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Command reference

Command overview

analyzeAnalyze the bundle size of the app.
buildBuild the app.
createcCreate a new app in the selected directory.
defaultOutput basic information about the App Toolkit.
deployBuild the app and then deploy it to the specified environment.
devBuild the app and start a local development server.
generate actiong aGenerate a custom workflow action.
generate functiong fGenerate an app function.
infoOutput detailed information about the App Toolkit and the environment.
uninstallUninstall the app from the specified environment.
updateUpdate @dynatrace-scoped packages and the App Toolkit to the latest version and apply automatic migrations.
versionPrint the version of the App Toolkit.
helpDisplay a set of dt-app commands with a description.

dt-app analyze

Analyze the bundle size of the app.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app build

Build the app.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--no-prodBuild in development mode.
--no-sdk-injectionDisable the automatic injection of the Dynatrace SDK.
--no-type-checkSkip type checking.
--prodBuild in production mode. Per default the build always gets executed in production mode.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app create

Create a new app in the selected directory.


[name]The name of the app.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--dry-runDo not write any changes to the file system.
--environment-url <name>Specify your environment.
--no-embedded-templatesSpecify whether the templates embedded with the CLI or the ones downloaded from an external source should be used.
--no-gitDo not initialize a git repository.
--oauth-client-id <id>Specify the single sign-on client ID.
--package-manager [name]Specify your package manager.
--skip-installDo not install dependencies after initialization.
--skip-repository-checkSkip the safety check whether the project is generated inside an existing repository for headless execution.
--template [name]Choose the template to generate the app from.
--template-dir <dir>Specify the directory that contains the template your app should be created from.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app default

Output basic information about the App Toolkit.


--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"
-v, --versionPrint the version of the App Toolkit.

dt-app deploy

Build the app and then deploy it to the specified environment.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--dry-runDo not actually deploy the app only perform a dry run.
--environment-url [url]The environment that should be used.
--force-overwriteOverwrite an existing app with the same id if it has been deployed by another user.
--no-type-checkSkip type checking.
--sign-archiveSign the archive using the private key and certificates defined via environment variables DT_APP_SIGNING_PK and DT_APP_SIGNING_CERT or via --sign-archive-pk and --sign-archive-cert.
--sign-archive-cert [path]Path to a file containing the certificate chain used for signing the app.
--sign-archive-pk [path]Path to a file containing the private key used for signing the app.
--skip-buildSkip the build before deploying.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%".

dt-app dev

Build the app and start a local development server.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--environment-url [url]The environment that should be used.
--host [name]The host IP to bind the dev server on.
--legacy-runtime-simulatorUse the deprecated runtime-simulator in case you run into problems with the new setup.
--no-live-reloadDisable live reload on detected file changes.
--no-openDo not open the browser with the dev server.
--no-sdk-injectionDisable automatic injection of the Dynatrace SDK.
--no-type-checkSkip type checking.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"
-o, --openOpen the browser with the dev server.
-p, --port <number>The port where the files should be served.
-w, --show-warningsDisplay build warnings.

dt-app generate action

Generate a custom workflow action.


[name]The name of the action.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--dry-runDo not write any changes to the file system.
--skip-testsDo not generate test files.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app generate function

Generate an app function.


[name]The name of the function.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--dry-runDo not write any changes to the file system.
--generate-testsGenerate test files for functions without tests.
--skip-testsDo not generate test files.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app info

Output detailed information about the App Toolkit and the environment.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app uninstall

Uninstall the app from the specified environment.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--dry-runDo not actually remove the app only perform a dry run.
--environment-url [url]The environment that should be used.
--globalRemove the app in the global context.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"

dt-app update

Update @dynatrace-scoped packages and the App Toolkit to the latest version and apply automatic migrations.


[packages...]The packages that should be updated.


--cwd [dir]The current working directory where it should run.
--dry-runDo not write any changes to the file system.
--skip-installDo not install dependencies after migrations.
--verbose [context]Output additional debug logs. Add optional context to filter. % at the end as wildcard possible. Example: "--verbose cli-%"
--yesUpdate all outdated packages without prompt for confirmation.
-i, --interactiveChoose the packages you want to update manually.

dt-app version

Print the version of the App Toolkit.

dt-app help

Display a set of dt-app commands with a description.

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