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The IntentButton is a dedicated button component for sending intents. It takes care of opening the intent dialog. An IntentButton only works in the AppShell context.


import { IntentButton } from '@dynatrace/strato-components/buttons';

Use cases


Send an intent

Use the payload prop to assign an intent payload object to the button.


Add label

IntentButtons can consist of a label and a suffix icon. Only use the aria-label if the button has no readable content, like when it only has an icon. In that case, the aria-label needs to be used to make the item accessible.


Recommend app

Providing an existent appId and intentId allows you to bypass the "Open with" dialog and open the app directly. If you provide a non-existent appId, the app shell will open the "Open with" dialog, allowing users to select a different app.

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