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Add-on for VS Code

Dynatrace Extensions is an add-on for Visual Studio Code that supports all aspects of developing Extensions 2.0 running on Dynatrace. Find it by searching the VS Code extensions marketplace.

It gives you access to a specialized toolkit that's ready to use and helps you out with the following:

  1. Operational efficiency
  2. Content creation
  3. Content validation

Check out the instructions for getting started, or keep reading to learn some of its features.


Following are some features of Dynatrace Extensions.

Operational efficiency

Dynatrace Extensions makes you more operationally efficient when developing Extensions 2.0. It includes the following features:

  • Extension 2.0 project management and organization at scale.
  • Overview of deployments across multiple environments.
  • All extension-related operations available within your editor:
    • Create, build, sign, upload, and activate extensions.
    • Create and manage monitoring configurations.
    • Create and manage credentials used in signing your extensions.

Content creation

You can also automatically generate significant portions of your extension's manifest and other content. Following are the features that you can use:

  • Generate Unified analysis screens for your entities.
  • Generate documentation, dashboards, and alerts.
  • Run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Queries to extract metrics and dimensions automatically.
  • Connect to Prometheus exporters to extract metrics, dimensions, and metadata automatically.
  • Use code completions where the values depend on data from your environment.

Content validation

You can use the Dynatrace Extensions to validate your extension manifest early. Following are the features that you can use:

  • Validate against targeted YAML schema versions.
  • Get custom diagnostics beyond what's included in the schema.
  • Validate your metric and entity selectors against environment data.


This open source project relies on community feedback and contribution and isn't officially supported by Dynatrace.

For any issues, concerns, or contributions, leverage the issues page of the GitHub repository hosting this project.

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