Classic Environment V1
Documentation of the Dynatrace Classic Environment API v1. To read about use cases and examples, see Dynatrace Documentation.
Notes about compatibility:
- Operations marked as early adopter or preview may be changed in non-compatible ways, although we try to avoid this.
- We may add new enum constants without incrementing the API version; thus, clients need to handle unknown enum constants gracefully.
npm install @dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1
import { clusterVersionClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Gets the current version of the Dynatrace server
Required scope: environment-api:cluster-version:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer
Code example
import { clusterVersionClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await clusterVersionClient.getVersion();
import { deploymentClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Downloads OneAgent installer of the specified version
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
For the paas
or paas-sh
installer types you can get a configuring installer, by passing additional parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | DownloadAgentInstallerWithVersionQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
Only applicable to the |
config.bitness | DownloadAgentInstallerWithVersionQueryBitness | The bitness of your OS. Must be supported by the OS. Only applicable to the |
config.flavor | DownloadAgentInstallerWithVersionQueryFlavor | The flavor of your Linux distribution:
Only applicable to the |
config.ifNoneMatch | string | The ETag of the previous request. Do not download if it matches the ETag of the installer. |
config.include | Array<DownloadAgentInstallerWithVersionQueryIncludeItem> | The code modules to be included to the installer. You can specify several modules in the following format: Only applicable to the |
config.installerType*required | DownloadAgentInstallerWithVersionPathInstallerType | The type of the installer:
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
config.osType*required | DownloadAgentInstallerWithVersionPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
config.skipMetadata | boolean | Set Only applicable to the |
config.version*required | string | The required version of the OneAgent in You can retrieve the list of available versions with the GET available versions of OneAgent call. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadAgentInstallerWithVersion({
version: "...",
Downloads the requested version matching OneAgent deployment orchestration tarball's signature
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Downloading the requested version matching deployment orchestration tarball's signature matching the requested Orchestration Type (ansible, puppet).
Name | Type | Description |
config.orchestrationType*required | DownloadAgentOrchestrationSignatureWithVersionPathOrchestrationType | The Orchestration Type of the orchestration deployment script. |
config.version*required | string | The requested version of the OneAgent deployment orchestration tarball in format. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadAgentOrchestrationSignatureWithVersion(
version: "...",
Downloads the requested version matching OneAgent deployment orchestration tarball
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Downloading the requested version matching deployment orchestration tarball matching the requested Orchestration Type (ansible, puppet).
Name | Type | Description |
config.orchestrationType*required | DownloadAgentOrchestrationWithVersionPathOrchestrationType | The Orchestration Type of the orchestration deployment script. |
config.version*required | string | The requested version of the OneAgent orchestration deployment tarball in format. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadAgentOrchestrationWithVersion(
version: "...",
Downloads BOSH release tarballs of the specified version, OneAgent included
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
For SaaS, the call is executed on an Environment ActiveGate. Be sure to use the base of an ActiveGate, not the environment.
Name | Type | Description |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
config.osType*required | DownloadBoshReleaseWithVersionPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
config.skipMetadata | boolean | Set If not set, |
config.version*required | string | The required version of the OneAgent in the You can retrieve the list of available versions with the GET available versions of BOSH tarballs call. |
Success. The payload contains the BOSH release tarball file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadBoshReleaseWithVersion({
version: "...",
Downloads the ActiveGate installer of the specified version
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | DownloadGatewayInstallerWithVersionQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
config.ifNoneMatch | string | The ETag of the previous request. Do not download if it matches the ETag of the installer. |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. Requires at least ActiveGate version 1.247. |
config.osType*required | DownloadGatewayInstallerWithVersionPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
config.version*required | string | The required version of the ActiveGate installer, in You can retrieve the list of available versions with the GET available versions of ActiveGate call. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadGatewayInstallerWithVersion(
version: "...",
Downloads the latest OneAgent installer
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
For the paas
or paas-sh
installer types you can get a configuring installer, by passing additional parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | DownloadLatestAgentInstallerQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
Only applicable to the |
config.bitness | DownloadLatestAgentInstallerQueryBitness | The bitness of your OS. Must be supported by the OS. Only applicable to the |
config.flavor | DownloadLatestAgentInstallerQueryFlavor | The flavor of your Linux distribution:
Only applicable to the |
config.ifNoneMatch | string | The ETag of the previous request. Do not download if it matches the ETag of the installer. |
config.include | Array<DownloadLatestAgentInstallerQueryIncludeItem> | The code modules to be included to the installer. You can specify several modules in the following format: Only applicable to the |
config.installerType*required | DownloadLatestAgentInstallerPathInstallerType | The type of the installer:
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
config.osType*required | DownloadLatestAgentInstallerPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
config.skipMetadata | boolean | Set Only applicable to the |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadLatestAgentInstaller({
osType: DownloadLatestAgentInstallerPathOsType.Windows,
Downloads the latest OneAgent deployment orchestration tarball
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Downloading the latest available deployment orchestration script tarball matching the requested Orchestration Type (ansible, puppet).
Name | Type | Description |
config.orchestrationType*required | DownloadLatestAgentOrchestrationPathOrchestrationType | The Orchestration Type of the orchestration deployment script. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadLatestAgentOrchestration({
Downloads the latest OneAgent deployment orchestration tarball's signature
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Downloading the latest available deployment orchestration tarball's sigature matching the requested Orchestration Type (ansible, puppet).
Name | Type | Description |
config.orchestrationType*required | DownloadLatestAgentOrchestrationSignaturePathOrchestrationType | The Orchestration Type of the orchestration deployment script. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadLatestAgentOrchestrationSignature(
Downloads the configured standard ActiveGate installer of the latest version for the specified OS
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | DownloadLatestGatewayInstallerQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
config.ifNoneMatch | string | The ETag of the previous request. Do not download if it matches the ETag of the installer. |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. Requires at least ActiveGate version 1.247. |
config.osType*required | DownloadLatestGatewayInstallerPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.downloadLatestGatewayInstaller({
Lists all available versions of ActiveGate installer
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | GetActiveGateInstallerAvailableVersionsQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
config.osType*required | GetActiveGateInstallerAvailableVersionsPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
Success. The payload contains the available versions.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getActiveGateInstallerAvailableVersions(
Gets the connectivity information for Environment ActiveGate
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.defaultZoneFallback | boolean | Set true to perform a fallback to the default network zone if the provided network zone does not exist. |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getActiveGateInstallerConnectionInfo();
Lists all available versions of OneAgent installer
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | GetAgentInstallerAvailableVersionsQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
Only applicable to the |
config.flavor | GetAgentInstallerAvailableVersionsQueryFlavor | The flavor of your Linux distribution:
Only applicable to the |
config.installerType*required | GetAgentInstallerAvailableVersionsPathInstallerType | The type of the installer:
config.osType*required | GetAgentInstallerAvailableVersionsPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
Success. The payload contains the available versions.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getAgentInstallerAvailableVersions(
Gets the connectivity information for OneAgent
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.defaultZoneFallback | boolean | Set true to perform a fallback to the default network zone if the provided network zone does not exist. |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
config.version | string | The version of the OneAgent for which you're requesting connectivity information, in the Set this parameter to get the best format of endpoint list for optimal performance. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getAgentInstallerConnectionInfo();
Gets the list of the ActiveGate-Endpoints to be used for Agents ordered by networkzone-priorities.
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Highest priority first, separated by a semicolon.If no network zone provided the default zone is used. Responds with 404 if network zone is not known.
Name | Type | Description |
config.defaultZoneFallback | boolean | Set true to perform a fallback to the default network zone if the provided network zone does not exist. |
config.networkZone | string |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getAgentInstallerConnectionInfoEndpoints();
Gets the latest available version of a OneAgent installer
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
If a standard version is configured, then this is the downloaded version.
Non-required parameters are only applicable to the paas
and paas-sh
installer types.
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | GetAgentInstallerMetaInfoQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
Only applicable to the |
config.bitness | GetAgentInstallerMetaInfoQueryBitness | The bitness of your OS. Must be supported by the OS. Only applicable to the |
config.flavor | GetAgentInstallerMetaInfoQueryFlavor | The flavor of your Linux distribution:
Only applicable to the |
config.installerType*required | GetAgentInstallerMetaInfoPathInstallerType | The type of the installer:
config.osType*required | GetAgentInstallerMetaInfoPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getAgentInstallerMetaInfo({
osType: GetAgentInstallerMetaInfoPathOsType.Windows,
Gets the checksum of a non-customized OneAgent installer
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
The checksum is the sha256 hash of the installer file.
Compare this checksum only with a non-customized OneAgent installer.
To get a non-customized installer, set the skipMetadata query parameter of the download endpoint to true
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | GetAgentInstallerWithVersionChecksumQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
Only applicable to the |
config.bitness | GetAgentInstallerWithVersionChecksumQueryBitness | The bitness of your OS. Must be supported by the OS. Only applicable to the |
config.flavor | GetAgentInstallerWithVersionChecksumQueryFlavor | The flavor of your Linux distribution:
Only applicable to the |
config.ifNoneMatch | string | The ETag of the previous request. Do not download if it matches the ETag of the installer. |
config.include | Array<GetAgentInstallerWithVersionChecksumQueryIncludeItem> | The code modules to be included to the installer. You can specify several modules in the following format: Only applicable to the |
config.installerType*required | Paas | The type of the installer. |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
config.osType*required | GetAgentInstallerWithVersionChecksumPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
config.version*required | string | The required version of the OneAgent in You can retrieve the list of available versions with the GET available versions of OneAgent call. |
Success. The payload contains the installer file.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getAgentInstallerWithVersionChecksum(
version: "...",
Gets the latest process module config | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Returns the latest process module config. Passing a previously gotten revision will first do a revision check, and return a 304 response if no changes were detected.
Name | Type | Description |
config.hostgroup | string | The name of the host group the process is part of. |
config.revision | number | The previously received revision to compare against. |
config.sections | string | A list of comma-separated section identifiers to retrieve values for. Supported sections are 'general' and 'agentType'. Defaults to 'general'. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getAgentProcessModuleConfig();
Gets the list of available OneAgent versions for BOSH release tarballs
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.osType*required | GetBoshReleaseAvailableVersionsPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getBoshReleaseAvailableVersions({
Gets the checksum of the specified BOSH release tarball
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
The checksum is the sha256 hash of the installer file.
Result is not stable if skipMetadata is set to false
For SaaS only works on environment ActiveGates version 1.176 or higher
Name | Type | Description |
config.networkZone | string | The network zone you want the result to be configured with. |
config.osType*required | GetBoshReleaseChecksumPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
config.skipMetadata | boolean | Set If not set, |
config.version*required | string | The required version of the OneAgent in the You can retrieve the list of available versions with the GET available versions of BOSH tarballs call. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await deploymentClient.getBoshReleaseChecksum({
osType: GetBoshReleaseChecksumPathOsType.Windows,
version: "...",
Gets the latest available version of an ActiveGate installer
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Name | Type | Description |
config.arch | GetGatewayInstallerMetaInfoQueryArch | The architecture of your OS:
config.osType*required | GetGatewayInstallerMetaInfoPathOsType | The operating system of the installer. |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getGatewayInstallerMetaInfo({
osType: GetGatewayInstallerMetaInfoPathOsType.Windows,
Gets the latest available ActiveGate image
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Returns the latest available ActiveGate image
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getLatestActiveGateImage();
Gets the latest available Agent image
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Returns the latest available Agent image while considering default and minimal agent version
Name | Type | Description |
config.agentImageType*required | GetLatestAgentImagePathAgentImageType | Agent Type |
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await deploymentClient.getLatestAgentImage({
Get the latest version names of the OneAgent for AWS Lambda
Required scope: environment-api:deployment:download Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install
Get the latest version names of the OneAgent for the Java, Node.js, and Python AWS Lambda runtimes, also including names for layers that are combined with the log collector, as well as for the standalone log collector layer.
Success. The payload contains the available versions.
Code example
import { deploymentClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await deploymentClient.getLatestLambdaBuildUnits();
import { oneAgentOnAHostClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Deletes all detected auto-update blocking problems for this environment. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER
Required scope: environment-api:oneagents:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Code example
import { oneAgentOnAHostClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await oneAgentOnAHostClient.deleteAgentPersistedPotentialProblems();
Gets a list of cluster-side detected auto-update problems that may block further rollout of a OneAgent version on a particular OS. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER
Required scope: environment-api:oneagents:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Code example
import { oneAgentOnAHostClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await oneAgentOnAHostClient.getAgentPersistedPotentialProblems();
Gets the list of hosts with OneAgent deployment information for each host
Required scope: environment-api:oneagents:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
You can narrow down the output by specifying filtering parameters for the request.
The response is limited to 500 items. Use the nextPageKey cursor to obtain subsequent results.
Name | Type | Description |
config.activeGateId | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that are currently connected to the ActiveGate with the specified ID. Use DIRECT_COMMUNICATION keyword to find the hosts not connected to any ActiveGate. |
config.agentVersionIs | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryAgentVersionIs | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that have a certain OneAgent version deployed on the host. Specify the comparison operator here. |
config.agentVersionNumber | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that have a certain OneAgent version deployed on the host. Specify the version in the |
config.autoInjection | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryAutoInjection | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the auto-injection status. |
config.autoUpdateSetting | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryAutoUpdateSetting | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the actual state of the auto-update setting of deployed OneAgents. |
config.availabilityState | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryAvailabilityState | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the availability state of OneAgent.
config.cloudType | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryCloudType | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the cloud type. |
config.detailedAvailabilityState | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryDetailedAvailabilityState | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the detailed availability state of OneAgent.
config.endTimestamp | number | The end timestamp of the requested timeframe, in milliseconds (UTC). If not set, then the current timestamp is used. The timeframe must not exceed 7 months (214 days). |
config.entity | Array<string> | Filters result to the specified hosts only. To specify several hosts use the following format: |
config.faultyVersion | boolean | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that run OneAgent version that is marked as faulty. |
config.hostGroupId | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified host group. Specify the Dynatrace entity ID of the required host group. |
config.hostGroupName | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified host group. Specify the name of the required host group. |
config.includeDetails | boolean | Includes ( Excluding details may make queries faster. If not set, then |
config.managementZone | string | Only return hosts that are part of the specified management zone. Specify the management zone name here. If the managementZoneId parameter is set, this parameter is ignored. |
config.managementZoneId | number | Only return hosts that are part of the specified management zone. Specify the management zone ID here. |
config.monitoringType | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryMonitoringType | Filters the resulting set of hosts by monitoring mode of OneAgent deployed on the host. |
config.networkZoneId | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified network zone. Specify the Dynatrace entity ID of the required network zone. You can fetch the list of available network zones with the GET all network zones call. |
config.nextPageKey | string | The cursor for the next page of results, if results do not fit on one page. You can find the cursor value on the current page of the response, in the nextPageKey field. To obtain subsequent pages, you must specify this cursor value in your query, and keep all other query parameters as they were in the original request. If you don't specify the cursor, the first page will always be returned. |
config.osType | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryOsType | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the OS type. |
config.pluginName | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that run the plugin with the specified name. The CONTAINS operator is applied to the specified value. If several plugin filters are specified, the plugin has to match all the filters. |
config.pluginState | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryPluginState | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that run the plugin with the specified state. |
config.pluginVersionIs | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryPluginVersionIs | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that have a certain plugin version deployed on the host. Specify the comparison operator here. If several plugin filters are specified, the plugin has to match all the filters. |
config.pluginVersionNumber | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that have a certain plugin version deployed on the host. Specify the version in the
If several plugin filters are specified, the plugin has to match all the filters. |
config.relativeTime | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryRelativeTime | The relative timeframe, back from now. If you need to specify relative timeframe that is not presented in the list of possible values, specify the startTimestamp (up to 214 days back from now) and leave endTimestamp and relativeTime empty. |
config.startTimestamp | number | The start timestamp of the requested timeframe, in milliseconds (UTC). If not set, then 72 hours behind from now is used. |
config.tag | Array<string> | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified tag. You can specify several tags in the following format: In case of key-value tags, such as imported AWS or CloudFoundry tags, use the following format: |
config.technologyModuleFaultyVersion | boolean | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that run the code module version that is marked as faulty. If several code module filters are specified, the code module has to match all the filters. |
config.technologyModuleType | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryTechnologyModuleType | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that run the specified OneAgent code module. If several code module filters are specified, the code module has to match all the filters. |
config.technologyModuleVersionIs | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryTechnologyModuleVersionIs | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that have a certain code module version deployed on the host. Specify the comparison operator here. If several code module filters are specified, the code module has to match all the filters. |
config.technologyModuleVersionNumber | string | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that have a certain code module version deployed on the host. Specify the version in the If several code module filters are specified, the code module has to match all the filters. |
config.unlicensed | boolean | Filters the resulting set of hosts to those that run OneAgent that are unlicensed. Example: Discovery Mode is currently only available on Dynatrace SaaS with DPS capability "Foundation & Discovery". |
config.updateStatus | GetHostsWithSpecificAgentsQueryUpdateStatus | Filters the resulting set of hosts by the update status of OneAgent deployed on the host. |
Code example
import { oneAgentOnAHostClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await oneAgentOnAHostClient.getHostsWithSpecificAgents();
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Gets the version of the RUM JavaScript code injected into specified application
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Name | Type | Description |
config.entity*required | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. You can obtain it from the response of the GET the list of manually injected applications call. |
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getAppRevision({
entity: "...",
Downloads the asynchronous code snippet
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
This code provides configuration and basic code to be manually inserted into your web application code.
The full functionality of the monitoring code is loaded asynchronously.
Name | Type | Description |
config.entity*required | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. You can obtain it from the response of the GET the list of manually injected applications call. |
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getAsyncCodeSnippet(
{ entity: "..." },
Downloads inline code
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Returns the inline code of the most recent OneAgent JavaScript. This is a complete configuration and monitoring code to be manually inserted into your web application code.
Name | Type | Description |
config.entity*required | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. You can obtain it from the response of the GET the list of manually injected applications call. |
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getJsInlineScript({
entity: "...",
Gets the latest version of OneAgent JavaScript library
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getJsLatestVersion();
Downloads OneAgent JavaScript tag
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Returns the OneAgent JavaScript tag. This is a complete configuration and monitoring code to be manually inserted into your web application code.
The monitoring code is loaded as a separate file from a CDN.
Name | Type | Description |
config.entity*required | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. You can obtain it from the response of the GET the list of manually injected applications call. |
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getJsScript({
entity: "...",
Downloads JavaScript tag
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Returns a JavaScript tag to be manually inserted into your web application code. The tag references a JavaScript file with full configuration and monitoring code, which causes a lower possible caching duration.
Name | Type | Description |
config.entity*required | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. You can obtain it from the response of the GET the list of manually injected applications call. |
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getJsTagComplete({
entity: "...",
Lists all manually injected applications
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getManualApps();
Downloads the synchronous code snippet
Required scope: environment-api:rum:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
This code provides configuration and basic code to be manually inserted into your web application code.
The full functionality of the monitoring code is loaded synchronously.
Name | Type | Description |
config.entity*required | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. You can obtain it from the response of the GET the list of manually injected applications call. |
Code example
import { rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumJavaScriptTagManagementClient.getSyncCodeSnippet(
{ entity: "..." },
import { rumUserSessionsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Returns the result of the query as a table structure
Required scope: environment-api:usersessionquerylanguage:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer
The result is a flat list of rows containing the requested columns.
Name | Type | Description |
config.addDeepLinkFields | boolean | Add ( If not set, then |
config.endTimestamp | number | The end timestamp of the query, in UTC milliseconds. If not set or set as If the exact times are important, set the timeframe in the query itself (query parameter). |
config.explain | boolean | Add ( It helps to understand the query and how the result was calculated. If not set, then |
config.offsetUtc | number | Optional offset of local time to UTC time in minutes. Offset will be applied to Date fields encountered in the query. Can be positive or negative. E.g. if the local time is UTC+02:00, the timeOffset is 120. If it is UTC-05:00, timeOffset is -300. |
config.pageOffset | number | Optional offset of the requested results from the start of tabular results. Relates to pageSize. E.g. on a query that might return 500 results, you might want to receive results in chunks of 50 rows. this can be achieved by using pageSize=50, and setting pageOffset in subsequent calls.In the example adding pageOffset=50 returns result rows 51-100. |
config.pageSize | number | Optional limit on how many of the actual query results should be returned in the tabular result. |
config.query*required | string | The user session query to be executed. See USQL documentation page for syntax details. You can find the available columns of the usersession table in the Here is an example of the query: |
config.startTimestamp | number | The start timestamp of the query, in UTC milliseconds. If not set or set as If the exact times are important, set the timeframe in the query itself (query parameter). |
Success. The response contains the result of the query.
Code example
import { rumUserSessionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumUserSessionsClient.getUsqlResultAsTable({
query: "...",
Returns the result of the query as a tree structure
Required scope: environment-api:usersessionquerylanguage:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer
To get a proper tree structure, you need to specify grouping in the query.
Name | Type | Description |
config.addDeepLinkFields | boolean | Add ( If not set, then |
config.endTimestamp | number | The end timestamp of the query, in UTC milliseconds. If not set or set as If the exact times are important, set the timeframe in the query itself (query parameter). |
config.explain | boolean | Add ( It helps to understand the query and how the result was calculated. If not set, then |
config.offsetUtc | number | Optional offset of local time to UTC time in minutes. Offset will be applied to Date fields encountered in the query. Can be positive or negative. E.g. if the local time is UTC+02:00, the timeOffset is 120. If it is UTC-05:00, timeOffset is -300. |
config.query*required | string | The user session query to be executed. See USQL documentation page for syntax details. You can find the available columns of the usersession table in the Here is an example of the query: |
config.startTimestamp | number | The start timestamp of the query, in UTC milliseconds. If not set or set as If the exact times are important, set the timeframe in the query itself (query parameter). |
Success. The response contains the result of the query.
Code example
import { rumUserSessionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await rumUserSessionsClient.getUsqlResultAsTree({
query: "...",
import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Lists properties of the specified synthetic node
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Name | Type | Description |
config.nodeId*required | string | The ID of the required synthetic node. |
Code example
import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getNode(
{ nodeId: "..." },
Lists all synthetic nodes available in your environment
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Code example
import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getNodes();
import { syntheticMonitorsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1';
Creates a new synthetic monitor
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Name | Type |
config.body*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdate |
Success. The new synthetic monitor has been created. The response contains the Dynatrace entity ID of the new monitor.
Code example
import { syntheticMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await syntheticMonitorsClient.addMonitor({
body: {
anomalyDetection: {
loadingTimeThresholds: {
enabled: false,
thresholds: [{ valueMs: 10 }],
outageHandling: {
globalOutage: false,
globalOutagePolicy: { consecutiveRuns: 10 },
localOutage: false,
localOutagePolicy: {
affectedLocations: 10,
consecutiveRuns: 10,
enabled: false,
frequencyMin: 10,
locations: ["..."],
manuallyAssignedApps: ["..."],
name: "...",
tags: [{ key: "..." }],
Deletes the specified synthetic monitor
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Name | Type | Description |
config.monitorId*required | string | The ID of the synthetic monitor to be deleted. |
Code example
import { syntheticMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await syntheticMonitorsClient.deleteMonitor({
monitorId: "...",
Gets parameters of the specified synthetic monitor
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Name | Type | Description |
config.monitorId*required | string | The ID of the required synthetic monitor |
Code example
import { syntheticMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await syntheticMonitorsClient.getMonitor({
monitorId: "...",
Lists all synthetic monitors in your Dynatrace environment
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
The full list can be lengthy, but you can narrow it down by specifying filter query parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
config.assignedApps | Array<string> | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those assigned to the specified applications. You can specify several applications in the following format: Specify Dynatrace entity IDs of applications here. |
config.credentialId | string | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those using the specified credential set. Specify the ID of the credentials set here. |
config.credentialOwner | string | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those using a credential owned by the specified user. |
config.enabled | boolean | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those which are enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
config.location | string | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those assigned to a specified Synthetic location. Specify the ID of the location here. |
config.managementZone | number | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those which are part of the specified management zone. Specify the ID of the management zone here. |
config.tag | Array<string> | Filters the resulting set of monitors by specified tags. You can specify several tags in the following format: In case of key-value tags, such as imported AWS or CloudFoundry tags use following format: |
config.type | string | Filters the resulting set of monitors to those of the specified type: BROWSER or HTTP . |
Code example
import { syntheticMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data =
await syntheticMonitorsClient.getMonitorsCollection();
Updates parameters of the specified synthetic monitor
Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings
Name | Type | Description |
config.body*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdate | |
config.monitorId*required | string | The ID of the synthetic monitor to be updated. |
Code example
import { syntheticMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v1";
const data = await syntheticMonitorsClient.replaceMonitor({
monitorId: "...",
body: {
anomalyDetection: {
loadingTimeThresholds: {
enabled: false,
thresholds: [{ valueMs: 10 }],
outageHandling: {
globalOutage: false,
globalOutagePolicy: { consecutiveRuns: 10 },
localOutage: false,
localOutagePolicy: {
affectedLocations: 10,
consecutiveRuns: 10,
enabled: false,
frequencyMin: 10,
locations: ["..."],
manuallyAssignedApps: ["..."],
name: "...",
tags: [{ key: "..." }],
Connectivity information for an Environment ActiveGate (except ActiveGate tokens)
Name | Type |
communicationEndpoints | string |
tenantToken | string |
tenantUUID | string |
A list of available versions of ActiveGate installer.
Name | Type | Description |
availableVersions | Array<string> | Available versions. |
Name | Type |
latestAgentVersion | string |
A list of available versions of OneAgent installer.
Name | Type | Description |
availableVersions | Array<string> | A list of available versions of OneAgent installer. |
One agent auto-update blocking problem for a specific version and OS, with a list of affected hosts.
Name | Type | Description |
hosts | Array<string> | All hosts that are affected by the auto-update problem, given by ME Identifier |
osType | AgentPotentialProblemOsType | |
version | string | Formatted Installer version |
All agent potential auto-update problems aggregated over all servers for this tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
autoUpdateProblems | Array<AgentPotentialProblem> | List of all agent auto-update blocking problems |
The response to a process module config request.
Name | Type | Description |
properties | Array<SectionProperty> | The properties and their sections in this response. |
revision | number | The new revision associated with the config. |
Defines the version of the agent currently running on the entity.
Name | Type | Description |
major | number | The major version number. |
minor | number | The minor version number. |
revision | number | The revision number. |
sourceRevision | string | A string representation of the SVN revision number. |
timestamp | string | A timestamp string: format "yyyymmdd-hhmmss |
The anomaly detection configuration.
Name | Type |
loadingTimeThresholds*required | LoadingTimeThresholdsPolicyDto |
outageHandling*required | OutageHandlingPolicy |
A list of available OneAgent versions for BOSH release tarballs.
Name | Type | Description |
availableVersions | Array<string> | A list of available OneAgent versions for BOSH release tarballs. |
The checksum of the BOSH release tarball.
Name | Type | Description |
sha256 | string | The checksum of the BOSH release tarball. This is the sha256 hash of the installer file. |
Browser synthetic monitor. Some fields are inherited from the base SyntheticMonitor
Name | Type | Description |
anomalyDetection | AnomalyDetection | |
automaticallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of automatically assigned applications. |
createdFrom*required | SyntheticMonitorCreatedFrom | |
enabled*required | boolean | The monitor is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
entityId*required | string | The entity ID of the monitor. |
events | Array<EventDto> | A list of events for this monitor |
frequencyMin*required | number | The frequency of the monitor, in minutes. You can use one of the following values: |
keyPerformanceMetrics | KeyPerformanceMetrics | |
locations*required | Array<string> | A list of locations from which the monitor is executed. To specify a location, use its entity ID. |
managementZones*required | Array<ManagementZone> | A set of management zones to which the monitor belongs to. |
manuallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of manually assigned applications. |
name*required | string | The name of the monitor. |
script*required | SyntheticMonitorScript | |
tags*required | Array<TagWithSourceInfo> | A set of tags assigned to the monitor. |
type*required | SyntheticMonitorType |
Browser synthetic monitor update. Some fields are inherited from base SyntheticMonitorUpdate
Name | Type | Description |
anomalyDetection | AnomalyDetection | |
enabled*required | boolean | The monitor is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
frequencyMin*required | number | The frequency of the monitor, in minutes. You can use one of the following values: |
keyPerformanceMetrics | KeyPerformanceMetrics | |
locations*required | Array<string> | A list of locations from which the monitor is executed. To specify a location, use its entity ID. |
manuallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of manually assigned applications. |
name*required | string | The name of the monitor. |
script*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdateScript | |
tags*required | Array<TagWithSourceInfo> | A set of tags assigned to the monitor. You can specify only the value of the tag here and the |
type*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdateType |
Name | Type | Description |
version | string | The version of the Dynatrace server. |
OneAgent connectivity information.
Name | Type | Description |
communicationEndpoints | Array<string> | The list of endpoints to connect to the Dynatrace environment. The list is sorted by endpoint priority, descending. |
formattedCommunicationEndpoints | Array<string> | The formatted list of endpoints to connect to the Dynatrace environment. |
tenantToken | string | The internal token that is used for authentication when OneAgent connects to the Dynatrace cluster to send data. |
tenantUUID | string | The ID of your Dynatrace environment. |
A list of constraint violations
Name | Type |
location | string |
message | string |
parameterLocation | ConstraintViolationParameterLocation |
path | string |
A custom property of the user-action with a date value.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The custom key of the property. |
value | Date | The date value of the property. |
A custom property of the user action with a Double value.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The custom key of the property. |
value | number | The floating-point numeric value of the property. |
A DTO for entity ID.
Name | Type | Description |
entityId*required | string | Entity ID to be transferred |
The short representation of a Dynatrace entity.
Name | Type | Description |
description | string | A short description of the Dynatrace entity. |
id*required | string | The ID of the Dynatrace entity. |
name | string | The name of the Dynatrace entity. |
Name | Type | Description |
code | number | The HTTP status code |
constraintViolations | Array<ConstraintViolation> | A list of constraint violations |
message | string | The error message |
Name | Type |
error | Error |
Name | Type | Description |
entityId*required | string | Event identifier |
name*required | string | Event name |
sequenceNumber*required | number | Event sequence number |
Name | Type |
latestGatewayVersion | string |
Global outage handling configuration.
Name | Type | Description |
consecutiveRuns*required | number | Alert if all locations are unable to access the web application X times consecutively. |
Information about the host.
Name | Type | Description |
agentVersion | AgentVersion | |
amiId | string | |
autoInjection | HostAutoInjection | |
autoScalingGroup | string | |
awsInstanceId | string | |
awsInstanceType | string | |
awsNameTag | string | The name inherited from AWS. |
awsSecurityGroup | Array<string> | |
azureComputeModeName | HostAzureComputeModeName | |
azureEnvironment | string | |
azureHostNames | Array<string> | |
azureResourceGroupName | string | |
azureResourceId | string | |
azureSiteNames | Array<string> | |
azureSku | HostAzureSku | |
azureVmName | string | |
azureVmScaleSetName | string | |
azureVmSizeLabel | string | |
azureZone | string | |
beanstalkEnvironmentName | string | |
bitness | HostBitness | |
boshAvailabilityZone | string | The Cloud Foundry BOSH availability zone. |
boshDeploymentId | string | The Cloud Foundry BOSH deployment ID. |
boshInstanceId | string | The Cloud Foundry BOSH instance ID. |
boshInstanceName | string | The Cloud Foundry BOSH instance name. |
boshName | string | The Cloud Foundry BOSH name. |
boshStemcellVersion | string | The Cloud Foundry BOSH stemcell version. |
cloudPlatformVendorVersion | string | Defines the cloud platform vendor version. |
cloudType | HostCloudType | |
consumedHostUnits | string | Consumed Host Units. Applicable only for Dynatrace classic licensing |
cpuCores | number | |
customizedName | string | The customized name of the entity |
discoveredName | string | The discovered name of the entity |
displayName | string | The name of the Dynatrace entity as displayed in the UI. |
entityId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the required entity. |
esxiHostName | string | |
firstSeenTimestamp | number | The timestamp of when the entity was first detected, in UTC milliseconds |
fromRelationships | HostFromRelationships | |
gceInstanceId | string | The Google Compute Engine instance ID. |
gceInstanceName | string | The Google Compute Engine instance name. |
gceMachineType | string | The Google Compute Engine machine type. |
gceProject | string | The Google Compute Engine project. |
gceProjectId | string | The Google Compute Engine numeric project ID. |
gcePublicIpAddresses | Array<string> | The public IP addresses of the Google Compute Engine. |
gcpZone | string | The Google Cloud Platform Zone. |
hostGroup | HostGroup | |
hypervisorType | HostHypervisorType | |
ipAddresses | Array<string> | |
isMonitoringCandidate | boolean | |
kubernetesCluster | string | The kubernetes cluster the entity is in. |
kubernetesLabels | HostKubernetesLabels | |
kubernetesNode | string | The kubernetes node the entity is in. |
lastSeenTimestamp | number | The timestamp of when the entity was last detected, in UTC milliseconds |
localHostName | string | |
localIp | string | |
logicalCpuCores | number | |
logicalCpus | number | The AIX instance logical CPU count. |
managementZones | Array<EntityShortRepresentation> | The management zones that the entity is part of. |
monitoringMode | HostMonitoringMode | |
networkZoneId | string | The ID of network zone the entity is in. |
oneAgentCustomHostName | string | The custom name defined in OneAgent config. |
openStackInstaceType | string | |
openstackAvZone | string | |
openstackComputeNodeName | string | |
openstackProjectName | string | |
openstackSecurityGroups | Array<string> | |
openstackVmName | string | |
osArchitecture | HostOsArchitecture | |
osType | HostOsType | |
osVersion | string | |
paasAgentVersions | Array<AgentVersion> | The versions of the PaaS agents currently running on the entity. |
paasMemoryLimit | number | |
paasType | HostPaasType | |
publicHostName | string | |
publicIp | string | |
scaleSetName | string | |
simultaneousMultithreading | number | The AIX instance simultaneous threads count. |
softwareTechnologies | Array<TechnologyInfo> | |
tags | Array<TagInfo> | The list of entity tags. |
toRelationships | HostToRelationships | |
userLevel | HostUserLevel | |
virtualCpus | number | The AIX instance virtual CPU count. |
vmwareName | string | |
zosCPUModelNumber | string | The CPU model number. |
zosCPUSerialNumber | string | The CPU serial number. |
zosLpaName | string | Name of the LPAR. |
zosSystemName | string | Name of the system. |
zosTotalGeneralPurposeProcessors | number | Number of assigned processors for this LPAR. |
zosTotalPhysicalMemory | number | Memory assigned to the host (Terabyte). |
zosTotalZiipProcessors | number | Number of assigned support processors for this LPAR. |
zosVirtualization | string | Type of virtualization on the mainframe. |
OneAgent deployment on a host.
Name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | OneAgent is active (true ) or inactive (false ). |
autoUpdateSetting | HostAgentInfoAutoUpdateSetting | |
availabilityState | HostAgentInfoAvailabilityState | |
availableVersions | Array<string> | A list of versions OneAgent can be updated to. |
configuredMonitoringEnabled | boolean | Monitoring is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ) in the OneAgent configuration. |
configuredMonitoringMode | HostAgentInfoConfiguredMonitoringMode | |
currentActiveGateId | number | This field is deprecated and provided for backward compatibility. Use the currentActiveGateIds field instead. |
currentActiveGateIds | Array<string> | The list of ActiveGate IDs of ActiveGates to which OneAgent is currently connected. |
currentNetworkZoneId | string | The ID of the network zone that OneAgent is using. |
detailedAvailabilityState | HostAgentInfoDetailedAvailabilityState | |
faultyVersion | boolean | OneAgent version is faulty (true ) or not (false ). |
hostInfo | Host | |
modules | Array<ModuleInfo> | A list of code modules deployed on the host. |
monitoringType | HostAgentInfoMonitoringType | |
plugins | Array<PluginInfo> | A list of plugins deployed on the host. |
unlicensed | boolean | OneAgent is unlicensed. |
updateStatus | HostAgentInfoUpdateStatus |
Name | Type |
isNetworkClientOfHost | Array<string> |
Name | Type | Description |
meId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the host group. |
name | string | The name of the Dynatrace entity, displayed in the UI. |
type: Record<string, Record<string, any> | undefined>
The kubernetes labels defined on the entity.
Name | Type |
isNetworkClientOfHost | Array<string> |
isProcessOf | Array<string> |
isSiteOf | Array<string> |
runsOn | Array<string> |
A list of hosts with OneAgent deployment information for each host.
Name | Type | Description |
hosts | Array<HostAgentInfo> | A list of hosts with OneAgent deployment information for each host. |
nextPageKey | string | The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of There might be another page of results even if the current page is empty. |
percentageOfEnvironmentSearched | number | The progress of the environment search, in percent. |
HTTP synthetic monitor. Some fields are inherited from base SyntheticMonitor
Name | Type | Description |
anomalyDetection | AnomalyDetection | |
automaticallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of automatically assigned applications. |
createdFrom*required | SyntheticMonitorCreatedFrom | |
enabled*required | boolean | The monitor is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
entityId*required | string | The entity ID of the monitor. |
frequencyMin*required | number | The frequency of the monitor, in minutes. You can use one of the following values: |
locations*required | Array<string> | A list of locations from which the monitor is executed. To specify a location, use its entity ID. |
managementZones*required | Array<ManagementZone> | A set of management zones to which the monitor belongs to. |
manuallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of manually assigned applications. |
name*required | string | The name of the monitor. |
requests | Array<RequestDto> | A list of events for this monitor |
script*required | SyntheticMonitorScript | |
tags*required | Array<TagWithSourceInfo> | A set of tags assigned to the monitor. |
type*required | SyntheticMonitorType |
HTTP synthetic monitor update. Some fields are inherited from base SyntheticMonitorUpdate
Name | Type | Description |
anomalyDetection | AnomalyDetection | |
enabled*required | boolean | The monitor is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
frequencyMin*required | number | The frequency of the monitor, in minutes. You can use one of the following values: |
locations*required | Array<string> | A list of locations from which the monitor is executed. To specify a location, use its entity ID. |
manuallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of manually assigned applications. |
name*required | string | The name of the monitor. |
script*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdateScript | |
tags*required | Array<TagWithSourceInfo> | A set of tags assigned to the monitor. You can specify only the value of the tag here and the |
type*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdateType |
Name | Type | Description |
source*required | string | Image location |
tag | null | string | Image tag |
The key performance metrics configuration.
Name | Type |
loadActionKpm*required | KeyPerformanceMetricsLoadActionKpm |
xhrActionKpm*required | KeyPerformanceMetricsXhrActionKpm |
Latest OneAgent lambda version names available
Name | Type |
collector | string |
java | string |
java_with_collector | string |
nodejs | string |
nodejs_with_collector | string |
python | string |
python_with_collector | string |
The performance threshold rule.
Name | Type | Description |
eventIndex | number | Specify the event to which an ACTION threshold applies. |
requestIndex | number | Specify the request to which an ACTION threshold applies. |
type*required | LoadingTimeThresholdType | |
valueMs*required | number | Notify if monitor takes longer than X milliseconds to load. |
Performance thresholds configuration.
Name | Type | Description |
enabled*required | boolean | Performance threshold is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
thresholds*required | Array<LoadingTimeThreshold> | The list of performance threshold rules. |
Local outage handling configuration.
Alert if affectedLocations of locations are unable to access the web application consecutiveRuns times consecutively.
Name | Type | Description |
affectedLocations*required | number | The number of affected locations to trigger an alert. |
consecutiveRuns*required | number | The number of consecutive fails to trigger an alert. |
A custom property of the user action with a Long value.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The custom key of the property. |
value | number | The Long value of the property. |
The configuration of a management zone.
Name | Type | Description |
id*required | string | The ID of the management zone. |
name*required | string | The name of the management zone. |
Parameters of a manually injected application.
Name | Type | Description |
applicationId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. |
displayName | string | The name of the application. |
monitoringEnabled | boolean | Monitoring is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
revision | string | The application settings revision. |
OneAgent code module.
Name | Type | Description |
instances | Array<ModuleInstance> | A list of instances of the code module. |
moduleType | ModuleInfoModuleType |
An instance of the OneAgent code module.
Name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | The code module instance is active (true ) or inactive (false ). |
faultyVersion | boolean | The code module version is faulty (true ) or not (false ). |
instanceName | string | The name of the instance. |
moduleVersion | string | The version of the code module. |
The short representation of a synthetic monitor.
Name | Type | Description |
enabled*required | boolean | The state of a synthetic monitor. |
entityId*required | string | The ID of a synthetic object. |
name*required | string | The name of a synthetic object. |
type*required | MonitorCollectionElementType |
A list of synthetic monitors
Name | Type | Description |
monitors*required | Array<MonitorCollectionElement> | The list of synthetic monitors. |
Configuration of a synthetic node.
A synthetic node is an ActiveGate that is able to execute synthetic monitors.
Name | Type | Description |
activeGateVersion*required | string | The version of the Active Gate. |
autoUpdateEnabled*required | boolean | The Active Gate has the Auto update option enabled ('true') or not ('false') |
browserMonitorsEnabled*required | boolean | The synthetic node is able to execute browser monitors (true ) or not (false ). |
browserType*required | string | The browser type. |
browserVersion*required | string | The browser version. |
entityId*required | string | The ID of the synthetic node. |
healthCheckStatus*required | string | The health check status of the synthetic node. |
hostname*required | string | The hostname of the synthetic node. |
ips*required | Array<string> | The IP of the synthetic node. |
oneAgentRoutingEnabled*required | boolean | The Active Gate has the One Agent routing enabled ('true') or not ('false'). |
operatingSystem*required | string | The Active Gate's host operating system. |
playerVersion*required | string | The version of the synthetic player. |
status*required | string | The status of the synthetic node. |
version*required | string | The version of the synthetic node. |
The short representation of a synthetic object. Only contains the ID and the display name.
Name | Type | Description |
activeGateVersion*required | string | The version of the Active Gate. |
autoUpdateEnabled*required | boolean | The Active Gate has the Auto update option enabled ('true') or not ('false') |
browserMonitorsEnabled*required | boolean | Browser check capabilities enabled flag. |
entityId*required | string | The ID of a node. |
healthCheckStatus*required | string | The health check status of the synthetic node. |
hostname*required | string | The hostname of a node. |
ips*required | Array<string> | The IP of a node. |
oneAgentRoutingEnabled*required | boolean | The Active Gate has the One Agent routing enabled ('true') or not ('false'). |
operatingSystem*required | string | The Active Gate's host operating system. |
playerVersion*required | string | The version of the synthetic player. |
status*required | string | The status of the synthetic node. |
version*required | string | The version of a node |
A list of synthetic nodes
Name | Type | Description |
nodes*required | Array<NodeCollectionElement> | A list of synthetic nodes |
The checksum of the OneAgent installer.
Name | Type | Description |
sha256 | string | The checksum of the OneAgent installer. This is the sha256 hash of the installer file. |
Outage handling configuration.
Name | Type | Description |
globalOutage*required | boolean | When enabled (true ), generate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable at all configured locations. |
globalOutagePolicy | null | GlobalOutagePolicy | |
localOutage*required | boolean | When enabled (true ), generate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable for one or more consecutive runs at any location. |
localOutagePolicy*required | LocalOutagePolicy | |
retryOnError | boolean | Schedule retry if browser monitor execution results in a fail. For HTTP monitors this property is ignored. default: true |
OneAgent plugin.
Name | Type | Description |
instances | Array<PluginInstance> | A list of instances of the plugin. |
pluginName | string | The name of the plugin. |
An instance of the OneAgent plugin.
Name | Type | Description |
pluginVersion | string | The version of the plugin. |
state | string | The state of the plugin instance. |
Name | Type | Description |
entityId*required | string | Request identifier |
name*required | string | Request name |
sequenceNumber*required | number | Request sequence number |
A single agent property with it's associated section.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The property key. |
section | string | The section this property belongs to. |
value | string | The property value. |
A custom property of the user action with a string value.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The custom key of the property. |
value | string | The string value of the property. |
The synthetic monitor.
The actual set of fields depends the type of the monitor. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the type field or see Synthetic monitors API - JSON models.
Name | Type | Description |
anomalyDetection | AnomalyDetection | |
automaticallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of automatically assigned applications. |
createdFrom*required | SyntheticMonitorCreatedFrom | |
enabled*required | boolean | The monitor is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
entityId*required | string | The entity ID of the monitor. |
frequencyMin*required | number | The frequency of the monitor, in minutes. You can use one of the following values: |
locations*required | Array<string> | A list of locations from which the monitor is executed. To specify a location, use its entity ID. |
managementZones*required | Array<ManagementZone> | A set of management zones to which the monitor belongs to. |
manuallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of manually assigned applications. |
name*required | string | The name of the monitor. |
script*required | SyntheticMonitorScript | |
tags*required | Array<TagWithSourceInfo> | A set of tags assigned to the monitor. |
type*required | SyntheticMonitorType |
The synthetic monitor update.
The actual set of fields depends the type of the monitor. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the type field or see Synthetic monitors API - JSON models.
Name | Type | Description |
anomalyDetection | AnomalyDetection | |
enabled*required | boolean | The monitor is enabled (true ) or disabled (false ). |
frequencyMin*required | number | The frequency of the monitor, in minutes. You can use one of the following values: |
locations*required | Array<string> | A list of locations from which the monitor is executed. To specify a location, use its entity ID. |
manuallyAssignedApps*required | Array<string> | A set of manually assigned applications. |
name*required | string | The name of the monitor. |
script*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdateScript | |
tags*required | Array<TagWithSourceInfo> | A set of tags assigned to the monitor. You can specify only the value of the tag here and the |
type*required | SyntheticMonitorUpdateType |
Tag of a Dynatrace entity.
Name | Type | Description |
context*required | TagInfoContext | |
key*required | string | The key of the tag. Custom tags have the tag value here. |
value | string | The value of the tag. Not applicable to custom tags. |
Tag with source of a Dynatrace entity.
Name | Type | Description |
context*required | TagWithSourceInfoContext | |
key*required | string | The key of the tag. Custom tags have the tag value here. |
source | TagWithSourceInfoSource | |
value | string | The value of the tag. Not applicable to custom tags. |
Name | Type |
edition | string |
type | string |
version | string |
A user session, encompassing multiple user actions and additional information about a user's visit.
Name | Type | Description |
appVersion | string | The version of the application where the user session has been recorded. This information is provided by another integration, such as OpenKit. |
applicationType | UserSessionApplicationType | |
bounce | boolean | The user session has ( A bounce means there is only one (or less) user action in the user session. |
browserFamily | string | The family of the browser used for the user session. |
browserMajorVersion | string | The version of the browser used for the user session. |
browserMonitorId | string | The ID of the Synthetic browser monitor that created the session. |
browserMonitorName | string | The name of the Synthetic browser monitor that created the session. |
browserType | string | The type of browser used for the user session. |
carrier | string | The carrier information of the mobile user session. |
city | string | The city from which the user session originates (based on the IP address). |
clientTimeOffset | number | The time offset of the client, in milliseconds |
clientType | string | Additional information about the client. This field can not be queried via the user session query language. Use the browserType field instead. |
connectionType | UserSessionConnectionType | |
continent | string | The continent from which the user session originates (based on the IP address). |
country | string | The country from which the user session originates (based on the IP address). |
crashGroupId | string | If a mobile session crashed, this is the ID of the group to which the crashed session belongs. If the session did not crash or the session is not a mobile session, it has the |
dateProperties | Array<DateProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with date values. |
device | string | The detected device used for the user session. |
displayResolution | UserSessionDisplayResolution | |
doubleProperties | Array<DoubleProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with floating-point numerical values. |
duration | number | The duration of the user session, in milliseconds. This is calculated as the amount of time between the start of the first user action and the end of the last user action. |
endReason | UserSessionEndReason | |
endTime | number | The timestamp of the last user action in the user session, in UTC milliseconds. |
errors | Array<UserSessionErrors> | A list of errors recorded in the user session. |
events | Array<UserSessionEvents> | A list of additional events recorded in the user session. |
hasCrash | boolean | The user session includes (true ) or doesn't include (false ) a crash. |
hasError | boolean | The user session includes (true ) or doesn't include (false ) an error. |
hasSessionReplay | boolean | Session Replay is (true ) or is not (false ) available for the session. |
internalUserId | string | The unique ID of the user that triggered the user session. |
ip | string | The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) from which the user session originates. |
isp | string | The internet service provider from which the user session originates (based on the IP address). |
longProperties | Array<LongProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with integer (short or long) values. |
manufacturer | string | The detected manufacturer of the device used for the user session. |
matchingConversionGoals | Array<string> | A list of conversion goals achieved by the user session. Additionally, you can define conversion goals for a single user action. |
matchingConversionGoalsCount | number | The number of conversion goals achieved by the user session. |
networkTechnology | string | The network technology information of the mobile user session. |
newUser | boolean | The user is a first-time (true ) or a returning user (false ). |
numberOfRageClicks | number | The number of rage clicks detected in the user session. |
numberOfRageTaps | number | The number of rage taps detected in the user session. |
osFamily | string | The type of operating system used for the user session. |
osVersion | string | The version of the operating system used for the user session. |
partNumber | number | User sessions can be split into multiple parts for various technical reasons (e.g. after 200 user actions). This partNumber represents the number of each part of the overall user session. |
reasonForNoSessionReplay | UserSessionReasonForNoSessionReplay | |
reasonForNoSessionReplayMobile | UserSessionReasonForNoSessionReplayMobile | |
region | string | The region from which the user session originates (based on the IP address). |
replayEnd | number | The timestamp of the Session Replay end, in UTC milliseconds. |
replayStart | number | The timestamp of the Session Replay start, in UTC milliseconds. |
rootedOrJailbroken | boolean | The mobile device is rooted/jailbroken ( Has the value of |
screenHeight | number | The detected screen height of the device used for the user session. |
screenOrientation | UserSessionScreenOrientation | |
screenWidth | number | The detected screen width of the device used for the user session. |
startTime | number | The timestamp of the first user action in the user session, in UTC milliseconds. |
stringProperties | Array<StringProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with string values. |
syntheticEvents | Array<UserSessionSyntheticEvent> | A list of synthetic events recorded in the user session. |
tenantId | string | The ID of the Dynatrace environment that captured the user session. This field can not be queried via the User Session Query Language. |
totalErrorCount | number | The number of errors detected in the user session. |
totalLicenseCreditCount | number | Number of resulting billed sessions: Dynatrace classic licensing, Dynatrace Platform Subscription. |
userActionCount | number | The number of user actions in the user session. |
userActions | Array<UserSessionUserAction> | A list of user actions recorded in the user session. |
userExperienceScore | UserSessionUserExperienceScore | |
userId | string | The user ID provided for the user session by session tagging. |
userSessionId | string | The unique ID of the user session. |
userType | UserSessionUserType |
The error of a user session.
Name | Type | Description |
application | string | The name of the application, based on the configured detection rules. |
domain | string | The DNS domain where the error has been recorded. |
internalApplicationId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. This information is useful when calling various REST APIs, for example, as a key for time series queries. |
name | string | The name of the error. |
startTime | number | The timestamp of the error, in UTC milliseconds. |
type | UserSessionErrorsType |
The external event of a user session.
Name | Type | Description |
application | string | The name of the application, based on the configured detection rules. |
domain | string | The DNS domain where the event has been recorded. |
internalApplicationId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. This information is useful when calling various REST APIs, for example, as a key for time series queries. |
metadata | string | The metadata attached to the event. |
name | string | The name of the event. |
page | string | The name of the page the user navigated to during a page change event. |
pageGroup | string | The page group is automatically derived from the page. |
pageReferrer | string | The name of the previous page from which the user navigated from during a page change event. |
pageReferrerGroup | string | The page referrer group is automatically derived from the page referrer. |
startTime | number | The timestamp of the event, in UTC milliseconds. |
type | UserSessionEventsType |
A synthetic event of a user session.
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | number | The error code of the error that occurred during this event. |
errorName | string | Description of the error that occurred during this event. |
name | string | The name of the synthetic event. |
sequenceNumber | number | The sequence number of the synthetic event in scope of the complete browser monitor. |
syntheticEventId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID for the synthetic event. |
timestamp | number | The timestamp when the synthetic event was simulated, in UTC milliseconds. |
type | string | The type of the synthetic event. For example click or keystroke. |
A user action.
A user action is a single action performed by the user as part of a user session, for example a mouse click.
Name | Type | Description |
apdexCategory | UserSessionUserActionApdexCategory | |
application | string | The name of the application where the user action has been recorded. |
cdnBusyTime | number | The time spent waiting for CDN resources for the user action, in milliseconds. |
cdnResources | number | The number of resources fetched from a CDN for the user action. |
cumulativeLayoutShift | number | The cumulative layout shift (CLS) is the total amount of all individual scores for every unexpected layout shift that occurs during the entire lifespan of the page. The CLS is an important user-centric metric for measuring visual stability. It quantifies how often users experience unexpected layout shifts. A low CLS indicates that the page is delightful. |
customErrorCount | number | The total number of custom errors during the user action. |
dateProperties | Array<DateProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with date values. |
documentInteractiveTime | number | The amount of time spent until the document for the user action became interactive, in milliseconds. |
domCompleteTime | number | The amount of time until the DOM tree is completed, in milliseconds. |
domContentLoadedTime | number | The amount of time until the DOM tree is loaded, in milliseconds. |
domain | string | The DNS domain where the user action has been recorded. |
doubleProperties | Array<DoubleProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with floating-point numerical values. |
duration | number | The duration of the user action, in milliseconds. This is calculated as the of time between the start and the end timestamps of the user action. |
endTime | number | The end timestamp of the user action, in UTC milliseconds. |
firstInputDelay | number | The first input delay (FID) is the time (in milliseconds) that the browser took to respond to the first user input. The FID is an important user-centric metric for measuring load responsiveness. It quantifies the user experience when trying to interact with unresponsive pages. A low FID indicates that the page is usable. |
firstPartyBusyTime | number | The time spent waiting for resources from the originating server for the user action, in milliseconds. |
firstPartyResources | number | The number of resources fetched from the originating server for the user action. |
frontendTime | number | The amount of time spent on the frontend rendering for the user action, in milliseconds. |
hasCrash | boolean | The user action has (true ) or doesn't have (false ) a crash. |
internalApplicationId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application where the user action has been recorded. This information is useful when calling various REST APIs, for example as a key for time series queries. |
internalKeyUserActionId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the key user action. |
javascriptErrorCount | number | The total number of Javascript errors during the user action. |
keyUserAction | boolean | The action is (true ) or is not (false ) a key action. |
largestContentfulPaint | number | The largest contentful paint (LCP) is the time (in milliseconds) that the largest element on the page took to render. The LCP is an important user-centric metric for measuring load speed. It marks the point when the page's main content is likely loaded. A low LCP indicates that the page loads quickly. |
loadEventEnd | number | The amount of time until the load event ended, in milliseconds. |
loadEventStart | number | The amount of time until the load event started, in milliseconds. |
longProperties | Array<LongProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with integer (short or long) values. |
matchingConversionGoals | Array<string> | A list of conversion goals achieved by the user action. Additionally, you can define conversion goals for a user session as a whole. |
name | string | The name of the user action. Typically, this is the name of the page that is loaded as part of a user action or a textual description of the action, such as a mouse click. |
navigationStart | number | The timestamp of the navigation start, in UTC milliseconds. |
networkTime | number | The amount of time spent on the data transfer for the user action, in milliseconds. |
requestErrorCount | number | The total number of request errors during the user action. |
requestStart | number | The amount of time until the request started, in milliseconds. |
responseEnd | number | The amount of time until the response ended, in milliseconds. |
responseStart | number | The amount of time until the response started, in milliseconds. |
serverTime | number | The amount of time spent on the server-side processing for the user action, in milliseconds. |
speedIndex | number | The speed index of the user action, in milliseconds. This is calculated as average time it takes for all visible parts of a page to display. |
startTime | number | The start timestamp of the user action, in UTC milliseconds. |
stringProperties | Array<StringProperty> | A list of custom properties of the user session with string values. |
syntheticEvent | string | The name of the Synthetic event that triggered the user action. |
syntheticEventId | string | The ID of the Synthetic event that triggered the user action. |
targetUrl | string | The target URL of the user action. |
thirdPartyBusyTime | number | The time spent waiting for third party resources for the user action, in milliseconds. |
thirdPartyResources | number | The number of third party resources loaded for the user action. |
totalBlockingTime | number | The total blocking time is the total time (in milliseconds) between the first contentful paint and the time to interactive, during which the browser has been blocked long enough to prevent input responsiveness. |
type | UserSessionUserActionType | |
userActionPropertyCount | number | The total number of properties in the user action. |
visuallyCompleteTime | number | The amount of time until the page is visually complete, in milliseconds. |
The user session query result as a table.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalColumnNames | Array<string> | A list of columns in the additionalValues table. Only present if the endpoint was called with |
additionalValues | Array<Array<Record<string | any>>> | A list of data rows. Each array element represents a row in the table of additionally linked fields. The size of each data row and the order of the elements correspond to the additionalColumnNames content. Only present if the endpoint was called with |
columnNames | Array<string> | A list of columns in the result table. |
explanations | Array<string> | Additional information about the query and the result, that helps to understand the query and how the result was calculated. Only appears when the explain parameter is set to Example: The number of results was limited to the default of 50. Use the |
extrapolationLevel | number | The extrapolation level of the result. To improve performance, some results may be calculated from a subset of actual data. The extrapolation level indicates the share of actual data in the result. The number is the denominator of a fraction and indicates the amount of actual data. The value If you need the analysis to be based on the actual data, reduce the timeframe of your query. For example, in case of extrapolation level of |
values | Array<Array<Record<string | any>>> | A list of data rows. Each array element represents a row in the result table. The size of each data row and the order of the elements correspond to the columnNames content. |
The user session query result as a tree.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalColumnNames | Array<string> | A list of columns in the additionalValues table. Only present if the endpoint was called with |
additionalValues | Array<Array<Record<string | any>>> | A list of data rows. Each array element represents a row in the table of additionally linked fields. The size of each data row and the order of the elements correspond to the additionalColumnNames content. Only present if the endpoint was called with |
branchNames | Array<string> | A list of branches of the tree. Typically, these are fields from the |
explanations | Array<string> | Additional information about the query and the result, that helps to understand the query and how the result was calculated. Only appears when the explain parameter is set to Example: The number of results was limited to the default of 50. Use the |
extrapolationLevel | number | The extrapolation level of the result. To improve performance, some results may be calculated from a subset of actual data. The extrapolation level indicates the share of actual data in the result. The number is the denominator of a fraction and indicates the amount of actual data. The value If you need the analysis to be based on the actual data, reduce the timeframe of your query. For example, in case of extrapolation level of |
leafNames | Array<string> | A list of leaves on each tree branch. Typically, these are fields from the |
values | UsqlResultAsTreeValues |
Enum keys
| Path
| PayloadBody
| Query
Enum keys
| DefaultUnattended
| Mainframe
| Paas
| PaasSh
Enum keys
| Solaris
| Unix
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| Arm
| Ppc
| Ppcle
| S390
| Sparc
| X86
Enum keys
| _32
| _64
Enum keys
| Multidistro
| Musl
Enum keys
| Apache
| Dotnet
| Envoy
| Go
| Java
| Nginx
| Nodejs
| Php
| Sdk
Enum keys
| Puppet
Enum keys
| Puppet
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Amd64
| S390
Enum keys
| DefaultUnattended
| Mainframe
| Paas
| PaasSh
Enum keys
| Solaris
| Unix
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| Arm
| Ppc
| Ppcle
| S390
| Sparc
| X86
Enum keys
| _32
| _64
Enum keys
| Multidistro
| Musl
Enum keys
| Apache
| Dotnet
| Envoy
| Go
| Java
| Nginx
| Nodejs
| Php
| Sdk
Enum keys
| Puppet
Enum keys
| Puppet
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Amd64
| S390
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Amd64
| S390
Enum keys
| DefaultUnattended
| Mainframe
| Paas
| PaasSh
Enum keys
| Solaris
| Unix
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| Arm
| Ppc
| Ppcle
| S390
| Sparc
| X86
Enum keys
| Multidistro
| Musl
Enum keys
| DefaultUnattended
| Mainframe
| Paas
| PaasSh
Enum keys
| Solaris
| Unix
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| Arm
| Ppc
| Ppcle
| S390
| Sparc
| X86
Enum keys
| _32
| _64
Enum keys
| Multidistro
| Musl
Enum keys
Enum keys
| Solaris
| Unix
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| Arm
| Ppc
| Ppcle
| S390
| Sparc
| X86
Enum keys
| _32
| _64
Enum keys
| Multidistro
| Musl
Enum keys
| Apache
| Dotnet
| Envoy
| Go
| Java
| Nginx
| Nodejs
| Php
| Sdk
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Windows
Enum keys
| Amd64
| S390
Enum keys
| Greater
| GreaterEqual
| Lower
| LowerEqual
Enum keys
| DisabledOnInstallation
| DisabledOnSanityCheck
| Enabled
| FailedOnInstallation
Enum keys
| Enabled
Enum keys
| Lost
| Monitored
| PreMonitored
| Shutdown
| UnexpectedShutdown
| Unknown
| Unmonitored
Enum keys
| Ec2
| GoogleCloudPlatform
| Openstack
| Oracle
| Unrecognized
Enum keys
| CrashedUnknown
| LostAgentUpgradeFailed
| LostConnection
| LostUnknown
| Monitored
| MonitoredAgentEnabled
| MonitoredAgentRegistered
| MonitoredAgentUpgradeStarted
| MonitoredAgentVersionAccepted
| MonitoredEnabled
| PreMonitored
| ShutdownAgentLost
| ShutdownGraceful
| ShutdownSpotInstance
| ShutdownStopped
| ShutdownUnknown
| ShutdownUnknownUnexpected
| Unknown
| UnmonitoredAgentDisabled
| UnmonitoredAgentLost
| UnmonitoredAgentRestartTriggered
| UnmonitoredAgentStopped
| UnmonitoredAgentUninstalled
| UnmonitoredAgentUnregistered
| UnmonitoredAgentUpgradeFailed
| UnmonitoredAgentVersionRejected
| UnmonitoredDisabled
| UnmonitoredIdChanged
| UnmonitoredTerminated
| UnmonitoredUnknown
Enum keys
| Discovery
| FullStack
| Standalone
Enum keys
| Darwin
| Hpux
| Linux
| Solaris
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| ErrorAuth
| ErrorCommunicationFailure
| ErrorConfig
| ErrorTimeout
| ErrorUnknown
| Incompatible
| LimitReached
| NothingToReport
| Ok
| StateTypeUnknown
| Uninitialized
| Unsupported
| WaitingForState
Enum keys
| Greater
| GreaterEqual
| Lower
| LowerEqual
Enum keys
| Hour
| Min
| Month
| Week
| _10mins
| _15mins
| _2hours
| _30mins
| _3days
| _5mins
| _6hours
Enum keys
| DotNet
| Dumpproc
| Go
| IbmIntegrationBus
| Iis
| Java
| LogAnalytics
| Nettracer
| Network
| Nginx
| NodeJs
| Opentracingnative
| Php
| Process
| Python
| Ruby
| Sdk
| Updater
| Varnish
| ZOs
Enum keys
| Greater
| GreaterEqual
| Lower
| LowerEqual
Enum keys
| Outdated
| Scheduled
| Suppressed
| Unknown
| Up2Date
| UpdateInProgress
| UpdatePending
| UpdateProblem
Enum keys
| OneAgent
The effective auto-update setting of OneAgent. For host with inherited configuration it is calculated from its parent's configuration
Enum keys
| Enabled
The availability state of OneAgent.
Enum keys
| Lost
| Monitored
| PreMonitored
| Shutdown
| UnexpectedShutdown
| Unknown
| Unmonitored
The detailed availability state of OneAgent.
Enum keys
| CrashedUnknown
| LostAgentUpgradeFailed
| LostConnection
| LostUnknown
| Monitored
| MonitoredAgentEnabled
| MonitoredAgentRegistered
| MonitoredAgentUpgradeStarted
| MonitoredAgentVersionAccepted
| MonitoredEnabled
| PreMonitored
| ShutdownAgentLost
| ShutdownGraceful
| ShutdownSpotInstance
| ShutdownStopped
| ShutdownUnknown
| ShutdownUnknownUnexpected
| Unknown
| UnmonitoredAgentDisabled
| UnmonitoredAgentLost
| UnmonitoredAgentRestartTriggered
| UnmonitoredAgentStopped
| UnmonitoredAgentUninstalled
| UnmonitoredAgentUnregistered
| UnmonitoredAgentUpgradeFailed
| UnmonitoredAgentVersionRejected
| UnmonitoredDisabled
| UnmonitoredIdChanged
| UnmonitoredTerminated
| UnmonitoredUnknown
The current update status of OneAgent.
Enum keys
| Outdated
| Scheduled
| Suppressed
| Unknown
| Up2Date
| UpdateInProgress
| UpdatePending
| UpdateProblem
Status of auto-injection
Enum keys
| DisabledOnInstallation
| DisabledOnSanityCheck
| Enabled
| FailedOnInstallation
Enum keys
| Shared
Enum keys
| Dynamic
| Free
| Premium
| Shared
| Standard
Enum keys
| _64bit
Enum keys
| Ec2
| GoogleCloudPlatform
| Openstack
| Oracle
| Unrecognized
Enum keys
| AwsNitro
| Gvisor
| Hyperv
| Kvm
| Lpar
| Qemu
| Unrecognized
| Virtualbox
| Vmware
| Wpar
| Xen
Enum keys
| Infrastructure
| Off
Enum keys
| Ia64
| Parisc
| Ppc
| Ppcle
| S390
| Sparc
| X86
| Zos
Enum keys
| Darwin
| Hpux
| Linux
| Solaris
| Windows
| Zos
Enum keys
| AwsEcsFargate
| AwsLambda
| AzureFunctions
| AzureWebsites
| CloudFoundry
| GoogleAppEngine
| GoogleCloudRun
| Heroku
| Kubernetes
| Openshift
Enum keys
| NonSuperuserStrict
| Superuser
Defines the key performance metric for load actions.
Enum keys
| HtmlDownloaded
| LoadEventEnd
| LoadEventStart
| SpeedIndex
| TimeToFirstByte
| UserActionDuration
| VisuallyComplete
Defines the key performance metric for XHR actions.
Enum keys
| TimeToFirstByte
| UserActionDuration
| VisuallyComplete
The type of the code module.
Enum keys
| DotNet
| Dumpproc
| Go
| IbmIntegrationBus
| Iis
| Java
| LogAnalytics
| Nettracer
| Network
| Nginx
| NodeJs
| Opentracingnative
| Php
| Process
| Python
| Ruby
| Sdk
| Updater
| Varnish
| ZOs
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> BrowserSyntheticMonitorHTTP
-> HttpSyntheticMonitor
Enum keys
| Http
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> BrowserSyntheticMonitorUpdateHTTP
-> HttpSyntheticMonitorUpdate
Enum keys
| Http
The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.
Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS
Enum keys
| AwsGeneric
| Azure
| CloudFoundry
| Contextless
| Environment
| GoogleCloud
| Kubernetes
The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.
Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS
Enum keys
| AwsGeneric
| Azure
| CloudFoundry
| Contextless
| Environment
| GoogleCloud
| Kubernetes
The type of the application used in the user session.
Enum keys
| CustomApplication
| MobileApplication
| WebApplication
The serialized connection type of the mobile user session.
Enum keys
| Mobile
| Offline
| Unknown
| Wifi
The detected screen resolution of the device used for the user session.
Enum keys
| Dci2K
| Dci4K
| Dvga
| Fhd
| Fwvga
| Fwxga
| GhdPlus
| Hd
| Hqvga
| Hqvga2
| Hsxga
| Huxga
| Hvga
| Hxga
| NHd
| Ntsc
| Pal
| QHd
| Qhd
| Qqvga
| Qsxga
| Quxga
| Qvga
| Qwxga
| Qxga
| Svga
| Sxga
| SxgaMinus
| SxgaPlus
| Uga
| Uhd16K
| Uhd4K
| Uhd8K
| UhdPlus
| Unknown
| Uwqhd
| Uxga
| Vga
| Whsxga
| Whuxga
| Whxga
| Wqsxga
| Wquxga
| Wqvga
| Wqvga2
| Wqvga3
| Wqxga
| Wqxga2
| Wsvga
| Wsvga2
| Wsxga
| WsxgaPlus
| Wuxga
| Wvga
| Wvga2
| Wxga
| Wxga2
| Wxga3
| WxgaPlus
| Xga
| Xgaplus
| _1280x854
The reason for the end of the user session.
Enum keys
| EndEvent
| ExtendedTimeout
| TestFailed
| Timeout
| UserActionLimit
The type of error.
Enum keys
| Crash
| Error
| PageChange
| RageClick
| RageTap
| UserTag
| UserTagFromMetaData
| VisitTag
The type of event.
Enum keys
| Crash
| Error
| PageChange
| RageClick
| RageTap
| UserTag
| UserTagFromMetaData
| VisitTag
The reason for absence of Session Replay.
Enum keys
| KilledError
| KilledInvalidResponse
| KilledMinJsAgentVersion
| KilledNoLicense
| KilledWrongContentType
| MisconfiguredCluster
| ModuleDisabled
| NoActivity
| OptInMode
| OptedOutSession
| RobotDetected
| SampledOut
| UnableToLoadWorker
| UnhandledException
| Unknown
| UnsupportedBrowser
| ViewExcluded
The reason for absence of Session Replay on mobile.
Enum keys
| CrashesOptedIn
| Disabled
| InvalidConfiguration
| NoAgent
| OptedOut
| Unknown
The detected screen orientation of the device used on the device for the user session.
Enum keys
| Portrait
| Undefined
The user experience index of the user action.
Enum keys
| Satisfied
| Tolerating
| Unknown
The type of the user action.
Enum keys
| EndVisit
| Error
| Load
| RageClick
| SyntheticHiddenAction
| UserSessionProperties
| VisitTag
| Xhr
The user experience score of the user session.
Enum keys
| Satisfied
| Tolerated
| Undefined
The type of the user. Indicates either a real human user (REAL_USER
) or a robot (ROBOT
Enum keys
| Robot
| Synthetic