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Allow outbound connections

Outbound connections from functions are not allowed by default due to security restrictions. Learn how to configure the environment to access external hosts.

Add a host to the allowlist

To perform a call to an external host, you need to allow connections to this host in the settings. Open the Settings app from the Dynatrace Launcher on your environment, and select Preferences > Limit Outbound Connections from the side menu.


After adding or modifying the allowed hosts, the change might take up to 10 seconds.

You can configure allowed hosts by IP address or DNS name. DNS names with at least three segments can start with wildcards.

Examples for allowed entries:

Examples for invalid entries:       # Protocol must not be part of the entry # Protocol must not be part of the entry # Only the domain is allowed
*.com # Wildcards are only allowed with at least three segments
123.*.123.123 # Wildcards are not allowed for IP addresses
* # Wildcards must match a whole segment
api.* # Wildcards must be at the beginning of the entry

You can also turn off allowlist enforcement to allow connections to any external host.

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