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Classic Environment V2

Documentation of the Dynatrace Environment API v2. Resources here generally supersede those in v1. Migration of resources from v1 is in progress.

If you miss a resource, consider using the Dynatrace Environment API v1.

To read about use cases and examples, see Dynatrace Documentation.

To authorize, use a valid access token or personal access token. For usage in a Dynatrace app, refer to the Dynatrace Developer documentation.

Notes about compatibility:

  • Operations marked as early adopter or preview may be changed in non-compatible ways, although we try to avoid this.
  • We may add new enum constants without incrementing the API version; thus, clients need to handle unknown enum constants gracefully.
npm install @dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2


import { accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.createToken(config): Promise<ActiveGateTokenCreated>

Creates a new ActiveGate token

One of the following scopes is required:

  • environment-api:activegate-tokens:create
  • environment-api:activegate-tokens:write

Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

The newly created token will be owned by the same user who owns the token used for authentication of the call.




Return typeStatus codeDescription
ActiveGateTokenCreated201Success. The token has been created. The body of the response contains the token secret.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.createToken({
body: {
name: "myToken",


accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.getToken(config): Promise<ActiveGateToken>

Gets metadata of an ActiveGate token

Required scope: environment-api:activegate-tokens:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

The token secret is not exposed.


config.activeGateTokenIdentifier*requiredstringThe ActiveGate token identifier, consisting of prefix and public part of the token.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ActiveGateToken200Success. The response contains the metadata of the tokens.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.getToken({
activeGateTokenIdentifier: "...",


accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.listTokens(config): Promise<ActiveGateTokenList>

Lists all available ActiveGate tokens

Required scope: environment-api:activegate-tokens:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

You can limit the output by using pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
  2. Use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the previous response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.



The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of ActiveGate tokens in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 3000 and the minimal size is 100.

If not set, 100 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ActiveGateTokenList200Success. The response contains the list of ActiveGate tokens.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.listTokens();


accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.revokeToken(config): Promise<void>

Deletes an ActiveGate token

Required scope: environment-api:activegate-tokens:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.activeGateTokenIdentifier*requiredstringThe ActiveGate token identifier, consisting of prefix and public part of the token to be deleted.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensActiveGateTokensClient.revokeToken({
activeGateTokenIdentifier: "...",


import { accessTokensAgentTokensClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


accessTokensAgentTokensClient.getAgentConnectionToken(config): Promise<AgentConnectionToken>

Gets the agent connection token | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:agent-connection-tokens:read Required permission: environment:roles:agent-install

Returns the agent connection token.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensAgentTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensAgentTokensClient.getAgentConnectionToken();


import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


accessTokensApiTokensClient.createApiToken(config): Promise<ApiTokenCreated>

Creates a new API token

Required scope: environment-api:api-tokens:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The newly created token will be owned by the same user who owns the token used for authentication of the call.

Creating personal access tokens requires the environment:roles:viewer permission. Creating access tokens requires the environment:roles:manage-settings permission.




Return typeStatus codeDescription
ApiTokenCreated201Success. The token has been created. The body of the response contains the token secret.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensApiTokensClient.createApiToken({
body: { name: "tokenName", scopes: [""] },


accessTokensApiTokensClient.deleteApiToken(config): Promise<void>

Deletes an API token

Required scope: environment-api:api-tokens:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The ID of the token to be deleted.

You can specify either the ID or the secret of the token.

You can't delete the token you're using for authentication of the request.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. You can't delete the token you're using for authentication of the request. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensApiTokensClient.deleteApiToken({
id: "...",


accessTokensApiTokensClient.getApiToken(config): Promise<ApiToken>

Gets API token metadata by token ID

Required scope: environment-api:api-tokens:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The token secret is not exposed.




Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await accessTokensApiTokensClient.getApiToken({
id: "...",


accessTokensApiTokensClient.listApiTokens(config): Promise<ApiTokenList>

Lists all available API tokens

Required scope: environment-api:api-tokens:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

You can limit the output by using pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
  2. Use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the previous response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.



Filters the resulting sets of tokens. Only tokens matching the specified criteria are included into response.

You can set one or more of the following criteria:

  • Owner: owner("value"). The user that owns the token. Case-sensitive.
  • Personal access token: personalAccessToken(false). Set to true to include only personal access tokens or to false to include only API tokens.
  • Token scope: scope("scope1","scope2"). If several values are specified, the OR logic applies.

To set multiple criteria, separate them with commas (,). Only results matching all criteria are included into response.


Specifies the fields to be included in the response.

The following fields are included by default:

  • id
  • name
  • enabled
  • owner
  • creationDate

To remove fields from the response, specify them with the minus (-) operator as a comma-separated list (for example, -creationDate,-owner).

You can include additional fields:

  • personalAccessToken

  • expirationDate

  • lastUsedDate

  • lastUsedIpAddress

  • modifiedDate

  • scopes

  • additionalMetadata

To add fields to the response, specify them with the plus (+) operator as a comma-separated list (for example, +expirationDate,+scopes). You can combine adding and removing of fields (for example, +scopes,-creationDate).

Alternatively, you can define the desired set of fields in the response. Specify the required fields as a comma-separated list, without operators (for example, creationDate,expirationDate,owner). The ID is always included in the response.

The fields string must be URL-encoded.


Filters tokens based on the last usage time. The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of API tokens in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 10000 and the minimal allowed page size is 100.

If not set, 200 is used.


The sort order of the token list.

You can sort by the following properties with a sign prefix for the sort order:

  • name: token name (+ a...z or - z...a)
  • lastUsedDate last used (+ never used tokens first - most recently used tokens first)
  • creationDate (+ oldest tokens first - newest tokens first)
  • expirationDate (+ tokens that expire soon first - unlimited tokens first)
  • modifiedDate last modified (+ never modified tokens first - most recently modified tokens first)

If no prefix is set, + is used.

If not set, tokens are sorted by creation date with newest first.


Filters tokens based on the last usage time. The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensApiTokensClient.listApiTokens();


accessTokensApiTokensClient.lookupApiToken(config): Promise<ApiToken>

Gets API token metadata by token secret

Required scope: environment-api:api-tokens:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer




Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensApiTokensClient.lookupApiToken({
body: {


accessTokensApiTokensClient.updateApiToken(config): Promise<void>

Updates an API token

Required scope: environment-api:api-tokens:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The ID of the token to be updated.

You can't disable the token you're using for authentication of the request.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensApiTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensApiTokensClient.updateApiToken({
id: "...",
body: {},


import { accessTokensTenantTokensClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


accessTokensTenantTokensClient.cancelRotation(config): Promise<TenantTokenConfig>

Cancels tenant token rotation

Required scope: environment-api:tenant-token-rotation:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

To learn how to rotate tokens, see Token rotation in Dynatrace Documentation.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
TenantTokenConfig200Success. Rotation process has been cancelled. The current tenant token remains valid.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. There is no ongoing rotation process. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensTenantTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensTenantTokensClient.cancelRotation();


accessTokensTenantTokensClient.finishRotation(config): Promise<TenantTokenConfig>

Finishes tenant token rotation

Required scope: environment-api:tenant-token-rotation:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

To learn how to rotate tokens, see Token rotation in Dynatrace Documentation.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
TenantTokenConfig200Success. The rotation process is completed. The active field of the response contains the new tenant token.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorNo ongoing rotation process. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensTenantTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensTenantTokensClient.finishRotation();


accessTokensTenantTokensClient.startRotation(config): Promise<TenantTokenConfig>

Starts tenant token rotation

Required scope: environment-api:tenant-token-rotation:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

To learn how to rotate tokens, see Token rotation in Dynatrace Documentation.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
TenantTokenConfig200Success. The new tenant token is created and will replace the old one. The active field of the response contains the new tenant token.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Another rotation process is already in progress. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { accessTokensTenantTokensClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await accessTokensTenantTokensClient.startRotation();


import { activeGatesActiveGateGroupsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


activeGatesActiveGateGroupsClient.getActiveGateGroups(config): Promise<ActiveGateGroups>

Lists ActiveGate groups

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesActiveGateGroupsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesActiveGateGroupsClient.getActiveGateGroups();


import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.getAutoUpdateConfigById(config): Promise<ActiveGateAutoUpdateConfig>

Gets the configuration of auto-update for the specified ActiveGate

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorNot found. See response body for details. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.getAutoUpdateConfigById(
{ agId: "..." },


activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.getGlobalAutoUpdateConfigForTenant(config): Promise<ActiveGateGlobalAutoUpdateConfig>

Gets the global auto-update configuration of environment ActiveGates.

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.getGlobalAutoUpdateConfigForTenant();


activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.putAutoUpdateConfigById(config): Promise<void>

Updates the configuration of auto-update for the specified ActiveGate

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The auto-update configuration have been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.putAutoUpdateConfigById(
agId: "...",
body: {


activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.putGlobalAutoUpdateConfigForTenant(config): Promise<void>

Puts the global auto-update configuration of environment ActiveGates.

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The global auto-update configuration have been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.putGlobalAutoUpdateConfigForTenant(
body: {


activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.validateAutoUpdateConfigById(config): Promise<void>

Validates the payload for the POST /activeGates/{agId}/autoUpdate request.

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Validated. The submitted auto-update configuration is valid. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.validateAutoUpdateConfigById(
agId: "...",
body: {


activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.validateGlobalAutoUpdateConfigForTenant(config): Promise<void>

Validates the payload for the POST /activeGates/autoUpdate request.

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Validated. The submitted configuration is valid. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateConfigurationClient.validateGlobalAutoUpdateConfigForTenant(
body: {


import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.createUpdateJobForAg(config): Promise<UpdateJob>

Creates a new update job for the specified ActiveGate

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
UpdateJob201Success. The update-job have been created.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.createUpdateJobForAg(
agId: "...",
body: { targetVersion: "" },


activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.deleteUpdateJobByJobIdForAg(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified update job

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.
config.jobId*requiredstringA unique identifier for a update-job of ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The update-job have been deleted. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Not found. See response body for details. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.deleteUpdateJobByJobIdForAg(
{ agId: "...", jobId: "..." },


activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.getAllUpdateJobList(config): Promise<UpdateJobsAll>

List ActiveGates with update jobs

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

The response includes ActiveGates that have both completed (successful and failed) jobs and jobs in progress.



The start of the requested timeframe for update jobs.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of one day is used (now-1d).

Maximum timeframe is 31 days.

config.lastUpdatesbooleanIf true, filters the resulting set of update jobs to the most recent update of each type.
config.startVersionstringFilters the resulting set of update-jobs by the initial version (required format <major>.<minor>.<revision>).
config.startVersionCompareType"EQUAL" | "GREATER" | "GREATER_EQUAL" | "LOWER" | "LOWER_EQUAL"

Filters the resulting set of update jobs by the specified initial version.

Specify the comparison operator here.

config.targetVersionstringFilters the resulting set of update-jobs by the target version (required format <major>.<minor>.<revision>).
config.targetVersionCompareType"EQUAL" | "GREATER" | "GREATER_EQUAL" | "LOWER" | "LOWER_EQUAL"

Filters the resulting set of update jobs by the specified target version.

Specify the comparison operator here.


The end of the requested timeframe for update jobs.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.

config.updateType"SYNTHETIC" | "ACTIVE_GATE" | "REMOTE_PLUGIN_AGENT" | "Z_REMOTE"Filters the resulting set of update-jobs by the update type.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.getAllUpdateJobList();


activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.getUpdateJobByJobIdForAg(config): Promise<UpdateJob>

Gets the parameters of the specified update job

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.
config.jobId*requiredstringA unique identifier for a update-job of ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorNot found. See response body for details. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.getUpdateJobByJobIdForAg(
{ agId: "...", jobId: "..." },


activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.getUpdateJobListByAgId(config): Promise<UpdateJobList>

Lists update jobs for the specified ActiveGate

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

The job can update the ActiveGate to the specified version or the latest available one.


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.

The start of the requested timeframe for update jobs.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of one week is used (now-1w).

Maximum timeframe is 31 days.

config.lastUpdatesbooleanIf true, filters the resulting set of update jobs to the most recent update of each type.
config.startVersionstringFilters the resulting set of update-jobs by the initial version (required format <major>.<minor>.<revision>).
config.startVersionCompareType"EQUAL" | "GREATER" | "GREATER_EQUAL" | "LOWER" | "LOWER_EQUAL"

Filters the resulting set of update jobs by the specified initial version.

Specify the comparison operator here.

config.targetVersionstringFilters the resulting set of update-jobs by the target version (required format <major>.<minor>.<revision>).
config.targetVersionCompareType"EQUAL" | "GREATER" | "GREATER_EQUAL" | "LOWER" | "LOWER_EQUAL"

Filters the resulting set of update jobs by the specified target version.

Specify the comparison operator here.


The end of the requested timeframe for update jobs.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.

config.updateType"SYNTHETIC" | "ACTIVE_GATE" | "REMOTE_PLUGIN_AGENT" | "Z_REMOTE"Filters the resulting set of update-jobs by the update type.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorNot found. See response body for details. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.getUpdateJobListByAgId(
{ agId: "..." },


activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.validateUpdateJobForAg(config): Promise<void>

Validates the payload for the POST /activeGates/{agId}/updateJobs request.

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Validated. The submitted update-job is valid. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await activeGatesAutoUpdateJobsClient.validateUpdateJobForAg(
agId: "...",
body: { targetVersion: "" },


import { activeGatesClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


activeGatesClient.getAllActiveGates(config): Promise<ActiveGateList>

Lists all available ActiveGates

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

The response includes all ActiveGates that are currently connected to the environment or have been connected during last 2 hours.


config.autoUpdate"ENABLED" | "DISABLED"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the actual state of auto-update.
config.containerizedbooleanFilters the resulting set of ActiveGates to those which are running in container (true) or not (false).
config.disabledModule"SYNTHETIC" | "AWS" | "AZURE" | "BEACON_FORWARDER" | "CLOUD_FOUNDRY" | "DB_INSIGHT" | "EXTENSIONS_V1" | "EXTENSIONS_V2" | "KUBERNETES" | "LOGS" | "MEMORY_DUMPS" | "METRIC_API" | "ONE_AGENT_ROUTING" | "OTLP_INGEST" | "REST_API" | "VMWARE" | "Z_OS"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the disabled modules.
config.enabledModule"SYNTHETIC" | "AWS" | "AZURE" | "BEACON_FORWARDER" | "CLOUD_FOUNDRY" | "DB_INSIGHT" | "EXTENSIONS_V1" | "EXTENSIONS_V2" | "KUBERNETES" | "LOGS" | "MEMORY_DUMPS" | "METRIC_API" | "ONE_AGENT_ROUTING" | "OTLP_INGEST" | "REST_API" | "VMWARE" | "Z_OS"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the enabled modules.

Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the group.

You can specify a partial name. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.


Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the name of the host it's running on.

You can specify a partial name. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.


Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the Load Balancer address.

You can specify a partial address. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.


Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the network address.

You can specify a partial address. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.


Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the network zone.

You can specify a partial name. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.

config.onlinebooleanFilters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the communication status.
config.osArchitecture"S390" | "X86" | "ARM"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the OS architecture of the host it's running on.
config.osType"LINUX" | "WINDOWS"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the OS type of the host it's running on.
config.tokenExpirationSetbooleanFilters the resulting set of ActiveGates to those with set expiration date for authorization token.
config.tokenState"UNKNOWN" | "ABSENT" | "EXPIRING" | "INVALID" | "UNSUPPORTED" | "VALID"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates to those with authorization token in specified state.
config.type"ENVIRONMENT" | "ENVIRONMENT_MULTI"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the ActiveGate type.
config.updateStatus"UNKNOWN" | "INCOMPATIBLE" | "OUTDATED" | "SCHEDULED" | "SUPPRESSED" | "UP2DATE" | "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS" | "UPDATE_PENDING" | "UPDATE_PROBLEM"Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the auto-update status.

Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the specified version.

Specify the version in <major>.<minor>.<revision> format (for example, 1.195.0) here.

config.versionCompareType"EQUAL" | "GREATER" | "GREATER_EQUAL" | "LOWER" | "LOWER_EQUAL"

Filters the resulting set of ActiveGates by the specified version.

Specify the comparison operator here.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await activeGatesClient.getAllActiveGates();


activeGatesClient.getOneActiveGateById(config): Promise<ActiveGate>

Gets the details of the specified ActiveGate

Required scope: environment-api:activegates:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.agId*requiredstringThe ID of the required ActiveGate.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorNot found. See response body for details. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { activeGatesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await activeGatesClient.getOneActiveGateById({
agId: "...",


import { attacksClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


attacksClient.getAttack(config): Promise<Attack>

Gets the specified attack

Required scope: environment-api:attacks:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems



A list of additional attack properties you can add to the response.

The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can't remove them from the response):

  • attackTarget: The targeted host/database of an attack.
  • request: The request that was sent from the attacker.
  • entrypoint: The entry point used by an attacker to start a specific attack.
  • vulnerability: The vulnerability utilized by the attack.
  • securityProblem: The related security problem.
  • attacker: The attacker of an attack.
  • managementZones: The related management zones.

To add properties, specify them in a comma-separated list and prefix each property with a plus (for example, +attackTarget,+securityProblem).*requiredstringThe ID of the attack.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { attacksClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await attacksClient.getAttack({ id: "..." });


attacksClient.getAttacks(config): Promise<AttackList>

Lists all attacks

Required scope: environment-api:attacks:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems



Defines the scope of the query. Only attacks matching the specified criteria are included in the response. You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are not case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • State: state("value"). The state of the attack. Possible values are EXPLOITED, BLOCKED, and ALLOWLISTED.
  • Attack Type: attackType("value"). The type of the attack. Find the possible values in the description of the attackType field of the response.
  • Country Code: countryCode("value"). The country code of the attacker. Supported values include all ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country codes (2-letter). Supplying empty filter value countryCode() will return attacks, where location is not available.
  • Request path contains: requestPathContains("value"). Filters for a substring in the request path. The CONTAINS operator is used. A maximum of 48 characters are allowed.
  • Process group name contains: processGroupNameContains("value"). Filters for a substring in the targeted process group's name. The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Vulnerability ID: vulnerabilityId("123456789"). The exact ID of the vulnerability.
  • Source IPs: sourceIps("", ""). The exact IPv4/IPv6 addresses of the attacker.
  • Management zone ID: managementZoneIds("mzId-1", "mzId-2").
  • Management zone name: managementZones("name-1", "name-2"). Values are case sensitive.
  • Technology: technology("technology-1", "technology-2"). Find the possible values in the description of the technology field of the response. The EQUALS operator is used.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). Only results matching (all criteria are included in the response.

Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (~) inside quotes:

  • Tilde ~
  • Quote "

A list of additional attack properties you can add to the response.

The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can't remove them from the response):

  • attackTarget: The targeted host/database of an attack.
  • request: The request that was sent from the attacker.
  • entrypoint: The entry point used by an attacker to start a specific attack.
  • vulnerability: The vulnerability utilized by the attack.
  • securityProblem: The related security problem.
  • attacker: The attacker of an attack.
  • managementZones: The related management zones.
  • affectedEntities: The affected entities of an attack.

To add properties, specify them in a comma-separated list and prefix each property with a plus (for example, +attackTarget,+securityProblem).


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of thirty days is used (now-30d).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of attacks in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.


Specifies one or more fields for sorting the attack list. Multiple fields can be concatenated using a comma (,) as a separator (e.g. +state,-timestamp).

You can sort by the following properties with a sign prefix for the sorting order.

  • displayId: The attack's display ID.
  • displayName: The attack's display name.
  • attackType: The type of the attack (e.g. SQL_INJECTION, JNDI_INJECTION, etc.).
  • state: The state of the attack. (+ low severity state first - high severity state first)
  • sourceIp: The IP address of the attacker. Sorts by the numerical IP value.
  • requestPath: The request path where the attack was started.
  • timestamp: When the attack was executed. (+ old attacks first or - new attacks first) If no prefix is set, + is used.

The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { attacksClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await attacksClient.getAttacks();


import { auditLogsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


auditLogsClient.getLog(config): Promise<AuditLogEntry>

Gets the specified entry of the audit log | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:audit-logs:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the required log entry.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Invalid ID format. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { auditLogsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await auditLogsClient.getLog({ id: "..." });


auditLogsClient.getLogs(config): Promise<AuditLog>

Gets the audit log of your Dynatrace environment | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:audit-logs:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

You can limit the output by using pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
  2. Use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the previous response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.



Filters the audit log. You can use the following criteria:

  • User: user("userIdentification"). The EQUALS operator applies.
  • Event type: eventType("value"). The EQUALS operator applies.
  • Category of a logged operation: category("value"). The EQUALS operator applies.
  • Entity ID: entityId("id"). The CONTAINS operator applies.
  • Settings schema ID: dt.settings.schema_id("id"). The EQUALS operator applies.
  • Settings scope ID: dt.settings.scope_id("id"). The EQUALS operator applies.
  • Settings key: dt.settings.key("key"). The EQUALS operator applies.
  • Settings object ID: dt.settings.object_id("id"). The EQUALS operator applies.

For each criterion, you can specify multiple alternatives with comma-separated values. In this case, the OR logic applies. For example, eventType("CREATE","UPDATE") means eventType can be "CREATE" or "UPDATE".

You can specify multiple comma-separated criteria, such as eventType("CREATE","UPDATE"),category("CONFIG"). Only results matching all criteria are included in response.

Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (~) inside quotes:

  • Tilde ~
  • Quote "

The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of log entries in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 5000.

If not set, 1000 is used.


The sorting of audit log entries:

  • timestamp: Oldest first.
  • -timestamp: Newest first.

If not set, the newest first sorting is applied.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { auditLogsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await auditLogsClient.getLogs();


import { businessEventsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


businessEventsClient.ingest(config): Promise<void>

Ingests a business event

Required scope: storage:events:write Required permission: storage:events:write

The maximum payload size of a single request is 5 MiB. Requests with a greater payload are rejected, and the API returns a 413 response code.

The ingestion of business events is subject to licensing (see licensing documentation).


config.body*requiredCloudEvent | Array<CloudEvent> | IngestBody
config.type*required"application/cloudevent+json" | "application/cloudevents+json" | "application/cloudevent-batch+json" | "application/cloudevents-batch+json" | "application/json; charset=utf-8"


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void202The provided business events are all accepted and will be processed.


Error TypeError Message
BizEventIngestResultErrorSome business events are invalid. Valid business events are accepted and will be processed. | Content too large | Too many requests | Service is temporarily unavailable
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { businessEventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await businessEventsClient.ingest({
type: "application/cloudevent+json",
body: {
specversion: "1.0",
id: "1",
source: "custom.source",
type: "",
data: {
id: "OR-838475",
paymentType: "paypal",
plannedDeliveryDate: "01.01.2021",
total: 234,


import { credentialVaultClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


credentialVaultClient.createCredentials(config): Promise<CredentialsId>

Creates a new credentials set.

Required scope: environment-api:credentials:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The body must not provide an ID. An ID is assigned automatically by the Dynatrace server.




Return typeStatus codeDescription
CredentialsId201Success. The new credentials set has been created. The response contains the ID of the set.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { credentialVaultClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await credentialVaultClient.createCredentials({
body: {
name: "...",
scopes: [CredentialsScopesItem.AppEngine],


credentialVaultClient.getCredentials(config): Promise<CredentialsResponseElement>

Gets the metadata of the specified credentials set.

Required scope: environment-api:credentials:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The credentials set itself (e.g. username/certificate and password) is not included in the response.


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the required credentials set.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
CredentialsResponseElement200Success. The response contains the metadata of the credentials set.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { credentialVaultClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await credentialVaultClient.getCredentials({
id: "...",


credentialVaultClient.getCredentialsDetails(config): Promise<AbstractCredentialsResponseElement>

Gets the details of the specified credentials set.

Required scope: environment-api:credentials:read

The credentials set including username/certificate, password or token is included in the response.


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the required credentials set.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
AbstractCredentialsResponseElement200Success. The response contains the details of the credentials set.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. E.g. Requested credentials with unsupported scope. Only APP_ENGINE scope is supported. | Failed. Requested credentials belong to another user.

Code example

import { credentialVaultClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await credentialVaultClient.getCredentialsDetails({
id: "...",


credentialVaultClient.listCredentials(config): Promise<CredentialsList>

Lists all sets of credentials in your environment.

Required scope: environment-api:credentials:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The credentials set itself (username/certificate and password) is not included in the response.


config.namestringFilters the result by the name. When in quotation marks, whole phrase is taken. Case insensitive.

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of credentials in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.

config.scopestringFilters credentials with specified scope.
config.type"AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED" | "AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED" | "CERTIFICATE" | "SNMPV3" | "TOKEN" | "USERNAME_PASSWORD"Filters the result by the specified credentials type.
config.userstringFilters credentials accessible to the user (owned by the user or the ones that are accessible for all).


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { credentialVaultClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await credentialVaultClient.listCredentials();


credentialVaultClient.removeCredentials(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified credentials set

Required scope: environment-api:credentials:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

Provide credential ID in the path.


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the credentials set to be deleted.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The credentials set has been deleted. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { credentialVaultClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await credentialVaultClient.removeCredentials({
id: "...",


credentialVaultClient.updateCredentials(config): Promise<void | CredentialsId>

Updates the specified credentials set.

Required scope: environment-api:credentials:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The body must not provide an ID. The ID should be provided in the path.


config.body*requiredCredentials*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the credentials set to be updated.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
CredentialsId201Success. The new credentials set has been created. The response contains the ID of the set.
void204Success. The credentials set has been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { credentialVaultClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await credentialVaultClient.updateCredentials({
id: "...",
body: {
name: "...",
scopes: [CredentialsScopesItem.AppEngine],


import { davisSecurityAdvisorClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


davisSecurityAdvisorClient.getAdviceForSecurityProblems(config): Promise<DavisSecurityAdviceList>

Provides advice for security problems.

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems

You can narrow down the output by providing the management zone and pagination. If you specify a management zone, only problems originating from that zone are included to the request.



To specify management zones, use one of the options listed below. For each option you can specify multiple comma-separated values. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies. All values are case-sensitive and must be quoted.

  • Management zone ID: ids("mzId-1", "mzId-2").
  • Management zone names: names("mz-1", "mz-2").

You can specify several comma-separated criteria (for example, names("myMz"),ids("9130632296508575249")).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of security advices in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 5 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { davisSecurityAdvisorClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await davisSecurityAdvisorClient.getAdviceForSecurityProblems();


import { eventsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


eventsClient.createEvent(config): Promise<EventIngestResults>

Ingests a custom event

One of the following scopes is required:

  • storage:events:write
  • environment-api:events:write

One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:viewer
  • storage:events:write

The ingestion of custom events is subject to licensing (see licensing documentation).




Return typeStatus codeDescription
EventIngestResults201The event ingest request was received by the server. The response body indicates for each event whether its creation was successful.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.createEvent({
body: {
eventType: EventIngestEventType.AvailabilityEvent,
title: "...",


eventsClient.getEvent(config): Promise<Event>

Gets the properties of an event

Required scope: environment-api:events:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.eventId*requiredstringThe ID of the required event.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
Event200Success. The response contains the configuration of the event.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.getEvent({
eventId: "...",


eventsClient.getEventProperties(config): Promise<EventPropertiesList>

Lists all event properties

Required scope: environment-api:events:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of event properties in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.getEventProperties();


eventsClient.getEventProperty(config): Promise<EventPropertyDetails>

Gets the details of an event property

Required scope: environment-api:events:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.propertyKey*requiredstringThe event property key you're inquiring.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.getEventProperty({
propertyKey: "...",


eventsClient.getEventType(config): Promise<EventType>

Gets the properties of an event type

Required scope: environment-api:events:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.eventType*requiredstringThe event type you're inquiring.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.getEventType({
eventType: "...",


eventsClient.getEventTypes(config): Promise<EventTypeList>

Lists all event types

Required scope: environment-api:events:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of event types in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.getEventTypes();


eventsClient.getEvents(config): Promise<EventList>

Lists events within the specified timeframe

Required scope: environment-api:events:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The entity scope of the query. You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.

The number of entities that can be selected is limited to 10000.


Defines the scope of the query. Only events matching the specified criteria are included in the response.

You can add one or several of the criteria listed below. For each criterion you can specify multiple comma-separated values, unless stated otherwise. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies.

  • Event ID: eventId("id-1", "id-2").
  • ID of related entity: entityId("id-1", "id-2").
  • Event status: status("OPEN") or status("CLOSED"). You can specify only one status.
  • Management zone ID: managementZoneId("123", "321").
  • Event type: eventType("event-type"). You can specify only one event type. You can fetch the list of possible event types with the GET event types call.
  • Correlation ID: correlationId("id-1", "id-2").
  • Happened during maintenance (true, false): underMaintenance(true).
  • Notifications are suppressed (true, false): suppressAlert(true).
  • Problem creation is suppressed (true, false): suppressProblem(true).
  • Frequent event (true, false): frequentEvent(true).
  • Event property: property.<key>("value-1", "value-2"). Only properties with the filterable property set to true can be used. You can check event properties via the GET event properties call.

To set several criteria, separate them with commas (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two hours is used (now-2h).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of events in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 1000.

If not set, 100 is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
EventList200Success. The response contains the list of events.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { eventsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await eventsClient.getEvents();


import { extensions_2_0Client } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


extensions_2_0Client.activateExtensionEnvironmentConfiguration(config): Promise<ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion>

Activates the environment configuration from the specified version of the extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion200Success. Environment configuration created.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.activateExtensionEnvironmentConfiguration(
{ extensionName: "...", body: { version: "1.2.3" } },


extensions_2_0Client.createMonitoringConfiguration(config): Promise<Array<MonitoringConfigurationResponse>>

Creates new monitoring configuration for the specified extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ErrorEnvelope207Multi-Status, if not all requests resulted in the same status


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.createMonitoringConfiguration({
extensionName: "...",
body: [{ scope: "HOST-D3A3C5A146830A79" }],
extensions_2_0Client.createMonitoringConfiguration(config): Promise<Array<ErrorEnvelope | MonitoringConfigurationResponse>>


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ErrorEnvelope207Multi-Status, if not all requests resulted in the same status


extensions_2_0Client.deleteEnvironmentConfiguration(config): Promise<ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion>

Deactivates the environment configuration of the specified extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion200Success. Environment configuration deactivated.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.deleteEnvironmentConfiguration(
{ extensionName: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.executeExtensionMonitoringConfigurationActions(config): Promise<ExecuteActionsResponse>

Executes Data Source action of Active Gate or Host

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configuration-actions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configuration.actions:write


config.configurationId*requiredstringThe ID of the requested monitoring configuration.
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ExecuteActionsResponse202Accepted. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Authentication failed | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.executeExtensionMonitoringConfigurationActions(
extensionName: "...",
configurationId: "...",
body: {},


extensions_2_0Client.extensionConfigurationSchema(config): Promise<SchemaDefinitionRestDto>

Gets the configuration schema of the specified version of the extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.
config.extensionVersion*requiredstringThe version of the requested extension 2.0


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.extensionConfigurationSchema({
extensionName: "...",
extensionVersion: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.extensionDetails(config): Promise<Extension>

Gets details of the specified version of the extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.acceptType*required"application/json; charset=utf-8"
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.
config.extensionVersion*requiredstringThe version of the requested extension 2.0


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.extensionDetails({
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
extensionName: "...",
extensionVersion: "...",
extensions_2_0Client.extensionDetails(config): Promise<Binary>


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.
config.extensionVersion*requiredstringThe version of the requested extension 2.0


Return typeStatus codeDescription


extensions_2_0Client.extensionMonitoringConfigurations(config): Promise<ExtensionMonitoringConfigurationsList>

Lists all the monitoring configurations of the specified extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:read


config.activebooleanFilters the resulting set of configurations by the active state.
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of extensions in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 100.

If not set, 20 is used.

config.versionstringFilters the resulting set of configurations by extension 2.0 version.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.extensionMonitoringConfigurations(
{ extensionName: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.getActiveEnvironmentConfiguration(config): Promise<ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion>

Gets the active environment configuration version of the specified extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.getActiveEnvironmentConfiguration(
{ extensionName: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.getActiveGateGroupsInfo(config): Promise<ActiveGateGroupsInfoDto>

List all activeGate groups available for extension

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.
config.extensionVersion*requiredstringThe version of the requested extension 2.0


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.getActiveGateGroupsInfo({
extensionName: "...",
extensionVersion: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.getEnvironmentConfigurationAssetsInfo(config): Promise<ExtensionAssetsDto>

Gets the information about assets in an active extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.getEnvironmentConfigurationAssetsInfo(
{ extensionName: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.getEnvironmentConfigurationEvents(config): Promise<ExtensionEventsList>

List of the latest extension environment configuration events

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.contentstringContent of the event
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.

The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two hours is used (now-2h).

config.status"ERROR" | "INFO" | "NONE" | "WARN"Status of the event

The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ExtensionEventsList200List of the latest extension environment configuration events


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.getEnvironmentConfigurationEvents(
{ extensionName: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.getExtensionMonitoringConfigurationEvents(config): Promise<ExtensionEventsList>

Gets the list of the events linked to specific monitoring configuration

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:read


config.configurationId*requiredstringThe ID of the requested monitoring configuration.
config.contentstringContent of the event

Hexadecimal ID of Active Gate that uses this monitoring configuration.

Example: 0x1a2b3c4d


Host that uses this monitoring configuration.

Example: HOST-ABCDEF0123456789


Data source that uses this monitoring configuration.

Example: snmp

config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.

The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two hours is used (now-2h).

config.status"ERROR" | "INFO" | "NONE" | "WARN"Status of the event

The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.getExtensionMonitoringConfigurationEvents(
{ extensionName: "...", configurationId: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.getExtensionMonitoringConfigurationStatus(config): Promise<ExtensionStatusDto>

Gets the most recent status of the execution of given monitoring configuration

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:read


config.configurationId*requiredstringThe ID of the requested monitoring configuration.
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.getExtensionMonitoringConfigurationStatus(
{ extensionName: "...", configurationId: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.getSchemaFile(config): Promise<JsonNode>

Gets the extension 2.0 schema file in the specified version

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.fileName*requiredstringThe name of the schema file.
config.schemaVersion*requiredstringThe version of the schema.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.getSchemaFile({
schemaVersion: "...",
fileName: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.installExtension(config): Promise<RegisteredExtensionResultDto>

Installs Extension from HUB

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.
config.versionstringFilters the resulting set of configurations by extension 2.0 version.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
RegisteredExtensionResultDto200Success. The extension 2.0 has been uploaded.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.installExtension({
extensionName: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.listExtensionInfos(config): Promise<ExtensionInfoList>

Lists all the extensions 2.0 available in your environment with additional metadata

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.namestringFilters the resulting set of extensions 2.0 by name. You can specify a partial name. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of extensions in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 100.

If not set, 20 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.listExtensionInfos();


extensions_2_0Client.listExtensionVersions(config): Promise<ExtensionList>

Lists all versions of the extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of extensions in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 100.

If not set, 20 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.listExtensionVersions({
extensionName: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.listExtensions(config): Promise<ExtensionList>

Lists all the extensions 2.0 available in your environment

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.namestringFilters the resulting set of extensions 2.0 by name. You can specify a partial name. In that case, the CONTAINS operator is used.

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of extensions in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 100.

If not set, 20 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.listExtensions();


extensions_2_0Client.listSchemaFiles(config): Promise<SchemaFiles>

Lists all the files available for the specified extension 2.0 schema version

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


config.acceptType*required"application/json; charset=utf-8"
config.schemaVersion*requiredstringThe version of the schema.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.listSchemaFiles({
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
schemaVersion: "...",
extensions_2_0Client.listSchemaFiles(config): Promise<Binary>


config.schemaVersion*requiredstringThe version of the schema.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


extensions_2_0Client.listSchemas(config): Promise<SchemasList>

Lists all the extension 2.0 schemas versions available in your environment

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:read


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.listSchemas();


extensions_2_0Client.monitoringConfigurationDetails(config): Promise<ExtensionMonitoringConfiguration>

Gets the details of the specified monitoring configuration

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:read


config.configurationId*requiredstringThe ID of the requested monitoring configuration.
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.monitoringConfigurationDetails(
{ extensionName: "...", configurationId: "..." },


extensions_2_0Client.removeExtension(config): Promise<Extension>

Deletes the specified version of the extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.
config.extensionVersion*requiredstringThe version of the requested extension 2.0


Return typeStatus codeDescription
Extension200Success. The extension 2.0 version has been deleted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.removeExtension({
extensionName: "...",
extensionVersion: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.removeMonitoringConfiguration(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified monitoring configuration

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:write


config.configurationId*requiredstringThe ID of the requested monitoring configuration.
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.removeMonitoringConfiguration({
extensionName: "...",
configurationId: "...",


extensions_2_0Client.updateExtensionEnvironmentConfiguration(config): Promise<ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion>

Updates the active environment configuration version of the extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:write


config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ExtensionEnvironmentConfigurationVersion200Success. Environment configuration updated.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.updateExtensionEnvironmentConfiguration(
{ extensionName: "...", body: { version: "1.2.3" } },


extensions_2_0Client.updateMonitoringConfiguration(config): Promise<MonitoringConfigurationResponse>

Updates the specified monitoring configuration

Required scope: environment-api:extension-configurations:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:configurations:write


config.configurationId*requiredstringThe ID of the requested monitoring configuration.
config.extensionName*requiredstringThe name of the requested extension 2.0.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await extensions_2_0Client.updateMonitoringConfiguration({
extensionName: "...",
configurationId: "...",
body: {},


extensions_2_0Client.uploadExtension(config): Promise<ExtensionUploadResponseDto>

Uploads or verifies a new extension 2.0

Required scope: environment-api:extensions:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • extensions:definitions:write


config.validateOnlybooleanOnly run validation but do not persist the extension even if validation was successful.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ExtensionUploadResponseDto200The extension is valid
ExtensionUploadResponseDto201Success. The extension 2.0 has been uploaded.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input file is invalid. | Upload not possible yet, please try again in a few seconds. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { extensions_2_0Client } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await extensions_2_0Client.uploadExtension({
body: new Blob(),


import { logsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


logsClient.exportLogRecords(config): Promise<ExportedLogRecordList>

Exports log records | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: storage:logs:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:logviewer
  • storage:logs:read

Returns the first X records (specified in the pageSize query parameter).

Unlike the search API, this API does not split the result into slices and has no limit for the total number of records. Log records are sorted by the criteria specified in the sort query parameter.

In order to fetch large amount of records (exceeding the pageSize value), one should repeat the export call with nextPageKey param.

Disabled on Log Management and Analytics, powered by Grail.



The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.

config.pageSizenumberThe number of results per result page.

The log search query.

The query must use the Dynatrace search query language.


Defines the ordering of the log records.

Each field has a sign prefix (+/-) for sorting order. If no sign prefix is set, then the + option will be applied.

Currently, ordering is available only for the timestamp (+timestamp for the oldest records first, or -timestamp for the newest records first).

When millisecond resolution provided by the timestamp is not enough, log records are sorted based on the order in which they appear in the log source (remote process writing to REST API endpoint or remote process from which logs are collected).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request. May happen when Grail log storage is enabled. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { logsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await logsClient.exportLogRecords();


logsClient.getLogHistogramData(config): Promise<AggregatedLog>

Gets aggregated log records | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: storage:logs:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:logviewer
  • storage:logs:read

Returns the aggregated number of occurrences of log values divided into time slots.

It is possible that the timeframe covered by results exceeds the specified timeframe. In that case the request returns fewer time slots than specified in the timeBuckets query parameter.

If Log Management and Analytics, powered by Grail is enabled, then a bearer OAuth token (with storage:logs:read and storage:buckets:read scopes) needs to be used for authentication.

Please note that Dynatrace API explorer does not currently support OAuth authentication.



The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).


The groupings to be included in the response.

You can specify several groups in the following format: groupBy=status&groupBy=log.source.

If not set, all possible groups are returned. You can use this option to check for possible grouping values.

Unique log data attributes (high-cardinality attributes) for example, span_id or trace_id cannot be used for grouping.


The maximum number of values in each group.

You can get up to 100 values per group.

If not set, 10 is used.


The log search query.

The query must use the Dynatrace search query language.


The number of time slots in the result.

The query timeframe is divided equally into the specified number of slots.

The minimum length of a slot is 1 ms.

If not set, 1 is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { logsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await logsClient.getLogHistogramData();


logsClient.getLogRecords(config): Promise<LogRecordsList>

Reads log records | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: storage:logs:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:logviewer
  • storage:logs:read

Returns the first X records (specified in the limit query parameter). Log records are sorted by the criteria specified in the sort query parameter.

If the query is too large to be processed in a single request, it is divided into slices (slices are unsupported on Log Management and Analytics, powered by Grail). In that case the first response contains the nextSliceKey cursor for the second slice. Use it in the nextSliceKey query parameter to obtain the second slice, which contains nextSliceKey cursor for the third slice, and so on.

Results can be distributed unevenly between slices and some slices might be empty.

If Log Management and Analytics, powered by Grail is enabled, then a bearer OAuth token (with storage:logs:read and storage:buckets:read scopes) needs to be used for authentication.

Please note that Dynatrace API explorer does not currently support OAuth authentication.



The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).


The desired amount of log records.

The maximal allowed limit is 1000.

If not set, 1000 is used.


The cursor for the next slice of results. You can find it in the nextSliceKey field of the previous response.

The first slice is always returned if you don't specify this parameter.

If this parameter is set, all other query parameters are ignored.

Unsupported on Log Management and Analytics, powered by Grail.


The log search query.

The query must use the Dynatrace search query language.


Defines the ordering of the log records.

Each field has a sign prefix (+/-) for sorting order. If no sign prefix is set, then the + option will be applied.

Currently, ordering is available only for the timestamp (+timestamp for the oldest records first, or -timestamp for the newest records first).

When millisecond resolution provided by the timestamp is not enough, log records are sorted based on the order in which they appear in the log source (remote process writing to REST API endpoint or remote process from which logs are collected).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { logsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await logsClient.getLogRecords();


logsClient.storeLog(config): Promise<void | SuccessEnvelope>

Pushes log records to Dynatrace

Required scope: storage:logs:write Required permission: storage:logs:write

Ingested logs are stored in the indexed log storage.

This endpoint requires an ActiveGate with the Log Analytics Collector module enabled.

The maximum payload size of a single request is 10 MB. Requests with a greater payload are rejected, and the API returns a 413 response code.

If the ingested payload is a JSON array, the maximum array size is 50000. Requests with a greater payload are rejected, and the API returns a 413 response code.

Log events per minute (SaaS):

Grail tenants: no limit, other tenants: 1M per minute by default.

If your log data stream within your cluster exceeds the limit, all log events above the limit are ignored.

Log events per minute (Managed):

1k/minute per cluster by default.

If your log data stream within your cluster exceeds the limit, all log events above the limit are ignored.

If you increase resources (RAM) in your nodes, you can increase the limit based on the cluster resources size using an API call or Cluster Management Console (CMC).

Refresh cluster limit using the API call

See Update log events per cluster for Log Monitoring.

Refresh cluster limit using Cluster Management Console (CMC)

  1. In the CMC, select Environments and the environment for which you wish to update the total log events per cluster.

  2. On the environment details page, in the Cluster overload prevention settings section, select the Refresh cluster limit.

High-cardinality attributes:

Unique log data attributes (high-cardinality attributes) such as span_id and trace_id generate unnecessarily excessive facet lists that may impact log viewer performance. Because of this, they aren't listed in log viewer facets. You can still use them in a log viewer advanced search query.


config.body*requiredLogMessageJson | LogMessagePlain
config.type*required"application/json" | "application/json; charset=utf-8" | "text/plain; charset=utf-8"


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SuccessEnvelope200Only a part of input events were ingested due to event invalidity. For details, check the response body.
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. This is due either to the status of your licensing agreement or because you've exhausted your DPS license. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. This may happen when no ActiveGate is available with the Log Analytics Collector module enabled. | Failed. Request payload size is too big. This may happen when the payload byte size exceeds the limit or when the ingested payload is a JSON array with the size exceeding the limit. | Failed. Too Many Requests. This may happen when ActiveGate is unable to process more requests at the moment or when log ingest is disabled. | Failed. The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfil the request. In Log Monitoring Classic, this may happen when indexed log storage is not enabled. | Failed. The server is currently unable to handle the request. This may happen when ActiveGate is overloaded. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { logsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await logsClient.storeLog({
type: "application/json",
body: [
"Exception: Custom error log sent via Generic Log Ingest",
"log.source": "/var/log/syslog",
timestamp: "2022-01-17T22:12:31.0000",
severity: "error",
"custom.attribute": "attribute value",
"Exception: Custom error log sent via Generic Log Ingest",
"log.source": "/var/log/syslog",
timestamp: "2022-01-17T22:12:35.0000",
"Exception: Custom error log sent via Generic Log Ingest",
"log.source": "/var/log/syslog",
"Exception: Custom error log sent via Generic Log Ingest",


import { metricsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


metricsClient.allMetrics(config): Promise<MetricDescriptorCollection>

Lists all available metrics

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

You can narrow down the output by selecting metrics in the metricSelector field.

You can additionally limit the output by using pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.

  2. Then use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages. All other query parameters must be omitted.


config.acceptType*required"application/json; charset=utf-8" | "text/csv; header=absent; charset=utf-8" | "text/csv; header=present; charset=utf-8"

Defines the list of metric properties included in the response.

metricId is always included in the result. The following additional properties are available:

  • displayName: The name of the metric in the user interface. Enabled by default.
  • description: A short description of the metric. Enabled by default.
  • unit: The unit of the metric. Enabled by default.
  • tags: The tags of the metric.
  • dduBillable: An indicator whether the usage of metric consumes Davis data units. Deprecated and always false for Dynatrace Platform Subscription. Superseded by billable.
  • billable: An indicator whether the usage of metric is billable.
  • created: The timestamp (UTC milliseconds) when the metrics has been created.
  • lastWritten: The timestamp (UTC milliseconds) when metric data points have been written for the last time.
  • aggregationTypes: The list of allowed aggregations for the metric. Note that it may be different after a transformation is applied.
  • defaultAggregation: The default aggregation of the metric. It is used when no aggregation is specified or the :auto transformation is set.
  • dimensionDefinitions: The fine metric division (for example, process group and process ID for some process-related metric).
  • transformations: A list of transformations that can be applied to the metric.
  • entityType: A list of entity types supported by the metric.
  • minimumValue: The minimum allowed value of the metric.
  • maximumValue: The maximum allowed value of the metric.
  • rootCauseRelevant: Whether (true or false) the metric is related to a root cause of a problem. A root-cause relevant metric represents a strong indicator for a faulty component.
  • impactRelevant: Whether (true or false) the metric is relevant to a problem's impact. An impact-relevant metric is highly dependent on other metrics and changes because an underlying root-cause metric has changed.
  • metricValueType: The type of the metric's value. You have these options:
    • score: A score metric is a metric where high values indicate a good situation, while low values indicate trouble. An example of such a metric is a success rate.
    • error: An error metric is a metric where high values indicate trouble, while low values indicate a good situation. An example of such a metric is an error count.
  • latency: The latency of the metric, in minutes. The latency is the expected reporting delay (for example, caused by constraints of cloud vendors or other third-party data sources) between the observation of a metric data point and its availability in Dynatrace. The allowed value range is from 1 to 60 minutes.
  • metricSelector: The underlying metric selector used by a func: metric.
  • scalar: Indicates whether the metric expression resolves to a scalar (true) or to a series (false). A scalar result always contains one data point. The amount of data points in a series result depends on the resolution you're using.
  • resolutionInfSupported: If true, resolution=Inf can be applied to the metric query.

To add properties, list them with leading plus +. To exclude default properties, list them with leading minus -.

To specify several properties, join them with a comma (for example fields=+aggregationTypes,-description).

If you specify just one property, the response contains the metric key and the specified property. To return metric keys only, specify metricId here.


The metadata scope of the query. Only metrics with specified properties are included to the response.

You can set one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies.

  • unit("unit-1","unit-2")

  • tags("tag-1","tag-2")

  • dimensionKey("dimkey-1","dimkey-2"). The filtering applies only to dimensions that were written within the last 14 days.

  • custom("true"). "true" to include only user-defined metrics metrics (without namespace or with ext:, calc:, func:, appmon:), "false" to filter them out.

  • exported("true"). "true" to include only exported metrics, "false" to filter them out.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, tags("feature","cloud"),unit("Percent"),dimensionKey("location"),custom("true"). Only results matching all criteria are included in response.

For example, to list metrics that have the tags feature AND cloud with a unit of Percent OR MegaByte AND a dimension with a dimension key location, use this metadataSelector: tags("feature"),unit("Percent","MegaByte"),tags("cloud"),dimensionKey("location").


Selects metrics for the query by their keys.

You can specify multiple metric keys separated by commas (for example, metrickey1,metrickey2). To select multiple metrics belonging to the same parent, list the last part of the required metric keys in parentheses, separated by commas, while keeping the common part untouched. For example, to list the builtin:host.cpu.idle and builtin:host.cpu.user metric, write: builtin:host.cpu.(idle,user).

You can select a full set of related metrics by using a trailing asterisk (*) wildcard. For example, builtin:host.* selects all host-based metrics and builtin:* selects all Dynatrace-provided metrics.

You can set additional transformation operators, separated by a colon (:). See Metrics selector transformations in Dynatrace Documentation for additional information on available result transformations and syntax.

Only aggregation, merge, parents, and splitBy transformations are supported by this endpoint.

If the metric key contains any symbols you must quote (") the key. The following characters inside of a quoted metric key must be escaped with a tilde (~):

  • Quotes (")
  • Tildes (~)

For example, to query the metric with the key of ext:selfmonitoring.jmx.Agents: Type "APACHE" you must specify this selector:

"ext:selfmonitoring.jmx.Agents: Type ~"APACHE~""

To find metrics based on a search term, rather than metricId, use the text query parameter instead of this one.


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of metric schemata in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.

If a value higher than 500 is used, only 500 results per page are returned.

config.textstringMetric registry search term. Only show metrics that contain the term in their key, display name, or description. Use the metricSelector parameter instead of this one to select a complete metric hierarchy instead of doing a text-based search.

Filters the resulted set of metrics to those that have data points within the specified timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsClient.allMetrics({
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",


metricsClient.delete(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified metric

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

Deletion cannot be undone! You can't delete a metric if it has data points ingested within the last two hours.


config.metricKey*requiredstringThe key of the required metric.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void202Success. The deletion of the metric has been triggered.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsClient.delete({
metricKey: "...",


metricsClient.ingest(config): Promise<ValidationResponse>

Pushes metric data points to Dynatrace

Required scope: storage:metrics:write Required permission: storage:metrics:write




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void202The provided business events are all accepted and will be processed.


Error TypeError Message
ValidationResponseErrorSome data points are invalid. Valid data points are accepted and will be processed in the background.
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsClient.ingest({
body: "server.cpu.temperature, 42",


metricsClient.metric(config): Promise<MetricDescriptor>

Gets the descriptor of the specified metric

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.acceptType*required"application/json; charset=utf-8" | "text/csv; header=absent; charset=utf-8" | "text/csv; header=present; charset=utf-8"

The key of the required metric.

You can set additional transformation operators, separated by a colon (:). See Metrics selector transformations in Dynatrace Documentation for additional information on available result transformations and syntax.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsClient.metric({
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
metricKey: "...",


metricsClient.query(config): Promise<MetricData>

Gets data points of the specified metrics

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

The following limits apply:

  • The amount of aggregated data points in the response is limited to 1,000
  • The amount of series in the response is limited to 1,000
    • The amount of data points per series is limited to 10,080 (minutes of one week)
    • The overall amount of data points is limited to 100,000

The dataPointCountRatio specifies the ratio of queried data points divided by the maximum number of data points per metric that are allowed in a single query. The dimensionCountRatio specifies the ratio of queried dimension tuples divided by the maximum number of dimension tuples allowed in a single query.


config.acceptType*required"application/json; charset=utf-8" | "text/csv; header=absent; charset=utf-8" | "text/csv; header=present; charset=utf-8"

Specifies the entity scope of the query. Only data points delivered by matched entities are included in response.

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.

Use the GET /metrics/\{metricId} call to fetch the list of possible entity types for your metric.

To set a universal scope matching all entities, omit this parameter.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two hours is used (now-2h).


Selects metrics for the query by their keys. You can select up to 10 metrics for one query.

You can specify multiple metric keys separated by commas (for example, metrickey1,metrickey2). To select multiple metrics belonging to the same parent, list the last part of the required metric keys in parentheses, separated by commas, while keeping the common part untouched. For example, to list the builtin:host.cpu.idle and builtin:host.cpu.user metric, write: builtin:host.cpu.(idle,user).

If the metric key contains any symbols you must quote (") the key. The following characters inside of a quoted metric key must be escaped with a tilde (~):

  • Quotes (")
  • Tildes (~)

For example, to query the metric with the key of ext:selfmonitoring.jmx.Agents: Type "APACHE" you must specify this selector:

"ext:selfmonitoring.jmx.Agents: Type ~"APACHE~""

You can set additional transformation operators, separated by a colon (:). See Metrics selector transformations in Dynatrace Documentation for additional information on available result transformations and syntax.


The management zone scope of the query. Only metrics data relating to the specified management zones are included to the response.

You can set one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies.

  • mzId(123,456)
  • mzName("name-1","name-2") To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, mzName("name-1","name-2"),mzId(1234). Only results matching all of the criteria are included in the response.For example, to list metrics that have the id 123 OR 234 AND the name name-1 OR name-2, use this mzSelector: `mzId(123,234),mzName("name-1","name-2").

The desired resolution of data points.

You can use one of the following options:

  • The desired amount of data points. This is the default option. This is a reference number of points, which is not necessarily equal to the number of the returned data points.
  • The desired timespan between data points. This is a reference timespan, which is not necessarily equal to the returned timespan. To use this option, specify the unit of the timespan.

Valid units for the timespan are:

  • m: minutes
  • h: hours
  • d: days
  • w: weeks
  • M: months
  • q: quarters
  • y: years

If not set, the default is 120 data points.

For example:

  • Get data points which are 10 minutes apart: resolution=10m
  • Get data points which are 3 weeks apart: resolution=3w

The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsClient.query({
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",


import { metricsUnitsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


metricsUnitsClient.allUnits(config): Promise<UnitList>

Lists all available units

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

You can narrow down the output by providing filter criteria in the unitSelector field.



Defines the list of properties to be included in the response. The ID of the unit is always included. The following additional properties are available:

  • displayName: The display name of the unit.
  • symbol: The symbol of the unit.
  • description: A short description of the unit.

By default, the ID, the display name, and the symbol are included.

To add properties, list them with leading plus +. To exclude default properties, list them with leading minus -.

To specify several properties, join them with a comma (for example fields=+description,-symbol).

If you specify just one property, the response contains the unitId and the specified property. To return unit IDs only, specify unitId here.


Selects units to be included to the response. Available criteria:

  • Compatibility: compatibleTo("unit","display-format"). Returns units that can be converted to the specified unit. The optional display format (binary or decimal) argument is supported by bit- and byte-based units and returns only units for the specified format.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsUnitsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsUnitsClient.allUnits();


metricsUnitsClient.convert(config): Promise<UnitConversionResult>

Converts a value from a source unit into a target unit

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

If no target unit is set, the request finds an appropriate target unit automatically, taking into account the preferred number format (if specified).



The preferred number format of the target value. You can specify the following formats:

  • binary
  • decimal

`Only used if the target unit if not set.


The ID of the target unit.

If not set, the request finds an appropriate target unit automatically, based on the specified number format.

config.unitId*requiredstringThe ID of the source unit.
config.value*requirednumberThe value to be converted.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsUnitsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsUnitsClient.convert({
unitId: "...",
value: 10,


metricsUnitsClient.unit(config): Promise<Unit>

Gets the properties of the specified unit

Required scope: environment-api:metrics:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer




Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { metricsUnitsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await metricsUnitsClient.unit({
unitId: "...",


import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


monitoredEntitiesClient.deleteSecurityContext(config): Promise<SecurityContextResultDto>

Deletes the security context for all entities matching the entity selector.

Required scope: settings:objects:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write

Automatic management zone rules will apply again to entities without a security context.



Defines the scope of the entities to set the security context for. Only entities that can have management zones are considered for this operation

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of three days is used (now-3d).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await monitoredEntitiesClient.deleteSecurityContext({
entitySelector: "...",


monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntities(config): Promise<EntitiesList>

Gets the information about monitored entities

Required scope: environment-api:entities:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

Lists entities observed within the specified timeframe along with their properties.

When you query entities of the SERVICE_METHOD type, only the following requests are returned:

You can limit the output by using pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
  2. Use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the previous response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.



Defines the scope of the query. Only entities matching the specified criteria are included into response.

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.

The field is required when you're querying the first page of results.


Defines the list of entity properties included in the response. The ID and the name of an entity are always included to the response.

To add properties, list them with leading plus +. You can specify several properties, separated by a comma (for example fields=+lastSeenTms,+properties.BITNESS).

Use the GET entity type request to fetch the list of properties available for your entity type. Fields from the properties object must be specified in the properties.FIELD format (for example, properties.BITNESS).

When requesting large amounts of relationship fields, throttling can apply.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of three days is used (now-3d).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of entities.

If not set, 50 is used.


Defines the ordering of the entities returned.

This field is optional, each field has a sign prefix (+/-), which corresponds to sorting order ( + for ascending and - for descending). If no sign prefix is set, then default ascending sorting order will be applied.

Currently ordering is only available for the display name (for example sort=name or sort =+name for ascending, sort=-name for descending)


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntities();


monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntity(config): Promise<Entity>

Gets the properties of the specified monitored entity

Required scope: environment-api:entities:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.entityId*requiredstringThe ID of the required entity.

Defines the list of entity properties included in the response. The ID and the name of an entity are always included to the response.

To add properties, list them with leading plus +. You can specify several properties, separated by a comma (for example fields=+lastSeenTms,+properties.BITNESS).

Use the GET entity type request to fetch the list of properties available for your entity type. Fields from the properties object must be specified in the properties.FIELD format (for example, properties.BITNESS).

When requesting large amounts of relationship fields, throttling can apply.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of three days is used (now-3d).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntity({
entityId: "...",


monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntityType(config): Promise<EntityType>

Gets a list of properties for the specified entity type

Required scope: environment-api:entities:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.type*requiredstringThe required entity type.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntityType({
type: "...",


monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntityTypes(config): Promise<EntityTypeList>

Gets a list of properties for all entity types

Required scope: environment-api:entities:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

You can limit the output by using pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
  2. Use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the previous response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.



The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of entity types in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 50 is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await monitoredEntitiesClient.getEntityTypes();


monitoredEntitiesClient.pushCustomDevice(config): Promise<void | CustomDeviceCreationResult>

Creates or updates a custom device

Required scope: environment-api:entities:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.uiBasedbooleanIf true, it will be handled as if it was created via UI. It will be refreshed automatically and won't age out.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await monitoredEntitiesClient.pushCustomDevice(
{ body: { customDeviceId: "...", displayName: "..." } },


monitoredEntitiesClient.setSecurityContext(config): Promise<SecurityContextResultDto>

Sets the given security context for all entities matching the entity selector.

Required scope: settings:objects:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write

Matching entities will have a management zone assigned, if the given security context matches the name of an already existing management zone. This endpoint does not create a new management zone, if there is no management zone with the provided name. Automatic management zone rules will not apply to entities with a set security context. It will need to be removed, to have them apply again.



Defines the scope of the entities to set the security context for. Only entities that can have management zones are considered for this operation

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of three days is used (now-3d).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await monitoredEntitiesClient.setSecurityContext({
entitySelector: "...",
body: {},


import { monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient.deleteTags(config): Promise<DeletedEntityTags>

Deletes the specified tag from the specified entities

Required scope: environment-api:entities:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


  • If true, all tags with the specified key are deleted, regardless of the value.
  • If false, only tags with exact match of key and value are deleted.

If not set, false is used.


Specifies the entities where you want to delete tags.

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of 24 hours is used (now-24h).


The key of the tag to be deleted.

If deleteAllWithKey is true, then all tags with this key are deleted. Otherwise, only tags with exact match of key and value are deleted.

For value-only tags, specify the value here.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


The value of the tag to be deleted. The value is ignored if deleteAllWithKey is true.

For value-only tags, specify the value in the key parameter.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient.deleteTags({
key: "...",
entitySelector: "...",


monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient.getTags(config): Promise<CustomEntityTags>

Gets a list of custom tags applied to the specified entities

Required scope: environment-api:entities:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

Automatically applied tags and imported tags are not included.



Specifies the entities where you want to read tags.

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of 24 hours is used (now-24h).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient.getTags({
entitySelector: "...",


monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient.postTags(config): Promise<AddedEntityTags>

Adds custom tags to the specified entities

Required scope: environment-api:entities:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

All existing tags remain unaffected.



Specifies the entities where you want to update tags.

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of 24 hours is used (now-24h).


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await monitoredEntitiesCustomTagsClient.postTags({
entitySelector: "...",
body: { tags: [{ key: "..." }] },


import { monitoredEntitiesMonitoringStateClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


monitoredEntitiesMonitoringStateClient.getStates(config): Promise<MonitoredStates>

Lists monitoring states of entities

Required scope: environment-api:entities:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer

Only process group instances are supported.



Specifies the process group instances where you're querying the state. Use the PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE entity type.

You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of 24 hours is used (now-24h).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of monitoring states in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 500 is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorUnavailable | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { monitoredEntitiesMonitoringStateClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await monitoredEntitiesMonitoringStateClient.getStates();


import { networkZonesClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


networkZonesClient.createOrUpdateNetworkZone(config): Promise<void | EntityShortRepresentation>

Updates an existing network zone or creates a new one

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

If the network zone with the specified ID does not exist, a new network zone is created.

The ID is not case sensitive. Dynatrace stores the ID in lowercase.



The ID of the network zone to be updated.

If you set the ID in the body as well, it must match this ID.

The ID is not case sensitive. Dynatrace stores the ID in lowercase.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
EntityShortRepresentation201Success. The new network zone has been created. The response body contains the ID of the new network zone.
void204Success. The network zone has been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await networkZonesClient.createOrUpdateNetworkZone({
id: "...",
body: {},


networkZonesClient.deleteNetworkZone(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified network zone

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

You can only delete an empty network zone (a zone that no ActiveGate or OneAgent is using).

If the network zone is used as an alternative zone for any OneAgent, it will be automatically removed from the list of possible alternatives.


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the network zone to be deleted.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Deleted. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. See error message in the response body for details. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await networkZonesClient.deleteNetworkZone({
id: "...",


networkZonesClient.getAllNetworkZones(config): Promise<NetworkZoneList>

Lists all existing network zones

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await networkZonesClient.getAllNetworkZones();


networkZonesClient.getHostStats(config): Promise<NetworkZoneConnectionStatistics>

Gets the statistics about hosts using the network zone

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.filter"all" | "configuredButNotConnectedOnly" | "connectedAsAlternativeOnly" | "connectedAsFailoverOnly" | "connectedAsFailoverWithoutOwnActiveGatesOnly"

Filters the resulting set of hosts:

  • all: All hosts using the zone.
  • configuredButNotConnectedOnly: Hosts from the network zone that use other zones.
  • connectedAsAlternativeOnly: Hosts that use the network zone as an alternative.
  • connectedAsFailoverOnly: Hosts from other zones that use the zone (not configured as an alternative) even though ActiveGates of higher priority are available.
  • connectedAsFailoverWithoutOwnActiveGatesOnly: Hosts from other zones that use the zone (not configured as an alternative) and no ActiveGates of higher priority are available.

If not set, all is used.*requiredstringThe ID of the required network zone.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await networkZonesClient.getHostStats({
id: "...",


networkZonesClient.getNetworkZoneSettings(config): Promise<NetworkZoneSettings>

Gets the global configuration of network zones

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await networkZonesClient.getNetworkZoneSettings();


networkZonesClient.getSingleNetworkZone(config): Promise<NetworkZone>

Gets parameters of the specified network zone

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the required network zone.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await networkZonesClient.getSingleNetworkZone({
id: "...",


networkZonesClient.updateNetworkZoneSettings(config): Promise<void>

Updates the global configuration of network zones

Required scope: environment-api:network-zones:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The global network zones configuration has been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { networkZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await networkZonesClient.updateNetworkZoneSettings({
body: {},


import { problemsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


problemsClient.closeProblem(config): Promise<void | ProblemCloseResult>

Closes the specified problem and adds a closing comment on it

Required scope: environment-api:problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204The problem is closed already the request hasn't been executed.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.closeProblem({
problemId: "...",
body: { message: "..." },


problemsClient.createComment(config): Promise<void>

Adds a new comment on the specified problem

Required scope: environment-api:problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void201Success. The comment has been added.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.createComment({
problemId: "...",
body: { message: "..." },


problemsClient.deleteComment(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified comment from a problem

Required scope: environment-api:problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.commentId*requiredstringThe ID of the required comment.
config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The comment has been deleted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.deleteComment({
problemId: "...",
commentId: "...",


problemsClient.getComment(config): Promise<Comment>

Gets the specified comment on a problem

Required scope: environment-api:problems:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.commentId*requiredstringThe ID of the required comment.
config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.getComment({
problemId: "...",
commentId: "...",


problemsClient.getComments(config): Promise<CommentsList>

Gets all comments on the specified problem

Required scope: environment-api:problems:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters except the optional fields parameter.


The amount of comments in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 10 is used.

config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.getComments({
problemId: "...",


problemsClient.getProblem(config): Promise<Problem>

Gets the properties of the specified problem

Required scope: environment-api:problems:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



A list of additional problem properties you can add to the response.

The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can't remove them from the response):

  • evidenceDetails: The details of the root cause.
  • impactAnalysis: The impact analysis of the problem on other entities/users.
  • recentComments: A list of the most recent comments to the problem.

To add properties, specify them as a comma-separated list (for example, evidenceDetails,impactAnalysis).

config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.getProblem({
problemId: "...",


problemsClient.getProblems(config): Promise<Problems>

Lists problems observed within the specified timeframe

Required scope: environment-api:problems:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



The entity scope of the query. You must set one of these criteria:

  • Entity type: type("TYPE")
  • Dynatrace entity ID: entityId("id"). You can specify several IDs, separated by a comma (entityId("id-1","id-2")). All requested entities must be of the same type.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Tag: tag("value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. Any colons (:) that are part of the key or value must be escaped with a backslash(\). Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the separator between the key and the value. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Management zone ID: mzId(123)
  • Management zone name: mzName(&quot;value&quot;)
  • Entity name:
    • entityName.equals: performs a non-casesensitive EQUALS query.
    • entityName.startsWith: changes the operator to BEGINS WITH.
    • enables you to provide multiple values. The EQUALS operator applies.
    • caseSensitive(entityName.equals(&quot;value&quot;)): takes any entity name criterion as an argument and makes the value case-sensitive.
  • Health state (HEALTHY,UNHEALTHY): healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;)
  • First seen timestamp: firstSeenTms.&lt;operator&gt;(now-3h). Use any timestamp format from the from /to parameters. The following operators are available:
    • lte: earlier than or at the specified time
    • lt: earlier than the specified time
    • gte: later than or at the specified time
    • gt: later than the specified time
  • Entity attribute: &lt;attribute&gt;(&quot;value1&quot;,&quot;value2&quot;) and &lt;attribute&gt;.exists(). To fetch the list of available attributes, execute the GET entity type request and check the properties field of the response.
  • Relationships: fromRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;() and toRelationships.&lt;relationshipName&gt;(). This criterion takes an entity selector as an attribute. To fetch the list of available relationships, execute the GET entity type request and check the fromRelationships and toRelationships fields.
  • Negation: not(&lt;criterion&gt;). Inverts any criterion except for type.

For more information, see Entity selector in Dynatrace Documentation.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). For example, type(&quot;HOST&quot;),healthState(&quot;HEALTHY&quot;). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

The maximum string length is 2,000 characters.

The maximum number of entities that may be selected is limited to 10000.


A list of additional problem properties you can add to the response.

The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can't remove them from the response):

  • evidenceDetails: The details of the root cause.
  • impactAnalysis: The impact analysis of the problem on other entities/users.
  • recentComments: A list of the most recent comments to the problem.

To add properties, specify them as a comma-separated list (for example, evidenceDetails,impactAnalysis).

The field is valid only for the current page of results. You must set it for each page you're requesting.


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two hours is used (now-2h).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters except the optional fields parameter.


The amount of problems in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 50 is used.


Defines the scope of the query. Only problems matching the specified criteria are included into response.

You can add one or several of the criteria listed below. For each criterion you can specify multiple comma-separated values, unless stated otherwise. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies. All values must be quoted.

  • Status: status("open") or status("closed"). You can specify only one status.
  • Severity level: severityLevel("level-1","level-2"). Find the possible values in the description of the severityLevel field of the response.
  • Impact level: impactLevel("level-11","level-2") Find the possible values in the description of the impactLevel field of the response.
  • Root cause entity: rootCauseEntity("id-1", "id-2").
  • Management zone ID: managementZoneIds("mZId-1", "mzId-2").
  • Management zone name: managementZones("value-1","value-2").
  • Impacted entities: impactedEntities("id-1", "id-2").
  • Affected entities: affectedEntities("id-1", "id-2").
  • Type of affected entities: affectedEntityTypes("value-1","value-2").
  • Problem ID: problemId("id-1", "id-2").
  • Alerting profile ID: problemFilterIds("id-1", "id-2").
  • Alerting profile name (contains, case-insensitive): problemFilterNames("value-1","value-2").
  • Alerting profile name (exact match, case-insensitive): problemFilterNames.equals("value-1","value-2").
  • Entity tags: entityTags("[context]key:value","key:value"). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and value formats are detected and parsed automatically. If a value-only tag has a colon (:) in it, you must escape the colon with a backslash(\). Otherwise, the tag will be parsed as a key:value tag. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Display ID of the problem: displayId(&quot;id-1&quot;, &quot;id-2&quot;).
  • Under maintenance: underMaintenance(true|false). Shows (true) or hides (false) all problems created during maintenance mode.
  • Text search: text(&quot;value&quot;). Text search on the following fields: problem title, event titles, displayId and the id of affected and impacted entities. The text search is case insensitive, partial matching and based on a relevance score. Therefore the relevance sort option should be used to get the most relevant problems first. The special characters \~ and &quot; need to be escaped using a \~ (e.g. double quote search text(&quot;\~&quot;&quot;)). The search value is limited to 30 characters.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.


Specifies a set of comma-separated (,) fields for sorting in the problem list.

You can sort by the following properties with a sign prefix for the sorting order.

  • status: problem status (+ open problems first or - closed problems first)
  • startTime: problem start time (+ old problems first or - new problems first)
  • relevance: problem relevance (+ least relevant problems first or - most relevant problems first) - can be used only in combination with text search

If no prefix is set, + is used.

You can specify several levels of sorting. For example, +status,-startTime sorts problems by status, open problems first. Within the status, problems are sorted by start time, oldest first.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.getProblems();


problemsClient.updateComment(config): Promise<void>

Updates the specified comment on a problem

Required scope: environment-api:problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.commentId*requiredstringThe ID of the required comment.
config.problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the required problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The comment has been updated.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { problemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await problemsClient.updateComment({
problemId: "...",
commentId: "...",
body: { message: "..." },


import { releasesClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


releasesClient.getReleases(config): Promise<Releases>

Returns all releases

Required scope: environment-api:releases:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.demobooleanGet your Releases (false) or a set of demo Releases (true).

The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of Releases in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 1000.

If not set, 100 is used.


Defines the scope of the query. Only Releases matching the provided criteria are included in the response.

You can add one or several of the criteria listed below.

  • Management zone: type(PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE),mzName("ManagementZone-A"). Filters for all releases in the given management zone. The filter is case-sensitive.
  • Monitoring state: monitoringState("Active") or monitoringState("Inactive"). You can specify only one monitoring state.
  • Health state: healthState("HEALTHY") or healthState("UNHEALTHY"). You can specify only one health state.
  • Security vulnerability: affectedBySecurityProblem("Detected") or affectedBySecurityProblem("Not detected"). You can specify only one security vulnerability state.
  • Name: entityName("name"). Filters for all releases that contain the given value in their name. The filter is case-insensitive.
  • Entity ID: entityId("id").
  • Product: releasesProduct("product"). Filters for all releases that contain the given value in their product. The filter is case-insensitive.
  • Stage: releasesStage("stage"). Filters for all releases that contain the given value in their stage. The filter is case-insensitive.
  • Version: releasesVersion("version"). Filters for all releases that contain the given value in their version. The filter is case-insensitive.

To set several criteria, separate them with comma (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response. e.g., .../api/v2/releases?releasesSelector=name("Server"),monitoringState("Active"),healthState("HEALTHY"),releasesVersion("1.0.7").

The special characters ~ and " need to be escaped using a ~ (e.g. double quote search entityName("~"").


Specifies the field that is used for sorting the releases list. The field has a sign prefix (+/-) which corresponds to the sorting order ('+' for ascending and '-' for descending). If no sign prefix is set, then the default ascending sorting order will be applied. You can sort by the following properties:

  • 'product': Product name
  • 'name': Release name
  • 'stage': Stage name
  • 'version': Version
  • 'instances': Instances
  • 'traffic': Traffic

If not set, the ascending order sorting for name is applied.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { releasesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await releasesClient.getReleases();


import { securityProblemsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


securityProblemsClient.bulkMuteRemediationItems(config): Promise<RemediationItemsBulkMuteResponse>

Mutes several remediation items

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems


config.body*requiredRemediationItemsBulkMute*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
RemediationItemsBulkMuteResponse200Success. The remediation item(s) have been muted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.bulkMuteRemediationItems({
id: "...",
body: {
remediationItemIds: ["..."],


securityProblemsClient.bulkMuteSecurityProblems(config): Promise<SecurityProblemsBulkMuteResponse>

Mutes several security problems

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems




Return typeStatus codeDescription
SecurityProblemsBulkMuteResponse200Success. The security problem(s) have been muted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.bulkMuteSecurityProblems({
body: {
securityProblemIds: ["..."],


securityProblemsClient.bulkUnmuteRemediationItems(config): Promise<RemediationItemsBulkUnmuteResponse>

Un-mutes several remediation items

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems


config.body*requiredRemediationItemsBulkUnmute*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
RemediationItemsBulkUnmuteResponse200Success. The remediation item(s) have been un-muted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.bulkUnmuteRemediationItems({
id: "...",
body: {
reason: RemediationItemsBulkUnmuteReason.Affected,
remediationItemIds: ["..."],


securityProblemsClient.bulkUnmuteSecurityProblems(config): Promise<SecurityProblemsBulkUnmuteResponse>

Un-mutes several security problems

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems




Return typeStatus codeDescription
SecurityProblemsBulkUnmuteResponse200Success. The security problem(s) have been un-muted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.bulkUnmuteSecurityProblems({
body: {
reason: SecurityProblemsBulkUnmuteReason.Affected,
securityProblemIds: ["..."],


securityProblemsClient.getEventsForSecurityProblem(config): Promise<SecurityProblemEventsList>

Lists all events of a security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems



The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of thirty days is used (now-30d).*requiredstringThe ID of the requested security problem.

The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SecurityProblemEventsList200Success. The response contains the list of security problem events.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getEventsForSecurityProblem({
id: "...",


securityProblemsClient.getRemediationItem(config): Promise<RemediationDetailsItem>

Gets parameters of a remediation item of a security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.
config.remediationItemId*requiredstringThe ID of the remediation item.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
RemediationDetailsItem200Success. The response contains details of a single remediation item of a security problem.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getRemediationItem({
id: "...",
remediationItemId: "...",


securityProblemsClient.getRemediationItems(config): Promise<RemediationItemList>

Lists remediation items of a third-party security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.

Defines the scope of the query. Only remediable entities matching the specified criteria are included in the response.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are not case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Vulnerability state: vulnerabilityState("value"). Possible values are VULNERABLE, and RESOLVED. If not set, all entities are returned.
  • Muted: muted("value"). Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
  • Reachable data asset assessment: assessment.dataAssets("value") Possible values are REACHABLE, and NOT_DETECTED.
  • Network exposure assessment: assessment.exposure("value") Possible values are PUBLIC_NETWORK, and NOT_DETECTED.
  • Vulnerable function usage assessment: assessment.vulnerableFunctionUsage("value") Possible values are IN_USE, and NOT_IN_USE.
  • Vulnerable function restart required: assessment.vulnerableFunctionRestartRequired("value") Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
  • Vulnerable function in use contains: assessment.vulnerableFunctionInUseContains("value"). Possible values are class::function, class:: and function. The CONTAINS operator is used. Only vulnerable functions in use are considered.
  • Assessment accuracy: assessment.accuracy("value") Possible values are FULL and REDUCED.
  • Entity name contains: entityNameContains("value-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Tracking link display name: trackingLink.displayNameContains("value"). The CONTAINS operator is used.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (~) inside quotes:

  • Tilde ~
  • Quote "


Return typeStatus codeDescription
RemediationItemList200Success. The response contains the list of remediation items of a problem.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getRemediationItems({
id: "...",


securityProblemsClient.getRemediationProgressEntities(config): Promise<RemediationProgressEntityList>

Lists remediation progress entities

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems


NameTypeDescription*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.
config.remediationItemId*requiredstringThe ID of the remediation item.

Defines the scope of the query. Only remediation progress entities matching the specified criteria are included in the response.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are not case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • State: state("value"). Possible values the state field are AFFECTED and UNAFFECTED. If not set, all entities are returned.
  • Vulnerable function usage assessment: assessment.vulnerableFunctionUsage("value") Possible values are IN_USE, and NOT_IN_USE.
  • Vulnerable function restart required: assessment.vulnerableFunctionRestartRequired("value") Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
  • Vulnerable function in use contains: assessment.vulnerableFunctionInUseContains("value"). Possible values are class::function, class:: and function. The CONTAINS operator is used. Only vulnerable functions in use are considered.
  • Entity name contains: entityNameContains("value-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (~) inside quotes:

  • Tilde ~
  • Quote "


Return typeStatus codeDescription
RemediationProgressEntityList200Success. The response contains a list of remediation progress entities of a remediation item of a security problem. The number of entities returned is limited.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getRemediationProgressEntities(
{ id: "...", remediationItemId: "..." },


securityProblemsClient.getSecurityProblem(config): Promise<SecurityProblemDetails>

Gets parameters of a security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems



A list of additional security problem properties you can add to the response.

The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can't remove them from the response):

  • riskAssessment: A risk assessment of the security problem.
  • managementZones: The management zone where the security problem occurred.
  • codeLevelVulnerabilityDetails: Details of the code-level vulnerability.
  • globalCounts: Globally calculated statistics about the security problem. No management zone information is taken into account.
  • filteredCounts: Statistics about the security problem, filtered by the management zone and timeframe start ('from') query parameters.
  • description: The description of the vulnerability.
  • remediationDescription: Description of how to remediate the vulnerability.
  • events: The security problem's last 10 events within the last 365 days, sorted from newest to oldest.
  • vulnerableComponents: A list of vulnerable components of the security problem within the provided filter range.
  • affectedEntities: A list of affected entities of the security problem within the provided filter range.
  • exposedEntities: A list of exposed entities of the security problem within the provided filter range.
  • reachableDataAssets: A list of data assets reachable by affected entities of the security problem within the provided filter range.
  • relatedEntities: A list of related entities of the security problem within the provided filter range.
  • relatedContainerImages: A list of related container images of the security problem within the provided filter range.
  • relatedAttacks: A list of attacks detected on the exposed security problem.
  • entryPoints: A list of entry points and a flag which indicates whether this list was truncated or not.

To add properties, specify them in a comma-separated list and prefix each property with a plus (for example, +riskAssessment,+managementZones).


Based on the timeframe start the affected-, related- and vulnerable entities are being calculated. You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the default timeframe start of 24 hours in the past is used (now-24h).

The timeframe start must not be older than 365 days.*requiredstringThe ID of the requested security problem.

To specify management zones, use one of the options listed below. For each option you can specify multiple comma-separated values. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies. All values are case-sensitive and must be quoted.

  • Management zone ID: ids("mzId-1", "mzId-2").
  • Management zone names: names("mz-1", "mz-2").

You can specify several comma-separated criteria (for example, names("myMz"),ids("9130632296508575249")).


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SecurityProblemDetails200Success. The response contains parameters of the security problem.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getSecurityProblem({
id: "...",


securityProblemsClient.getSecurityProblems(config): Promise<SecurityProblemList>

Lists all security problems

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems



A list of additional security problem properties you can add to the response.

The following properties are available (all other properties are always included and you can't remove them from the response):

  • riskAssessment: A risk assessment of the security problem.
  • managementZones: The management zone where the security problem occurred.
  • codeLevelVulnerabilityDetails: Details of the code-level vulnerability.
  • globalCounts: Globally calculated statistics about the security problem. No management zone information is taken into account.

To add properties, specify them in a comma-separated list and prefix each property with a plus (for example, +riskAssessment,+managementZones).


The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of thirty days is used (now-30d).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of security problems in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.


Defines the scope of the query. Only security problems matching the specified criteria are included in the response.

You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are not case-sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Status: status("value"). Find the possible values in the description of the status field of the response. If not set, all security problems are returned.
  • Muted: muted("value"). Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
  • Risk level: riskLevel("value"). The Davis risk level. Find the possible values in the description of the riskLevel field of the response.
  • Minimum risk score: minRiskScore("5.5"). The Davis minimum risk score. The GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO operator is used. Specify a number between 1.0 and 10.0.
  • Maximum risk score: maxRiskScore("5.5"). The Davis maximum risk score. The LESS THAN operator is used. Specify a number between 1.0 and 10.0.
  • Base risk level: baseRiskLevel("value"). The Base risk level from the CVSS. Find the possible values in the description of the riskLevel field of the response.
  • Minimum base risk score: minBaseRiskScore("5.5"). The minimum base risk score from the CVSS. The GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO operator is used. Specify a number between 1.0 and 10.0.
  • Maximum base risk score: maxBaseRiskScore("5.5"). The maximum base risk score from the CVSS. The LESS THAN operator is used. Specify a number between 1.0 and 10.0.
  • External vulnerability ID contains: externalVulnerabilityIdContains("id-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used. Maximum value length is 48 characters.
  • External vulnerability ID: externalVulnerabilityId("id-1", "id-2").
  • CVE ID: cveId("id").
  • Risk assessment riskAssessment("value-1", "value-2") Possible values are EXPOSED, SENSITIVE, EXPLOIT, VULNERABLE_FUNCTION_IN_USE and ACCURACY_REDUCED.
  • Related host ID: relatedHostIds("value-1", "value-2"). Specify Dynatrace entity IDs here.
  • Related host name: relatedHostNames("value-1", "value-2"). Values are case-sensitive.
  • Related host name contains: relatedHostNameContains("value-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Related Kubernetes cluster ID: relatedKubernetesClusterIds("value-1", "value-2"). Specify Dynatrace entity IDs here.
  • Related Kubernetes cluster name: relatedKubernetesClusterNames("value-1", "value-2"). Values are case-sensitive.
  • Related Kubernetes cluster name contains: relatedKubernetesClusterNameContains("value-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Related Kubernetes workload ID: relatedKubernetesWorkloadIds("value-1", "value-2"). Specify Dynatrace entity IDs here.
  • Related Kubernetes workload name: relatedKubernetesWorkloadNames("value-1", "value-2"). Values are case-sensitive.
  • Related Kubernetes workload name contains: relatedKubernetesWorkloadNameContains("value-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Management zone ID: managementZoneIds("mzId-1", "mzId-2").
  • Management zone name: managementZones("name-1", "name-2"). Values are case-sensitive.
  • Affected process group instance ID: affectedPgiIds("pgiId-1", "pgiId-2"). Specify Dynatrace entity IDs here.
  • Affected process group ID: affectedPgIds("pgId-1", "pgId-2"). Specify Dynatrace entity IDs here.
  • Affected process group name: affectedPgNames("name-1", "name-2"). Values are case-sensitive.
  • Affected process group name contains: affectedPgNameContains("name-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Vulnerable component ID: vulnerableComponentIds("componentId-1", "componentId-2"). Specify component IDs here.
  • Vulnerable component name: vulnerableComponentNames("name-1", "name-2"). Values are case-sensitive.
  • Vulnerable component name contains: vulnerableComponentNameContains("name-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.
  • Host tags: hostTags("hostTag-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used. Maximum value length is 48 characters.
  • Process group tags: pgTags("pgTag-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used. Maximum value length is 48 characters.
  • Process group instance tags: pgiTags("pgiTag-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used. Maximum value length is 48 characters.
  • Tags: tags("tag-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used. This selector picks hosts, process groups, and process group instances at the same time. Maximum value length is 48 characters.
  • Display ID: displayIds("S-1234", "S-5678"). The EQUALS operator is used.
  • Security problem ID: securityProblemIds("12544152654387159360", "5904857564184044850"). The EQUALS operator is used.
  • Technology: technology("technology-1", "technology-2"). Find the possible values in the description of the technology field of the response. The EQUALS operator is used.
  • Vulnerability type: vulnerabilityType("type-1", "type-2"). Possible values are THIRD_PARTY, CODE_LEVEL, RUNTIME.

Risk score and risk category are mutually exclusive (cannot be used at the same time).

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.

Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (~) inside quotes:

  • Tilde ~
  • Quote "

Specifies one or more fields for sorting the security problem list. Multiple fields can be concatenated using a comma (,) as a separator (e.g. +status,-timestamp).

You can sort by the following properties with a sign prefix for the sorting order.

  • status: The security problem status (+ open first or - resolved first)
  • muted: The security problem mute state (+ unmuted first or - muted first)
  • technology: The security problem technology
  • firstSeenTimestamp: The timestamp of the first occurrence of the security problem (+ new problems first or - old problems first)
  • lastUpdatedTimestamp: The timestamp of the last update of the security problem (+ recently updated problems first or - earlier updated problems first)
  • securityProblemId: The auto-generated ID of the security problem (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • externalVulnerabilityId: The ID of the external vulnerability (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • displayId: The display ID (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • riskAssessment.riskScore: Davis Security Score (+ lower score first or - higher score first)
  • riskAssessment.riskLevel: Davis Security Score level (+ lower level first or - higher level first)
  • riskAssessment.exposure: Whether the problem is exposed to the internet
  • riskAssessment.baseRiskScore: The CVSS score (+ lower score first or - higher score first)
  • riskAssessment.baseRiskLevel: The CVSS level (+ lower level first or - higher level first)
  • riskAssessment.dataAssets: Whether data assets are affected
  • riskAssessment.vulnerableFunctionUsage: Whether vulnerable functions are used
  • riskAssessment.assessmentAccuracy: The assessments accuracy (+ less accuracy first or - more accuracy first)
  • globalCounts.affectedNodes: Number of affected nodes (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.affectedProcessGroupInstances: Number of affected process group instances (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.affectedProcessGroups: Number of affected process groups (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.exposedProcessGroups: Number of exposed process groups (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.reachableDataAssets: Number of reachable data assets (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.relatedApplications: Number of related applications (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.relatedAttacks: Number of attacks on the security problem (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.relatedHosts: Number of related hosts (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.relatedKubernetesClusters: Number of related Kubernetes cluster (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.relatedKubernetesWorkloads: Number of related Kubernetes workloads (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.relatedServices: Number of related services (+ lower number first or - higher number first)
  • globalCounts.vulnerableComponents: Number of vulnerable components (+ lower number first or - higher number first)

If no prefix is set, + is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.

The end of the timeframe must not be older than 365 days.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SecurityProblemList200Success. The response contains the list of security problems.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getSecurityProblems();


securityProblemsClient.getVulnerableFunctions(config): Promise<VulnerableFunctionsContainer>

Lists all vulnerable functions and their usage for a third-party security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-security-problems
  • environment:roles:view-security-problems



Defines additional grouping types in which vulnerable functions should be displayed.

You can add one of the following grouping types.

  • Process group: PROCESS_GROUP*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.

Defines the scope of the query. Only vulnerable functions matching the specified criteria are included in the response.

You can add the following criteria. Values are not case sensitive and the EQUALS operator is used unless otherwise specified.

  • Management zone ID: managementZoneIds("mzId-1", "mzId-2").
  • Management zone name: managementZones("name-1", "name-2"). Values are case sensitive.
  • Process group ID: processGroupIds("pgId-1", "pgId-2"). Specify Dynatrace entity IDs here.
  • Process group name: processGroupNames("name-1", "name-2"). Values are case sensitive.
  • Process group name contains: processGroupNameContains("name-1"). The CONTAINS operator is used.

Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (~) inside quotes:

  • Tilde ~
  • Quote "


Return typeStatus codeDescription
VulnerableFunctionsContainer200Success. The response contains the list of vulnerable functions.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.getVulnerableFunctions({
id: "...",


securityProblemsClient.muteSecurityProblem(config): Promise<void>

Mutes a security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems


config.body*requiredSecurityProblemMute*requiredstringThe ID of the requested security problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void200Success. The security problem has been muted.
void204Not executed. The security problem is already muted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.muteSecurityProblem({
id: "...",
body: {


securityProblemsClient.setRemediationItemMuteState(config): Promise<void>

Sets the mute state of a remediation item

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems


config.body*requiredRemediationItemMuteStateChange*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.
config.remediationItemId*requiredstringThe ID of the remediation item.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void200Success. The requested mute state has been applied to the remediation item.
void204Not executed. The remediation item was previously put into the requested mute state by the same user with the same reason and comment.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.setRemediationItemMuteState({
id: "...",
remediationItemId: "...",
body: {
comment: "...",
muted: false,
reason: RemediationItemMuteStateChangeReason.Ignore,


securityProblemsClient.trackingLinkBulkUpdateAndDelete(config): Promise<void>

Updates the external tracking links of the remediation items. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems


config.body*requiredRemediationItemsBulkUpdateDeleteDto*requiredstringThe ID of the requested third-party security problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The requested tracking links have been updated.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.trackingLinkBulkUpdateAndDelete(
{ id: "...", body: {} },


securityProblemsClient.unmuteSecurityProblem(config): Promise<void>

Un-mutes a security problem

Required scope: environment-api:security-problems:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-security-problems


config.body*requiredSecurityProblemUnmute*requiredstringThe ID of the requested security problem.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void200Success. The security problem has been un-muted.
void204Not executed. The security problem is already un-muted.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { securityProblemsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await securityProblemsClient.unmuteSecurityProblem({
id: "...",
body: { reason: SecurityProblemUnmuteReason.Affected },


import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


serviceLevelObjectivesClient.createAlert(config): Promise<EntityShortRepresentation>

Creates an alert of the provided alert type for an SLO

Required scope: environment-api:slo:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write



The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).*requiredstringThe ID of the required SLO.
config.timeFrame"CURRENT" | "GTF"

The timeframe to calculate the SLO values:

  • CURRENT: SLO's own timeframe.
  • GTF: timeframe specified by from and to parameters.

If not set, the CURRENT value is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
EntityShortRepresentation201Success. The new alert has been created. The response contains the parameters of the new alert. The location response header contains the ID of the new alert.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Precondition for creating an SLO alert not fulfilled. The SLO func metric cannot be created or is not created by the SLO. | Internal server error. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await serviceLevelObjectivesClient.createAlert(
id: "...",
body: {
alertName: "...",
alertThreshold: 10,
alertType: AbstractSloAlertDtoAlertType.BurnRate,


serviceLevelObjectivesClient.createSlo(config): Promise<void>

Creates a new SLO

Required scope: environment-api:slo:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void201Success. The new SLO has been created. Response doesn't have a body. The location response header contains the ID of the new SLO.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. Conflicting resource. | Internal server error. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await serviceLevelObjectivesClient.createSlo({
body: {
name: "Payment service availability",
target: 95,
timeframe: "-1d",
warning: 97.5,


serviceLevelObjectivesClient.deleteSlo(config): Promise<void>

Deletes an SLO

Required scope: environment-api:slo:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The SLO has been deleted. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Failed. Conflicting resource. | Internal server error. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await serviceLevelObjectivesClient.deleteSlo({
id: "...",


serviceLevelObjectivesClient.getSlo(config): Promise<SLOs>

Lists all available SLOs along with calculated values

Required scope: environment-api:slo:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:viewer
  • settings:objects:read

By default the values are calculated for the SLO's own timeframe. You can use a custom timeframe:

  1. Set the timeFrame parameter to GTF.
  2. Provide the timeframe in from and to parameters.


config.demobooleanGet your SLOs (false) or a set of demo SLOs (true).
config.enabledSlos"false" | "true" | "all"Get your enabled SLOs (true), disabled ones (false) or both enabled and disabled ones (all).
config.evaluate"false" | "true"Get your SLOs without them being evaluated (false) or with evaluations (true) with maximum pageSize of 25.

The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of SLOs in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 10000.

If not set, 10 is used.

config.showGlobalSlosbooleanGet your global SLOs (true) regardless of the selected filter or filter them out (false).

The scope of the query. Only SLOs matching the provided criteria are included in the response.

You can add one or several of the criteria listed below.

  • SLO ID: id("id-1","id-2").
  • Name: name("name"). Filters for an SLO with the given name. The filter is case-sensitive.
  • Health state: healthState("HEALTHY") or healthState("UNHEALTHY"). Filters for SLOs that have no related open problems (HEALTHY) or SLOs that have related open problems (UNHEALTHY). You can specify only one health state.
  • Text: text("value"). Filters for all SLOs that contain the given value in their name or description. The filter is case-insensitive.
  • Problem: problemDisplayName("value"). Filters for all SLOs that are related to a given problem display name (e.g. P-12345).
  • Management zone name: managementZone("MZ-A"). Filters for all SLOs that are related to the given management zone name. Returned SLOs are evaluated against the given management zone.
  • Management zone ID: managementZoneID("123"). Filters for all SLOs that are related to the given management zone ID. Returned SLOs are evaluated against the given management zone.

To set several criteria, separate them with comma (,). Only SLOs matching all criteria are included in the response. Examples:

  • .../api/v2/slo?sloSelector=name("Service Availability")
  • .../api/v2/slo?sloSelector=id("id")
  • .../api/v2/slo?sloSelector=text("Description"),healthState("HEALTHY").

The special characters ~ and " need to be escaped using a ~ (e.g. double quote search text("~"")).


The sorting of SLO entries:

  • name: Names in ascending order.
  • -name: Names in descending order.

If not set, the ascending order is used.

config.timeFrame"CURRENT" | "GTF"

The timeframe to calculate the SLO values:

  • CURRENT: SLO's own timeframe.
  • GTF: timeframe specified by from and to parameters.

If not set, the CURRENT value is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SLOs200Success. The response contains the parameters and calculated values of the requested SLO.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await serviceLevelObjectivesClient.getSlo();


serviceLevelObjectivesClient.getSloById(config): Promise<SLO>

Gets parameters and calculated values of a specific SLO

Required scope: environment-api:slo:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:viewer
  • settings:objects:read

If from and to parameters are provided, the SLO is calculated for that timeframe; otherwise the SLO's own timeframe is used.



The start of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used (now-2w).*requiredstringThe ID of the required SLO.
config.timeFrame"CURRENT" | "GTF"

The timeframe to calculate the SLO values:

  • CURRENT: SLO's own timeframe.
  • GTF: timeframe specified by from and to parameters.

If not set, the CURRENT value is used.


The end of the requested timeframe.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SLO200Success. The response contains the parameters and calculated values of the requested SLO.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data = await serviceLevelObjectivesClient.getSloById({
id: "...",


serviceLevelObjectivesClient.updateSloById(config): Promise<void>

Updates an existing SLO

Required scope: environment-api:slo:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write


config.body*requiredSloConfigItemDtoImpl*requiredstringThe ID of the required SLO.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Internal server error. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { serviceLevelObjectivesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await serviceLevelObjectivesClient.updateSloById({
id: "...",
body: {
name: "Payment service availability",
target: 95,
timeframe: "-1d",
warning: 97.5,


import { settingsManagementZonesClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


settingsManagementZonesClient.getManagementZoneDetails(config): Promise<ManagementZoneDetails>

Reads management zone details.

Required scope: settings:objects:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:read

Allows to convert from an objectId to the ID of the management zone, and can serve as a replacement for the old config endpoint for that purpose.


config.objectId*requiredstringThe ID of the required settings object.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | No object available for the given objectId | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsManagementZonesClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsManagementZonesClient.getManagementZoneDetails(
{ objectId: "..." },


import { settingsObjectsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


settingsObjectsClient.deleteSettingsObjectByObjectId(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified settings object

Required scope: settings:objects:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write


config.objectId*requiredstringThe ID of the required settings object.

The update token of the object. You can use it to detect simultaneous modifications by different users.

It is generated upon retrieval (GET requests). If set on update (PUT request) or deletion, the update/deletion will be allowed only if there wasn't any change between the retrieval and the update.

If omitted on update/deletion, the operation overrides the current value or deletes it without any checks.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
SettingsObjectResponseErrorFailed. Schema validation failed. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Failed. Conflicting resource.
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.deleteSettingsObjectByObjectId(
{ objectId: "..." },


settingsObjectsClient.getEffectiveSettingsValues(config): Promise<EffectiveSettingsValuesList>

Lists effective settings values

Required scope: settings:objects:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:read

Lists effective settings values for selected schemas at a selected scope (or entity). This operation evaluates the hierarchy of persisted objects (see /settings/objects)

It will always return a result for a schema/scope combination, even if the schema would not be relevant to the given scope/entity.

If no object along the hierarchy is persisted, the default value as defined in the schema will be returned.



A list of fields to be included to the response. The provided set of fields replaces the default set.

Specify the required top-level fields, separated by commas (for example, origin,value).

Supported fields: summary, searchSummary, created, modified, createdBy, modifiedBy, author, origin, schemaId, schemaVersion, value, externalId.


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of settings objects in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.


A list of comma-separated schema IDs to which the requested objects belong.

Only considered on load of the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set.


The scope that the requested objects target.

The selection only matches objects directly targeting the specified scope. For example, environment will not match objects that target a host within environment. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.

To load the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set, this parameter is required.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The specified schema or scope is not found. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.getEffectiveSettingsValues();


settingsObjectsClient.getSettingsHistory(config): Promise<RevisionDiffPage>

Gets the history of settings objects

Required scope: settings:objects:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:read


config.fieldsstringA list of fields to be included to the response.Specify the required top-level fields, separated by commas (for example, revision,modificationInfo). Supported fields: revision, jsonPatch, jsonBefore, jsonAfter, objectId, type, schemaVersion, modificationInfo.(optional, default to revision, modificationInfo)

The filter parameter, as explained here. Filtering is supported on the following fields:

  • objectId
  • modificationInfo.lastModifiedTime

The fields can only be combined with and as a boolean operator. If this parameter is omitted or does not include a range for modificationInfo.lastModifiedTime, only revisions of the last 2 weeks are returned. (optional)


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of settings objects in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.

config.schemaIdstringSchema ID to which the requested revisions belong.

The scope that the requested history objects target.

The selection only matches revisions directly targeting the specified scope. For example, environment will not match objects that target a host within environment. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.

To load the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set, this parameter is required.


The sort parameter, as explained here. Sorting is supported on the following fields:

  • modificationInfo.lastModifiedTime (optional, default to -modificationInfo.lastModifiedTime)


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | No object available for the given objectId | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.getSettingsHistory();


settingsObjectsClient.getSettingsObjectByObjectId(config): Promise<SettingsObjectByObjectIdResponse>

Gets the specified settings object

Required scope: settings:objects:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:read


config.objectId*requiredstringThe ID of the required settings object.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | No object available for the given objectId | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.getSettingsObjectByObjectId({
objectId: "...",


settingsObjectsClient.getSettingsObjects(config): Promise<ObjectsList>

Lists persisted settings objects

Required scope: settings:objects:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:read

Lists persisted settings objects for selected schemas at selected scopes (or entities).

If nothing is persisted or if all persisted settings objects are not accessible due to missing permissions, no items will be returned.

To query the effective values (including schema defaults) please see /settings/effectiveValues.



A list of comma-separated external IDs that the requested objects have.

Each external ID has a maximum length of 500 characters.

Only considered on load of the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set.


A list of fields to be included to the response. The provided set of fields replaces the default set.

Specify the required top-level fields, separated by commas (for example, objectId,value).

Supported fields: objectId, summary, searchSummary, created, modified, createdBy, modifiedBy, author, updateToken, scope, modificationInfo (deprecated), resourceContext, owner, schemaId, schemaVersion, value, externalId.


The filter parameter, as explained here.

Filtering is supported on the following fields:

  • created
  • modified
  • createdBy
  • modifiedBy
  • author (deprecated, will not work for future schemas)
  • value with properties and sub-properties separated by dot (for example, value.owningApp = 'Notebooks')

If this parameter is omitted, all settings objects will be returned. The maximum nesting depth (via parentheses) is 5. The maximum expression length is 1024 characters.

Note that only fields included to the response via fields can be used for filtering.


The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.

The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.

When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.


The amount of settings objects in a single response payload.

The maximal allowed page size is 500.

If not set, 100 is used.


A list of comma-separated schema IDs to which the requested objects belong.

To load the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set, either this parameter or scopes is required.

To load all objects belonging to the given schema IDs leave the scopes parameter empty.


A list of comma-separated scopes, that the requested objects target.

The selection only matches objects directly targeting the specified scopes. For example, environment will not match objects that target a host within environment. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.

To load the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set, either this parameter or schemaIds is required.

To load all objects belonging to the given scopes leave the schemaIds parameter empty.


The sort parameter, as explained here.

Sorting is supported on the following fields:

  • created
  • modified
  • createdBy
  • modifiedBy
  • author (deprecated, will not work for future schemas)
  • value with properties and sub-properties separated by dot (for example, value.owningApp)

Note that only fields included to the response via fields can be used for sorting.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
ObjectsList200Success. Accessible objects returned.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | Failed. The specified schema or scope is not found. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.getSettingsObjects();


settingsObjectsClient.postSettingsObjects(config): Promise<Array<SettingsObjectResponse>>

Creates a new settings object

Required scope: settings:objects:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write

You can upload several objects at once. In that case each object returns its own response code. Check the response body for details.


config.validateOnlybooleanIf true, the request runs only validation of the submitted settings objects, without saving them.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SettingsObjectResponse207Multi-status: different objects in the payload resulted in different statuses.


Error TypeError Message
SettingsObjectResponseArrayErrorFailed. Schema validation failed. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Failed. Conflicting resource.
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.postSettingsObjects({
body: [
scope: "HOST-D3A3C5A146830A79",
value: {},


settingsObjectsClient.putSettingsObjectByObjectId(config): Promise<SettingsObjectResponse>

Updates an existing settings object

Required scope: settings:objects:write One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:objects:write

To update a property of the secret type you need to pass the new value unmasked. To keep the current value, send the current masked secret. You can obtain it via GET an object endpoint.

Some schemas don't allow passing of the masked secret. In that case you need to send the unmasked secret with every update of the object.


config.objectId*requiredstringThe ID of the required settings object.
config.validateOnlybooleanIf true, the request runs only validation of the submitted settings object, without saving it.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
SettingsObjectResponseErrorFailed. Schema validation failed. | Failed. The requested resource doesn't exist. | Failed. Conflicting resource.
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.putSettingsObjectByObjectId({
objectId: "...",
body: { value: {} },


settingsObjectsClient.resolveEffectivePermissions(config): Promise<Array<EffectivePermission>>

Get the effective settings permissions of the calling user in the environment

One of the following scopes is required:

  • settings:objects:write
  • settings:objects:read
  • settings:schemas:read

One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:viewer
  • settings:schemas:read




Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. No access to any settings. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsObjectsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsObjectsClient.resolveEffectivePermissions({
body: {},


import { settingsSchemasClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


settingsSchemasClient.getAvailableSchemaDefinitions(config): Promise<SchemaList>

Lists available settings schemas

Required scope: settings:schemas:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:schemas:read



A list of fields to be included to the response. The provided set of fields replaces the default set.

Specify the required top-level fields, separated by commas (for example, schemaId,displayName).

Supported fields: schemaId, displayName, latestSchemaVersion, multiObject, ordered.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsSchemasClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsSchemasClient.getAvailableSchemaDefinitions();


settingsSchemasClient.getSchemaDefinition(config): Promise<SchemaDefinitionRestDto>

Gets parameters of the specified settings schema

Required scope: settings:schemas:read One of the following permissions is required:

  • environment:roles:manage-settings
  • settings:schemas:read


config.schemaId*requiredstringThe ID of the required schema.

The version of the required schema.

If not set, the most recent version is returned.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. Forbidden. | Failed. The specified schema doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { settingsSchemasClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await settingsSchemasClient.getSchemaDefinition({
schemaId: "...",


import { syntheticHttpMonitorExecutionsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


syntheticHttpMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecutionResult(config): Promise<MonitorExecutionResults>

Gets detailed information about the last execution of the specified HTTP monitor

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.locationIdstringFilters the results to those executed by specified Synthetic location. Specify the ID of the location.
config.monitorId*requiredstringIdentifier of the HTTP monitor for which last execution result is returned.
config.resultType*required"SUCCESS" | "FAILED"Defines the result type of the last HTTP monitor's execution.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
MonitorExecutionResults200Success. The response contains detailed data.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticHttpMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticHttpMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecutionResult(
monitorId: "...",
resultType: GetExecutionResultPathResultType.Success,


import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.addLocation(config): Promise<SyntheticLocationIdsDto>

Creates a new private synthetic location

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings




Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticLocationIdsDto201Success. The private location has been created. The response contains the ID of the new location.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.addLocation(
body: {
latitude: 10,
longitude: 10,
name: "...",
nodes: ["..."],
type: PrivateSyntheticLocationType.Cluster,


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getConfiguration(config): Promise<SyntheticConfigDto>

Gets set of synthetic related parameters defined for whole tenant (affects all monitors and all private locations). | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticConfigDto200Success. The response contains synthetic related parameters defined for whole tenant.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getConfiguration();


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocation(config): Promise<PrivateSyntheticLocation | SyntheticLocation>

Gets properties of the specified location

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.locationId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the required location.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
PrivateSyntheticLocation200Success. The response contains parameters of the synthetic location.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocation(
{ locationId: "..." },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationDeploymentApplyCommands(config): Promise<void>

Gets list of commands to deploy synthetic location in Kubernetes/Openshift cluster | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.platformstringContainer platform, currently supported are: KUBERNETES and OPENSHIFT. Default value is KUBERNETES.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void200Success. The response contains the list of commands that needs to be executed to deploy a synthetic location.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationDeploymentApplyCommands();


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationDeploymentDeleteCommands(config): Promise<void>

Gets list of commands to delete synthetic location in Kubernetes/Openshift cluster | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.locationId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the required location.
config.platformstringContainer platform, currently supported are: KUBERNETES and OPENSHIFT. Default value is KUBERNETES.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void200Success. The response contains the list of commands that needs to be executed to delete a synthetic location.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationDeploymentDeleteCommands(
{ locationId: "..." },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationDeploymentYaml(config): Promise<void>

Gets yaml file content to deploy location in Kubernetes/Openshift cluster | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.activeGateNamestringActive gate name
config.customRegistrystringCustom images registry prefix - this will replace 'dynatrace' in image URLs in generated yaml.
config.locationId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the required location.
config.platformstringContainer platform, currently supported are: KUBERNETES and OPENSHIFT. Default value is KUBERNETES.
config.tagVersionActiveGatestringCustom version tag for Active Gate - this will be used as desired Active Gate version in generated yaml.
config.tagVersionSyntheticstringCustom version tag for Synthetic- this will be used as desired Synthetic version in generated yaml


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void200Success. The response contains the content of deployment yaml file.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationDeploymentYaml(
{ locationId: "..." },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocations(config): Promise<SyntheticLocations>

Lists all synthetic locations (both public and private) available for your environment

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.capability"BROWSER" | "HTTP" | "ICMP" | "TCP" | "DNS"Filters the resulting set of locations to those which support specific capability.
config.cloudPlatform"AWS" | "AZURE" | "ALIBABA" | "GOOGLE_CLOUD" | "OTHER"Filters the resulting set of locations to those which are hosted on a specific cloud platform.
config.type"PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"Filters the resulting set of locations to those of a specific type.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocations();


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationsStatus(config): Promise<SyntheticPublicLocationsStatus>

Checks the status of public synthetic locations

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticPublicLocationsStatus200Success. The response contains the public locations status.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getLocationsStatus();


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getNode(config): Promise<Node>

Lists properties of the specified synthetic node

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.nodeId*requiredstringThe ID of the required synthetic node.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getNode(
{ nodeId: "..." },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getNodes(config): Promise<Nodes>

Lists all synthetic nodes available in your environment

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:read Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.assignedToLocation"TRUE" | "FALSE"Filters the resulting set of nodes to those which are assigned to a synthetic location or not.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.getNodes();


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.removeLocation(config): Promise<void>

Deletes the specified private synthetic location

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings


config.locationId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the private synthetic location to be deleted.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The location has been deleted. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.removeLocation(
{ locationId: "..." },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.updateConfiguration(config): Promise<SyntheticConfigDto>

Updates set of synthetic related parameters defined for whole tenant (affects all monitors and all private locations). | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings




Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticConfigDto204Success. The set of synthetic related parameters has been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.updateConfiguration(
{ body: { bmMonitorTimeout: 10, bmStepTimeout: 10 } },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.updateLocation(config): Promise<void>

Updates the specified synthetic location

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings

For public locations you can only change the location status.


config.locationId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the synthetic location to be updated.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. The location has been updated. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.updateLocation(
locationId: "...",
body: { type: SyntheticLocationUpdateType.Private },


syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.updateLocationsStatus(config): Promise<void>

Changes the status of public synthetic locations

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic:write Required permission: environment:roles:manage-settings




Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Locations status has been updated.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticLocationsNodesAndConfigurationClient.updateLocationsStatus(
{ body: { publicLocationsEnabled: false } },


import { syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.createMonitor(config): Promise<MonitorEntityIdDto>

Creates a synthetic monitor definition. Currently network availability monitors only. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer




Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.createMonitor(


syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.deleteMonitor(config): Promise<void>

Deletes a synthetic monitor definition for the given monitor ID. Currently network availability monitors only. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.monitorId*requiredstringThe identifier of the monitor.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.deleteMonitor(
{ monitorId: "..." },


syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.getMonitor(config): Promise<SyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorDto>

Gets a synthetic monitor definition for the given monitor ID. Currently network availability monitors only. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.monitorId*requiredstringThe identifier of the monitor.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.getMonitor(
{ monitorId: "..." },


syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.getMonitors(config): Promise<SyntheticMonitorListDto>

Gets all synthetic monitors. Currently network availability monitors only. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer



Defines the scope of the query. Only monitors matching the specified criteria are included into response.

You can add one or several of the criteria listed below. For each criterion you can specify multiple comma-separated values, unless stated otherwise. If several values are specified, the OR logic applies.

  • Monitor type: type(HTTP,MULTI_PROTOCOL). Possible values: 'HTTP', 'BROWSER', 'THIRD_PARTY', 'MULTI_PROTOCOL' (Note that only 'MULTI_PROTOCOL' is currently supported).
  • Management zone ID: managementZoneId(1, 2).
  • Synthetic Location ME ID: location(SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-123).
  • Monitored host ME ID: monitoredEntity(HOST-123).
  • Monitor tags: tag([context]key:value,key:value,key). Tags in [context]key:value, key:value, and key formats are detected and parsed automatically. If a key-only tag has a colon (:) in it, you must escape the colon with a backslash(\). Otherwise, the tag will be parsed as a key:value tag. All tag values are case-sensitive.
  • Monitor enablement: enabled(true).

To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,). Only results matching all criteria are included in the response.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.getMonitors();


syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.updateMonitor(config): Promise<void>

Updates a synthetic monitor definition for the given monitor ID. Currently network availability monitors only. | maturity=EARLY_ADOPTER

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-monitors:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.monitorId*requiredstringThe identifier of the monitor.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
void204Success. Response doesn't have a body.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorClient side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticNetworkAvailabilityMonitorsClient.updateMonitor(
{ monitorId: "..." },


import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';


syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.execute(config): Promise<SyntheticOnDemandExecutionResult>

Triggers on-demand executions for synthetic monitors

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer




Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticOnDemandExecutionResult201Success. The monitor's execution response details


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Unavailable | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.execute({
body: {},


syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getBatch(config): Promise<SyntheticOnDemandBatchStatus>

Gets summary information and the list of failed executions for the given batch ID

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.batchId*requirednumberThe batch identifier of the executions.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Batch with the given ID doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getBatch({
batchId: 10,


syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecution(config): Promise<SyntheticOnDemandExecution>

Gets basic results of the specified on-demand execution

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.executionId*requirednumberThe identifier of the on-demand execution.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticOnDemandExecution200Success. The response contains basic information about the on-demand execution.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Execution with the given ID doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecution(
{ executionId: 10 },


syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecutionFullReport(config): Promise<SyntheticOnDemandExecution>

Gets detailed results of the specified on-demand execution

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.executionId*requirednumberThe identifier of the on-demand execution.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticOnDemandExecution200Success. The response contains detailed information about the on-demand execution.


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Execution with the given ID doesn't exist. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecutionFullReport(
{ executionId: 10 },


syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecutions(config): Promise<SyntheticOnDemandExecutions>

Gets the list of all on-demand executions of synthetic monitors

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:read Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.batchIdnumberFilters the resulting set of the executions by batch. Specify the ID of the batch.

The start of the requested timeframe for data delivering timestamps.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the maximum relative timeframe of six hours is used (now-6h).


The end of the requested timeframe for data delivering timestamps.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.


The start of the requested timeframe for execution timestamps.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the maximum relative timeframe of six hours is used (now-6h).

config.executionStage"TRIGGERED" | "EXECUTED" | "DATA_RETRIEVED"Filters the resulting set of executions by their stage.

The end of the requested timeframe for execution timestamps.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.

config.locationIdstringFilters the resulting set of the executions by Synthetic location. Specify the ID of the location.
config.monitorIdstringFilters the resulting set of the executions by monitor synthetic monitor. Specify the ID of the monitor.

The start of the requested timeframe for scheduling timestamps.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the maximum relative timeframe of six hours is used (now-6h).


The end of the requested timeframe for scheduling timestamps.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the current timestamp is used.

config.source"API" | "UI"Filters the resulting set of the executions by the source of the triggering request.
config.userIdstringFilters the resulting set of executions by scheduled user.


Return typeStatus codeDescription


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.getExecutions();


syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.rerun(config): Promise<SyntheticOnDemandExecutionResult>

Reruns specified on-demand execution of synthetic monitors

Required scope: environment-api:synthetic-execution:write Required permission: environment:roles:viewer


config.executionId*requirednumberThe identifier of the on-demand execution.


Return typeStatus codeDescription
SyntheticOnDemandExecutionResult201Success. The monitor's execution response details


Error TypeError Message
ErrorEnvelopeErrorFailed. The input is invalid. | Unavailable | Client side error. | Server side error.

Code example

import { syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient } from "@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2";

const data =
await syntheticOnDemandMonitorExecutionsClient.rerun({
executionId: 10,



A credentials set of the AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED type.

accessKeyIDstringAccess Key ID of the credentials set.
allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
awsPartition"CHINA" | "DEFAULT" | "US_GOV"AWS partition of the credential.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.

secretKeystringSecret access key of the credential.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials


A credentials set of the AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED type.

accountIDstringAmazon account ID of the credential.
allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
iamRolestringThe IAM role name of the credentials set.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials


Credentials set.

credentialUsageSummary*requiredArray<CredentialUsageHandler>The list contains summary data related to the use of credentials.
description*requiredstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultConfigConfiguration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
owner*requiredstringThe owner of the credential (user for which used API token was created).
ownerAccessOnly*requiredbooleanFlag indicating that this credential is visible only to the owner.
scope"UNKNOWN" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC" | "ALL"The scope of the credentials set.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CredentialsDetailsUsernamePasswordResponseElement
  • CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement
  • TOKEN -> CredentialsDetailsTokenResponseElement
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement


alertName*requiredstringName of the alert.
alertThreshold*requirednumberThreshold of the alert. Status alerts trigger if they fall below this value, burn rate alerts trigger if they exceed the value.
alertType*required"BURN_RATE" | "STATUS"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BURN_RATE -> BurnRateAlert
  • STATUS -> StatusAlert


Parameters of the ActiveGate.

activeGateTokensArray<ActiveGateTokenInfoDto>A list of the ActiveGate tokens.
autoUpdateSettingsActiveGateAutoUpdateConfigConfiguration of the ActiveGate auto-updates.
autoUpdateStatus"UNKNOWN" | "INCOMPATIBLE" | "OUTDATED" | "SCHEDULED" | "SUPPRESSED" | "UP2DATE" | "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS" | "UPDATE_PENDING" | "UPDATE_PROBLEM"The current status of auto-updates of the ActiveGate.
connectedHostsActiveGateConnectedHostsInformation about hosts currently connected to the ActiveGate
containerizedbooleanActiveGate is deployed in container (true) or not (false).
environmentsArray<string>A list of environments (specified by IDs) the ActiveGate can connect to.
groupstringThe group of the ActiveGate.
hostnamestringThe name of the host the ActiveGate is running on.
idstringThe ID of the ActiveGate.
loadBalancerAddressesArray<string>A list of Load Balancer addresses of the ActiveGate.
mainEnvironmentstringThe ID of the main environment for a multi-environment ActiveGate.
modulesArray<ActiveGateModule>A list of modules of the ActiveGate.
networkAddressesArray<string>A list of network addresses of the ActiveGate.
networkZonestringThe network zone of the ActiveGate.

The timestamp since when the ActiveGate is offline.

The null value means the ActiveGate is online.

osArchitecture"S390" | "X86" | "ARM"The OS architecture that the ActiveGate is running on.
osBitness"64"The OS bitness that the ActiveGate is running on.
osType"LINUX" | "WINDOWS"The OS type that the ActiveGate is running on.
type"CLUSTER" | "ENVIRONMENT" | "ENVIRONMENT_MULTI"The type of the ActiveGate.
versionstringThe current version of the ActiveGate in the <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<timestamp> format.


Configuration of the ActiveGate auto-updates.

effectiveSetting"ENABLED" | "DISABLED"

The actual state of the ActiveGate auto-update.

Applicable only if the setting parameter is set to INHERITED. In that case, the value is taken from the parent setting. Otherwise, it's just a duplicate of the setting value.

setting*required"ENABLED" | "DISABLED" | "INHERITED"

The state of the ActiveGate auto-update: enabled, disabled, or inherited.

If set to INHERITED, the setting is inherited from the global configuration set on the environment or Managed cluster level.


Information about hosts currently connected to the ActiveGate

numbernumberThe number of hosts currently connected to the ActiveGate


Global configuration of ActiveGates auto-update.

globalSetting*required"ENABLED" | "DISABLED"

The state of auto-updates for all ActiveGates connected to the environment or Managed cluster.

This setting is inherited by all ActiveGates that have the INHERITED setting.

metadataConfigurationMetadataMetadata useful for debugging


Information about ActiveGate group.

namestringName of ActiveGate group


Metadata for each ActiveGate group.

activeGates*requiredArray<ActiveGateInfoDto>ActiveGates in group.
availableActiveGates*requirednumberNumber of ActiveGates in group available for extension.
groupName*requiredstringActiveGate group name.


The collection of ActiveGate groups.

groupsArray<ActiveGateGroup>List of ActiveGate groups


ActiveGate groups metadata for extensions.

activeGateGroups*requiredArray<ActiveGateGroupInfoDto>Metadata for each ActiveGate group.


ActiveGates in group.

errors*requiredArray<string>List of errors if Extension cannot be run on the ActiveGate
id*requirednumberActiveGate ID.


A list of ActiveGates.

activeGatesArray<ActiveGate>A list of ActiveGates.


Information about ActiveGate module

attributesActiveGateModuleAttributesThe attributes of the ActiveGate module.
enabledbooleanThe module is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
misconfiguredbooleanThe module is misconfigured (true) or not (false).
versionstringThe version of the ActiveGate module.


The attributes of the ActiveGate module.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Metadata of an ActiveGate token.

activeGateType*required"CLUSTER" | "ENVIRONMENT"The type of the ActiveGate for which the token is valid.
creationDate*requiredstringThe token creation date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').

The token expiration date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').

If not set, the token never expires.

id*requiredstringThe ActiveGate token identifier, consisting of prefix and public part of the token.
lastUsedDatestringThe token last used date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').
name*requiredstringThe name of the token.
owner*requiredstringThe owner of the token.
seedTokenbooleanThe token is a seed token (true) or an individual token (false).


Parameters of a new ActiveGate token.

activeGateType*required"CLUSTER" | "ENVIRONMENT"The type of the ActiveGate for which the token is valid.

The expiration date of the token.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the token never expires.

Ensure that it is not set in the past and does not exceed 2 years from the moment of creation."

name*requiredstringThe name of the token.

The token is a seed token (true) or an individual token (false).

We recommend the individual token option (false).


The newly created ActiveGate token.

expirationDatestringThe token expiration date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').
id*requiredstringThe ActiveGate token identifier, consisting of prefix and public part of the token.
token*requiredstringThe secret of the token.


Information about ActiveGate token.


The environment ID to which the token belongs.

Only available if more than one environment is supported.

idstringThe ActiveGate token identifier, consisting of prefix and public part of the token.
state"UNKNOWN" | "ABSENT" | "EXPIRING" | "INVALID" | "UNSUPPORTED" | "VALID"State of the ActiveGate token.


A list of ActiveGate tokens.

activeGateTokensArray<ActiveGateToken>A list of ActiveGate tokens.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


The custom tag to be added to monitored entities.

key*requiredstringThe key of the custom tag to be added to monitored entities.
valuestringThe value of the custom tag to be added to monitored entities. May be null


A list of tags to be added to monitored entities.

tags*requiredArray<AddEntityTag>A list of tags to be added to monitored entities.


A list of custom tags added to monitored entities.

appliedTagsArray<METag>A list of added custom tags.
matchedEntitiesCountnumberThe number of monitored entities where the tags have been added.


Information about affected entities of an attack.

processGroupAffectedEntityInformation about an affected entity.
processGroupInstanceAffectedEntityInformation about an affected entity.


Information about an affected entity.

idstringThe monitored entity ID of the affected entity.
namestringThe name of the affected entity.


Holds the agent connection token.

tokenstringThe agent connection token


Aggregated log records.

aggregationResultAggregatedLogAggregationResultAggregated log records.
warningsstringOptional warning messages.


Aggregated log records.

type: Record<string, object | undefined>


Short representation of the alerting profile.

id*requiredstringThe ID of the alerting profile.
namestringThe name of the alerting profile.


Metadata of an API token.


Contains additional properties for specific kinds of token. Examples:

  • A dashboardId property for dashboard sharing tokens.
  • A reportId property for report sharing tokens
creationDatestringToken creation date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z')
enabledbooleanThe token is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

Token expiration date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').

If not set, the token never expires.

idstringThe ID of the token, consisting of prefix and public part of the token.
lastUsedDatestringToken last used date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z')
lastUsedIpAddressstringToken last used IP address.
modifiedDatestringToken last modified date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'). Updating scopes or name counts as modification, enabling or disabling a token does not.
namestringThe name of the token.
ownerstringThe owner of the token.
personalAccessTokenbooleanThe token is a personal access token (true) or an API token (false).
scopesArray<"ActiveGateCertManagement" | "AdvancedSyntheticIntegration" | "CaptureRequestData" | "DTAQLAccess" | "DataExport" | "DataImport" | "DataPrivacy" | "Davis" | "DiagnosticExport" | "DssFileManagement" | "ExternalSyntheticIntegration" | "InstallerDownload" | "LogExport" | "MemoryDump" | "Mobile" | "PluginUpload" | "ReadConfig" | "ReadSyntheticData" | "RestRequestForwarding" | "RumBrowserExtension" | "RumJavaScriptTagManagement" | "SupportAlert" | "TenantTokenManagement" | "UserSessionAnonymization" | "ViewDashboard" | "ViewReport" | "WriteConfig" | "WriteSyntheticData" | "activeGateTokenManagement.create" | "" | "activeGateTokenManagement.write" | "" | "activeGates.write" | "" | "" | "" | "analyzers.write" | "" | "apiTokens.write" | "" | "attacks.write" | "" | "bizevents.ingest" | "" | "credentialVault.write" | "" | "entities.write" | "events.ingest" | "" | "extensionConfigurationActions.write" | "" | "extensionConfigurations.write" | "" | "extensionEnvironment.write" | "" | "extensions.write" | "" | "hub.install" | "" | "hub.write" | "" | "javaScriptMappingFiles.write" | "logs.ingest" | "" | "metrics.ingest" | "" | "metrics.write" | "" | "networkZones.write" | "" | "oneAgents.write" | "openTelemetryTrace.ingest" | "" | "" | "openpipeline.events_sdlc" | "openpipeline.events_sdlc.custom" | "openpipeline.events_security" | "openpipeline.events_security.custom" | "" | "problems.write" | "" | "" | "" | "securityProblems.write" | "" | "settings.write" | "" | "slo.write" | "" | "syntheticExecutions.write" | "" | "syntheticLocations.write" | "tenantTokenRotation.write" | "traces.lookup" | "">A list of scopes assigned to the token.


Parameters of a new API token.


The expiration date of the token.

You can use one of the following formats:

  • Timestamp in UTC milliseconds.
  • Human-readable format of 2021-01-25T05:57:01.123+01:00. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used. You can use a space character instead of the T. Seconds and fractions of a second are optional.
  • Relative timeframe, back from now. The format is now-NU/A, where N is the amount of time, U is the unit of time, and A is an alignment. The alignment rounds all the smaller values to the nearest zero in the past. For example, now-1y/w is one year back, aligned by a week. You can also specify relative timeframe without an alignment: now-NU. Supported time units for the relative timeframe are:
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks
    • M: months
    • y: years

If not set, the token never expires. Ensure that the expiration date is not set in the past.

name*requiredstringThe name of the token.

The token is a personal access token (true) or an API token (false).

Personal access tokens are tied to the permissions of their owner.

scopes*requiredArray<"ActiveGateCertManagement" | "AdvancedSyntheticIntegration" | "CaptureRequestData" | "DTAQLAccess" | "DataExport" | "DataImport" | "DataPrivacy" | "Davis" | "DssFileManagement" | "ExternalSyntheticIntegration" | "InstallerDownload" | "LogExport" | "PluginUpload" | "ReadConfig" | "ReadSyntheticData" | "RestRequestForwarding" | "RumBrowserExtension" | "RumJavaScriptTagManagement" | "SupportAlert" | "TenantTokenManagement" | "UserSessionAnonymization" | "WriteConfig" | "activeGateTokenManagement.create" | "" | "activeGateTokenManagement.write" | "" | "activeGates.write" | "" | "" | "" | "analyzers.write" | "" | "apiTokens.write" | "" | "attacks.write" | "" | "bizevents.ingest" | "" | "credentialVault.write" | "" | "entities.write" | "events.ingest" | "" | "extensionConfigurationActions.write" | "" | "extensionConfigurations.write" | "" | "extensionEnvironment.write" | "" | "extensions.write" | "" | "hub.install" | "" | "hub.write" | "" | "javaScriptMappingFiles.write" | "logs.ingest" | "" | "metrics.ingest" | "" | "metrics.write" | "" | "networkZones.write" | "" | "oneAgents.write" | "openTelemetryTrace.ingest" | "" | "" | "openpipeline.events_sdlc" | "openpipeline.events_sdlc.custom" | "openpipeline.events_security" | "openpipeline.events_security.custom" | "" | "problems.write" | "" | "" | "" | "securityProblems.write" | "" | "settings.write" | "" | "slo.write" | "" | "syntheticExecutions.write" | "" | "syntheticLocations.write" | "tenantTokenRotation.write" | "traces.lookup" | "">

A list of the scopes to be assigned to the token.

  • InstallerDownload: PaaS integration - Installer download.
  • DataExport: Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology.
  • PluginUpload: Upload Extension.
  • SupportAlert: PaaS integration - Support alert.
  • AdvancedSyntheticIntegration: Dynatrace module integration - Synthetic Classic.
  • ExternalSyntheticIntegration: Create and read synthetic monitors, locations, and nodes.
  • RumBrowserExtension: RUM Browser Extension.
  • LogExport: Read logs.
  • ReadConfig: Read configuration.
  • WriteConfig: Write configuration.
  • DTAQLAccess: User sessions.
  • UserSessionAnonymization: Anonymize user session data for data privacy reasons.
  • DataPrivacy: Change data privacy settings.
  • CaptureRequestData: Capture request data.
  • Davis: Dynatrace module integration - Davis.
  • DssFileManagement: Mobile symbolication file management.
  • RumJavaScriptTagManagement: Real user monitoring JavaScript tag management.
  • TenantTokenManagement: Token management.
  • ActiveGateCertManagement: ActiveGate certificate management.
  • RestRequestForwarding: Fetch data from a remote environment.
  • ReadSyntheticData: Read synthetic monitors, locations, and nodes.
  • DataImport: Data ingest, e.g.: metrics and events.
  • syntheticExecutions.write: Write synthetic monitor executions.
  • Read synthetic monitor execution results.
  • Read audit logs.
  • Read metrics.
  • metrics.write: Write metrics.
  • Read entities.
  • entities.write: Write entities.
  • Read problems.
  • problems.write: Write problems.
  • Read events.
  • events.ingest: Ingest events.
  • OpenPipeline - Ingest Events (Built-in).
  • OpenPipeline - Ingest Events (Custom).
  • openpipeline.events_security: OpenPipeline - Ingest Security Events (Built-in).
  • openpipeline.events_security.custom: OpenPipeline - Ingest Security Events (Custom).
  • openpipeline.events_sdlc: OpenPipeline - Ingest Software Development Lifecycle Events (Built-in).
  • openpipeline.events_sdlc.custom: OpenPipeline - Ingest Software Development Lifecycle Events (Custom).
  • bizevents.ingest: Ingest bizevents.
  • Read analyzers.
  • analyzers.write: Write & execute analyzers.
  • Read network zones.
  • networkZones.write: Write network zones.
  • Read ActiveGates.
  • activeGates.write: Write ActiveGates.
  • Read ActiveGate tokens.
  • activeGateTokenManagement.create: Create ActiveGate tokens.
  • activeGateTokenManagement.write: Write ActiveGate tokens.
  • Read Agent tokens.
  • Read credential vault entries.
  • credentialVault.write: Write credential vault entries.
  • Read extensions.
  • extensions.write: Write extensions.
  • Read extension monitoring configurations.
  • extensionConfigurations.write: Write extension monitoring configurations.
  • Read extension environment configurations.
  • extensionEnvironment.write: Write extension environment configurations.
  • metrics.ingest: Ingest metrics.
  • Read attacks.
  • attacks.write: Write Application Protection settings.
  • Read security problems.
  • securityProblems.write: Write security problems.
  • Read synthetic locations.
  • syntheticLocations.write: Write synthetic locations.
  • Read settings.
  • settings.write: Write settings.
  • tenantTokenRotation.write: Tenant token rotation.
  • Read SLO.
  • slo.write: Write SLO.
  • Read releases.
  • Read API tokens.
  • apiTokens.write: Write API tokens.
  • openTelemetryTrace.ingest: Ingest OpenTelemetry traces.
  • Read logs.
  • logs.ingest: Ingest logs.
  • Read Geographic regions.
  • Read OneAgents.
  • oneAgents.write: Write OneAgents.
  • traces.lookup: Look up a single trace.
  • Read Unified Analysis page.
  • Read Hub related data.
  • hub.write: Manage metadata of Hub items.
  • hub.install: Install and update Hub items.
  • Read JavaScript mapping files.
  • javaScriptMappingFiles.write: Write JavaScript mapping files.
  • extensionConfigurationActions.write: Actions for extension monitoring configurations.
  • Read RUM cookie names.
  • Read sampling configuration for Adaptive Traffic Management.


The newly created token.

expirationDatestringThe token expiration date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').
idstringThe ID of the token, consisting of prefix and public part of the token.
tokenstringThe secret of the token.


A list of API tokens.

apiTokensArray<ApiToken>A list of API tokens.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


token*requiredstringThe API token.


The update of the API token.

enabledbooleanThe token is enabled (true) or disabled (false)
namestringThe name of the token.
scopesArray<"ActiveGateCertManagement" | "AdvancedSyntheticIntegration" | "CaptureRequestData" | "DTAQLAccess" | "DataExport" | "DataImport" | "DataPrivacy" | "Davis" | "DssFileManagement" | "ExternalSyntheticIntegration" | "InstallerDownload" | "LogExport" | "PluginUpload" | "ReadConfig" | "ReadSyntheticData" | "RestRequestForwarding" | "RumBrowserExtension" | "RumJavaScriptTagManagement" | "SupportAlert" | "TenantTokenManagement" | "UserSessionAnonymization" | "WriteConfig" | "activeGateTokenManagement.create" | "" | "activeGateTokenManagement.write" | "" | "activeGates.write" | "" | "" | "" | "analyzers.write" | "" | "apiTokens.write" | "" | "attacks.write" | "" | "bizevents.ingest" | "" | "credentialVault.write" | "" | "entities.write" | "events.ingest" | "" | "extensionConfigurationActions.write" | "" | "extensionConfigurations.write" | "" | "extensionEnvironment.write" | "" | "extensions.write" | "" | "hub.install" | "" | "hub.write" | "" | "javaScriptMappingFiles.write" | "logs.ingest" | "" | "metrics.ingest" | "" | "metrics.write" | "" | "networkZones.write" | "" | "oneAgents.write" | "openTelemetryTrace.ingest" | "" | "" | "openpipeline.events_sdlc" | "openpipeline.events_sdlc.custom" | "openpipeline.events_security" | "openpipeline.events_security.custom" | "" | "problems.write" | "" | "" | "" | "securityProblems.write" | "" | "settings.write" | "" | "slo.write" | "" | "syntheticExecutions.write" | "" | "syntheticLocations.write" | "tenantTokenRotation.write" | "traces.lookup" | "">

The list of scopes assigned to the token.

Apart from the new scopes, you need to submit the existing scopes you want to keep, too. Any existing scope, missing in the payload, is removed.

  • InstallerDownload: PaaS integration - Installer download.
  • DataExport: Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology.
  • PluginUpload: Upload Extension.
  • SupportAlert: PaaS integration - Support alert.
  • AdvancedSyntheticIntegration: Dynatrace module integration - Synthetic Classic.
  • ExternalSyntheticIntegration: Create and read synthetic monitors, locations, and nodes.
  • RumBrowserExtension: RUM Browser Extension.
  • LogExport: Read logs.
  • ReadConfig: Read configuration.
  • WriteConfig: Write configuration.
  • DTAQLAccess: User sessions.
  • UserSessionAnonymization: Anonymize user session data for data privacy reasons.
  • DataPrivacy: Change data privacy settings.
  • CaptureRequestData: Capture request data.
  • Davis: Dynatrace module integration - Davis.
  • DssFileManagement: Mobile symbolication file management.
  • RumJavaScriptTagManagement: Real user monitoring JavaScript tag management.
  • TenantTokenManagement: Token management.
  • ActiveGateCertManagement: ActiveGate certificate management.
  • RestRequestForwarding: Fetch data from a remote environment.
  • ReadSyntheticData: Read synthetic monitors, locations, and nodes.
  • DataImport: Data ingest, e.g.: metrics and events.
  • syntheticExecutions.write: Write synthetic monitor executions.
  • Read synthetic monitor execution results.
  • Read audit logs.
  • Read metrics.
  • metrics.write: Write metrics.
  • Read entities.
  • entities.write: Write entities.
  • Read problems.
  • problems.write: Write problems.
  • Read events.
  • events.ingest: Ingest events.
  • OpenPipeline - Ingest Events (Built-in).
  • OpenPipeline - Ingest Events (Custom).
  • openpipeline.events_security: OpenPipeline - Ingest Security Events (Built-in).
  • openpipeline.events_security.custom: OpenPipeline - Ingest Security Events (Custom).
  • openpipeline.events_sdlc: OpenPipeline - Ingest Software Development Lifecycle Events (Built-in).
  • openpipeline.events_sdlc.custom: OpenPipeline - Ingest Software Development Lifecycle Events (Custom).
  • bizevents.ingest: Ingest bizevents.
  • Read analyzers.
  • analyzers.write: Write & execute analyzers.
  • Read network zones.
  • networkZones.write: Write network zones.
  • Read ActiveGates.
  • activeGates.write: Write ActiveGates.
  • Read ActiveGate tokens.
  • activeGateTokenManagement.create: Create ActiveGate tokens.
  • activeGateTokenManagement.write: Write ActiveGate tokens.
  • Read Agent tokens.
  • Read credential vault entries.
  • credentialVault.write: Write credential vault entries.
  • Read extensions.
  • extensions.write: Write extensions.
  • Read extension monitoring configurations.
  • extensionConfigurations.write: Write extension monitoring configurations.
  • Read extension environment configurations.
  • extensionEnvironment.write: Write extension environment configurations.
  • metrics.ingest: Ingest metrics.
  • Read attacks.
  • attacks.write: Write Application Protection settings.
  • Read security problems.
  • securityProblems.write: Write security problems.
  • Read synthetic locations.
  • syntheticLocations.write: Write synthetic locations.
  • Read settings.
  • settings.write: Write settings.
  • tenantTokenRotation.write: Tenant token rotation.
  • Read SLO.
  • slo.write: Write SLO.
  • Read releases.
  • Read API tokens.
  • apiTokens.write: Write API tokens.
  • openTelemetryTrace.ingest: Ingest OpenTelemetry traces.
  • Read logs.
  • logs.ingest: Ingest logs.
  • Read Geographic regions.
  • Read OneAgents.
  • oneAgents.write: Write OneAgents.
  • traces.lookup: Look up a single trace.
  • Read Unified Analysis page.
  • Read Hub related data.
  • hub.write: Manage metadata of Hub items.
  • hub.install: Install and update Hub items.
  • Read JavaScript mapping files.
  • javaScriptMappingFiles.write: Write JavaScript mapping files.
  • extensionConfigurationActions.write: Actions for extension monitoring configurations.
  • Read RUM cookie names.
  • Read sampling configuration for Adaptive Traffic Management.


Analysis of problem impact to an application.

estimatedAffectedUsers*requirednumberThe estimated number of affected users.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • SERVICE -> ServiceImpact
  • APPLICATION -> ApplicationImpact
  • MOBILE -> MobileImpact
  • CUSTOM_APPLICATION -> CustomApplicationImpact
impactedEntity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.


Optional filters that took effect.


The keys of all metrics that this filter has been applied to.

Can contain multiple metrics for complex expressions and always at least one key.

filterFilterA dimensional or series filter on a metric.


The assessment accuracy details.

reducedReasonsArray<"LIMITED_AGENT_SUPPORT" | "LIMITED_BY_CONFIGURATION">The reasons for a reduced assessment accuracy.


Assets types and its count



Metadata for an extension asset.

assetSchemaDetailsAssetSchemaDetailsDtoSettings schema details for asset
displayNamestringUser-friendly name of the asset.
idstringID of the asset. Identifies the asset in REST API and/or UI (where applicable).


Settings schema details for asset

keystringAsset key
schemaIdstringAsset schema id
scopestringAsset configuration scope


Describes an attack.

affectedEntitiesAffectedEntitiesInformation about affected entities of an attack.
attackIdstringThe ID of the attack.
attackTargetAttackTargetInformation about the targeted host/database of an attack.
attackType"COMMAND_INJECTION" | "JNDI_INJECTION" | "SQL_INJECTION" | "SSRF"The type of the attack.
attackerAttackerAttacker of an attack.
displayIdstringThe display ID of the attack.
displayNamestringThe display name of the attack.
entrypointAttackEntrypointDescribes the entrypoint used by an attacker to start a specific attack.
managementZonesArray<ManagementZone>A list of management zones which the affected entities belong to.
requestRequestInformationDescribes the complete request information of an attack.
securityProblemAttackSecurityProblemAssessment information and the ID of a security problem related to an attack.
state"ALLOWLISTED" | "BLOCKED" | "EXPLOITED"The state of the attack.
technology"DOTNET" | "GO" | "JAVA" | "NODE_JS"The technology of the attack.
timestampnumberThe timestamp when the attack occurred.
vulnerabilityVulnerabilityDescribes the exploited vulnerability.


Describes the entrypoint used by an attacker to start a specific attack.

codeLocationCodeLocationInformation about a code location.
entrypointFunctionFunctionDefinitionInformation about a function definition.
payloadArray<AttackEntrypointPayloadItem>All relevant payload data that has been sent during the attack.


A list of values that has possibly been truncated.

truncationInfoTruncationInfoInformation on a possible truncation.
valuesArray<EntrypointPayload>Values of the list.


A list of attacks.

attacksArray<Attack>A list of attacks.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


A header element of the attack's request.

namestringThe name of the header element.
valuestringThe value of the header element.


Assessment information and the ID of a security problem related to an attack.

assessmentAttackSecurityProblemAssessmentDtoThe assessment of a security problem related to an attack.
securityProblemIdstringThe security problem ID.


The assessment of a security problem related to an attack.

dataAssets"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "REACHABLE"The reachability of data assets by the attacked target.
exposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The level of exposure of the attacked target
numberOfReachableDataAssetsnumberThe number of data assets reachable by the attacked target.


Information about the targeted host/database of an attack.

entityIdstringThe monitored entity ID of the targeted host/database.
namestringThe name of the targeted host/database.


Attacker of an attack.

locationAttackerLocationLocation of an attacker.
sourceIpstringThe source IP of the attacker.


Location of an attacker.

citystringCity of the attacker.
countrystringThe country of the attacker.
countryCodestringThe country code of the country of the attacker, according to the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 standard.


The audit log of your environment.

auditLogsArray<AuditLogEntry>A list of audit log entries ordered by the creation timestamp.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


An entry of the audit log.

category*required"TOKEN" | "ACTIVEGATE_TOKEN" | "CONFIG" | "MANUAL_TAGGING_SERVICE" | "WEB_UI"The category of the recorded operation.
dt.settings.keystringThe key of the affected object of a setting for entries of category CONFIG.
dt.settings.object_idstringThe ID of the affected object of a setting for entries of category CONFIG.
dt.settings.object_summarystringThe value summary for entries of category CONFIG.
dt.settings.schema_idstringThe schema ID or config ID for entries of category CONFIG.
dt.settings.scope_idstringThe persistence scope for entries of category CONFIG, e.g. an ME identifier.
dt.settings.scope_namestringThe display name of the scope for entries of category CONFIG.

The ID of an entity from the category.

For example, it can be config ID for the CONFIG category or token ID for the TOKEN category.

environmentId*requiredstringThe ID of the Dynatrace environment where the recorded operation occurred.
eventType*required"CREATE" | "DELETE" | "LOGIN" | "LOGOUT" | "REVOKE" | "TAG_ADD" | "TAG_REMOVE" | "TAG_UPDATE" | "UPDATE"

The type of the recorded operation.

  • LOGIN -> A user logged in
  • LOGOUT -> A user logged out
  • CREATE -> An object was created
  • UPDATE -> An object was updated
  • DELETE -> An object was deleted
  • REVOKE -> An Active Gate token was revoked
  • TAG_ADD -> A manual tag was added
  • TAG_REMOVE -> A manual tag was removed
  • TAG_UPDATE -> A manual tag was updated
  • REMOTE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT -> A Remote Configuration Management related operation occurred
logId*requiredstringThe ID of the log entry.
messagestringThe logged message.

The patch of the recorded operation as the JSON representation.

The format is an enhanced RFC 6902. The patch also carries the previous value in the oldValue field.

success*requiredbooleanThe recorded operation is successful (true) or failed (false).
timestamp*requirednumberThe timestamp of the record creation, in UTC milliseconds.
user*requiredstringThe ID of the user who performed the recorded operation.
userOriginstringThe origin and the IP address of the user.

The type of the authentication of the user.

  • USER_NAME -> User was logged in the UI
  • TOKEN_HASH -> URL Token or DevOps Token, the hash of the token is logged
  • SERVICE_NAME -> No authenticated user at all, this action was performed by a system service automatically
  • PUBLIC_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER -> API Token, the public token id is logged


Extension author

namestringAuthor name


The availability evidence of the problem.

Indicates an entity that has been unavailable during the problem lifespan and that might be related to the root cause.

displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the evidence.
endTimenumberThe end time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.
entity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence
groupingEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
rootCauseRelevant*requiredbooleanThe evidence is (true) or is not (false) a part of the root cause.
startTime*requirednumberThe start time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.


Synchronization credentials with Azure Key Vault using client secret authentication method

clientIdstringClient (application) ID of Azure application in Azure Active Directory which has permission to access secrets in Azure Key Vault.
clientSecretstringClient secret generated for Azure application in Azure Active Directory used for proving identity when requesting a token used later for accessing secrets in Azure Key Vault.
locationForSynchronizationIdstringId of a location used by the synchronizing monitor
passwordSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where password is stored.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate
tenantIdstringTenant (directory) ID of Azure application in Azure Active Directory which has permission to access secrets in Azure Key Vault.
tokenSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where token is stored.
usernameSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where username is stored.
vaultUrlstringExternal vault URL.


Configuration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig


Contains detailed information about Browser monitor action.

apdexType"UNKNOWN" | "FRUSTRATED" | "SATISFIED" | "TOLERATING"The user experience index of the action.
cdnBusyTimenumberThe time spent waiting for CDN resources for the action, in milliseconds.
cdnResourcesnumberThe number of resources fetched from a CDN for the action.
clientTimenumberThe event startTime in client time, in milliseconds.
cumulativeLayoutShiftnumberCumulative layout shift: Available for Chromium-based browsers. Measured using Google-provided APIs.
customErrorCountnumberThe total number of custom errors during the action.
documentInteractiveTimenumberThe amount of time spent until the document for the action became interactive, in milliseconds.
domCompleteTimenumberThe amount of time until the DOM tree is completed, in milliseconds.
domContentLoadedTimenumberThe amount of time until the DOM tree is loaded, in milliseconds.
domainstringThe DNS domain where the action has been recorded
durationnumberThe duration of the action, in milliseconds
endTimenumberThe stop time of the action on the server, in UTC milliseconds
firstInputDelaynumberThe first input delay (FID) is the time (in milliseconds) that the browser took to respond to the first user input.
firstPartyBusyTimenumberThe time spent waiting for resources from the originating server for the action, in milliseconds.
firstPartyResourcesnumberThe number of resources fetched from the originating server for the action.
frontendTimenumberThe amount of time spent on the frontend rendering for the action, in milliseconds.
javascriptErrorCountnumberThe total number of Javascript errors during the action.
largestContentfulPaintnumberThe largest contentful paint (LCP) is the time (in milliseconds) that the largest element on the page took to render.
loadEventEndnumberThe amount of time until the load event ended, in milliseconds.
loadEventStartnumberThe amount of time until the load event started, in milliseconds.
monitorType*required"BROWSER" | "HTTP"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BROWSER -> BMAction
  • HTTP -> MonitorRequestExecutionResult
namestringThe name of the action.
navigationStartTimenumberThe timestamp of the navigation start, in UTC milliseconds.
networkTimenumberThe amount of time spent on the data transfer for the action, in milliseconds.
referrerstringThe referrer.
requestErrorCountnumberThe total number of request errors during the action.
requestStartnumberThe amount of time until the request started, in milliseconds.
responseEndnumberThe amount of time until the response ended, in milliseconds.
responseStartnumberThe amount of time until the response started, in milliseconds.
serverTimenumberThe amount of time spent on the server-side processing for the action, in milliseconds.
speedIndexnumberA score indicating how quickly the page content is visually populated. A low speed index means that most parts of a page are rendering quickly.
startSequenceNumbernumberThe sequence number of the action (to get a kind of order).
startTimenumberThe start time of the action on the server, in in UTC milliseconds.
targetUrlstringThe URL of the action.
thirdPartyBusyTimenumberThe time spent waiting for third party resources for the action, in milliseconds.
thirdPartyResourcesnumberThe number of third party resources loaded for the action.
totalBlockingTimenumberThe time between the moment when the browser receives a request to download a resource and the time that it actually starts downloading the resource in ms.
type"Custom" | "EndVisit" | "Error" | "Load" | "RageClick" | "StandaloneAgentEvent" | "StandaloneHttpError" | "SyntheticHiddenAction" | "UserSessionProperties" | "ViewChangeEvent" | "VisitTag" | "Xhr"The type of the action.
userActionPropertyCountnumberThe total number of properties in the action.
visuallyCompleteTimenumberThe amount of time until the page is visually complete, in milliseconds.




Result received after ingesting business events.

errorsArray<BizEventIngestError>A list of business events ingest errors.


Parameters of an error budget burn rate alert.

alertName*requiredstringName of the alert.
alertThreshold*requirednumberThreshold of the alert. Status alerts trigger if they fall below this value, burn rate alerts trigger if they exceed the value.
alertType*required"BURN_RATE" | "STATUS"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BURN_RATE -> BurnRateAlert
  • STATUS -> StatusAlert


A credentials set of the CERTIFICATE type.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
certificatestringThe certificate in the string format.
certificateFormat"PEM" | "PKCS12" | "UNKNOWN"The certificate format.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
passwordstringThe password of the credential (Base64 encoded).
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials


CloudEvents is a specification for describing event data in common formats to provide interoperability across services, platforms and systems.

dataRecord<string | any>
dtcontextstringDynatrace context
traceparentstringTrace related to this event. See distributed tracing for further information.


The details of a code-level vulnerability.

processGroupIdsArray<string>The list of encoded MEIdentifier of the process groups.
processGroupsArray<string>The list of affected process groups.
shortVulnerabilityLocationstringThe code location of the vulnerability without package and parameter.
type"SQL_INJECTION" | "SSRF" | "CMD_INJECTION" | "IMPROPER_INPUT_VALIDATION"The type of code level vulnerability.
vulnerabilityLocationstringThe code location of the vulnerability.
vulnerableFunctionstringThe vulnerable function of the vulnerability.
vulnerableFunctionInputVulnerableFunctionInputDescribes what got passed into the code level vulnerability.


Information about a code location.

classNamestringThe fully qualified class name of the code location.
columnNumbernumberThe column number of the code location.
displayNamestringA human readable string representation of the code location.
fileNamestringThe file name of the code location.
functionNamestringThe function/method name of the code location.
lineNumbernumberThe line number of the code location.
parameterTypesTruncatableListStringA list of values that has possibly been truncated.
returnTypestringThe return type of the function.


The comment to a problem.

authorNamestringThe user who wrote the comment.
contentstringThe text of the comment.
contextstringThe context of the comment.
createdAtTimestamp*requirednumberThe timestamp of comment creation, in UTC milliseconds.
idstringThe ID of the comment.


contextstringThe context of the comment.
message*requiredstringThe text of the comment.


A list of comments.

comments*requiredArray<Comment>The result entries.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


A constraint on the values accepted for a complex settings property.

checkAllPropertiesbooleanDefines if modification of any property triggers secret resubmission check.
customMessagestringA custom message for invalid values.
customValidatorIdstringThe ID of a custom validator.
maximumPropertyCountnumberThe maximum number of properties that can be set.
minimumPropertyCountnumberThe minimum number of properties that must be set.
propertiesArray<string>A list of properties (defined by IDs) that are used to check the constraint.
skipAsyncValidationbooleanWhether to skip validation on a change made from the UI.


Metadata useful for debugging

clusterVersionstringDynatrace version.
configurationVersionsArray<number>A sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.
currentConfigurationVersionsArray<string>A sorted list of version numbers of the configuration.


A constraint on the values accepted for a settings property.

customMessagestringA custom message for invalid values.
customValidatorIdstringThe ID of a custom validator.
maxLengthnumberThe maximum allowed length of string values.
maximumnumberThe maximum allowed value.
minLengthnumberThe minimum required length of string values.
minimumnumberThe minimum allowed value.
patternstringThe regular expression pattern for valid string values.
skipAsyncValidationbooleanWhether to skip validation on a change made from the UI.
type*required"UNKNOWN" | "CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF" | "LENGTH" | "NOT_BLANK" | "NOT_EMPTY" | "NO_WHITESPACE" | "PATTERN" | "RANGE" | "REGEX" | "TRIMMED" | "UNIQUE"The type of the constraint.
uniquePropertiesArray<string>A list of properties for which the combination of values must be unique.


A list of constraint violations

parameterLocation"HEADER" | "PATH" | "PAYLOAD_BODY" | "QUERY"


The set of entities allowed to use the credential.



Keeps information about credential's usage.

countnumberThe number of uses.
typestringType of usage.


A set of credentials for synthetic monitors.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of credentials. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the type field or see Credential vault API - JSON models.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials


Details of certificate credentials set.

certificatestringBase64 encoded certificate bytes
certificateTypestringCertificate type: PEM, PKCS12 or UNKNOWN
credentialUsageSummary*requiredArray<CredentialUsageHandler>The list contains summary data related to the use of credentials.
description*requiredstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultConfigConfiguration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
owner*requiredstringThe owner of the credential (user for which used API token was created).
ownerAccessOnly*requiredbooleanFlag indicating that this credential is visible only to the owner.
passwordstringBase64 encoded password
scope"UNKNOWN" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC" | "ALL"The scope of the credentials set.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CredentialsDetailsUsernamePasswordResponseElement
  • CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement
  • TOKEN -> CredentialsDetailsTokenResponseElement
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement


Details of the token credentials set.

credentialUsageSummary*requiredArray<CredentialUsageHandler>The list contains summary data related to the use of credentials.
description*requiredstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultConfigConfiguration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
owner*requiredstringThe owner of the credential (user for which used API token was created).
ownerAccessOnly*requiredbooleanFlag indicating that this credential is visible only to the owner.
scope"UNKNOWN" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC" | "ALL"The scope of the credentials set.
tokenstringPlain text token value

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CredentialsDetailsUsernamePasswordResponseElement
  • CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement
  • TOKEN -> CredentialsDetailsTokenResponseElement
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement


Details of username and password credentials set.

credentialUsageSummary*requiredArray<CredentialUsageHandler>The list contains summary data related to the use of credentials.
description*requiredstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultConfigConfiguration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
owner*requiredstringThe owner of the credential (user for which used API token was created).
ownerAccessOnly*requiredbooleanFlag indicating that this credential is visible only to the owner.
passwordstringPlain text password value
scope"UNKNOWN" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC" | "ALL"The scope of the credentials set.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CredentialsDetailsUsernamePasswordResponseElement
  • CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement
  • TOKEN -> CredentialsDetailsTokenResponseElement
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement
usernamestringPlain text username value


A short representation of the credentials set.

id*requiredstringThe ID of the credentials set.


A list of credentials sets for Synthetic monitors.

credentials*requiredArray<CredentialsResponseElement>A list of credentials sets for Synthetic monitors.


Metadata of the credentials set.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow access without app context, for example, from ad hoc functions in Workflows (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntities*requiredArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
credentialUsageSummary*requiredArray<CredentialUsageHandler>The list contains summary data related to the use of credentials.
description*requiredstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultConfigConfiguration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
owner*requiredstringThe owner of the credential (user for which used API token was created).
ownerAccessOnly*requiredbooleanFlag indicating that this credential is visible only to the owner.
scope"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopesArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">The set of scopes of the credentials set.


Analysis of problem impact to a custom application.

estimatedAffectedUsers*requirednumberThe estimated number of affected users.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • SERVICE -> ServiceImpact
  • APPLICATION -> ApplicationImpact
  • MOBILE -> MobileImpact
  • CUSTOM_APPLICATION -> CustomApplicationImpact
impactedEntity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.


Configuration of a custom device.

configUrlstringThe URL of a configuration web page for the custom device, such as a login page for a firewall or router.

The internal ID of the custom device.

If you use the ID of an existing device, the respective parameters will be updated.

displayName*requiredstringThe name of the custom device to be displayed in the user interface.

The list of DNS names related to the custom device.

These names are used to automatically discover the horizontal communication relationship between this component and all other observed components within Smartscape. Once a connection is discovered, it is automatically mapped and shown within Smartscape.

Non-public DNS addresses can also be mapped internally. This is applicable only if the domain name consists of at least two parts, for example

If you send a value, the existing values will be overwritten.

If you send null or an empty value; or omit this field, the existing values will be kept.

faviconUrlstringThe icon to be displayed for your custom component within Smartscape. Provide the full URL of the icon file.

User defined group ID of entity.

The group ID helps to keep a consistent picture of device-group relations. One of many cases where a proper group is important is service detection: you can define which custom devices should lead to the same service by defining the same group ID for them.

If you set a group ID, it will be hashed into the Dynatrace entity ID of the custom device. In that case the custom device can only be part of one custom device group.

If you don't set the group ID, Dynatrace will create it based on the ID or type of the custom device. Also, the group will not be hashed into the device ID which means the device may switch groups.


The list of IP addresses that belong to the custom device.

These addresses are used to automatically discover the horizontal communication relationship between this component and all other observed components within Smartscape. Once a connection is discovered, it is automatically mapped and shown within Smartscape.

If you send a value (including an empty value), the existing values will be overwritten.

If you send null or omit this field, the existing values will be kept.


The list of ports the custom devices listens to.

These ports are used to discover the horizontal communication relationship between this component and all other observed components within Smartscape.

Once a connection is discovered, it is automatically mapped and shown within Smartscape.

If ports are specified, you should also add at least one IP address or a DNS name for the custom device.

If you send a value, the existing values will be overwritten.

If you send null, or an empty value, or omit this field, the existing values will be kept.

propertiesCustomDeviceCreationPropertiesThe list of key-value pair properties that will be shown beneath the infographics of your custom device.

The technology type definition of the custom device.

It must be the same technology type of the metric you're reporting.

If you send a value, the existing value will be overwritten.

If you send null, empty or omit this field, the existing value will be kept.


The list of key-value pair properties that will be shown beneath the infographics of your custom device.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


The short representation of a newly created custom device.

entityIdstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the custom device.
groupIdstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the custom device group.


A list of custom tags.

tags*requiredArray<METag>A list of custom tags.
totalCountnumberThe total number of tags in the response.


A custom script log line

logLevelstringLog level of the message
messagestringThe message
timestampnumberA timestamp of this log message


Configuration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig


Synchronization credentials with CyberArk Vault using allowed machines (location) authentication method.

accountNamestringAccount name that stores the username and password to retrieve and synchronize with the Dynatrace Credential Vault: This is NOT the name of the account logged into the CyberArk Central Credential Provider.
applicationIdstringApplication ID connected to CyberArk Vault.
certificatestring[Recommended] Certificate used for authentication to CyberArk application. ID of certificate credential saved in Dynatrace CV.
folderNamestring[Optional] Folder name where credentials in CyberArk Vault are stored. Default folder name is 'Root'.
locationForSynchronizationIdstringId of a location used by the synchronizing monitor
passwordSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where password is stored.
safeNamestringSafe name connected to CyberArk Vault.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate
tokenSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where token is stored.
usernameSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where username is stored.
vaultUrlstringExternal vault URL.


Synchronization credentials with CyberArk Vault using username password authentication method.

accountNamestringAccount name that stores the username and password to retrieve and synchronize with the Dynatrace Credential Vault: This is NOT the name of the account logged into the CyberArk Central Credential Provider.
applicationIdstringApplication ID connected to CyberArk Vault.
certificatestring[Recommended] Certificate used for authentication to CyberArk application. ID of certificate credential saved in Dynatrace CV.
folderNamestring[Optional] Folder name where credentials in CyberArk Vault are stored. Default folder name is 'Root'.
locationForSynchronizationIdstringId of a location used by the synchronizing monitor
passwordSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where password is stored.
safeNamestringSafe name connected to CyberArk Vault.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate
tokenSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where token is stored.
usernamePasswordForCPMstringDynatrace credential ID of the username-password pair used for authentication to the CyberArk Central Credential Provider
usernameSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where username is stored.
vaultUrlstringExternal vault URL.


Configuration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig


Configuration of a datasource for a property.

filterProperties*requiredArray<string>The properties to filter the datasource options on.
fullContext*requiredbooleanWhether this datasource expects full setting payload as the context.
identifier*requiredstringThe identifier of a custom data source of the property's value.
resetValue"ALWAYS" | "INVALID_ONLY" | "NEVER"When to reset datasource value in the UI on filter change.
useApiSearch*requiredbooleanIf true, the datasource should use the api to filter the results instead of client-side filtering.
validate*requiredbooleanWhether to validate input to only allow values returned by the datasource.


Security advice from the Davis security advisor.

adviceType"UPGRADE"The type of the advice.
criticalArray<string>IDs of critical level security problems caused by vulnerable component.
highArray<string>IDs of high level security problems caused by vulnerable component.
lowArray<string>IDs of low level security problems caused by vulnerable component.
mediumArray<string>IDs of medium level security problems caused by vulnerable component.
namestringThe name of the advice.
noneArray<string>IDs of none level security problems caused by vulnerable component.
technology"KUBERNETES" | "DOTNET" | "GO" | "JAVA" | "NODE_JS" | "PHP" | "PYTHON"The technology of the vulnerable component.
vulnerableComponentstringThe vulnerable component to which advice applies.


A list of advice from the Davis security advisor.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


Deleted custom tag.

matchedEntitiesCountnumberThe number of monitored entities where the tag has been deleted.


A constraint on the values that are going to be deleted.

customMessagestringA custom message for invalid values.
customValidatorIdstringThe ID of a custom validator.


contextPermissionContextOptional context data
granted"condition" | "false" | "true"


An effective settings value.

authorstringThe user (identified by a user ID or a public token ID) who performed that most recent modification.
creatednumberThe timestamp of the creation.
externalIdstringThe external identifier of the settings object.
modifiednumberThe timestamp of the last modification.
originstringThe origin of the settings value.
schemaIdstringThe schema on which the object is based.
schemaVersionstringThe version of the schema on which the object is based.
searchSummarystringA searchable summary string of the setting value. Plain text without Markdown.
summarystringA short summary of settings. This can contain Markdown and will be escaped accordingly.

The value of the setting.

It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.

The actual content depends on the object's schema.


A list of effective settings values.

items*requiredArray<EffectiveSettingsValue>A list of effective settings values.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSize*requirednumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


A list of monitored entities along with their properties.

entitiesArray<Entity>A list of monitored entities.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


The properties of a monitored entity.

displayNamestringThe name of the entity, displayed in the UI.
entityIdstringThe ID of the entity.
firstSeenTmsnumberThe timestamp at which the entity was first seen, in UTC milliseconds.
fromRelationshipsEntityFromRelationshipsA list of relationships where the entity occupies the FROM position.
iconEntityIconThe icon of a monitored entity.
lastSeenTmsnumberThe timestamp at which the entity was last seen, in UTC milliseconds.
managementZonesArray<ManagementZone>A set of management zones to which the entity belongs.
propertiesEntityPropertiesA list of additional properties of the entity.
tagsArray<METag>A set of tags assigned to the entity.
toRelationshipsEntityToRelationshipsA list of relationships where the entity occupies the TO position.
typestringThe type of the entity.


A list of relationships where the entity occupies the FROM position.

type: Record<string, EntityId[] | undefined>


The icon of a monitored entity.


The user-defined icon of the entity.

Specify the barista ID of the icon or a URL of your own icon.


The primary icon of the entity.

Specified by the barista ID of the icon.


The secondary icon of the entity.

Specified by the barista ID of the icon.


A short representation of a monitored entity.

idstringThe ID of the entity.
typestringThe type of the entity.


A list of additional properties of the entity.

type: Record<string, any>


The short representation of a Dynatrace entity.

descriptionstringA short description of the Dynatrace entity.
id*requiredstringThe ID of the Dynatrace entity.
namestringThe name of the Dynatrace entity.


A short representation of a monitored entity.

entityIdEntityIdA short representation of a monitored entity.

The name of the entity.

Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found.


A list of relationships where the entity occupies the TO position.

type: Record<string, EntityId[] | undefined>


A list of properties of the monitored entity type.

dimensionKeystringThe dimension key used within metrics for this monitored entity.
displayNamestringThe display name of the monitored entity.
entityLimitExceededbooleanWhether the entity creation limit for the given type has been exceeded
fromRelationshipsArray<ToPosition>A list of possible relationships where the monitored entity type occupies the FROM position
managementZonesstringThe placeholder for the list of management zones of an actual entity.
propertiesArray<EntityTypePropertyDto>A list of additional properties of the monitored entity type.
tagsstringThe placeholder for the list of tags of an actual entity.
toRelationshipsArray<FromPosition>A list of possible relationships where the monitored entity type occupies the TO position.
typestringThe type of the monitored entity.


A list of properties of all available entity types.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.
typesArray<EntityType>The list of meta information for all available entity-types


The property of a monitored entity.

displayNamestringThe display-name of the property.
idstringThe ID of the property.
typestringThe type of the property.


Information about an entry point of a code-level vulnerability.

sourceHttpPathstringSource HTTP path of entry points.
usageSegmentsArray<EntryPointUsageSegment>List of entry point usage segments.


Describes one segment that was passed into a usage and the associated source name and type.

segmentType"MALICIOUS_INPUT" | "REGULAR_INPUT" | "TAINTED_INPUT"The type of this input segment.
segmentValuestringThe value of this input segment.
sourceArgumentNamestringThe name used in the source for this segment.
sourceType"UNKNOWN" | "HTTP_BODY" | "HTTP_COOKIE" | "HTTP_HEADER_NAME" | "HTTP_HEADER_VALUE" | "HTTP_OTHER" | "HTTP_PARAMETER_NAME" | "HTTP_PARAMETER_VALUE" | "HTTP_URL"The type of the HTTP request part that contains the value that was used in this segment.


A list of entry points and a flag which indicates whether this list was truncated or not.

itemsArray<EntryPoint>A list of entry points.
truncatedbooleanIndicates whether the list of entry points was truncated or not.


Describes a payload sent to an entrypoint during an attack.

namenull | stringName of the payload, if applicable.
valuestringValue of the payload.


Definition of an enum property.

description*requiredstringA short description of the property.
displayNamestringThe display name of the property.
documentation*requiredstringAn extended description and/or links to documentation.
enumClassstringAn existing Java enum class that holds the allowed values of the enum.
items*requiredArray<EnumValue>A list of allowed values of the enum.
type*required"enum"The type of the property.


An allowed value for an enum property.

descriptionstringA short description of the value.
displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the value.
enumInstancestringThe name of the value in an existing Java enum class.
iconstringThe icon of the value.
value*requiredAnyValueThe allowed value of the enum.


codenumberThe HTTP status code
constraintViolationsArray<ConstraintViolation>A list of constraint violations
messagestringThe error message




Configuration of an event.

correlationIdstringThe correlation ID of the event.

The timestamp when the event was closed, in UTC milliseconds.

Has the value of null if the event is still active.

entityIdEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
entityTagsArray<METag>A list of tags of the related entity.
eventIdstringThe ID of the event.
eventTypestringThe type of the event.

If true, the event happens frequently.

A frequent event doesn't raise a problem.

managementZonesArray<ManagementZone>A list of all management zones that the event belongs to.
propertiesArray<EventProperty>A list of event properties.
startTimenumberThe timestamp when the event was raised, in UTC milliseconds.
status"CLOSED" | "OPEN"The status of the event.

The alerting status during a maintenance:

  • false: Alerting works as usual.
  • true: Alerting is disabled.

The problem detection status during a maintenance:

  • false: Problem detection works as usual.
  • true: Problem detection is disabled.
titlestringThe title of the event.
underMaintenancebooleanIf true, the event happened while the monitored system was under maintenance.


The event evidence of the problem.

An event that occurred during the problem lifespan that might be related to the root cause.

dataEventConfiguration of an event.
displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the evidence.

The end timestamp of the event, in UTC milliseconds.

Has -1 value, if the event is still active.

entity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
eventIdstringThe ID of the event.
eventTypestringThe type of the event.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence
groupingEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
rootCauseRelevant*requiredbooleanThe evidence is (true) or is not (false) a part of the root cause.
startTime*requirednumberThe start time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.


The configuration of an event to be ingested.


The end time of the event, in UTC milliseconds.

If not set, the start time plus timeout is used.


The entity selector, defining a set of Dynatrace entities to be associated with the event.

Only entities that have been active within the last 24 hours can be selected.

If not set, the event is associated with the environment (dt.entity.environment) entity.


A map of event properties.

Keys with prefix dt.* are generally disallowed, with the exceptions of dt.event.*, dt.davis.* and dt.entity.*. These reserved keys may be used to set event properties with predefined semantics within the Dynatrace product. dt.entity.* keys may be used to provide additional information on an event, but will not lead to the event being tied to the specified entities. All other keys are interpreted as user-defined event properties.

Values of Dynatrace-reserved properties must fulfill the requirements of the respective property.

A maximum of 100 properties can be specified. A property key is allowed to contain up to 100 characters. A property value is allowed to contain up to 4096 characters.


The start time of the event, in UTC milliseconds.

If not set, the current timestamp is used.

Depending on the event type, the start time must not lie in the past more than 6 hours for problem-opening events and 30 days for info events.

Depending on the event type, the start time must not lie in the future more than 5 minutes for problem-opening events and 7 days for info events.


The timeout of the event, in minutes.

If not set, 15 is used.

The timeout will automatically be capped to a maximum of 360 minutes (6 hours).

Problem-opening events can be refreshed and therefore kept open by sending the same payload again.

title*requiredstringThe title of the event.


A map of event properties.

Keys with prefix dt.* are generally disallowed, with the exceptions of dt.event.*, dt.davis.* and dt.entity.*. These reserved keys may be used to set event properties with predefined semantics within the Dynatrace product. dt.entity.* keys may be used to provide additional information on an event, but will not lead to the event being tied to the specified entities. All other keys are interpreted as user-defined event properties.

Values of Dynatrace-reserved properties must fulfill the requirements of the respective property.

A maximum of 100 properties can be specified. A property key is allowed to contain up to 100 characters. A property value is allowed to contain up to 4096 characters.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


The result of a created event report.

correlationIdstringThe correlation ID of the created event.
status"INVALID_ENTITY_TYPE" | "INVALID_METADATA" | "INVALID_TIMESTAMPS" | "OK"The status of the ingestion.


The results of an event ingest.

eventIngestResultsArray<EventIngestResult>The result of each created event report.
reportCountnumberThe number of created event reports.


A list of events.

eventsArray<Event>A list of events.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.
warningsArray<string>A list of warnings.


A list of event properties.

eventPropertiesArray<EventPropertyDetails>A list of event properties.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


A property of an event.

keystringThe key of the event property.
valuestringThe value of the event property.


Configuration of an event property.

descriptionstringA short description of the event property.
displayNamestringThe display name of the event property.

The property can (true) or cannot (false) be used for filtering in the event selector. Usage in event selector: property.<key>("value-1", "value-2")

keystringThe key of the event property.
writablebooleanThe property can (true) or cannot (false) be set during event ingestion.


Configuration of an event type.

descriptionstringA short description of the event type.
displayNamestringThe display name of the event type.
severityLevel"CUSTOM_ALERT" | "AVAILABILITY" | "ERROR" | "INFO" | "MONITORING_UNAVAILABLE" | "PERFORMANCE" | "RESOURCE_CONTENTION"The severity level associated with the event type.
typestringThe event type.


A list of event types.

eventTypeInfosArray<EventType>A list of event types.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


An evidence of a root cause.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of the evidence. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the evidenceType field or see Problems API v2 - JSON models.

displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the evidence.
entity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence
groupingEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
rootCauseRelevant*requiredbooleanThe evidence is (true) or is not (false) a part of the root cause.
startTime*requirednumberThe start time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.


The evidence details of a problem.

details*requiredArray<Evidence>A list of all evidence.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of evidence of a problem.


actionsExecuteActionsDtoActionsData Source defined action objects


Data Source defined action objects

type: Record<string, JsonNode | undefined>


agIdstringActive Gate id for actions execution
agNamestringActive Gate name for actions execution


Contains extended monitor's execution details.

errorCodestringError code.
executionStepCountnumberNumber executed steps.
executionStepsArray<ExecutionStep>Details about the monitor's step execution.
failedStepNamestringFailed step name.
failedStepSequenceIdnumberFailed step sequence id.
failureMessagestringFailure message.
statusstringExecution status.


Contains basic results of the monitor's on-demand execution.

chromeErrorbooleanInforms whether is Chrome error.
engineIdnumberSynthetic engine id on which monitor was executed.
errorCodestringError code.
executedStepsnumberNumber of the executed steps by Synthetic engine
failureMessagestringFailure message.
hostNameResolutionTimenumberA hostname resolution time measured in milliseconds.
httperrorbooleanInforms whether is HTTP error.
peerCertificateExpiryDateDEPRECATEDnumberAn expiry date of the first SSL certificate from the certificate chain.
publicLocationbooleanFlag informs whether request was executed on public location.
redirectionTimenumberTotal number of milliseconds spent on handling all redirect requests, measured in milliseconds.
redirectsCountnumberNumber of redirects.
responseBodySizeLimitExceededbooleanA flag indicating that the response payload size limit of 10MB has been exceeded.
responseSizenumberRequest's response size in bytes.
responseStatusCodenumberResponse status code.
startTimestampnumberStart timestamp.
statusstringExecution status.
tcpConnectTimenumberA TCP connect time measured in milliseconds.
timeToFirstBytenumberA time to first byte measured in milliseconds.
tlsHandshakeTimenumberA TLS handshake time measured in milliseconds.
totalTimenumberA total time measured in milliseconds.


Contains detailed information about the monitor's step execution.

monitorType*required"BROWSER" | "HTTP"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BROWSER -> BMAction
  • HTTP -> MonitorRequestExecutionResult


A list of exported log records.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
resultsArray<LogRecord>A list of retrieved log records.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.
warningsstringOptional warning messages.


author*requiredAuthorDtoExtension author
dataSources*requiredArray<string>Data sources that extension uses to gather data
extensionName*requiredstringExtension name
featureSets*requiredArray<string>Available feature sets
featureSetsDetails*requiredExtensionFeatureSetsDetailsDetails of feature sets
fileHash*requiredstringSHA-256 hash of uploaded Extension file
minDynatraceVersion*requiredstringMinimal Dynatrace version that works with the extension
minEECVersion*requiredstringMinimal Extension Execution Controller version that works with the extension
variables*requiredArray<string>Custom variables used in extension configuration
version*requiredstringExtension version


List of assets imported with the active extension environment configuration.

assets*requiredArray<AssetInfoDto>The list of the imported assets.
errors*requiredArray<string>List of errors during asset import
status*requiredstringThe status of the assets list.
version*requiredstringVersion of the active extension environment configuration.


version*requiredstringExtension version


A list of extension events.

contentstringContent of the event

Hexadecimal ID of Active Gate that uses this monitoring configuration.

Example: 0x1a2b3c4d


Host that uses this monitoring configuration.

Example: HOST-ABCDEF0123456789


Data source that uses this monitoring configuration.

Example: snmp

severitystringSeverity of the event
status"ERROR" | "INFO" | "NONE" | "WARN"Status of the event
timestampstringTimestamp of the event


extensionEventsArray<ExtensionEventDto>A list of extension events.


Details of feature sets

type: Record<string, FeatureSetDetails | undefined>


A list of extensions with additional metadata.

activeVersionnull | stringActive version in the environment (null if none is active)
extensionName*requiredstringExtension name
keywords*requiredArray<string>Extension keywords for the highest version
version*requiredstringHighest installed version


extensions*requiredArray<ExtensionInfo>A list of extensions with additional metadata.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


extensions*requiredArray<MinimalExtension>A list of extensions.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


objectId*requiredstringConfiguration id
scope*requiredstringConfiguration scope


items*requiredArray<ExtensionMonitoringConfiguration>A list of extension monitoring configurations.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


status*required"UNKNOWN" | "OK" | "ERROR"Latest status of given configuration.
timestamp*requirednumberTimestamp of the latest status of given configuration.


assetsInfo*requiredArray<AssetInfo>Information about extension assets included
author*requiredAuthorDtoExtension author
dataSources*requiredArray<string>Data sources that extension uses to gather data
extensionName*requiredstringExtension name
featureSets*requiredArray<string>Available feature sets
featureSetsDetails*requiredExtensionUploadResponseDtoFeatureSetsDetailsDetails of feature sets
fileHash*requiredstringSHA-256 hash of uploaded Extension file
minDynatraceVersion*requiredstringMinimal Dynatrace version that works with the extension
minEECVersion*requiredstringMinimal Extension Execution Controller version that works with the extension
variables*requiredArray<string>Custom variables used in extension configuration
version*requiredstringExtension version


Details of feature sets

type: Record<string, FeatureSetDetails | undefined>


Information for synchronization credentials with external vault

locationForSynchronizationIdstringId of a location used by the synchronizing monitor
passwordSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where password is stored.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate
tokenSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where token is stored.
usernameSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where username is stored.
vaultUrlstringExternal vault URL.


Configuration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig


Additional information about a Feature Set

metricsArray<MetricDto>Feature set metrics


A dimensional or series filter on a metric.

operandsArray<Filter>If the type is not, and or or, then holds the contained filters.
referenceInvocationInvocationInvocation of a function, e.g. the entitySelector function.
referenceStringstringFor filters that match a dimension against a valkue, such as eq or ne, holds the value to compare the dimension against.
referenceValuenumberFor the operands of series filters that match against a number, holds the number to compare against.
rollupRollupA way of viewing a series as a single value for the purpose of sorting or series-based filters.
targetDimensionstringIf the type applies to a dimension, then holds the target dimension.
targetDimensionsArray<string>If the type applies to n dimensions, then holds the target dimensions. Currently only used for the remainder filter.
type"and" | "contains" | "eq" | "existsKey" | "ge" | "gt" | "in" | "le" | "lt" | "ne" | "not" | "or" | "otherwise" | "prefix" | "remainder" | "series" | "suffix"

Type of this filter, determines which other fields are present.Can be any of:

  • eq,
  • ne,
  • prefix,
  • in,
  • remainder,
  • suffix,
  • contains,
  • existsKey,
  • series,
  • or,
  • and,
  • not,
  • ge,
  • gt,
  • le,
  • lt,
  • otherwise.


Statistics about the security problem, filtered by the management zone and timeframe start ('from') query parameters.

affectedNodesnumberNumber of affected nodes
affectedProcessGroupInstancesnumberNumber of affected processes
affectedProcessGroupsnumberNumber of affected process groups
exposedProcessGroupsnumberNumber of exposed process groups
reachableDataAssetsnumberNumber of reachable data assets
relatedApplicationsnumberNumber of related applications
relatedAttacksnumberNumber of related attacks
relatedDatabasesnumberNumber of related databases
relatedHostsnumberNumber of related hosts
relatedKubernetesClustersnumberNumber of related Kubernetes clusters
relatedKubernetesWorkloadsnumberNumber of related Kubernetes workloads
relatedServicesnumberNumber of related services
vulnerableComponentsnumberNumber of vulnerable components


The FROM position of a relationship.

fromTypesArray<string>A list of monitored entity types that can occupy the FROM position.
idstringThe ID of the relationship.


Information about a function definition.

classNamestringThe fully qualified class name of the class that includes the function.
displayNamestringA human readable string representation of the function definition.
fileNamestringThe file name of the function definition.
functionNamestringThe function/method name of the function definition.
parameterTypesTruncatableListStringA list of values that has possibly been truncated.
returnTypestringThe return type of the function.


Globally calculated statistics about the security problem. No management zone information is taken into account.

affectedNodesnumberNumber of affected nodes
affectedProcessGroupInstancesnumberNumber of affected process group instances
affectedProcessGroupsnumberNumber of affected process groups
exposedProcessGroupsnumberNumber of exposed process groups
reachableDataAssetsnumberNumber of reachable data assets exposed
relatedApplicationsnumberNumber of related applications
relatedAttacksnumberNumber of attacks on the exposed security problem
relatedHostsnumberNumber of related hosts
relatedKubernetesClustersnumberNumber of related kubernetes cluster
relatedKubernetesWorkloadsnumberNumber of related kubernetes workloads
relatedServicesnumberNumber of related services
vulnerableComponentsnumberNumber of vulnerable components


Synchronization credentials with HashiCorp Vault using appRole authentication method

locationForSynchronizationIdstringId of a location used by the synchronizing monitor
passwordSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where password is stored.
pathToCredentialsstringPath to folder where credentials in HashiCorp Vault are stored.
roleIdstringRole ID is similar to username when you want to authenticate in HashiCorp Vault using AppRole.
secretIdstringSecret ID is similar to password when you want to authenticate in HashiCorp Vault using AppRole. ID of token representing secret ID saved in Dynatrace CV.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate
tokenSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where token is stored.
usernameSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where username is stored.
vaultNamespacestringVault namespace in HashiCorp Vault. It is an information you set as environmental variable VAULT_NAMESPACE if you are accessing HashiCorp Vault from command line.
vaultUrlstringExternal vault URL.


Configuration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig


Synchronization credentials with HashiCorp Vault using certificate authentication method

certificatestringID of certificate saved in Dynatrace CV. Using this certificate you can authenticate to your HashiCorp Vault.
locationForSynchronizationIdstringId of a location used by the synchronizing monitor
passwordSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where password is stored.
pathToCredentialsstringPath to folder where credentials in HashiCorp Vault are stored.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate
tokenSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where token is stored.
usernameSecretNamestringThe name of the secret saved in external vault where username is stored.
vaultUrlstringExternal vault URL.


Configuration for external vault synchronization for username and password credentials.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig


Modification information about the setting.

lastModifiedBystringThe unique identifier of the user who performed the most recent modification.
lastModifiedTime*requiredDateTimestamp when the setting was last modified in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z')


HTTP specific request details.

headersTruncatableListAttackRequestHeaderA list of values that has possibly been truncated.
parametersTruncatableListHttpRequestParameterA list of values that has possibly been truncated.
requestMethodstringThe HTTP request method.


An HTTP request parameter.

namestringThe name of the parameter.
valuestringThe value of the parameter.


An Identity describing either a user, a group, or the all-users group (applying to all users).

idstringThe user id or user group id if type is 'user' or 'group', missing if type is 'all-users'.
type*required"user" | "group" | "all-users"The type of the identity.


The impact analysis of the problem on other entities/users.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of the impact. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the impactType field or see Problems API v2 - JSON models.

estimatedAffectedUsers*requirednumberThe estimated number of affected users.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • SERVICE -> ServiceImpact
  • APPLICATION -> ApplicationImpact
  • MOBILE -> MobileImpact
  • CUSTOM_APPLICATION -> CustomApplicationImpact
impactedEntity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.


A list of all impacts of the problem.

impacts*requiredArray<Impact>A list of all impacts of the problem.


The position where the button should be shown relative to a property in the UI

after*requiredstringThe path of a property after which the button should be shown in the UI




Invocation of a function, e.g. the entitySelector function.

argsArray<string>Arguments to pass to the function, e.g. entity selector source code.
functionstringFunction that is invoked, e.g. entitySelector.


An item of a collection property.

constraintsArray<Constraint>A list of constraints limiting the values to be accepted.
datasourceDatasourceDefinitionConfiguration of a datasource for a property.
descriptionstringA short description of the item.
displayNamestringThe display name of the item.
documentationstringAn extended description and/or links to documentation.
metadataItemMetadataMetadata of the items.
referencedTypestringThe type referenced by the item's value.
subTypestringThe subtype of the item's value.
type*requiredstring | RefPointerThe type of the item's value.
uiCustomizationUiCustomizationCustomization for UI elements


Metadata of the items.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


The properties of the linked problem.

displayId*requiredstringThe display ID of the problem.
problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the problem.


A synthetic location.

capabilitiesArray<string>The list of location's capabilities.

The cloud provider where the location is hosted.

Only applicable to PUBLIC locations.

entityId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
geoCitystringLocation's city.
geoContinentstringLocation's continent.
geoCountrystringLocation's country.
geoLatitudenumberLocation's latitude.
geoLocationId*requiredstringThe Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
geoLongitudenumberLocation's longitude.

The list of IP addresses assigned to the location.

Only applicable to PUBLIC locations.

name*requiredstringThe name of the location.
stage"BETA" | "COMING_SOON" | "DELETED" | "GA"The release stage of the location.
status"ENABLED" | "DISABLED" | "HIDDEN"The status of the location.
type*required"CLUSTER" | "PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"The type of the location.


Results of the execution HTTP monitor's requests at a given location

executionIdstringExecution id.
locationIdstringLocation id.
requestResultsArray<MonitorRequestExecutionResult>The list of the monitor's request results executed on this location.


A single log record.

additionalColumnsLogRecordAdditionalColumnsAdditional columns of the log record.
contentstringThe content of the log record.
eventType"K8S" | "LOG" | "SFM"Type of event
status"ERROR" | "INFO" | "NONE" | "NOT_APPLICABLE" | "WARN"The log status (based on the log level).
timestampnumberThe timestamp of the log record, in UTC milliseconds.


Additional columns of the log record.

type: Record<string, string[] | undefined>


A list of retrieved log records.

nextSliceKeystringThe cursor for the next slice of log records. Always null on Log Management and Analytics, powered by Grail.
resultsArray<LogRecord>A list of retrieved log records.
sliceSizenumberThe total number of records in a slice.
warningsstringOptional warning messages.


The tag of a monitored entity.


The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.

Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS value.

keystringThe key of the tag.
stringRepresentationstringThe string representation of the tag.
valuestringThe value of the tag.


The maintenance window evidence of the problem.

The maintenance window during which the problem occurred.

displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the evidence.
endTimenumberThe end time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.
entity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence
groupingEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
maintenanceWindowConfigIdstringThe ID of the related maintenance window.
rootCauseRelevant*requiredbooleanThe evidence is (true) or is not (false) a part of the root cause.
startTime*requirednumberThe start time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.


A short representation of a management zone.

idstringThe ID of the management zone.
namestringThe name of the management zone.


The details of the management zone.

idstringThe ID of the management zone.


A list of metrics and their data points.

nextPageKeystringDeprecated. This field is returned for compatibility reasons. It always has the value of null.
resolution*requiredstringThe timeslot resolution in the result.
result*requiredArray<MetricSeriesCollection>A list of metrics and their data points.

The total number of primary entities in the result.

Has the 0 value if none of the requested metrics is suitable for pagination.

warnings*requiredArray<string>A list of warnings


The default aggregation of a metric.


The percentile to be delivered. Valid values are between 0 and 100.

Applicable only to the percentile aggregation type.

type*required"value" | "count" | "auto" | "avg" | "max" | "median" | "min" | "percentile" | "sum"The type of default aggregation.


The descriptor of a metric.

aggregationTypesArray<"value" | "count" | "auto" | "avg" | "max" | "median" | "min" | "percentile" | "sum">The list of allowed aggregations for this metric.

If truethe usage of metric is billable.

Metric expressions don't return this field.


The timestamp of metric creation.

Built-in metrics and metric expressions have the value of null.


If true the usage of metric consumes Davis data units. Deprecated and always false for Dynatrace Platform Subscription. Superseded by isBillable.

Metric expressions don't return this field.

defaultAggregationMetricDefaultAggregationThe default aggregation of a metric.
descriptionstringA short description of the metric.
dimensionCardinalitiesArray<MetricDimensionCardinality>The cardinalities of MINT metric dimensions.

The fine metric division (for example, process group and process ID for some process-related metric).

For ingested metrics, dimensions that doesn't have have any data within the last 15 days are omitted.

displayNamestringThe name of the metric in the user interface.
entityTypeArray<string>List of admissible primary entity types for this metric. Can be used for the type predicate in the entitySelector.

The metric is (true) or is not (false) impact relevant.

An impact-relevant metric is highly dependent on other metrics and changes because an underlying root-cause metric has changed.

Metric expressions don't return this field.


The timestamp when the metric was last written.

Has the value of null for metric expressions or if the data has never been written.


The latency of the metric, in minutes.

The latency is the expected reporting delay (for example, caused by constraints of cloud vendors or other third-party data sources) between the observation of a metric data point and its availability in Dynatrace.

The allowed value range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Metric expressions don't return this field.


The maximum allowed value of the metric.

Metric expressions don't return this field.


The fully qualified key of the metric.

If a transformation has been used it is reflected in the metric key.

metricSelectorstringThe metric selector that is used when querying a func: metric.
metricValueTypeMetricValueTypeThe value type for the metric.

The minimum allowed value of the metric.

Metric expressions don't return this field.

resolutionInfSupportedbooleanIf 'true', resolution=Inf can be applied to the metric query.

The metric is (true) or is not (false) root cause relevant.

A root-cause relevant metric represents a strong indicator for a faulty component.

Metric expressions don't return this field.


Indicates whether the metric expression resolves to a scalar (true) or to a series (false). A scalar result always contains one data point. The amount of data points in a series result depends on the resolution you're using.


The tags applied to the metric.

Metric expressions don't return this field.

transformationsArray<"sort" | "filter" | "rollup" | "asGauge" | "default" | "delta" | "evaluateModel" | "fold" | "last" | "lastReal" | "limit" | "merge" | "names" | "parents" | "partition" | "rate" | "setUnit" | "smooth" | "splitBy" | "timeshift" | "toUnit">Transform operators that could be appended to the current transformation list.
unitstringThe unit of the metric.
unitDisplayFormat"binary" | "decimal"

The raw value is stored in bits or bytes. The user interface can display it in these numeral systems:

Binary: 1 MiB = 1024 KiB = 1,048,576 bytes

Decimal: 1 MB = 1000 kB = 1,000,000 bytes

If not set, the decimal system is used.

Metric expressions don't return this field.

warningsArray<string>A list of potential warnings that affect this ID. For example deprecated feature usage etc.


A list of metrics along with their descriptors.

metrics*requiredArray<MetricDescriptor>A list of metric along with their descriptors
nextPageKeynull | string

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

totalCount*requirednumberThe estimated number of metrics in the result.
warningsArray<string>A list of potential warnings about the query. For example deprecated feature usage etc.


The dimension cardinalities of a metric.

estimate*requirednumberThe cardinality estimate of the dimension.

The key of the dimension.

It must be unique within the metric.

relative*requirednumberThe relative cardinality of the dimension expressed as percentage


The dimension of a metric.

displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the dimension.

The unique 0-based index of the dimension.

Appending transformations such as :names or :parents may change the indexes of dimensions. null is used for the dimensions of a metric with flexible dimensions, which can be referenced with their dimension key, but do not have an intrinsic order that could be used for the index.


The key of the dimension.

It must be unique within the metric.

name*requiredstringThe name of the dimension.
type*required"OTHER" | "ENTITY" | "NUMBER" | "STRING" | "VOID"The type of the dimension.


Metric gathered by an extension

keystringMetric key
metadataMetricMetadataDtoMetric metadata


The metric evidence of the problem.

A change of metric behavior that indicates the problem and/or is its root cause.

displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the evidence.

The end time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.

The value null indicates that the evidence is still open.

entity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence
groupingEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
metricIdstringThe ID of the metric.
rootCauseRelevant*requiredbooleanThe evidence is (true) or is not (false) a part of the root cause.
startTime*requirednumberThe start time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.
unit"Ampere" | "Billion" | "Bit" | "BitPerHour" | "BitPerMinute" | "BitPerSecond" | "Byte" | "BytePerHour" | "BytePerMinute" | "BytePerSecond" | "Cores" | "Count" | "Day" | "DecibelMilliWatt" | "GibiByte" | "GibiBytePerHour" | "GibiBytePerMinute" | "GibiBytePerSecond" | "Giga" | "GigaByte" | "GigaBytePerHour" | "GigaBytePerMinute" | "GigaBytePerSecond" | "Hertz" | "Hour" | "KibiByte" | "KibiBytePerHour" | "KibiBytePerMinute" | "KibiBytePerSecond" | "Kilo" | "KiloByte" | "KiloBytePerHour" | "KiloBytePerMinute" | "KiloBytePerSecond" | "KiloMetrePerHour" | "MSU" | "MebiByte" | "MebiBytePerHour" | "MebiBytePerMinute" | "MebiBytePerSecond" | "Mega" | "MegaByte" | "MegaBytePerHour" | "MegaBytePerMinute" | "MegaBytePerSecond" | "MetrePerHour" | "MetrePerSecond" | "MicroSecond" | "MilliCores" | "MilliSecond" | "MilliSecondPerMinute" | "Million" | "Minute" | "Month" | "NanoSecond" | "NanoSecondPerMinute" | "NotApplicable" | "PerHour" | "PerMinute" | "PerSecond" | "Percent" | "Pixel" | "Promille" | "Ratio" | "Second" | "State" | "Trillion" | "Unspecified" | "Volt" | "Watt" | "Week" | "Year"The unit of the metric.
valueAfterChangePointnumberThe metric's value after the problem start.
valueBeforeChangePointnumberThe metric's value before the problem start.




Metric metadata

descriptionstringA short description of the metric
displayNamestringThe name of the metric in the user interface
unitstringThe unit of the metric


Metric query translation to DQL.

messagestringError message - only present if the status is not supported
querystringThe DQL query corresponding to the metric query
status"success" | "not supported"The status of the DQL translation, either success or not supported


Data points per dimension of a metric.

The data is represented by two arrays of the same length: timestamps and values. Entries of the same index from both arrays form a timestamped data point.


Deprecated, refer to dimensionMap instead.

The ordered list of dimensions to which the data point list belongs.

Each metric can have a certain number of dimensions. Dimensions exceeding this number are aggregated into one, which is shown as null here.


A list of timestamps of data points.

The value of data point for each time from this array is located in values array at the same index.


A list of values of data points.

The timestamp of data point for each value from this array is located in timestamps array at the same index.


Data points of a metric.

appliedOptionalFiltersArray<AppliedFilter>A list of filtered metric keys along with filters that have been applied to these keys, from the optionalFilter parameter.
data*requiredArray<MetricSeries>Data points of the metric.
dataPointCountRatio*requirednumberThe ratio of queried data points divided by the maximum number of data points per metric that are allowed in a single query.
dimensionCountRatio*requirednumberThe ratio of queried dimension tuples divided by the maximum number of dimension tuples allowed in a single query.
dqlMetricQueryDQLTranslationMetric query translation to DQL.

The key of the metric.

If any transformation is applied, it is included here.

warningsArray<string>A list of potential warnings that affect this ID. For example deprecated feature usage etc.


type: Record<string, string | undefined>


The value type for the metric.

type*required"error" | "score" | "unknown"The metric value type


A list of extensions.

extensionName*requiredstringExtension name
version*requiredstringExtension version


Analysis of problem impact to a mobile application.

estimatedAffectedUsers*requirednumberThe estimated number of affected users.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • SERVICE -> ServiceImpact
  • APPLICATION -> ApplicationImpact
  • MOBILE -> MobileImpact
  • CUSTOM_APPLICATION -> CustomApplicationImpact
impactedEntity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.


The additional modification details for this settings object.

firstbooleanIf non-moveable settings object is in the first group of non-moveable settings, or in the last (start or end of list).
modifiablePaths*requiredArray<string>Property paths which are modifiable, regardless if the write operation is allowed.
movablebooleanIf settings object can be moved/reordered. Only applicable for ordered list schema.
nonModifiablePaths*requiredArray<string>Property paths which are not modifiable, even if the write operation is allowed.



The modification info for a single updatable setting. Replaced by resourceContext.

deletable*requiredbooleanIf settings value can be deleted
firstbooleanIf non-moveable settings value is in the first group of non-moveable settings, or in the last (start or end of list)
modifiable*requiredbooleanIf settings value can be modified
modifiablePaths*requiredArray<string>Property paths which are modifiable, regardless of the state of modifiable
movable*requiredbooleanIf settings value can be moved/reordered. Only applicable for ordered list schema
nonModifiablePaths*requiredArray<string>Property paths which are not modifiable, when modifiable is true


A DTO for monitor entity ID.

entityId*requiredstringMonitor entity ID.


Results of the execution of all HTTP monitor's requests.

locationsExecutionResultsArray<LocationExecutionResults>The list with the results of the requests executed on assigned locations.
monitorIdstringMonitor id.


A result of the execution HTTP monitor's request.

cloudPlatformstringCloud platform of the location.
customLogsArray<CustomLogLine>Custom log messages.
engineIdnumberVUC's id on which monitor's request was executed.
failureMessagestringRequest's failure message.
healthStatusstringRequest's health status.
healthStatusCodenumberRequest's health status code.
hostNameResolutionTimenumberA hostname resolution time measured in ms.
methodstringRequest method type.
monitorType*required"BROWSER" | "HTTP"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BROWSER -> BMAction
  • HTTP -> MonitorRequestExecutionResult
peerCertificateDetailsstringRequest's certificate details.
peerCertificateExpiryDatenumberAn expiry date of the first SSL certificate from the certificate chain.
publicLocationbooleanFlag informs whether request was executed on public location.
redirectionTimenumberTotal number of milliseconds spent on handling all redirect requests, measured in ms.
redirectsCountnumberNumber of request's redirects.
requestBodystringRequest's request body.
requestHeadersArray<MonitorRequestHeader>A list of request's headers
requestIdstringRequest id.
requestNamestringRequest name.
resolvedIpsArray<string>Request's resolved ips.'
responseBodystringRequest's response body.
responseBodySizeLimitExceededbooleanA flag indicating that the response payload size limit of 10MB has been exceeded.
responseHeadersArray<MonitorRequestHeader>A list of request's response headers
responseMessagestringRequest's response message.'
responseSizenumberRequest's response size in bytes.
responseStatusCodenumberRequest's response status code.
sequenceNumbernumberRequest's sequence number.
startTimestampnumberRequest start timestamp.
tcpConnectTimenumberA TCP connect time measured in ms.
timeToFirstBytenumberA time to first byte measured in ms.
tlsHandshakeTimenumberA TLS handshake time measured in ms.
totalTimenumberA total request time measured in ms.
urlstringRequest URL address.
waitingTimenumberWaiting time (time to first byte - (DNS lookup time + TCP connect time + TLS handshake time), measured in ms.


A header of the Http request

namestringHeader's name.
valuestringHeader's value.


Key-value parameter of the monitoring state.

keystringThe key of the monitoring state paramter.
valuesstringThe value of the monitoring state paramter.


Monitoring state of the process group instance.

entityIdstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the process group instance.
paramsArray<MonitoredEntityStateParam>Additional parameters of the monitoring state.
severity"deep_monitoring_ok" | "info" | "ok" | "warning"The type of the monitoring state.
state"ok" | "agent_injection_status_go_dynamizer_failed" | "agent_injection_status_go_pclntab_failed" | "agent_injection_status_go_vertigo_support_added" | "agent_injection_status_nginx_patched_binary_detected" | "agent_injection_status_php_opcache_disabled" | "agent_injection_status_php_stack_size_too_low" | "agent_injection_suppression" | "aix_enable_full_monitoring_needed" | "bad_installer" | "boshbpm_disabled" | "container_injection_failed" | "containerd_disabled" | "crio_disabled" | "custom_pg_rule_required" | "deep_monitoring_successful" | "deep_monitoring_unsuccessful" | "docker_disabled" | "garden_disabled" | "host_infra_structure_only" | "host_monitoring_disabled" | "network_agent_inactive" | "parent_process_restart_required" | "podman_disabled" | "process_group_different_id_due_to_declarative_grouping" | "process_group_disabled" | "process_group_disabled_via_container_injection_rule" | "process_group_disabled_via_container_injection_rule_restart" | "process_group_disabled_via_global_settings" | "process_group_disabled_via_injection_rule" | "process_group_disabled_via_injection_rule_restart" | "restart_required" | "restart_required_apache" | "restart_required_docker_deamon" | "restart_required_host_group_inconsistent" | "restart_required_host_id_inconsistent" | "restart_required_outdated_agent_apache_update" | "restart_required_outdated_agent_injected" | "restart_required_using_different_data_storage_dir" | "restart_required_using_different_log_path" | "restart_required_virtualized_container" | "unsupported_state" | "winc_disabled"The name of the monitoring state.


A list of entities and their monitoring states.

monitoringStatesArray<MonitoredEntityStates>A list of process group instances and their monitoring states.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCountnumberThe total number of entities in the response.


scope*requiredstringThe scope this monitoring configuration will be defined for
valueJsonNodeThe monitoring configuration


code*requirednumberThe HTTP Status code
objectId*requiredstringThe identifier of the new configuration


valueJsonNodeThe monitoring configuration


Metadata of the muted state of a security problem in relation to an event.

commentstringA user's comment.
userstringThe user who has muted or unmuted the problem.


Configuration of a network zone.

alternativeZonesArray<string>A list of alternative network zones.
descriptionstringA short description of the network zone.
fallbackMode"NONE" | "ANY_ACTIVE_GATE" | "ONLY_DEFAULT_ZONE"The fallback mode of the network zone.
idstringThe ID of the network zone.
numOfConfiguredActiveGatesnumberThe number of ActiveGates in the network zone.
numOfConfiguredOneAgentsnumberThe number of OneAgents that are configured to use the network zone as primary.

The number of OneAgents from other network zones that are using ActiveGates in the network zone.

This is a fraction of numOfOneAgentsUsing.

One possible reason for switching to another zone is that a firewall is preventing a OneAgent from connecting to any ActiveGate in the preferred network zone.

numOfOneAgentsUsingnumberThe number of OneAgents that are using ActiveGates in the network zone.
overridesGlobalbooleanIndicates if a global network zone is overridden (managed only).
scopestringSpecifies the scope of the network zone (managed only).


Runtime information about host connections.

hostsConfiguredButNotConnectedArray<string>Hosts from the network zone that use other zones.
hostsConnectedAsAlternativeArray<string>Hosts that use the network zone as an alternative.
hostsConnectedAsFailoverArray<string>Hosts from other zones that use the zone (not configured as an alternative) even though ActiveGates of higher priority are available.
hostsConnectedAsFailoverWithoutActiveGatesArray<string>Hosts from other zones that use the zone (not configured as an alternative) and no ActiveGates of higher priority are available.


A list of network zones.

networkZones*requiredArray<NetworkZone>A list of network zones.


Global network zone configuration.

networkZonesEnabledbooleanNetwork zones feature is enabled (true) or disabled (false).


Configuration of a synthetic node.

A synthetic node is an ActiveGate that is able to execute synthetic monitors.

activeGateVersion*requiredstringThe version of the Active Gate.
autoUpdateEnabled*requiredbooleanThe Active Gate has the Auto update option enabled ('true') or not ('false')
browserMonitorsEnabled*requiredbooleanThe synthetic node is able to execute browser monitors (true) or not (false).
browserType*requiredstringThe browser type.
browserVersion*requiredstringThe browser version.
entityId*requiredstringThe ID of the synthetic node.
healthCheckStatus*requiredstringThe health check status of the synthetic node.
hostname*requiredstringThe hostname of the synthetic node.
ips*requiredArray<string>The IP of the synthetic node.
oneAgentRoutingEnabled*requiredbooleanThe Active Gate has the One Agent routing enabled ('true') or not ('false').
operatingSystem*requiredstringThe Active Gate's host operating system.
playerVersion*requiredstringThe version of the synthetic player.
status*requiredstringThe status of the synthetic node.
version*requiredstringThe version of the synthetic node.


The short representation of a synthetic object. Only contains the ID and the display name.

activeGateVersion*requiredstringThe version of the Active Gate.
autoUpdateEnabled*requiredbooleanThe Active Gate has the Auto update option enabled ('true') or not ('false')
browserMonitorsEnabled*requiredbooleanBrowser check capabilities enabled flag.
entityId*requiredstringThe ID of a node.
healthCheckStatus*requiredstringThe health check status of the synthetic node.
hostname*requiredstringThe hostname of a node.
ips*requiredArray<string>The IP of a node.
oneAgentRoutingEnabled*requiredbooleanThe Active Gate has the One Agent routing enabled ('true') or not ('false').
operatingSystem*requiredstringThe Active Gate's host operating system.
playerVersion*requiredstringThe version of the synthetic player.
status*requiredstringThe status of the synthetic node.
version*requiredstringThe version of a node


A list of synthetic nodes

nodes*requiredArray<NodeCollectionElement>A list of synthetic nodes


A list of settings objects.

items*requiredArray<SettingsObject>A list of settings objects.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSize*requirednumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


Optional context data

schemaId*requiredstringSettings schema id for conditional permission
scope*requiredstringSettings scope for conditional permission


A precondition for visibility of a property.


The expected value of the property.

Only applicable to properties of the EQUALS type.


A list of valid values of the property.

Only applicable to properties of the IN type.


The Regular expression which is matched against the property.

Only applicable to properties of the REGEX_MATCH type.

preconditionPreconditionA precondition for visibility of a property.

A list of child preconditions to be evaluated.

Only applicable to properties of the AND and OR types.

propertystringThe property to be evaluated.
type*required"AND" | "EQUALS" | "IN" | "NOT" | "NULL" | "OR" | "REGEX_MATCH"The type of the precondition.


Configuration of a private synthetic location.

Some fields are inherited from the base SyntheticLocation object.

autoUpdateChromiumbooleanAuto upgrade of Chromium is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
availabilityLocationOutagebooleanAlerting for location outage is enabled (true) or disabled (false). Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
availabilityNodeOutagebooleanAlerting for node outage is enabled (true) or disabled (false). \n\n If enabled, the outage of any node in the location triggers an alert. Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
availabilityNotificationsEnabledbooleanNotifications for location and node outage are enabled (true) or disabled (false). Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
citystringThe city of the location.

The country code of the location.

To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.

countryNamestringThe country name of the location.

The deployment type of the location:

  • STANDARD: The location is deployed on Windows or Linux.
  • KUBERNETES: The location is deployed on Kubernetes.
entityIdstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
geoLocationIdstringThe Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
latitude*requirednumberThe latitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.
locationNodeOutageDelayInMinutesnumberAlert if location or node outage lasts longer than X minutes. \n\n Only applicable when availabilityLocationOutage or availabilityNodeOutage is set to true. Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
longitude*requirednumberThe longitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.

Boolean value describes if icmp monitors will be executed on this location:

  • false: Icmp monitor executions disabled.
  • true: Icmp monitor executions enabled.
name*requiredstringThe name of the location.

A list of synthetic nodes belonging to the location.

You can retrieve the list of available nodes with the GET all nodes call.


The region code of the location.

To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.

regionNamestringThe region name of the location.

The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.
type*required"CLUSTER" | "PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"

Boolean value describes which kubernetes version will be used:

  • false: Version 1.23+ that is older than 1.26
  • true: Version 1.26+.


The properties of a problem.

affectedEntities*requiredArray<EntityStub>A list of all entities that are affected by the problem.
displayId*requiredstringThe display ID of the problem.

The end timestamp of the problem, in UTC milliseconds.

Has -1 value, if the problem is still open.

entityTagsArray<METag>A list of all entity tags of the problem.
evidenceDetailsEvidenceDetailsThe evidence details of a problem.
impactAnalysisImpactAnalysisA list of all impacts of the problem.
impactLevel*required"APPLICATION" | "ENVIRONMENT" | "INFRASTRUCTURE" | "SERVICES"The impact level of the problem. It shows what is affected by the problem.
impactedEntities*requiredArray<EntityStub>A list of all entities that are impacted by the problem.
k8s.cluster.nameArray<string>The related Kubernetes cluster names.
k8s.cluster.uidArray<string>The related Kubernetes cluster UIDs.
k8s.namespace.nameArray<string>The related Kubernetes namespace names.
linkedProblemInfoLinkedProblemThe properties of the linked problem.
managementZones*requiredArray<ManagementZone>A list of all management zones that the problem belongs to.
problemFilters*requiredArray<AlertingProfileStub>A list of alerting profiles that match the problem.
problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the problem.
recentCommentsCommentsListA list of comments.
rootCauseEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
startTime*requirednumberThe start timestamp of the problem, in UTC milliseconds.
status*required"CLOSED" | "OPEN"The status of the problem.
title*requiredstringThe name of the problem, displayed in the UI.


message*requiredstringThe text of the closing comment.


The result of closing a problem.

closeTimestamp*requirednumberThe timestamp when the user triggered the closing.
closing*requiredbooleanTrue, if the problem is being closed.
commentCommentThe comment to a problem.
problemId*requiredstringThe ID of the problem.


A list of problems.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
problems*requiredArray<Problem>The result entries.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.
warningsArray<string>A list of warnings


The vulnerable functions of a process group including their usage.

functionsInUseArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions in use.
functionsNotAvailableArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions with unknown state.
functionsNotInUseArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions not in use.
processGroupstringThe process group identifier.


Configuration of a property in a settings schema.

constraintsArray<Constraint>A list of constraints limiting the values to be accepted.
datasourceDatasourceDefinitionConfiguration of a datasource for a property.

The default value to be used when no value is provided.

If a non-singleton has the value of null, it means an empty collection.

descriptionstringA short description of the property.
displayNamestringThe display name of the property.
documentationstringAn extended description and/or links to documentation.
forceSecretResubmissionbooleanDefines if value is allowed to be modified when secret properties are not
itemsItemAn item of a collection property.

The maximum number of objects in a collection property.

Has the value of 1 for singletons.

metadataPropertyDefinitionMetadataMetadata of the property.
migrationPatternstringPattern with references to properties to create a new value.
minObjectsnumberThe minimum number of objects in a collection property.
modificationPolicy"DEFAULT" | "ALWAYS" | "NEVER"Modification policy of the property.
nullable*requiredbooleanThe value can (true) or can't (false) be null.
preconditionPreconditionA precondition for visibility of a property.
referencedTypestringThe type referenced by the property value
subTypestringThe subtype of the property's value.
type*requiredstring | RefPointerThe type of the property's value.
uiCustomizationUiCustomizationCustomization for UI elements


Metadata of the property.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Details that are specific to the used protocol.

httpHttpProtocolDetailsHTTP specific request details.


A credentials set of the PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE type.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
certificatestringThe certificate in the string format.
certificateFormat"PEM" | "PKCS12" | "UNKNOWN"The certificate format.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
passwordstringThe password of the credential (not supported).
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials


Configuration of a public synthetic location.

Some fields are inherited from the base SyntheticLocation object.

browserTypestringThe type of the browser the location is using to execute browser monitors.
browserVersionstringThe version of the browser the location is using to execute browser monitors.
capabilitiesArray<string>A list of location capabilities.
citystringThe city of the location.
cloudPlatform"AZURE" | "ALIBABA" | "GOOGLE_CLOUD" | "OTHER" | "AMAZON_EC2" | "DYNATRACE_CLOUD" | "INTEROUTE" | "UNDEFINED"The cloud provider where the location is hosted.

The country code of the location.

To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.

countryNamestringThe country name of the location.
entityIdstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
geoLocationIdstringThe Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
ipsArray<string>The list of IP addresses assigned to the location.
latitude*requirednumberThe latitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.
longitude*requirednumberThe longitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.
name*requiredstringThe name of the location.

The region code of the location.

To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.

regionNamestringThe region name of the location.
stage"BETA" | "COMING_SOON" | "DELETED" | "GA"The stage of the location.

The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.
type*required"CLUSTER" | "PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> PublicSyntheticLocation
  • PRIVATE -> PrivateSyntheticLocation
  • CLUSTER -> PrivateSyntheticLocation


Object with a pointer to a JSON object

$ref*requiredstringPointer to a JSON object this object should be logically replaced with.


extensionNamestringFQN of the extension registered in the tenant.
extensionVersionstringVersion number of the extension.


A list of related attacks of the security problem.

Related attacks are attacks on the exposed security problem.

attacksArray<string>A list of related attack ids.


Related container image of a security problem.

affectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of affected entities.
imageIdstringThe image ID of the related container image.
imageNamestringThe image name of the related container image.
numberOfAffectedEntitiesnumberThe number of affected entities.


A list of related container images.

containerImagesArray<RelatedContainerImage>A list of related container images.


A list of related entities of the security problem.

A related entity is a monitored entity that is directly or indirectly related to an affected entity (for example, it could be a host where an affected process runs).

Each related entity contains a list of corresponding affected entities (for example, an affected process running on this host).

applicationsArray<RelatedEntity>A list of related applications.
databasesArray<string>A list of related databases.
hostsArray<RelatedEntity>A list of related hosts.
kubernetesClustersArray<RelatedEntity>A list of related Kubernetes clusters.
kubernetesWorkloadsArray<RelatedEntity>A list of related Kubernetes workloads.
servicesArray<RelatedService>A list of related services.


An entity related to a security problem.

affectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of affected entities related to the entity.
idstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the entity.
numberOfAffectedEntitiesnumberThe number of affected entities related to the entity.


A service related to a security problem.

affectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of affected entities related to the entity.
exposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The level of exposure of the service.
idstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the entity.
numberOfAffectedEntitiesnumberThe number of affected entities related to the entity.


Contains data related to a single release of a component. A Release is a combination of a component and a version. A Component can be any form of deployable that can be associated with a version. In the first draft, a Component is always a Service.

The tuple &lt;name, product, stage, version&gt; is always unique.

affectedByProblemsbooleanThe entity has one or more problems
affectedBySecurityVulnerabilitiesbooleanThe entity has one or more security vulnerabilities
instancesArray<ReleaseInstance>The instances entityIds included in this release
namestringThe entity name
problemCountnumberThe number of problems of the entity
productstringThe product name
releaseEntityIdstringThe entity id of correlating release.
runningbooleanThe related PGI is still running/monitored
securityVulnerabilitiesCountnumberThe number of security vulnerabilities of the entity
securityVulnerabilitiesEnabledbooleanIndicates that the security vulnerabilities feature is enabled
softwareTechsArray<SoftwareTechs>The software technologies of the release
stagestringThe stage name
throughputnumberThe count of bytes per second of the entity
versionstringThe identified release version


Contains data related to a single instance of a release. An instance is a Process Group Instance and has an optional build version.

buildVersionstringThe build version
entityIdstringThe entity id of the instance.
problemsArray<string>List of event Ids of open problems
securityVulnerabilitiesArray<string>List of Security vulnerabilities Ids


A list of releases.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
releasesArray<Release>A list of releases.
releasesWithProblemsnumberNumber of releases with problems.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


Assessment of the remediation item.

assessmentAccuracy"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "FULL" | "REDUCED"The accuracy of the assessment.
assessmentAccuracyDetailsAssessmentAccuracyDetailsThe assessment accuracy details.
dataAssets"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "REACHABLE"The reachability of related data assets by affected entities.
exposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The level of exposure of affected entities.
numberOfDataAssetsnumberThe number of related data assets.
vulnerableFunctionRestartRequiredbooleanWhether a restart is required for the latest vulnerable function data.
vulnerableFunctionUsage"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "IN_USE" | "NOT_IN_USE"The usage of vulnerable functions
vulnerableFunctionsInUseArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions that are in use.
vulnerableFunctionsNotAvailableArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions that are not available.
vulnerableFunctionsNotInUseArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions that are not in use.


Detailed information of a remediation item for a security problem.

assessmentRemediationAssessmentAssessment of the remediation item.
muteStateRemediationItemMuteStateThe mute state of a remediation item of a security problem.
remediationProgressRemediationProgressThe progress of this remediation item. It contains affected and unaffected entities.
trackingLinkTrackingLinkExternal tracking link URL associated with the remediable entity of the security problem.
vulnerabilityState"RESOLVED" | "VULNERABLE"

A list of vulnerable components of the remediation item.

A vulnerable component is what causes the security problem.


A possible remediation for a security problem.

assessmentRemediationAssessmentAssessment of the remediation item.
muteStateRemediationItemMuteStateThe mute state of a remediation item of a security problem.
remediationProgressRemediationProgressThe progress of this remediation item. It contains affected and unaffected entities.
trackingLinkTrackingLinkExternal tracking link URL associated with the remediable entity of the security problem.
vulnerabilityState"RESOLVED" | "VULNERABLE"

A list of vulnerable components of the remediation item.

A vulnerable component is what causes the security problem.


A vulnerable component with details for a remediation item (PG).

affectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of affected entities.
displayNamestringThe display name of the vulnerable component.
fileNamestringThe file name of the vulnerable component.
idstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the vulnerable component.
loadOriginsArray<string>The load origins of the vulnerable components.
numberOfAffectedEntitiesnumberThe number of affected entities.
shortNamestringThe short, component-only name of the vulnerable component.


A list of remediation items.

remediationItemsArray<RemediationItem>A list of remediation items.


The mute state of a remediation item of a security problem.

commentstringA short comment about the most recent mute state change.
lastUpdatedTimestampnumberThe timestamp (UTC milliseconds) of the last update of the mute state.
mutedbooleanThe remediation is (true) or is not (false) muted.
reason"OTHER" | "AFFECTED" | "CONFIGURATION_NOT_AFFECTED" | "FALSE_POSITIVE" | "IGNORE" | "INITIAL_STATE" | "VULNERABLE_CODE_NOT_IN_USE"The reason for the most recent mute state change.
userstringThe user who last changed the mute state.


An updated configuration of the remediation item's mute state.

comment*requiredstringA comment about the mute state change reason.
muted*requiredbooleanThe desired mute state of the remediation item.
reason*required"OTHER" | "AFFECTED" | "CONFIGURATION_NOT_AFFECTED" | "FALSE_POSITIVE" | "IGNORE" | "INITIAL_STATE" | "VULNERABLE_CODE_NOT_IN_USE"The reason for the mute state change.


Summary of (un-)muting a remediation item.

muteStateChangeTriggered*requiredbooleanWhether a mute state change for the given remediation item was triggered by this request.
reason"ALREADY_MUTED" | "ALREADY_UNMUTED" | "REMEDIATION_ITEM_NOT_AFFECTED_BY_GIVEN_SECURITY_PROBLEM"Contains a reason, in case the requested operation was not executed.
remediationItemId*requiredstringThe id of the remediation item that will be (un-)muted.


Information on muting several remediation items.

commentstringA comment about the muting reason.
reason*required"OTHER" | "CONFIGURATION_NOT_AFFECTED" | "FALSE_POSITIVE" | "IGNORE" | "VULNERABLE_CODE_NOT_IN_USE"The reason for muting the remediation items.
remediationItemIds*requiredArray<string>The ids of the remediation items to be muted.


Response of muting several remediation items.

summary*requiredArray<RemediationItemMutingSummary>The summary of which remediation items were muted and which already were muted previously.


Information on un-muting several remediation items.

commentstringA comment about the un-muting reason.
reason*required"AFFECTED"The reason for un-muting the remediation items.
remediationItemIds*requiredArray<string>The ids of the remediation items to be un-muted.


Response of un-muting several remediation items.

summary*requiredArray<RemediationItemMutingSummary>The summary of which remediation items were un-muted and which already were un-muted previously.


Contains the external tracking link associations to be applied to the remediation items of the security problem.


Tracking links to remove from the security problem.

List of remediation item IDs of the security problem for which to remove the tracking links.


Tracking links to set for the security problem.

Map of remediation item ID to tracking link objects.

Keys must be valid remediation item IDs of the security problem, the associated value must contain the link to set for the item.


Tracking links to set for the security problem.

Map of remediation item ID to tracking link objects.

Keys must be valid remediation item IDs of the security problem, the associated value must contain the link to set for the item.

type: Record<string, TrackingLinkUpdate | undefined>


The progress of this remediation item. It contains affected and unaffected entities.

affectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of related entities that are affected by the security problem.
unaffectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of related entities that are affected by the security problem.


An affected or unaffected entity of a remediation for a security problem.

assessmentRemediationProgressEntityAssessmentAssessment of the remediation progress entity.
firstAffectedTimestampnumberThe timestamp when the remediation progress entity has first been related to the vulnerability.
idstringThe ID of the remediation progress entity.
namestringThe name of the remediation progress entity.
state"AFFECTED" | "UNAFFECTED"The current state of the remediation progress entity.

A list of vulnerable components of the remediation item.

A vulnerable component is what causes the security problem.


Assessment of the remediation progress entity.

vulnerableFunctionRestartRequiredbooleanWhether a restart is required for the latest vulnerable function data.
vulnerableFunctionUsage"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "IN_USE" | "NOT_IN_USE"The usage of vulnerable functions
vulnerableFunctionsInUseArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions that are in use.
vulnerableFunctionsNotAvailableArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions that are not available.
vulnerableFunctionsNotInUseArray<VulnerableFunction>A list of vulnerable functions that are not in use.


A list of remediation progress entities.

remediationProgressEntitiesArray<RemediationProgressEntity>A list of remediation progress entities.


A vulnerable component with details for a remediation progress entity (PGI).

displayNamestringThe display name of the vulnerable component.
fileNamestringThe file name of the vulnerable component.
idstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the vulnerable component.
loadOriginsArray<string>The load origins of the vulnerable components.
shortNamestringThe short, component-only name of the vulnerable component.


Describes the complete request information of an attack.

hoststringThe target host of the request.
pathstringThe request path.
protocolDetailsProtocolDetailsDetails that are specific to the used protocol.
urlstringThe requested URL.




The resource context, which contains additional permission information about the object.

modifications*requiredModificationThe additional modification details for this settings object.
operations*requiredArray<"delete" | "read" | "write">The allowed operations on this settings object.


The diff between two revisions.

jsonAfterstringThe new value of the changed settings value or null if the value has been deleted.
jsonBeforestringThe previous value of the changed settings value or null if the value has been newly created.
jsonPatchAnyValueThe JSON Patch for this value. May be null if the diff type is not UPDATE.
modificationInfoHistoryModificationInfoModification information about the setting.
objectIdstringThe ID of the settings object.
revisionstringThe revision of the change.
schemaVersionstringThe schema version the new value complies to
type"CREATE" | "DELETE" | "UPDATE" | "NO_CHANGE" | "REORDER"The type of the difference.


The paged response payload for diff between revisions of settings.

endTime*requiredstringThe 'to' time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z') from the original request.
items*requiredArray<RevisionDiff>The list of revisions changes in the current page.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSize*requirednumberThe number of entries per page.
startTime*requiredstringThe 'from' time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z') from the original request.


Risk assessment of a security problem.

assessmentAccuracy"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "FULL" | "REDUCED"The accuracy of the assessment.
assessmentAccuracyDetailsAssessmentAccuracyDetailsThe assessment accuracy details.
baseRiskLevel"NONE" | "CRITICAL" | "HIGH" | "LOW" | "MEDIUM"The risk level from the CVSS score.
baseRiskScorenumberThe risk score (1-10) from the CVSS score.
baseRiskVectorstringThe original attack vector of the CVSS assessment.
dataAssets"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "REACHABLE"The reachability of related data assets by affected entities.
exposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The level of exposure of affected entities.
publicExploit"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "AVAILABLE"The availability status of public exploits.
riskLevel"NONE" | "CRITICAL" | "HIGH" | "LOW" | "MEDIUM"

The Davis risk level.

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.


The Davis risk score (1-10).

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.

riskVectorstringThe attack vector calculated by Dynatrace based on the CVSS attack vector.
vulnerableFunctionUsage"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "IN_USE" | "NOT_IN_USE"The state of vulnerable code execution.


All changes of the risk assessment.

deltaBaseRiskScorenumberThe delta of the risk score.
deltaNumberOfAffectedNodesnumberThe delta of the number of currently affected nodes.
deltaNumberOfAffectedProcessGroupsnumberThe delta of the number of currently affected process groups.
deltaNumberOfReachableDataAssetsnumberThe delta of the number of data assets that are currently reachable by affected entities.
deltaNumberOfRelatedAttacksnumberThe delta of the number of related attacks.
deltaRiskScorenumberThe delta of the Davis risk score.
previousExposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The previous level of exposure of affected entities.
previousPublicExploit"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "AVAILABLE"The previous availability status of public exploits.
previousVulnerableFunctionUsage"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "IN_USE" | "NOT_IN_USE"The previous state of vulnerable code execution.


Risk assessment of a security problem.

assessmentAccuracy"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "FULL" | "REDUCED"The accuracy of the assessment.
assessmentAccuracyDetailsAssessmentAccuracyDetailsThe assessment accuracy details.
baseRiskLevel"NONE" | "CRITICAL" | "HIGH" | "LOW" | "MEDIUM"The risk level from the CVSS score.
baseRiskScorenumberThe risk score (1-10) from the CVSS score.
baseRiskVectorstringThe original attack vector of the CVSS assessment.
dataAssets"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "REACHABLE"The reachability of related data assets by affected entities.
exposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The level of exposure of affected entities.
publicExploit"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "AVAILABLE"The availability status of public exploits.
riskLevel"NONE" | "CRITICAL" | "HIGH" | "LOW" | "MEDIUM"

The Davis risk level.

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.


The Davis risk score (1-10).

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.

riskVectorstringThe attack vector calculated by Dynatrace based on the CVSS attack vector.
vulnerableFunctionRestartRequiredbooleanWhether a restart is required for new vulnerable function data.
vulnerableFunctionUsage"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "IN_USE" | "NOT_IN_USE"The state of vulnerable code execution.


A snapshot of the risk assessment of a security problem.

baseRiskScorenumberThe risk score (1-10) from the CVSS score.
changesRiskAssessmentChangesAll changes of the risk assessment.
exposure"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "NOT_DETECTED" | "PUBLIC_NETWORK"The level of exposure of affected entities.
numberOfAffectedEntitiesnumberThe number of currently affected entities.
numberOfAffectedNodesnumberThe number of currently affected nodes.
numberOfAffectedProcessGroupsnumberThe number of currently affected process groups.
numberOfReachableDataAssetsnumberThe number of data assets that are currently reachable by affected entities.
numberOfRelatedAttacksnumberThe number of related attacks.
publicExploit"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "AVAILABLE"The availability status of public exploits.
riskLevel"NONE" | "CRITICAL" | "HIGH" | "LOW" | "MEDIUM"

The Davis risk level.

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.


The Davis risk score (1-10).

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.

vulnerableFunctionUsage"NOT_AVAILABLE" | "IN_USE" | "NOT_IN_USE"The state of vulnerable code execution.


A way of viewing a series as a single value for the purpose of sorting or series-based filters.

type"AUTO" | "AVG" | "COUNT" | "MAX" | "MEDIAN" | "MIN" | "PERCENTILE" | "SUM" | "VALUE"


Parameters of a service-level objective (SLO).

burnRateMetricKey*requiredstringThe key for the SLO's error budget burn rate func metric.
denominatorValueDEPRECATEDnumberThe denominator value used to evaluate the SLO when useRateMetric is set to false.
descriptionstringA short description of the SLO.
enabled*requiredbooleanThe SLO is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

The error of the SLO calculation.

If the value differs from NONE, there is something wrong with the SLO calculation.


The error budget of the calculated SLO.

The error budget is the difference between the calculated and target values. A positive number means all is good; a negative number means trouble.

Has the value of the evaluated error budget or the value of -1:

  • If there is an error with the SLO calculation; in that case check the value of the error property.
  • If the evaluate parameter has not been set to true; in that case the error property will contain no error.
errorBudgetBurnRate*requiredSloBurnRateError budget burn rate evaluation of a service-level objective (SLO).
errorBudgetMetricKey*requiredstringThe key for the SLO's error budget func metric.

The calculated status value of the SLO. Has the value of the evaluated SLO status or the value of -1:

  • If there is an error with the SLO calculation; in that case check the value of the error property.
  • If the evaluate parameter has not been set to true; in that case the error property will contain no error.
evaluationType*required"AGGREGATE"The evaluation type of the SLO.
filter*requiredstringThe entity filter for the SLO evaluation. The total length of the entitySelector string in SLOs is limited to 1,000 characters. Use the syntax of entity selector.
id*requiredstringThe ID of the SLO

The total count metric (the denominator in rate calculation).

Required when the useRateMetric is set to false.

metricExpression*requiredstringThe percentage-based metric expression for the calculation of the SLO.
metricKey*requiredstringThe key for the SLO's status func metric.

The metric for the count of successes (the numerator in rate calculation).

Required when the useRateMetric is set to false.


The percentage-based metric for the calculation of the SLO.

Required when the useRateMetric is set to true.

name*requiredstringThe name of the SLO.
normalizedErrorBudgetMetricKey*requiredstringThe key for the SLO's normalized error budget func metric.
numeratorValueDEPRECATEDnumberThe numerator value used to evaluate the SLO when useRateMetric is set to false.
problemFiltersDEPRECATEDArray<string>The entity filter for fetching the number of problems related to an SLO. Auto-generated in case no filter has been added to the SLO.

Number of open problems related to the SLO.

Has the value of -1 if there's an error with fetching SLO related problems.


Total number of problems related to the SLO.

Has the value of -1 if there's an error with fetching SLO related problems.

status*required"SUCCESS" | "FAILURE" | "WARNING"The status of the calculated SLO.
target*requirednumberThe target value of the SLO.
timeframe*requiredstringThe timeframe for the SLO evaluation. Use the syntax of the global timeframe selector.

The type of the metric to use for SLO calculation:

  • true: An existing percentage-based metric.
  • false: A ratio of two metrics.

For a list of available metrics, see Built-in metric page or try the GET metrics API call.


The warning value of the SLO.

At warning state the SLO is still fulfilled but is getting close to failure.


Contains SLOs and paging information.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
slo*requiredArray<SLO>The list of SLOs.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


A credentials set of the SNMPV3 type.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
authenticationPasswordstringThe authentication password in the string format (should not be empty for AUTH_PRIV and AUTH_NO_PRIV security levels)
authenticationProtocol"MD5" | "SHA" | "SHA224" | "SHA256" | "SHA384" | "SHA512"The authentication protocol, supported protocols: MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
privacyPasswordstringThe privacy password in the string format (should not be empty for AUTH_PRIV security level)
privacyProtocol"AES" | "AES192" | "AES192C" | "AES256" | "AES256C" | "DES"The privacy protocol
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.

securityLevel"AUTH_NO_PRIV" | "AUTH_PRIV" | "NO_AUTH_NO_PRIV"The security level, supported levels: AUTH_PRIV, NO_AUTH_NO_PRIV, AUTH_NO_PRIV

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials
usernamestringUser name value


customMessagestringA custom message for invalid values.
customValidatorIdstringThe ID of a custom validator.
skipAsyncValidationbooleanWhether to skip validation on a change made from the UI.
type*required"UNKNOWN" | "CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF" | "UNIQUE" | "MULTI_SCOPE_CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF" | "MULTI_SCOPE_UNIQUE"The type of the schema constraint.
uniquePropertiesArray<string>The list of properties for which the combination of values needs to be unique


allowedScopes*requiredArray<string>A list of scopes where the schema can be used.
constraintsArray<ComplexConstraint>A list of constrains limiting the values to be accepted by the schema.
deletionConstraintsArray<DeletionConstraint>Constraints limiting the values to be deleted.
description*requiredstringA short description of the schema.
displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the schema.
documentationstringAn extended description of the schema and/or links to documentation.
dynatrace*requiredstringThe version of the data format.
enums*requiredSchemaDefinitionRestDtoEnumsA list of definitions of enum properties.
keyPropertystringName of the key property in this schema.

The maximum amount of objects per scope.

Only applicable when multiObject is set to true.

metadataSchemaDefinitionRestDtoMetadataMetadata of the setting.
multiObject*requiredbooleanMultiple (true) objects per scope are permitted or a single (false) object per scope is permitted.

If true the order of objects has semantic significance.

Only applicable when multiObject is set to true.

properties*requiredSchemaDefinitionRestDtoPropertiesA list of schema's properties.
schemaConstraintsArray<SchemaConstraintRestDto>Constraints limiting the values as a whole to be accepted in this configuration element.
schemaGroupsArray<string>Names of the groups, which the schema belongs to.
schemaId*requiredstringThe ID of the schema.
tableColumnsSchemaDefinitionRestDtoTableColumnsTable column definitions for use in the ui.

A list of definitions of types.

A type is a complex property that contains its own set of subproperties.

uiCustomizationUiCustomizationCustomization for UI elements
version*requiredstringThe version of the schema.


A list of definitions of enum properties.

type: Record<string, EnumType | undefined>


Metadata of the setting.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


A list of schema's properties.

type: Record<string, PropertyDefinition | undefined>


Table column definitions for use in the ui.

type: Record<string, TableColumn | undefined>


A list of definitions of types.

A type is a complex property that contains its own set of subproperties.

type: Record<string, SchemaType | undefined>


files*requiredArray<string>A list of schema files.


The list of available settings schemas.

items*requiredArray<SchemaStub>A list of settings schemas.
totalCount*requirednumberThe number of schemas in the list.


The short representation of the settings schema.

displayNamestringThe name of the schema.
latestSchemaVersionstringThe most recent version of the schema.
multiObjectbooleanMulti-object flag. True if the schema is a multi-object schema
orderedbooleanOrdered flag. True if the schema is an ordered multi-object schema.
schemaIdstringThe ID of the schema.


A list of definitions of types.

A type is a complex property that contains its own set of subproperties.

constraintsArray<ComplexConstraint>A list of constraints limiting the values to be accepted.
description*requiredstringA short description of the property.
displayNamestringThe display name of the property.
documentation*requiredstringAn extended description and/or links to documentation.
properties*requiredSchemaTypePropertiesDefinition of properties that can be persisted.
searchPatternstringThe pattern for the summary search(for example, "Alert after X minutes.") of the configuration in the UI.
summaryPattern*requiredstringThe pattern for the summary (for example, "Alert after X minutes.") of the configuration in the UI.
type*required"object"Type of the reference type.
version*requiredstringThe version of the type.
versionInfostringA short description of the version.


Definition of properties that can be persisted.

type: Record<string, PropertyDefinition | undefined>


versions*requiredArray<string>A list of schema versions.


securityContextArray<string>The security context, that will be set for matching entities. If there exists a management zone with this name, it will be set for all matching entities, overriding all automatic management zone rules.


The response payload holding the result of the security context application.

entityIdsArray<string>The entity ids that matched the entity selector and now have the supplied security context set.
managementZoneIdsArray<number>The management zone ids that is applied to the entity ids, if the security context matched an existing management zone's name, otherwise null.


Parameters of a security problem

codeLevelVulnerabilityDetailsCodeLevelVulnerabilityDetailsThe details of a code-level vulnerability.
cveIdsArray<string>A list of CVE IDs of the security problem.
displayIdstringThe display ID of the security problem.
externalVulnerabilityIdstringThe external vulnerability ID of the security problem.
firstSeenTimestampnumberThe timestamp of the first occurrence of the security problem.
globalCountsGlobalCountsDtoGlobally calculated statistics about the security problem. No management zone information is taken into account.
lastOpenedTimestampnumberThe timestamp when the security problem was last opened.
lastResolvedTimestampnumberThe timestamp when the security problem was last resolved.
lastUpdatedTimestampnumberThe timestamp of the most recent security problem change.
managementZonesArray<ManagementZone>A list of management zones which the affected entities belong to.
mutedbooleanThe security problem is (true) or is not (false) muted.
packageNamestringThe package name of the security problem.
riskAssessmentRiskAssessmentRisk assessment of a security problem.
securityProblemIdstringThe ID of the security problem.
status"OPEN" | "RESOLVED"The status of the security problem.
technology"KUBERNETES" | "DOTNET" | "GO" | "JAVA" | "NODE_JS" | "PHP" | "PYTHON"The technology of the security problem.
titlestringThe title of the security problem.
urlstringThe URL to the security problem details page.
vulnerabilityType"CODE_LEVEL" | "RUNTIME" | "THIRD_PARTY"The type of the vulnerability.


Summary of (un-)muting a security problem.

muteStateChangeTriggered*requiredbooleanWhether a mute state change for the given security problem was triggered by this request.
reason"ALREADY_MUTED" | "ALREADY_UNMUTED"Contains a reason, in case the requested operation was not executed.
securityProblemId*requiredstringThe id of the security problem that was (un-)muted.


Parameters of a security problem


A list of affected entities of the security problem.

An affected entity is an entity where a vulnerable component runs.

codeLevelVulnerabilityDetailsCodeLevelVulnerabilityDetailsThe details of a code-level vulnerability.
cveIdsArray<string>A list of CVE IDs of the security problem.
descriptionstringThe description of the security problem.
displayIdstringThe display ID of the security problem.
entryPointsEntryPointsA list of entry points and a flag which indicates whether this list was truncated or not.
eventsArray<SecurityProblemEvent>An ordered (newest first) list of events of the security problem.

A list of exposed entities of the security problem.

An exposed entity is an affected entity that is exposed to the internet.

externalVulnerabilityIdstringThe external vulnerability ID of the security problem.
filteredCountsFilteredCountsDtoStatistics about the security problem, filtered by the management zone and timeframe start ('from') query parameters.
firstSeenTimestampnumberThe timestamp of the first occurrence of the security problem.
globalCountsGlobalCountsDtoGlobally calculated statistics about the security problem. No management zone information is taken into account.
lastOpenedTimestampnumberThe timestamp when the security problem was last opened.
lastResolvedTimestampnumberThe timestamp when the security problem was last resolved.
lastUpdatedTimestampnumberThe timestamp of the most recent security problem change.
managementZonesArray<ManagementZone>A list of management zones which the affected entities belong to.
muteStateChangeInProgressbooleanIf true a change of the mute state is in progress.
mutedbooleanThe security problem is (true) or is not (false) muted.
packageNamestringThe package name of the security problem.

A list of data assets reachable by affected entities of the security problem.

A data asset is a service that has database access.


A list of related attacks of the security problem.

Related attacks are attacks on the exposed security problem.

relatedContainerImagesRelatedContainerListA list of related container images.

A list of related entities of the security problem.

A related entity is a monitored entity that is directly or indirectly related to an affected entity (for example, it could be a host where an affected process runs).

Each related entity contains a list of corresponding affected entities (for example, an affected process running on this host).

remediationDescriptionstringDescription of how to remediate the vulnerability.
riskAssessmentRiskAssessmentDetailsRisk assessment of a security problem.
securityProblemIdstringThe ID of the security problem.
status"OPEN" | "RESOLVED"The status of the security problem.
technology"KUBERNETES" | "DOTNET" | "GO" | "JAVA" | "NODE_JS" | "PHP" | "PYTHON"The technology of the security problem.
titlestringThe title of the security problem.
urlstringThe URL to the security problem details page.
vulnerabilityType"CODE_LEVEL" | "RUNTIME" | "THIRD_PARTY"The type of the vulnerability.

A list of vulnerable components of the security problem.

A vulnerable component is what causes the security problem.


The event of a security problem.

muteStateMuteStateMetadata of the muted state of a security problem in relation to an event.
riskAssessmentSnapshotRiskAssessmentSnapshotA snapshot of the risk assessment of a security problem.
timestampnumberThe timestamp when the event occurred.


A list of events for a security problem.

eventsArray<SecurityProblemEvent>A list of events for a security problem.

The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


A list of security problems.


The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null on the last page.

Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.

pageSizenumberThe number of entries per page.
securityProblemsArray<SecurityProblem>A list of security problems.
totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of entries in the result.


Information on muting a security problem.

commentstringA comment about the muting reason.
reason*required"OTHER" | "CONFIGURATION_NOT_AFFECTED" | "FALSE_POSITIVE" | "IGNORE" | "VULNERABLE_CODE_NOT_IN_USE"The reason for muting a security problem.


Information on un-muting a security problem.

commentstringA comment about the un-muting reason.
reason*required"AFFECTED"The reason for un-muting a security problem.


Information on muting several security problems.

commentstringA comment about the muting reason.
reason*required"OTHER" | "CONFIGURATION_NOT_AFFECTED" | "FALSE_POSITIVE" | "IGNORE" | "VULNERABLE_CODE_NOT_IN_USE"The reason for muting the security problems.
securityProblemIds*requiredArray<string>The ids of the security problems to be muted.


Response of muting several security problems.

summary*requiredArray<SecurityProblemBulkMutingSummary>The summary of which security problems were muted and which already were muted previously.


Information on un-muting several security problems.

commentstringA comment about the un-muting reason.
reason*required"AFFECTED"The reason for un-muting the security problems.
securityProblemIds*requiredArray<string>The ids of the security problems to be un-muted.


Response of un-muting several security problems.

summary*requiredArray<SecurityProblemBulkMutingSummary>The summary of which security problems were un-muted and which already were un-muted previously.


Analysis of problem impact to a service.

estimatedAffectedUsers*requirednumberThe estimated number of affected users.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • SERVICE -> ServiceImpact
  • APPLICATION -> ApplicationImpact
  • MOBILE -> MobileImpact
  • CUSTOM_APPLICATION -> CustomApplicationImpact
impactedEntity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
numberOfPotentiallyAffectedServiceCallsnumberThe number of potentially impacted services.


A settings object.

authorstringThe user (identified by a user ID or a public token ID) who performed that most recent modification.
creatednumberThe timestamp of the creation.
createdBystringThe unique identifier of the user who created the settings object.
externalIdstringThe external identifier of the settings object.
modificationInfoDEPRECATEDModificationInfoThe modification info for a single updatable setting. Replaced by resourceContext.
modifiednumberThe timestamp of the last modification.
modifiedBystringThe unique identifier of the user who performed the most recent modification.
objectIdstringThe ID of the settings object.
ownerIdentityAn Identity describing either a user, a group, or the all-users group (applying to all users).
resourceContextResourceContextThe resource context, which contains additional permission information about the object.
schemaIdstringThe schema on which the object is based.
schemaVersionstringThe version of the schema on which the object is based.
scopestringThe scope that the object targets. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.
searchSummarystringA searchable summary string of the setting value. Plain text without Markdown.
summarystringA short summary of settings. This can contain Markdown and will be escaped accordingly.

The update token of the object. You can use it to detect simultaneous modifications by different users.

It is generated upon retrieval (GET requests). If set on update (PUT request) or deletion, the update/deletion will be allowed only if there wasn't any change between the retrieval and the update.

If omitted on update/deletion, the operation overrides the current value or deletes it without any checks.


The value of the setting.

It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.

The actual content depends on the object's schema.


The response to a get by objectId request.

authorstringThe user (identified by a user ID or a public token ID) who performed that most recent modification.
creatednumberThe timestamp of the creation.
createdBystringThe unique identifier of the user who created the settings object.
externalIdstringThe external identifier of the settings object.
modifiednumberThe timestamp of the last modification.
modifiedBystringThe unique identifier of the user who performed the most recent modification.
objectIdstringThe ID of the settings object.
ownerIdentityAn Identity describing either a user, a group, or the all-users group (applying to all users).
resourceContextResourceContextThe resource context, which contains additional permission information about the object.
schemaIdstringThe schema on which the object is based.
schemaVersionstringThe version of the schema on which the object is based.
scopestringThe scope that the object targets. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.
searchSummarystringA searchable summary string of the setting value. Plain text without Markdown.
summarystringA short summary of settings. This can contain Markdown and will be escaped accordingly.

The update token of the object. You can use it to detect simultaneous modifications by different users.

It is generated upon retrieval (GET requests). If set on update (PUT request) or deletion, the update/deletion will be allowed only if there wasn't any change between the retrieval and the update.

If omitted on update/deletion, the operation overrides the current value or deletes it without any checks.


The value of the setting.

It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.

The actual content depends on the object's schema.


Configuration of a new settings object.

externalIdstringExternal identifier for the object being created

The position of the new object. The new object will be added after the specified one.

If null, the new object will be placed in the last position.

If set to empty string, the new object will be placed in the first position.

Only applicable for objects based on schemas with ordered objects (schema's ordered parameter is set to true).


The ID of the settings object that should be replaced.

Only applicable if an external identifier is provided.

schemaId*requiredstringThe schema on which the object is based.
schemaVersionstringThe version of the schema on which the object is based.
scope*requiredstringThe scope that the object targets. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.

The value of the setting.

It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.

The actual content depends on the object's schema.


The response to a creation- or update-request.

code*requirednumberThe HTTP status code for the object.

The value of the setting.

It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.

The actual content depends on the object's schema.

objectIdstringFor a successful request, the ID of the created or modified settings object.


An update of a settings object.


The position of the updated object. The new object will be moved behind the specified one.

insertAfter and insertBefore are evaluated together and only one of both can be set.

If null and insertBefore 'null', the existing object keeps the current position.

If set to empty string, the updated object will be placed in the first position.

Only applicable for objects based on schemas with ordered objects (schema's ordered parameter is set to true).


The position of the updated object. The new object will be moved in front of the specified one.

insertAfter and insertBefore are evaluated together and only one of both can be set.

If null and insertAfter 'null', the existing object keeps the current position.

If set to empty string, the updated object will be placed in the last position.

Only applicable for objects based on schemas with ordered objects (schema's ordered parameter is set to true).

schemaVersionstringThe version of the schema on which the object is based.

The update token of the object. You can use it to detect simultaneous modifications by different users.

It is generated upon retrieval (GET requests). If set on update (PUT request) or deletion, the update/deletion will be allowed only if there wasn't any change between the retrieval and the update.

If omitted on update/deletion, the operation overrides the current value or deletes it without any checks.


The value of the setting.

It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.

The actual content depends on the object's schema.


A list of permissions.

contextPermissionContextOptional context data
permission*requiredstringPermission to be probed


Error budget burn rate evaluation of a service-level objective (SLO).

burnRateType"NONE" | "FAST" | "SLOW"

The calculated burn rate type.

Has a value of 'FAST', 'SLOW' or 'NONE'.

burnRateValuenumberThe burn rate of the SLO, calculated for the last hour.

The error budget burn rate calculation is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

In case of false, no calculated values will be present here.

estimatedTimeToConsumeErrorBudgetnumberThe estimated time left to consume the error budget in hours.
fastBurnThresholdnumberThe threshold between a slow and a fast burn rate.
sloValuenumberThe calculated value of the SLO for the timeframe chosen for the burn rate calculation.


Error budget burn rate configuration of a service-level objective (SLO).


The error budget burn rate calculation is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

In case of false, no calculated values will be present here.

If not defined, the error budget burn rate calculation is disabled by default.

fastBurnThresholdnumberThe threshold between a slow and a fast burn rate.


descriptionstringThe description of the SLO.

The SLO is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

If not defined, the SLO is disabled by default.

errorBudgetBurnRateSloBurnRateConfigError budget burn rate configuration of a service-level objective (SLO).
evaluationType*required"AGGREGATE"The evaluation type of the SLO.
filterstringThe entity filter for the SLO evaluation. The total length of the entitySelector string in SLOs is limited to 1,000 characters. Use the syntax of entity selector.

The total count metric (the denominator in rate calculation).

Required when the useRateMetric is set to false.

metricExpressionstringThe percentage-based metric expression for the calculation of the SLO.
metricNamestringThe name that is used to create SLO func metrics keys. Once created, metric name cannot be changed.

The metric for the count of successes (the numerator in rate calculation).

Required when the useRateMetric is set to false.


The percentage-based metric for the calculation of the SLO.

Required when the useRateMetric is set to true.

name*requiredstringThe name of the SLO.
target*requirednumberThe target value of the SLO.
timeframe*requiredstringThe timeframe for the SLO evaluation. Use the syntax of the global timeframe selector.
useRateMetricDEPRECATEDnull | boolean

The type of the metric to use for SLO calculation:

  • true: An existing percentage-based metric.
  • false: A ratio of two metrics.

For a list of available metrics, see Built-in metric page or try the GET metrics API call.


The warning value of the SLO.

At warning state the SLO is still fulfilled but is getting close to failure.


Contains information about the used software technology.

editionstringThe edition of the technology.
technologystringThe type of the technology.
verbatimTypestringThe verbatim type of the technology.
versionstringThe version of the technology.


Parameters of a status alert.

alertName*requiredstringName of the alert.
alertThreshold*requirednumberThreshold of the alert. Status alerts trigger if they fall below this value, burn rate alerts trigger if they exceed the value.
alertType*required"BURN_RATE" | "STATUS"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BURN_RATE -> BurnRateAlert
  • STATUS -> StatusAlert


codenumberThe HTTP status code
messagestringDetailed message




A DTO for synthetic configuration.

bmMonitorTimeout*requirednumberbmMonitorTimeout - browser monitor execution timeout (ms)
bmStepTimeout*requirednumberbmStepTimeout - browser monitor single step execution timeout (ms)


Configuration of a synthetic location.

countryCode, regionCode, city parameters are optional as they can be retrieved based on latitude and longitude of location.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of the location. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the type field or see Synthetic locations API v2 - JSON models.

citystringThe city of the location.

The country code of the location.

To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.

countryNamestringThe country name of the location.
entityIdstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
geoLocationIdstringThe Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
latitude*requirednumberThe latitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.
longitude*requirednumberThe longitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.
name*requiredstringThe name of the location.

The region code of the location.

To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.

regionNamestringThe region name of the location.

The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.
type*required"CLUSTER" | "PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> PublicSyntheticLocation
  • PRIVATE -> PrivateSyntheticLocation
  • CLUSTER -> PrivateSyntheticLocation


A DTO for synthetic Location IDs.

entityId*requiredstringEntity ID to be transferred
geoLocationId*requiredstringGeoLocation ID to be transferred


The synthetic location update. This is a base object, the exact type depends on the value of the type field.

type*required"PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> SyntheticPublicLocationUpdate
  • PRIVATE -> SyntheticPrivateLocationUpdate


A list of synthetic locations.

locations*requiredArray<LocationCollectionElement>A list of synthetic locations.


List of available synthetic monitors.

monitorsArray<SyntheticMonitorSummaryDto>List of monitors.


Outage handling configuration.

globalConsecutiveOutageCountThresholdnumberNumber of consecutive failures for all locations.
globalOutagesbooleanGenerate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable at all configured locations.
localConsecutiveOutageCountThresholdnumberNumber of consecutive failures.
localLocationOutageCountThresholdnumberNumber of failing locations.
localOutagesbooleanGenerate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable for one or more consecutive runs at any location.


The performance threshold rule.

aggregation"AVG" | "MAX" | "MIN"Aggregation type default: "AVG"
dealertingSamplesnumberNumber of most recent non-violating request executions that closes the problem
samplesnumberNumber of request executions in analyzed sliding window (sliding window size)
stepIndexnumberSpecify the step's index to which a threshold applies.
thresholdnumberNotify if monitor request takes longer than X milliseconds to execute.
violatingSamplesnumberNumber of violating request executions in analyzed sliding window


Performance thresholds configuration.

enabledbooleanPerformance threshold is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
thresholdsArray<SyntheticMonitorPerformanceThresholdDto>The list of performance threshold rules.


Basic monitor data.

enabledbooleanIf true, the monitor is enabled. default: true
entityId*requiredstringThe entity id of the monitor.
name*requiredstringThe name of the monitor.


The network availability monitor constraint.

properties*requiredSyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorConstraintDtoPropertiesThe properties of the constraint.
type*requiredstringConstraint type.


The properties of the constraint.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Network Availability monitor.

descriptionstringMonitor description
enabledbooleanIf true, the monitor is enabled. default: true
entityId*requiredstringThe entity id of the monitor.
frequencyMinnumberThe frequency of the monitor, in minutes.
locations*requiredArray<string>The locations to which the monitor is assigned.
modificationTimestampnumberThe timestamp of the last modification
name*requiredstringThe name of the monitor.
performanceThresholdsSyntheticMonitorPerformanceThresholdsDtoPerformance thresholds configuration.
steps*requiredArray<SyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorStepDto>The steps of the monitor.
syntheticMonitorOutageHandlingSettingsSyntheticMonitorOutageHandlingSettingsDtoOutage handling configuration.

A set of tags assigned to the monitor.

You can specify only the value of the tag here and the CONTEXTLESS context and source 'USER' will be added automatically. But preferred option is usage of SyntheticTagWithSourceDto model.



The step of a network availability monitor.

constraints*requiredArray<SyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorConstraintDto>The list of constraints which apply to all requests in the step.
name*requiredstringStep name.
properties*requiredSyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorStepDtoPropertiesThe properties which apply to all requests in the step.
requestConfigurations*requiredArray<SyntheticMultiProtocolRequestConfigurationDto>Request configurations.
requestType*required"ICMP" | "TCP" | "DNS"Request type.
targetFilterstringTarget filter.
targetList*requiredArray<string>Target list.


The properties which apply to all requests in the step.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Network availability monitor.

descriptionstringMonitor description
enabledbooleanIf true, the monitor is enabled. default: true
frequencyMinnumberThe frequency of the monitor, in minutes.
locations*requiredArray<string>The locations to which the monitor is assigned.
name*requiredstringThe name of the monitor.
performanceThresholdsSyntheticMonitorPerformanceThresholdsDtoPerformance thresholds configuration.
steps*requiredArray<SyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorStepDto>The steps of the monitor.
syntheticMonitorOutageHandlingSettingsSyntheticMonitorOutageHandlingSettingsDtoOutage handling configuration.

A set of tags assigned to the monitor.

You can specify only the value of the tag here and the CONTEXTLESS context and source 'USER' will be added automatically. But preferred option is usage of SyntheticTagWithSourceDto model.

type*required"MULTI_PROTOCOL"Monitor type.


The configuration of a network availability monitor request.

constraints*requiredArray<SyntheticMultiProtocolMonitorConstraintDto>Request constraints.


Contains information about on-demand executions triggered within the batch.

batchId*requiredstringThe identifier of the batch.
batchStatus*required"SUCCESS" | "FAILED" | "FAILED_TO_EXECUTE" | "NOT_TRIGGERED" | "RUNNING"The status of the batch.
executedCount*requirednumberThe number of triggered executions with the result SUCCESS or FAILED.
failedCount*requirednumberThe number of triggered executions with the result FAILED.
failedToExecuteCount*requirednumberThe number of executions that were triggered and timed out because of a problem with the Synthetic engine.
metadataSyntheticOnDemandBatchStatusMetadataString to string map of metadata properties for batch
triggeredCount*requirednumberThe number of triggered executions within the batch.
triggeringProblemsCountnumberThe number of executions that were not triggered due to some problems.
userId*requiredstringThe name of the user who triggered execution of the batch.


String to string map of metadata properties for batch

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Describes the status of an on-demand execution.

batchId*requiredstringThe identifier of the batch.
customizedScriptObjectNodeCustomized script properties for this on-demand batch execution.
dataDeliveryTimestamp*requirednumberThe timestamp when whole data set has been collected on server, in UTC milliseconds.
executionId*requiredstringThe identifier of the execution.
executionStage*required"TRIGGERED" | "EXECUTED" | "DATA_RETRIEVED" | "NOT_TRIGGERED" | "TIMED_OUT" | "WAITING"Execution stage.
executionTimestamp*requirednumberThe timestamp when execution was finished, in UTC milliseconds.
fullResultsExecutionFullResultsContains extended monitor's execution details.
locationId*requiredstringThe identifier of the location from where the monitor is to be executed.
metadataSyntheticOnDemandExecutionMetadataMetadata map for the execution batch.
monitorId*requiredstringThe identifier of the monitor.
nextExecutionIdnumberNext execution id for sequential mode.
processingMode*required"UNKNOWN" | "NONE" | "STANDARD" | "DISABLE_PROBLEM_DETECTION" | "EXECUTIONS_DETAILS_ONLY"The processing mode of the execution.
schedulingTimestamp*requirednumberThe scheduling timestamp, in UTC milliseconds.
simpleResultsExecutionSimpleResultsContains basic results of the monitor's on-demand execution.
source*required"API" | "UI"The source of the triggering request.
userId*requiredstringThe name of the user who triggered the on-demand execution.


Metadata map for the execution batch.

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Contains parameters for the on-demand execution of monitors identified by tags, applications, or services.

failOnPerformanceIssuebooleanIf true, the execution will fail in case of performance issue. default: true
failOnSslWarningbooleanApplies to HTTP monitors only. If true, the execution will fail in case of an SSL certificate expiration warning or if the certificate is missing. default: true
groupSyntheticOnDemandExecutionRequestGroupContains parameters for the on-demand execution of monitors identified by tags, applications, or services.
metadataSyntheticOnDemandExecutionRequestMetadataString to string map of metadata properties for execution
monitorsArray<SyntheticOnDemandExecutionRequestMonitor>List of monitors to be triggered.
processingMode"STANDARD" | "DISABLE_PROBLEM_DETECTION" | "EXECUTIONS_DETAILS_ONLY"The execution's processing mode default: "STANDARD"
stopOnProblembooleanIf true, no executions will be scheduled if a problem occurs. default: false
takeScreenshotsOnSuccessbooleanIf true, the screenshots will be taken during the execution of a browser monitor. default: false


Contains parameters for the on-demand execution of monitors identified by tags, applications, or services.

applicationsArray<string>List of application identifiers. Only monitors with all applications assigned will be executed.
locationsArray<string>The locations from where monitors are to be executed.
servicesArray<string>List of service identifiers. Only monitors with all services assigned will be executed.
tagsArray<string>List of tags. Only monitors with all tags assigned will be executed.


String to string map of metadata properties for execution

type: Record<string, string | undefined>


Contains monitors to be executed on demand from the locations specified.

customizedScriptSyntheticOnDemandExecutionRequestMonitorCustomizedScriptCustomized script properties for this on-demand batch execution.
executionCountnumberThe number of times the monitor is to be executed per location; if not set, the monitor will be executed once. default: 1
locationsArray<string>The locations from where the monitor is to be executed.
monitorId*requiredstringThe monitor identifier.
repeatMode"SEQUENTIAL" | "PARALLEL"Execution repeat mode. If not set, the mode is SEQUENTIAL. default: "SEQUENTIAL"


The result of on-demand synthetic monitor execution.

batchId*requiredstringThe batch identifier of the triggered executions.
triggeredArray<SyntheticOnDemandTriggeredMonitor>Monitors for which on-demand executions were triggered.
triggeredCount*requirednumberThe total number of the triggered executions within the batch.
triggeringProblemsCount*requirednumberThe total number of problems within the batch.
triggeringProblemsDetailsArray<SyntheticOnDemandTriggeringProblemDetails>List with the entities for which triggering problems occurred.


Contains a list of synthetic on-demand executions.

executions*requiredArray<SyntheticOnDemandExecution>The list of executions.


Contains information about on-demand executions that failed or failed to be executed.

errorCode*requiredstringError code.
executionId*requiredstringThe identifier of the execution.
executionTimestampnumberThe timestamp when execution was finished, in UTC milliseconds.
failureMessagestringFailure message.
locationId*requiredstringThe identifier of the location from where the monitor is to be executed.
monitorId*requiredstringThe identifier of the monitor.


Contains details of the triggered on-demand execution.

executionId*requiredstringThe execution's identifier.
locationId*requiredstringThe identifier of the location from which the monitor is to be executed.


Contains the list of on-demand executions of the monitor.

executions*requiredArray<SyntheticOnDemandTriggeredExecutionDetails>The list of triggered executions.
monitorId*requiredstringThe monitor identifier.


Contains the details of problems encountered while triggering on-demand executions.

cause*requiredstringThe cause of not triggering entity.
details*requiredstringThe details of triggering problem.
entityId*requiredstringThe entity identifier.
executionId*requirednumberThe execution identifier.
locationIdstringThe location identifier.


Configuration of a private synthetic location

autoUpdateChromiumbooleanAuto upgrade of Chromium is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
availabilityLocationOutagebooleanAlerting for location outage is enabled (true) or disabled (false). Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
availabilityNodeOutagebooleanAlerting for node outage is enabled (true) or disabled (false). \n\n If enabled, the outage of any node in the location triggers an alert. Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
availabilityNotificationsEnabledbooleanNotifications for location and node outage are enabled (true) or disabled (false). Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
citystringThe city of the location.

The country code of the location.

To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.


The deployment type of the location:

  • STANDARD: The location is deployed on Windows or Linux.
  • KUBERNETES: The location is deployed on Kubernetes.
latitudenumberThe latitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.
locationNodeOutageDelayInMinutesnumberAlert if location or node outage lasts longer than X minutes. \n\n Only applicable when availabilityLocationOutage or availabilityNodeOutage is set to true. Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
longitudenumberThe longitude of the location in DDD.dddd format.

Boolean value describes if icmp monitors will be executed on this location:

  • false: Icmp monitor executions disabled.
  • true: Icmp monitor executions enabled.
namestringThe name of the location.

A list of synthetic nodes belonging to the location.

You can retrieve the list of available nodes with the GET all nodes call.


The region code of the location.

To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.


The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.
type*required"PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> SyntheticPublicLocationUpdate
  • PRIVATE -> SyntheticPrivateLocationUpdate

Boolean value describes which kubernetes version will be used:

  • false: Version 1.23+ that is older than 1.26
  • true: Version 1.26+.


The update of a public Synthetic location.


The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.
type*required"PUBLIC" | "PRIVATE"

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> SyntheticPublicLocationUpdate
  • PRIVATE -> SyntheticPrivateLocationUpdate


The status of public synthetic locations.

publicLocationsEnabled*requiredbooleanSynthetic monitors can (true) or can't (false) run on public synthetic locations.


The tag with source of a monitored entity.


The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.

Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS value.

key*requiredstringThe key of the tag.
source"USER" | "AUTO" | "RULE_BASED"The source of the tag, such as USER, RULE_BASED or AUTO.
valuestringThe value of the tag.


The definition of a table column to be used in the ui.

pattern*requiredstringPattern with references to properties to create a single value for the column.


Tenant token

valuestringThe secret of the tenant token.


Configuration of a tenant token.

activeTenantTokenTenant token
oldTenantTokenTenant token


The TO position of a relationship.

idstringThe ID of the relationship.
toTypesArray<string>A list of monitored entity types that can occupy the TO position.


A credentials set of the TOKEN type.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultInformation for synchronization credentials with external vault
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.

tokenstringToken in the string format.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials

External tracking link URL associated with the remediable entity of the security problem.

displayNamestringDisplay name (title) set for the tracking link, e.g. 'ISSUE-123'.
lastUpdatedTimestampnumberThe timestamp (UTC milliseconds) of the last update of the tracking link.
urlstringURL set for the tracking link, e.g.
userstringThe user who last changed the tracking link.


External tracking link URL association to be set for the remediable entity of the security problem.

displayName*requiredstringThe desired tracking link display name (title) set for the remediation item, e.g. 'ISSUE-123'.

The desired tracking link url set for the remediation item, e.g.

Note that only valid URLs with 'http' or 'https' protocols are supported.


The transactional evidence of the problem.

A behavior of a metric in an transaction that indicates the problem and/or is its root cause.

displayName*requiredstringThe display name of the evidence.
endTimenumberThe end time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds
entity*requiredEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence
groupingEntityEntityStubA short representation of a monitored entity.
rootCauseRelevant*requiredbooleanThe evidence is (true) or is not (false) a part of the root cause.
startTime*requirednumberThe start time of the evidence, in UTC milliseconds.
unitstringThe unit of the metric.
valueAfterChangePointnumberThe metric's value after the problem start.
valueBeforeChangePointnumberThe metric's value before the problem start.


A list of values that has possibly been truncated.

truncationInfoTruncationInfoInformation on a possible truncation.
valuesArray<AttackRequestHeader>Values of the list.


A list of values that has possibly been truncated.

truncationInfoTruncationInfoInformation on a possible truncation.
valuesArray<HttpRequestParameter>Values of the list.


A list of values that has possibly been truncated.

truncationInfoTruncationInfoInformation on a possible truncation.
valuesArray<string>Values of the list.


Information on a possible truncation.

truncatedbooleanIf the list/value has been truncated.


UI customization for defining a button that calls a function when pressed

descriptionstringThe description to be shown in a tooltip when hovering over the button
displayName*requiredstringThe label of the button
identifier*requiredstringThe identifier of the function to be called when the button is pressed
insert*requiredstring | InsertPositionThe position where the button should be shown in the UI


UI customization options for defining custom callbacks

buttonsArray<UiButtonCustomization>UI customization for defining buttons that call functions when pressed


Customization for UI elements

callbackUiCallbackCustomizationUI customization options for defining custom callbacks
expandableUiExpandableCustomizationUI customization for expandable section
tableUiTableCustomizationCustomization for UI tables
tabsUiTabsCustomizationUI customization for tabs


UI customization for empty state in a table

textstringThe text to be shown in the empty state


UI customization for expandable section

displayNamestringThe display name
expandedbooleanDefines if the item should be expanded by default
sectionsArray<UiExpandableSectionCustomization>A list of sections


Expandable section customization for UI

descriptionstringThe description
displayName*requiredstringThe display name
expandedbooleanDefines if the section should be expanded by default
properties*requiredArray<string>A list of properties


Tab group customization for UI

descriptionstringThe description
displayName*requiredstringThe display name
properties*requiredArray<string>A list of properties


Customization for UI table columns

builtinColumnRefstringThe ui specific builtin column-implementation for this column.
columnRefstringThe referenced column from the 'tableColumns' property of the schema for this column.
displayNamestringThe display name for this column.
idstringThe id for this column used for filtering. Required for conflicting or pathed columns - otherwise the ref is used.
itemsArray<UiTableColumnItemCustomization>The possible items of this column.
propertyRefstringThe referenced property for this column.
typestringThe ui specific type for this column.
widthstringThe width this column should take up on the table.


Customization for UI table column items

displayNamestringThe display name of this item.
iconstringThe icon of this item.
value*requiredstringThe value of this item.


Customization for UI tables

columnsArray<UiTableColumnCustomization>A list of columns for the UI table
emptyStateUiEmptyStateCustomizationUI customization for empty state in a table


UI customization for tabs

groupsArray<UiTabGroupCustomization>A list of groups


The metadata of a unit.

descriptionstringA short description of the unit.
displayNamestringThe display name of the unit.
displayNamePluralstringThe plural display name of the unit.
symbolstringThe symbol of the unit.
unitId*requiredstringThe ID of the unit.


The result of a unit conversion.

resultValue*requirednumberThe result of the unit conversion.
unitId*requiredstringThe ID of the unit of this conversion result.


A list of units along with their properties.

totalCount*requirednumberThe total number of units in the result.
units*requiredArray<Unit>A list of units.


Configuration of the ActiveGate update job.

agType"CLUSTER" | "ENVIRONMENT" | "ENVIRONMENT_MULTI"The type of the ActiveGate.
cancelablebooleanThe job can (true) or can't (false) be cancelled at the moment.
durationnumberThe duration of the update, in milliseconds.
environmentsArray<string>A list of environments (specified by IDs) the ActiveGate can connect to.
errorstringThe information about update error.
jobIdstringThe ID of the update job.
jobState"SCHEDULED" | "FAILED" | "IN_PROGRESS" | "PENDING" | "ROLLBACK" | "SKIPPED" | "SUCCEED"The status of the update job.
startVersionstringThe initial version of the ActiveGate.

The target version of the update.

Specify the version in the <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<timestamp> format.

To update to the latest available version, use the latest value.


The timestamp of the update job completion.

The null value means the job is still running.

updateMethod"AUTOMATIC" | "MANUAL_INSTALLATION" | "ON_DEMAND"The method of updating the ActiveGate or its component.
updateType"SYNTHETIC" | "ACTIVE_GATE" | "REMOTE_PLUGIN_AGENT" | "Z_REMOTE"The component to be updated.


A list of update jobs of the ActiveGate.

agIdstringThe ID of the ActiveGate.
updateJobsArray<UpdateJob>A list of update jobs of the ActiveGate.


A list of ActiveGates with update jobs.

allUpdateJobsArray<UpdateJobList>A list of ActiveGates with update jobs.


A credentials set of the USERNAME_PASSWORD type.

allowContextlessRequestsbooleanAllow ad-hoc functions to access the credential details (requires the APP_ENGINE scope).
allowedEntitiesArray<CredentialAccessData>The set of entities allowed to use the credential.
descriptionstringA short description of the credentials set.
externalVaultExternalVaultInformation for synchronization credentials with external vault
idstringThe ID of the credentials set.
name*requiredstringThe name of the credentials set.
ownerAccessOnlybooleanThe credentials set is available to every user (false) or to owner only (true).
passwordstringThe password of the credential.
scopeDEPRECATED"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC"The scope of the credentials set.
scopes*requiredArray<"APP_ENGINE" | "EXTENSION" | "SYNTHETIC">

The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials
userstringThe username of the credentials set.




Describes the exploited vulnerability.

codeLocationCodeLocationInformation about a code location.
displayNamestringThe display name of the vulnerability.
vulnerabilityIdstringThe id of the vulnerability.
vulnerableFunctionFunctionDefinitionInformation about a function definition.
vulnerableFunctionInputVulnerableFunctionInputDescribes what got passed into the code level vulnerability.


Vulnerable component of a security problem.

affectedEntitiesArray<string>A list of affected entities.
displayNamestringThe display name of the vulnerable component.
fileNamestringThe file name of the vulnerable component.
idstringThe Dynatrace entity ID of the vulnerable component.
numberOfAffectedEntitiesnumberThe number of affected entities.
shortNamestringThe short, component-only name of the vulnerable component.


Defines an vulnerable function.

classNamestringThe class name of the vulnerable function.
filePathstringThe file path of the vulnerable function.
functionNamestringThe function name of the vulnerable function.


Describes what got passed into the code level vulnerability.

inputSegmentsArray<VulnerableFunctionInputSegment>A list of input segments.
type"COMMAND" | "HTTP_CLIENT" | "JNDI" | "SQL_STATEMENT"The type of the input.


Describes one segment that was passed into a vulnerable function.

type"MALICIOUS_INPUT" | "REGULAR_INPUT" | "TAINTED_INPUT"The type of the input segment.
valuestringThe value of the input segment.


A vulnerable function including its usage by specific process groups in context of the security problem.

functionVulnerableFunctionDefines an vulnerable function.
processGroupsInUseArray<string>The process group identifiers, where this vulnerable function is in use.
processGroupsNotAvailableArray<string>The process group identifiers, where information about the usage of this function not available.
processGroupsNotInUseArray<string>The process group identifiers, where this vulnerable function is not in use.

The vulnerable function usage based on the given process groups:

  • IN_USE if at least one process group calls this vulnerable function.
  • NOT_IN_USE if all process groups do not call this vulnerable function.
  • NOT_AVAILABLE if vulnerable function usage could not be calculated for at least one process group and no process group calls this vulnerable function.


A list of vulnerable functions, their security problem wide usages and their usages per process group. Optional: A list of vulnerable function usages per process group for a security problem.

vulnerableFunctionsArray<VulnerableFunctionProcessGroups>A list of vulnerable functions, their security problem wide usages and their usages per process group.

A list of vulnerable function usages per process group for a security problem. The result is sorted based on the following criteria:

  • the number of vulnerable functions in use (descending).
  • the number of vulnerable functions not in use (descending).
  • the number of vulnerable functions not available (descending).
  • the process group identifier (ascending)







The scope of the credentials set.

Enum keys​

All | Extension | Synthetic | Unknown


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CredentialsDetailsUsernamePasswordResponseElement
  • CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement
  • TOKEN -> CredentialsDetailsTokenResponseElement
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> CredentialsDetailsCertificateResponseElement

Enum keys​

Certificate | PublicCertificate | Token | UsernamePassword


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BURN_RATE -> BurnRateAlert
  • STATUS -> StatusAlert

Enum keys​

BurnRate | Status


The actual state of the ActiveGate auto-update.

Applicable only if the setting parameter is set to INHERITED. In that case, the value is taken from the parent setting. Otherwise, it's just a duplicate of the setting value.

Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled


The state of the ActiveGate auto-update: enabled, disabled, or inherited.

If set to INHERITED, the setting is inherited from the global configuration set on the environment or Managed cluster level.

Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled | Inherited


The current status of auto-updates of the ActiveGate.

Enum keys​

Incompatible | Outdated | Scheduled | Suppressed | Unknown | Up2Date | UpdateInProgress | UpdatePending | UpdateProblem


The state of auto-updates for all ActiveGates connected to the environment or Managed cluster.

This setting is inherited by all ActiveGates that have the INHERITED setting.

Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled


The type of ActiveGate module.

Enum keys​

Aws | Azure | BeaconForwarder | CloudFoundry | DbInsight | ExtensionsV1 | ExtensionsV2 | Kubernetes | Logs | MemoryDumps | MetricApi | OneAgentRouting | OtlpIngest | RestApi | Synthetic | Vmware | ZOs


The OS architecture that the ActiveGate is running on.

Enum keys​

Arm | S390 | X86


The OS bitness that the ActiveGate is running on.

Enum keys​



The OS type that the ActiveGate is running on.

Enum keys​

Linux | Windows


The type of the ActiveGate for which the token is valid.

Enum keys​

Cluster | Environment


The type of the ActiveGate for which the token is valid.

Enum keys​

Cluster | Environment


State of the ActiveGate token.

Enum keys​

Absent | Expiring | Invalid | Unknown | Unsupported | Valid


The type of the ActiveGate.

Enum keys​

Cluster | Environment | EnvironmentMulti


Enum keys​

ActiveGateCertManagement | ActiveGateTokenManagementCreate | ActiveGateTokenManagementRead | ActiveGateTokenManagementWrite | ActiveGatesRead | ActiveGatesWrite | AdaptiveTrafficManagementRead | AdvancedSyntheticIntegration | AgentTokenManagementRead | AnalyzersRead | AnalyzersWrite | ApiTokensRead | ApiTokensWrite | AttacksRead | AttacksWrite | AuditLogsRead | BizeventsIngest | CaptureRequestData | CredentialVaultRead | CredentialVaultWrite | DataExport | DataImport | DataPrivacy | Davis | DssFileManagement | DtaqlAccess | EntitiesRead | EntitiesWrite | EventsIngest | EventsRead | ExtensionConfigurationActionsWrite | ExtensionConfigurationsRead | ExtensionConfigurationsWrite | ExtensionEnvironmentRead | ExtensionEnvironmentWrite | ExtensionsRead | ExtensionsWrite | ExternalSyntheticIntegration | GeographicRegionsRead | HubInstall | HubRead | HubWrite | InstallerDownload | JavaScriptMappingFilesRead | JavaScriptMappingFilesWrite | LogExport | LogsIngest | LogsRead | MetricsIngest | MetricsRead | MetricsWrite | NetworkZonesRead | NetworkZonesWrite | OneAgentsRead | OneAgentsWrite | OpenTelemetryTraceIngest | OpenpipelineEvents | OpenpipelineEventsCustom | OpenpipelineEventsSdlc | OpenpipelineEventsSdlcCustom | OpenpipelineEventsSecurity | OpenpipelineEventsSecurityCustom | PluginUpload | ProblemsRead | ProblemsWrite | ReadConfig | ReadSyntheticData | ReleasesRead | RestRequestForwarding | RumBrowserExtension | RumCookieNamesRead | RumJavaScriptTagManagement | SecurityProblemsRead | SecurityProblemsWrite | SettingsRead | SettingsWrite | SloRead | SloWrite | SupportAlert | SyntheticExecutionsRead | SyntheticExecutionsWrite | SyntheticLocationsRead | SyntheticLocationsWrite | TenantTokenManagement | TenantTokenRotationWrite | TracesLookup | UnifiedAnalysisRead | UserSessionAnonymization | WriteConfig


Enum keys​

ActiveGateCertManagement | ActiveGateTokenManagementCreate | ActiveGateTokenManagementRead | ActiveGateTokenManagementWrite | ActiveGatesRead | ActiveGatesWrite | AdaptiveTrafficManagementRead | AdvancedSyntheticIntegration | AgentTokenManagementRead | AnalyzersRead | AnalyzersWrite | ApiTokensRead | ApiTokensWrite | AttacksRead | AttacksWrite | AuditLogsRead | BizeventsIngest | CaptureRequestData | CredentialVaultRead | CredentialVaultWrite | DataExport | DataImport | DataPrivacy | Davis | DiagnosticExport | DssFileManagement | DtaqlAccess | EntitiesRead | EntitiesWrite | EventsIngest | EventsRead | ExtensionConfigurationActionsWrite | ExtensionConfigurationsRead | ExtensionConfigurationsWrite | ExtensionEnvironmentRead | ExtensionEnvironmentWrite | ExtensionsRead | ExtensionsWrite | ExternalSyntheticIntegration | GeographicRegionsRead | HubInstall | HubRead | HubWrite | InstallerDownload | JavaScriptMappingFilesRead | JavaScriptMappingFilesWrite | LogExport | LogsIngest | LogsRead | MemoryDump | MetricsIngest | MetricsRead | MetricsWrite | Mobile | NetworkZonesRead | NetworkZonesWrite | OneAgentsRead | OneAgentsWrite | OpenTelemetryTraceIngest | OpenpipelineEvents | OpenpipelineEventsCustom | OpenpipelineEventsSdlc | OpenpipelineEventsSdlcCustom | OpenpipelineEventsSecurity | OpenpipelineEventsSecurityCustom | PluginUpload | ProblemsRead | ProblemsWrite | ReadConfig | ReadSyntheticData | ReleasesRead | RestRequestForwarding | RumBrowserExtension | RumCookieNamesRead | RumJavaScriptTagManagement | SecurityProblemsRead | SecurityProblemsWrite | SettingsRead | SettingsWrite | SloRead | SloWrite | SupportAlert | SyntheticExecutionsRead | SyntheticExecutionsWrite | SyntheticLocationsRead | SyntheticLocationsWrite | TenantTokenManagement | TenantTokenRotationWrite | TracesLookup | UnifiedAnalysisRead | UserSessionAnonymization | ViewDashboard | ViewReport | WriteConfig | WriteSyntheticData


Enum keys​

ActiveGateCertManagement | ActiveGateTokenManagementCreate | ActiveGateTokenManagementRead | ActiveGateTokenManagementWrite | ActiveGatesRead | ActiveGatesWrite | AdaptiveTrafficManagementRead | AdvancedSyntheticIntegration | AgentTokenManagementRead | AnalyzersRead | AnalyzersWrite | ApiTokensRead | ApiTokensWrite | AttacksRead | AttacksWrite | AuditLogsRead | BizeventsIngest | CaptureRequestData | CredentialVaultRead | CredentialVaultWrite | DataExport | DataImport | DataPrivacy | Davis | DssFileManagement | DtaqlAccess | EntitiesRead | EntitiesWrite | EventsIngest | EventsRead | ExtensionConfigurationActionsWrite | ExtensionConfigurationsRead | ExtensionConfigurationsWrite | ExtensionEnvironmentRead | ExtensionEnvironmentWrite | ExtensionsRead | ExtensionsWrite | ExternalSyntheticIntegration | GeographicRegionsRead | HubInstall | HubRead | HubWrite | InstallerDownload | JavaScriptMappingFilesRead | JavaScriptMappingFilesWrite | LogExport | LogsIngest | LogsRead | MetricsIngest | MetricsRead | MetricsWrite | NetworkZonesRead | NetworkZonesWrite | OneAgentsRead | OneAgentsWrite | OpenTelemetryTraceIngest | OpenpipelineEvents | OpenpipelineEventsCustom | OpenpipelineEventsSdlc | OpenpipelineEventsSdlcCustom | OpenpipelineEventsSecurity | OpenpipelineEventsSecurityCustom | PluginUpload | ProblemsRead | ProblemsWrite | ReadConfig | ReadSyntheticData | ReleasesRead | RestRequestForwarding | RumBrowserExtension | RumCookieNamesRead | RumJavaScriptTagManagement | SecurityProblemsRead | SecurityProblemsWrite | SettingsRead | SettingsWrite | SloRead | SloWrite | SupportAlert | SyntheticExecutionsRead | SyntheticExecutionsWrite | SyntheticLocationsRead | SyntheticLocationsWrite | TenantTokenManagement | TenantTokenRotationWrite | TracesLookup | UnifiedAnalysisRead | UserSessionAnonymization | WriteConfig


The reason for a reduced accuracy of the assessment.

Enum keys​

LimitedAgentSupport | LimitedByConfiguration


The type of the asset.

Enum keys​

Alert | AwsService | CustomCards | Dashboard | DeclarativeProcesses | DqlLogMetric | DqlLogProcessingRule | GenericRelationship | GenericType | ListScreenFilters | ListScreenInjections | ListScreenLayout | LogEvent | LogMetric | LogProcessingRule | LqlLogMetric | LqlLogProcessingRule | MetricMetadata | MetricQuery | ScreenActions | ScreenChartGroups | ScreenDqlTable | ScreenEntitiesLists | ScreenEventsCards | ScreenFilters | ScreenHealthCards | ScreenInjections | ScreenLayout | ScreenLogsCards | ScreenMessageCards | ScreenMetricTables | ScreenProblems | ScreenProperties


The type of the attack.

Enum keys​

CommandInjection | JndiInjection | SqlInjection | Ssrf


The reachability of data assets by the attacked target.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | Reachable


The level of exposure of the attacked target

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The state of the attack.

Enum keys​

Allowlisted | Blocked | Exploited


The technology of the attack.

Enum keys​

Dotnet | Go | Java | NodeJs


The category of the recorded operation.

Enum keys​

ActivegateToken | Config | ManualTaggingService | Token | WebUi


The type of the recorded operation.

  • LOGIN -> A user logged in
  • LOGOUT -> A user logged out
  • CREATE -> An object was created
  • UPDATE -> An object was updated
  • DELETE -> An object was deleted
  • REVOKE -> An Active Gate token was revoked
  • TAG_ADD -> A manual tag was added
  • TAG_REMOVE -> A manual tag was removed
  • TAG_UPDATE -> A manual tag was updated
  • REMOTE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT -> A Remote Configuration Management related operation occurred

Enum keys​

Create | Delete | Login | Logout | Revoke | TagAdd | TagRemove | TagUpdate | Update


The type of the authentication of the user.

  • USER_NAME -> User was logged in the UI
  • TOKEN_HASH -> URL Token or DevOps Token, the hash of the token is logged
  • SERVICE_NAME -> No authenticated user at all, this action was performed by a system service automatically
  • PUBLIC_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER -> API Token, the public token id is logged

Enum keys​

PublicTokenIdentifier | ServiceName | TokenHash | UserName


The type of code level vulnerability.

Enum keys​

CmdInjection | ImproperInputValidation | SqlInjection | Ssrf


The type of the constraint.

Enum keys​

CustomValidatorRef | GreaterThan | GreaterThanOrEqual | LessThan | LessThanOrEqual | PropertyCountRange | SecretResubmission | Unknown


The type of the constraint.

Enum keys​

CustomValidatorRef | Length | NoWhitespace | NotBlank | NotEmpty | Pattern | Range | Regex | Trimmed | Unique | Unknown


Enum keys​

Header | Path | PayloadBody | Query


Enum keys​

Current | Gtf


Enum keys​

Application | Unknown | User


The scope of the credentials set.

Enum keys​

AppEngine | Extension | Synthetic


The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Enum keys​

AppEngine | Extension | Synthetic


The type of the credentials set.

Enum keys​

AwsMonitoringKeyBased | AwsMonitoringRoleBased | Certificate | PublicCertificate | Snmpv3 | Token | Unknown | UsernamePassword


The scope of the credentials set.

Enum keys​

AppEngine | Extension | Synthetic


The set of scopes of the credentials set.

Limitations: CredentialsScope.APP_ENGINE is only available on the new Dynatrace SaaS platform - it's not available on managed or non-Grail SaaS environments.

Enum keys​

AppEngine | Extension | Synthetic


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • CERTIFICATE -> CertificateCredentials
  • PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE -> PublicCertificateCredentials
  • USERNAME_PASSWORD -> UserPasswordCredentials
  • TOKEN -> TokenCredentials
  • SNMPV3 -> SNMPV3Credentials
  • AWS_MONITORING_KEY_BASED -> AWSKeyBasedCredentialsDto
  • AWS_MONITORING_ROLE_BASED -> AWSRoleBasedCredentials

Enum keys​

AwsMonitoringKeyBased | AwsMonitoringRoleBased | Certificate | PublicCertificate | Snmpv3 | Token | UsernamePassword


When to reset datasource value in the UI on filter change.

Enum keys​

Always | InvalidOnly | Never


The type of the advice.

Enum keys​



The technology of the vulnerable component.

Enum keys​

Dotnet | Go | Java | Kubernetes | NodeJs | Php | Python


Enum keys​

Condition | False | True


The type of this input segment.

Enum keys​

MaliciousInput | RegularInput | TaintedInput


The type of the HTTP request part that contains the value that was used in this segment.

Enum keys​

HttpBody | HttpCookie | HttpHeaderName | HttpHeaderValue | HttpOther | HttpParameterName | HttpParameterValue | HttpUrl | Unknown


Type of the payload.

Enum keys​

HttpBody | HttpCookie | HttpHeaderName | HttpHeaderValue | HttpOther | HttpParameterName | HttpParameterValue | HttpUrl | Unknown


The type of the property.

Enum keys​



The type of the event.

Enum keys​

AvailabilityEvent | CustomAlert | CustomAnnotation | CustomConfiguration | CustomDeployment | CustomInfo | ErrorEvent | MarkedForTermination | PerformanceEvent | ResourceContentionEvent


The status of the ingestion.

Enum keys​

InvalidEntityType | InvalidMetadata | InvalidTimestamps | Ok


The status of the event.

Enum keys​

Closed | Open


The severity level associated with the event type.

Enum keys​

Availability | CustomAlert | Error | Info | MonitoringUnavailable | Performance | ResourceContention


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • EVENT -> EventEvidence
  • METRIC -> MetricEvidence
  • TRANSACTIONAL -> TransactionalEvidence
  • MAINTENANCE_WINDOW -> MaintenanceWindowEvidence
  • AVAILABILITY_EVIDENCE -> AvailabilityEvidence

Enum keys​

AvailabilityEvidence | Event | MaintenanceWindow | Metric | Transactional


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • BROWSER -> BMAction
  • HTTP -> MonitorRequestExecutionResult

Enum keys​

Browser | Http


Status of the event

Enum keys​

Error | Info | None | Warn


Latest status of given configuration.

Enum keys​

Error | Ok | Unknown


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApproleConfig
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificateConfig
  • AZURE_KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET -> AzureClientSecretConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_USERNAME_PASSWORD -> CyberArkUsernamePasswordConfig
  • CYBERARK_VAULT_ALLOWED_LOCATION -> CyberArkAllowedLocationConfig

Enum keys​

AzureKeyVaultClientSecret | CyberarkVaultAllowedLocation | CyberarkVaultUsernamePassword | HashicorpVaultApprole | HashicorpVaultCertificate


Enum keys​

AzureCertificateModel | AzureClientSecretModel | CyberarkVaultAllowedLocationModel | CyberarkVaultUsernamePasswordModel | HashicorpApproleModel | HashicorpCertificateModel


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • HASHICORP_VAULT_APPROLE -> HashicorpApprole
  • HASHICORP_VAULT_CERTIFICATE -> HashicorpCertificate

Enum keys​

AzureKeyVaultClientSecret | CyberarkVaultAllowedLocation | CyberarkVaultUsernamePassword | HashicorpVaultApprole | HashicorpVaultCertificate


Type of this filter, determines which other fields are present.Can be any of:

  • eq,
  • ne,
  • prefix,
  • in,
  • remainder,
  • suffix,
  • contains,
  • existsKey,
  • series,
  • or,
  • and,
  • not,
  • ge,
  • gt,
  • le,
  • lt,
  • otherwise.

Enum keys​

And | Contains | Eq | ExistsKey | Ge | Gt | In | Le | Lt | Ne | Not | Or | Otherwise | Prefix | Remainder | Series | Suffix


Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled


Enum keys​

Aws | Azure | BeaconForwarder | CloudFoundry | DbInsight | ExtensionsV1 | ExtensionsV2 | Kubernetes | Logs | MemoryDumps | MetricApi | OneAgentRouting | OtlpIngest | RestApi | Synthetic | Vmware | ZOs


Enum keys​

Aws | Azure | BeaconForwarder | CloudFoundry | DbInsight | ExtensionsV1 | ExtensionsV2 | Kubernetes | Logs | MemoryDumps | MetricApi | OneAgentRouting | OtlpIngest | RestApi | Synthetic | Vmware | ZOs


Enum keys​

Arm | S390 | X86


Enum keys​

Linux | Windows


Enum keys​

Absent | Expiring | Invalid | Unknown | Unsupported | Valid


Enum keys​

Environment | EnvironmentMulti


Enum keys​

Incompatible | Outdated | Scheduled | Suppressed | Unknown | Up2Date | UpdateInProgress | UpdatePending | UpdateProblem


Enum keys​

Equal | Greater | GreaterEqual | Lower | LowerEqual


Enum keys​

Equal | Greater | GreaterEqual | Lower | LowerEqual


Enum keys​

Equal | Greater | GreaterEqual | Lower | LowerEqual


Enum keys​

ActiveGate | RemotePluginAgent | Synthetic | ZRemote


Enum keys​

Error | Info | None | Warn


Enum keys​

Failed | Success


Enum keys​

DataRetrieved | Executed | Triggered


Enum keys​

Api | Ui


Enum keys​

Error | Info | None | Warn


Enum keys​

All | ConfiguredButNotConnectedOnly | ConnectedAsAlternativeOnly | ConnectedAsFailoverOnly | ConnectedAsFailoverWithoutOwnActiveGatesOnly


Enum keys​

Browser | Dns | Http | Icmp | Tcp


Enum keys​

Alibaba | Aws | Azure | GoogleCloud | Other


Enum keys​

Private | Public


Enum keys​

False | True


Enum keys​

Current | Gtf


Enum keys​

All | False | True


Enum keys​

False | True


Enum keys​

Current | Gtf


Enum keys​

Equal | Greater | GreaterEqual | Lower | LowerEqual


Enum keys​

Equal | Greater | GreaterEqual | Lower | LowerEqual


Enum keys​

ActiveGate | RemotePluginAgent | Synthetic | ZRemote


The type of the identity.

Enum keys​

AllUsers | Group | User


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • SERVICE -> ServiceImpact
  • APPLICATION -> ApplicationImpact
  • MOBILE -> MobileImpact
  • CUSTOM_APPLICATION -> CustomApplicationImpact

Enum keys​

Application | CustomApplication | Mobile | Service


Enum keys​

AwsMonitoringKeyBased | AwsMonitoringRoleBased | Certificate | Snmpv3 | Token | UsernamePassword


The cloud provider where the location is hosted.

Only applicable to PUBLIC locations.

Enum keys​

Alibaba | AmazonEc2 | Azure | DynatraceCloud | GoogleCloud | Interoute | Other | Undefined


The release stage of the location.

Enum keys​

Beta | ComingSoon | Deleted | Ga


The status of the location.

Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled | Hidden


The type of the location.

Enum keys​

Cluster | Private | Public


Type of event

Enum keys​

K8S | Log | Sfm


The log status (based on the log level).

Enum keys​

Error | Info | None | NotApplicable | Warn


The type of default aggregation.

Enum keys​

Auto | Avg | Count | Max | Median | Min | Percentile | Sum | Value


Enum keys​

Auto | Avg | Count | Max | Median | Min | Percentile | Sum | Value


Enum keys​

AsGauge | Default | Delta | EvaluateModel | Filter | Fold | Last | LastReal | Limit | Merge | Names | Parents | Partition | Rate | Rollup | SetUnit | Smooth | Sort | SplitBy | Timeshift | ToUnit


The raw value is stored in bits or bytes. The user interface can display it in these numeral systems:

Binary: 1 MiB = 1024 KiB = 1,048,576 bytes

Decimal: 1 MB = 1000 kB = 1,000,000 bytes

If not set, the decimal system is used.

Metric expressions don't return this field.

Enum keys​

Binary | Decimal


The type of the dimension.

Enum keys​

Entity | Number | Other | String | Void


The status of the DQL translation, either success or not supported

Enum keys​

NotSupported | Success


The metric value type

Enum keys​

Error | Score | Unknown


The type of the monitoring state.

Enum keys​

DeepMonitoringOk | Info | Ok | Warning


The name of the monitoring state.

Enum keys​

AgentInjectionStatusGoDynamizerFailed | AgentInjectionStatusGoPclntabFailed | AgentInjectionStatusGoVertigoSupportAdded | AgentInjectionStatusNginxPatchedBinaryDetected | AgentInjectionStatusPhpOpcacheDisabled | AgentInjectionStatusPhpStackSizeTooLow | AgentInjectionSuppression | AixEnableFullMonitoringNeeded | BadInstaller | BoshbpmDisabled | ContainerInjectionFailed | ContainerdDisabled | CrioDisabled | CustomPgRuleRequired | DeepMonitoringSuccessful | DeepMonitoringUnsuccessful | DockerDisabled | GardenDisabled | HostInfraStructureOnly | HostMonitoringDisabled | NetworkAgentInactive | Ok | ParentProcessRestartRequired | PodmanDisabled | ProcessGroupDifferentIdDueToDeclarativeGrouping | ProcessGroupDisabled | ProcessGroupDisabledViaContainerInjectionRule | ProcessGroupDisabledViaContainerInjectionRuleRestart | ProcessGroupDisabledViaGlobalSettings | ProcessGroupDisabledViaInjectionRule | ProcessGroupDisabledViaInjectionRuleRestart | RestartRequired | RestartRequiredApache | RestartRequiredDockerDeamon | RestartRequiredHostGroupInconsistent | RestartRequiredHostIdInconsistent | RestartRequiredOutdatedAgentApacheUpdate | RestartRequiredOutdatedAgentInjected | RestartRequiredUsingDifferentDataStorageDir | RestartRequiredUsingDifferentLogPath | RestartRequiredVirtualizedContainer | UnsupportedState | WincDisabled


The reason for the mute state change.

Enum keys​

Affected | ConfigurationNotAffected | FalsePositive | Ignore | InitialState | Other | VulnerableCodeNotInUse


The fallback mode of the network zone.

Enum keys​

AnyActiveGate | None | OnlyDefaultZone


The type of the precondition.

Enum keys​

And | Equals | In | Not | Null | Or | RegexMatch


The deployment type of the location:

  • STANDARD: The location is deployed on Windows or Linux.
  • KUBERNETES: The location is deployed on Kubernetes.

Enum keys​

Kubernetes | Openshift | Standard | Unknown


The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.

Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled | Hidden


Enum keys​

Cluster | Private | Public


The impact level of the problem. It shows what is affected by the problem.

Enum keys​

Application | Environment | Infrastructure | Services


The severity of the problem.

Enum keys​

Availability | CustomAlert | Error | Info | MonitoringUnavailable | Performance | ResourceContention


The status of the problem.

Enum keys​

Closed | Open


Modification policy of the property.

Enum keys​

Always | Default | Never


The level of exposure of the service.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The accuracy of the assessment.

Enum keys​

Full | NotAvailable | Reduced


The reachability of related data assets by affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | Reachable


The level of exposure of affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The usage of vulnerable functions

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse


Enum keys​

Resolved | Vulnerable


The reason for the mute state change.

Enum keys​

Affected | ConfigurationNotAffected | FalsePositive | Ignore | InitialState | Other | VulnerableCodeNotInUse


The reason for the most recent mute state change.

Enum keys​

Affected | ConfigurationNotAffected | FalsePositive | Ignore | InitialState | Other | VulnerableCodeNotInUse


Contains a reason, in case the requested operation was not executed.

Enum keys​

AlreadyMuted | AlreadyUnmuted | RemediationItemNotAffectedByGivenSecurityProblem


Enum keys​

Resolved | Vulnerable


The reason for muting the remediation items.

Enum keys​

ConfigurationNotAffected | FalsePositive | Ignore | Other | VulnerableCodeNotInUse


The reason for un-muting the remediation items.

Enum keys​



The usage of vulnerable functions

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse


The current state of the remediation progress entity.

Enum keys​

Affected | Unaffected


The allowed operations on this settings object.

Enum keys​

Delete | Read | Write


The type of the difference.

Enum keys​

Create | Delete | NoChange | Reorder | Update


The accuracy of the assessment.

Enum keys​

Full | NotAvailable | Reduced


The risk level from the CVSS score.

Enum keys​

Critical | High | Low | Medium | None


The previous level of exposure of affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The previous availability status of public exploits.

Enum keys​

Available | NotAvailable


The previous state of vulnerable code execution.

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse


The reachability of related data assets by affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | Reachable


The accuracy of the assessment.

Enum keys​

Full | NotAvailable | Reduced


The risk level from the CVSS score.

Enum keys​

Critical | High | Low | Medium | None


The reachability of related data assets by affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | Reachable


The level of exposure of affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The availability status of public exploits.

Enum keys​

Available | NotAvailable


The Davis risk level.

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.

Enum keys​

Critical | High | Low | Medium | None


The state of vulnerable code execution.

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse


The level of exposure of affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The availability status of public exploits.

Enum keys​

Available | NotAvailable


The Davis risk level.

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.

Enum keys​

Critical | High | Low | Medium | None


The level of exposure of affected entities.

Enum keys​

NotAvailable | NotDetected | PublicNetwork


The availability status of public exploits.

Enum keys​

Available | NotAvailable


The Davis risk level.

It is calculated by Dynatrace on the basis of CVSS score.

Enum keys​

Critical | High | Low | Medium | None


The state of vulnerable code execution.

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse


The state of vulnerable code execution.

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse


Enum keys​

Auto | Avg | Count | Max | Median | Min | Percentile | Sum | Value


The evaluation type of the SLO.

Enum keys​



The status of the calculated SLO.

Enum keys​

Failure | Success | Warning


The type of the schema constraint.

Enum keys​

CustomValidatorRef | MultiScopeCustomValidatorRef | MultiScopeUnique | Unique | Unknown


Type of the reference type.

Enum keys​



Contains a reason, in case the requested operation was not executed.

Enum keys​

AlreadyMuted | AlreadyUnmuted


The status of the security problem.

Enum keys​

Open | Resolved


The technology of the security problem.

Enum keys​

Dotnet | Go | Java | Kubernetes | NodeJs | Php | Python


The type of the vulnerability.

Enum keys​

CodeLevel | Runtime | ThirdParty


The reason of the event creation.

Enum keys​

AssessmentChanged | SecurityProblemCreated | SecurityProblemMuted | SecurityProblemReopened | SecurityProblemResolved | SecurityProblemUnmuted


The reason for muting a security problem.

Enum keys​

ConfigurationNotAffected | FalsePositive | Ignore | Other | VulnerableCodeNotInUse


The status of the security problem.

Enum keys​

Open | Resolved


The technology of the security problem.

Enum keys​

Dotnet | Go | Java | Kubernetes | NodeJs | Php | Python


The reason for un-muting a security problem.

Enum keys​



The type of the vulnerability.

Enum keys​

CodeLevel | Runtime | ThirdParty


The reason for muting the security problems.

Enum keys​

ConfigurationNotAffected | FalsePositive | Ignore | Other | VulnerableCodeNotInUse


The reason for un-muting the security problems.

Enum keys​



The calculated burn rate type.

Has a value of 'FAST', 'SLOW' or 'NONE'.

Enum keys​

Fast | None | Slow


The evaluation type of the SLO.

Enum keys​



The status of the location:

  • ENABLED: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.
  • DISABLED: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.
  • HIDDEN: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN when no monitor is assigned to it.

Enum keys​

Disabled | Enabled | Hidden


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> PublicSyntheticLocation
  • PRIVATE -> PrivateSyntheticLocation
  • CLUSTER -> PrivateSyntheticLocation

Enum keys​

Cluster | Private | Public


Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:

  • PUBLIC -> SyntheticPublicLocationUpdate
  • PRIVATE -> SyntheticPrivateLocationUpdate

Enum keys​

Private | Public


Aggregation type

Enum keys​

Avg | Max | Min


Enum keys​

Browser | Http | MultiProtocol | ThirdParty


Enum keys​

Browser | Http | MultiProtocol | ThirdParty


Request type.

Enum keys​

Dns | Icmp | Tcp


Monitor type.

Enum keys​



The status of the batch.

Enum keys​

Failed | FailedToExecute | NotTriggered | Running | Success


Execution stage.

Enum keys​

DataRetrieved | Executed | NotTriggered | TimedOut | Triggered | Waiting


The processing mode of the execution.

Enum keys​

DisableProblemDetection | ExecutionsDetailsOnly | None | Standard | Unknown


Execution repeat mode. If not set, the mode is SEQUENTIAL.

Enum keys​

Parallel | Sequential


The execution's processing mode

Enum keys​

DisableProblemDetection | ExecutionsDetailsOnly | Standard


The source of the triggering request.

Enum keys​

Api | Ui


Execution stage.

Enum keys​

DataRetrieved | Executed | NotTriggered | TimedOut | Triggered | Waiting


The source of the tag, such as USER, RULE_BASED or AUTO.

Enum keys​

Auto | RuleBased | User


The type of the ActiveGate.

Enum keys​

Cluster | Environment | EnvironmentMulti


The status of the update job.

Enum keys​

Failed | InProgress | Pending | Rollback | Scheduled | Skipped | Succeed


The method of updating the ActiveGate or its component.

Enum keys​

Automatic | ManualInstallation | OnDemand


The component to be updated.

Enum keys​

ActiveGate | RemotePluginAgent | Synthetic | ZRemote


The type of the input segment.

Enum keys​

MaliciousInput | RegularInput | TaintedInput


The type of the input.

Enum keys​

Command | HttpClient | Jndi | SqlStatement


The vulnerable function usage based on the given process groups:

  • IN_USE if at least one process group calls this vulnerable function.
  • NOT_IN_USE if all process groups do not call this vulnerable function.
  • NOT_AVAILABLE if vulnerable function usage could not be calculated for at least one process group and no process group calls this vulnerable function.

Enum keys​

InUse | NotAvailable | NotInUse

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