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Examples of the Link, Button and IntentButton components next to each other.

Examples of the Link, Button and IntentButton components next to each other.

  • Use Links only for navigational purposes. For example, to navigate to another page within an app or view.
  • Use ExternalLinks to navigate users to an external page. For example, a third-party website or a Dynatrace Docs page.


  • Use Buttons to trigger actions or events.
  • In rare cases, buttons can have navigational purposes. For example, when links need to align visually with surrounding items or when the main actions in a view are links, such as Next or Previous buttons in a guided user flow.


  • Use IntentButtons if users will continue a user flow in another Dynatrace app. Clicking the IntentButton triggers an overlay that lets users select an app to share data with.
  • Read more about intents on the dedicated intents page.
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