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Dynatrace provides different types of storage for different types of data. On this page, you'll see when to use which storage when working with Dynatrace Apps.

Following is the list of Dynatrace storage:

  • Observability data: To store observability data, use Grail. Grail is a unified storage for logs, metrics, traces, events, etc. You can retrieve the data using Dynatrace Query Language. You can also ingest observability data from within our apps.
  • App state: You might want to persist the state of your app across many sessions. You can do that using app state. The app state allows you to store user-specific states using user app states. To learn more, visit Store app and user states.
  • User-generated content: If you want to persist user-generated content in your app, you can use document storage. To learn more, visit Store user-generated data.
  • Settings: If you want to allow your app to be configurable by the environment administrator, you can use settings storage. You can also store secrets in settings. To learn more, visit Store app settings.

Dynatrace also provides a specific credential storage. It's helpful if you want to sync your credentials with an external vault. If not, you should use Settings to store your secrets.

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