart in tables

To add a MultiMeterBarChart to the DataTable, follow the steps in MeterBarChart in tables and then provide an array of value objects (value: {name: string, value: number, color: string}) as data, this will enable DataTable to visualize a MultiMeterBarChart. For more information about the MultiMeterBarChart, refer to the documentation

Again, similar to the MeterBarChart, you can fine-tune the MultiMeterBarCharts appearance by setting the colorPalette property to define a color pattern specifically tailored for the MultiMeterBarChart.

When data is provided as value array objects, color and thresholds props in config are ingored.


Enable line wrap

The DataTable provides multiple ways to handle line wrapping of the content.

For the entire table

  • Set the lineWrap property to true on the DataTable.
  • Add DataTable.LineWrap to the toolbar.

Per column

  • Set the lineWrap property to true in the column definition.
  • Add TableUserActions.LineWrap to the user actions.

Enable full width

By default, the DataTable is set to automatically expand and occupy the full width of its parent element. However, this behavior changes when the table is placed within a flex container. In such cases, if you wish to ensure that the table maintains full width, you can include the fullWidth prop when using the DataTable component.

When the fullWidth prop is enabled, the DataTable component will use 100% of the available width within its parent container. In this setting, all the extra width that is available will be taken by the last column in the table.

If this behavior is not conducive for your end-user experience, you have these other options:

  • Setting autoWidth for each column to true, your column content is shown in full whether it's a full-width table or fixed width (maxAutoWidthcan be used to set an upper limit here while still allowing resizing). If specified in the column definition, minWidth and maxWidth still apply (also resizing beyond these is not possible). They have precedence over maxAutoWidth.
  • Setting minWidth for each column to an appropriate value, you have the ability to choose the right width for the content.
  • If there is a column that has wide content, if possible, make it the last one, so it gets maximum space when you are in a full-width table.
  • If resizing columns is not a required feature for your end user, by setting ratioWidth to 1 for all columns, you can distribute table width equally between all columns.

When this value is not set, it will grow as needed based on the number of columns and their width.


Customize DataTable look

The prop variant, if set to various visual configuration options available in TableVariantConfig, provides a customized look of the DataTable.


Configure table actions

We provide an additional space where you can place custom actions that affect the whole table. It is located at the top above the table header and aligned to the left, on the same line as the table toolbar which is always aligned to the right. This space is available as a DataTable sub-component DataTable.TableActions.


Configure selected rows actions

Selected row actions enable you to perform actions on one or multiple rows in the DataTable simultaneously. These actions come into play when you select specific rows using the row checkboxes.


Configure column actions

Custom user actions can be configured for columns using special JSX tags that represent user actions.

ColumnActions can be configured for specific columns by specifying the column accessor. If default actions should be available for all columns that do not explicitly have actions configured, the ColumnActions column accessor is omitted.

The ColumnActions tag contains a function that is being called with the instance of the current column so specific actions can be implemented for a given column. The function needs to return a TableUserActions object that defines the user actions for the column.


Reorder columns via column actions

In the ColumnActions, you can include ColumnOrder action items that allow the end user to rearrange the order of the columns.


Reorder columns via column settings modal

Column reordering can be also accomplished using the column settings within the table toolbar. To enable this simply add the DataTable.ColumnOrderSettings subcomponent to the table toolbar slot, following a similar approach as configuring visibility settings. Both of these features are accessible within the same toolbar overlay.


Configure cell actions

Custom user actions can also be configured for cells using special JSX tags that represent user actions.

CellActions can be configured for specific columns by specifying the column accessor. If default actions should be available for all columns that do not explicitly have actions configured, the CellActions column accessor is omitted.

The CellActions tag contains a function that is being called with an object containing the instance of the current cell, row and column so specific actions can be implemented for a given cell. The function needs to return a TableUserActions object that defines the user actions for the cell.


Configure row actions

You can configure row actions in the DataTable like in the following examples. The first simple example contains just one edit action. Specifying row actions causes an action column to be added on the rightmost side of the DataTable.


Furthermore, you can also provide several actions in a group. Actions that don't fit in the column will be automatically shown in an overflow menu. Note that you can provide a combination of icons and text per action. Here is another more complex example showing some of the available features. It also includes how to override the default width of the action column (the default width of the action column is 150px).


Configure column visibility

The DataTable.Toolbar has an item VisibilitySettings allowing you to toggle the visibility of columns.

Regarding the columnVisibility object, the default value for each column is 'visible' if nothing else is specified. Furthermore, you can specify 'hidden' so that a column is initially hidden and you can specify 'always-visible' to indicate that a column must always be visible (in other words, that is it cannot be hidden). When 'always-visible' is specified, in the column settings dialog the visibility checkbox is disabled.

In addition to controlling column visibility using the column settings overlay located in the table toolbar, hiding a column can also be accomplished by adding a 'hide column' column action.


Load Hidden Columns

When toggling hidden columns to visible, their data is populated automatically.


Highlight cells

Cells can be highlighted in different colors depending on the threshold specified. In the column definition, you can configure the threshold for every column. You can specify value, comparator, color and backgroundColor. color will be applied to the cell text and backgroundColor to the cell background.

If the column cell value passed is a string (text), the threshold comparator can be set with either an equal-to or not-equal-to operator. On the other hand, if your value is a number you can utilize one of the following operators:

  • greater-than
  • less-than
  • greater-than-or-equal-to
  • less-than-or-equal-to
  • equal-to
  • not-equal-to

Note: When multiple thresholds are applicable (evaluate to true) the last valid threshold has priority.


Highlight rows

You also have the possibility to highlight the whole row. The thresholds for highlighting rows can be configured on the table level with the table prop rowThresholds. You can specify the same options as for the cell threshold but now you can specify which cell value from the row threshold should apply by defining an accessor/id. You can add single or multiple rules to the threshold definition. Multiple rules can be used to define multiple thresholds for different cell values in a row but no matter which of them passes the same color will be applied. In the case of both color and backgroundColor are specified, the color will be applied to the row text.


Export DataTable config

The DataTable's configuration can be exported at any time for various purposes, such as sharing the configuration with other applications through an intent. The current configuration can be retrieved by creating and assigning a ref to the corresponding ref property of the DataTable, and then calling ref.getConfig() method.

ℹ️️ When the "getConfig" method is invoked, a snapshot of the serialized configuration is returned. As such, it will not change if the DataTable's configuration is subsequently modified. It is recommended to ensure that you apply all your required configurations to the DataTable before calling this method


Import DataTable config

The configuration provider for the DataTable accepts a JSON object and also accepts a string as input for importing a serialized configuration. When a string is provided, it is internally parsed and applied as the DataTable configuration.

ℹ️️ Please note that if the configuration provided does not match the properties of the DataTable configuration, any unknown properties will be ignored. Additionally, if required properties are not provided, or the given config is invalid, default values will be applied.

ℹ️️ It is important to note that due to potential version mismatches in DataTable packages used in different applications, importing a configuration from another application may produce an unintended outcome and not result in a perfect match.


Download data

The DataTable.Toolbar has an item DownloadData which enables the downloading of the table data. Depending on your table configuration, you can choose between downloading all data, downloading the current page and only downloading the selected rows. Only visible columns are considered.

When downloading, double quotes are escaped and if the text has commas, new lines, double quotes, tabs or carriage returns, the entire line is enclosed in double quotes. In addition, values starting with =, +, -, @, \t and \r are escaped with a single quote to mitigate CSV injection. Also note that if you have custom cells you can provide a toString function on the data object for customized download output.

The DataTable also provides the onDownloadData callback that fires once data has been downloaded. The callback's subset parameter indicates whether all data, the current page, or the selected rows were downloaded.


The preferred way is to use the toolbar item as above but if you have some good reason not to use the toolbar you can create your own download trigger which programmatically calls downloadData() with one of the parameters 'all', 'page', or 'selected'. See the following example.


Get column data using accessors

Accessors specify how to get column data in the data structure. Normally strings with dots need to correspond to the structure of data where a dot represents one level. If the actual node name has a dot in it then you can escape the whole accessor with double quotes at the beginning and end of the string. Otherwise, you also have the option of specifying a function if you need more control. See the code here for examples of each.


Use Grail data

To facilitate easy use of the DataTable in combination with Grail, we provide the convertToColumns function. This function takes a set of Grail field types and converts them to a suitable column definition for the DataTable.


Style fonts

The DataTable can change the font style for the whole table or a specific column. This can be achieved by configuring it in the table variant options or the column definition. Additionally, it is possible to provide a toggle for changing the font style of the entire table in the DataTable's toolbar using DataTable.FontStyle. To provide a toggle targeting only a single column TableUserActions.FontStyle can be added as a column action. Through these different mechanisms, you can customize the font style of the DataTable.


Provide sub-rows

It is also possible to provide sub-rows in the DataTable. Simply define the respective sub-row data by adding the subRows prop to the parent row's data definition. If defined, an additional column containing the triggers for opening and closing the sub-rows will automatically be added. The specified sub-rows must have the same data structure as the parent rows and can be nested over multiple levels.

Use the defaultOpenSubRows prop to specify sub-rows that are already open upon initial rendering. The onOpenSubRowsChange handler allows you to react to changes in the currently open sub-rows.


Control sub-rows

To control the state of the open sub-rows, provide the desired rows using the openSubRows prop along with a handler for the onRowSelectionChange callback.

It is also possible to overwrite the default sub-rows column in your column definition. You can e.g. provide a custom subRowsAccessor for retrieving the corresponding subRows for each row. Individual sub-rows can be disabled by overwriting the disableSubRows property.



You can provide a height value to the table which gives it a fixed height and makes it scrollable. The headers are sticky, so scrolling will not remove them from the view.


Enable column virtualization

To optimize performance for large tables with many columns, the DataTable component provides the option to virtualize columns. This feature can be enabled by setting the columnVirtualization flag on the table. However, it is important to note that there are some limitations associated with column virtualization. To prevent layout shifting when virtualizing cells of different heights, the row height is set based on the initially rendered columns. Consequently, the linewrap feature can only consider the initially rendered columns, and the row height remains static after that. Similarly, due to the fixed row heights, sub-rows cannot be used in conjunction with column virtualization when there are varying row heights.


Get the current page data

To retrieve the currently displayed, sorted data, use the getCurrentPageData method exposed on the ref.

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